public static TaskResults Run(Coaster coaster)
            TaskResults taskResults = TaskResults.Successful;

            taskResults = BuildToYaw.Run(
                new List <float>()
                MathHelper.KeepBetween360Degrees(coaster.Tracks[Rules.lastCollsionIndex].Yaw + 180),
                MathHelper.KeepBetween360Degrees(Builder.lastRuleIssueTrack.Yaw + 180)
            //if(taskResults == TaskResults.Successful)
            //    return taskResults;
            ////Go To XYZ
            //float x = coaster.LastTrack.X;
            //float y = coaster.LastTrack.Y;
            //float z = coaster.LastTrack.Z;

            //x = x + (float)(Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(coaster.LastTrack.Yaw)) * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(coaster.LastTrack.Pitch)) * Globals.TRACK_LENGTH * 10);
            //y = y + (float)(Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(coaster.LastTrack.Yaw)) * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(coaster.LastTrack.Pitch)) * Globals.TRACK_LENGTH * 10);
            //z = z + (float)(Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(coaster.LastTrack.Pitch)) * Globals.TRACK_LENGTH * 10);
            ////Check if there in bonunds and that there is no track at that location

            ////Try To Build To them

            ////If Fail return fail.
Esempio n. 2
        public static TaskResults Run(Coaster coaster)
            List <float> angles = new List <float>()
                90, 270, MathHelper.KeepBetween360Degrees(Builder.lastRuleIssueTrack.Yaw + 180)

            return(BuildToYaw.Run(coaster, angles));