Esempio n. 1
        private void OrderList_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            // Create new frmDashboard called 'dash' and pass username and access level.
            frmDashboard dash = new frmDashboard(_username, _accessLevel);

            // Show the 'dash' form.
        private void mtGoBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Hide this form.

            // Create new frmDashboard called 'dash' and pass username and access level.
            frmDashboard dash = new frmDashboard(_username, _accessLevel);

            // Show the 'dash' form.
        private void CreateOrder_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            if (videoCaptureDevice != null)
                if (videoCaptureDevice.IsRunning)

            // Create new frmDashboard called 'dash' and pass username and access level.
            frmDashboard dash = new frmDashboard(_username, _accessLevel);

            // Show the 'dash' form.
        private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Set adapter to a new MySql adapter.
                adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT `username`, `password`, `first`, `last`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '" + tbUsername.Text + "' AND `password` = '" + Cryptography.Encrypt(tbPassword.Text) + "'", conn);
                // Fill the table with the adapter data.


                // Don't know.
                DataRow[] currentRows = table.Select(
                    null, null, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                // If the length of the current rows are less than one.
                if (currentRows.Length < 1)
                    // Send 'No Current Rows Found' to the console.
                    Console.WriteLine("No Current Rows Found");
                    // For each of the columns in the table columns.
                    foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                        // Write the column name to the console.
                        Console.Write("\t{0}", column.ColumnName);

                    // Send the RowState to the console.

                    // For each of the rows in currentRows.
                    foreach (DataRow row in currentRows)
                        // Set the level variable to the level string in db.
                        level = row[4].ToString();

                        // For each of the columns in the table columns.
                        foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", row[column]);

                        // Send the RowState to the console.
                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + row.RowState);
                        // Send the current 'level' to the console.
                        Console.WriteLine("Level is : " + level);

                // If the table rows are less than 0.
                if (table.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    // Show a message box saying incorrect username and/or password.
                    MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username and/or password.", "SYSTEM");
                    // Hide this form.

                    // Create a new string called 'username' with the 'tbUsername' textbox.
                    string username = tbUsername.Text;
                    // Create a new string called 'accessLevel' with the 'level' variable.
                    string accessLevel = level;

                    // Create new dashboard form with the username and accessLevel (and show it).
                    _ = new frmDashboard(username, accessLevel).ShowDialog();

                // Clear the table.
            // Catch exception.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Show a new messagebox with the error.
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured: " + ex.Message, "CRITICAL ERROR!");