Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mixed tile type for the given terrain types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeA">The name of the first terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="terrainTypeB">The name of the second terrain type.</param>
        /// <param name="combination">The combination of the terrain types in the new mixed tile type.</param>
        /// <remarks>Terrain type A must be the parent of terrain type B.</remarks>
        public void CreateMixedTileType(string terrainTypeA, string terrainTypeB, TerrainCombination combination)
            if (this.isFinalized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not possible to create new tile type for a finalized TileSet!");
            if (terrainTypeA == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeA");
            if (terrainTypeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainTypeB");
            if (combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                throw new ArgumentException("combination", "Invalid combination for a mixed tile type!");

            Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination> key = new Tuple <string, string, TerrainCombination>(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination);

            if (this.mixedTileTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Mixed tile type for terrain types '{0}' and '{1}' with combination '{2}' already exists!", terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination));

            IsoTileType newTile = new IsoTileType(terrainTypeA, terrainTypeB, combination, this);

            this.mixedTileTypes.Add(key, newTile);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tile variant from the given XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile type being loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset being loaded.</param>
        private static void LoadVariant(XElement fromElem, IsoTileType tile, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute imageAttr       = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_IMAGE_ATTR);
            XAttribute transpColorAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_TRANSPCOLOR_ATTR);

            if (imageAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Image not defined for tile variant!");
            if (transpColorAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Transparent color not defined for tile variant!");

            /// Read the image data.
            string imagePath = Path.Combine(tmpImageDir, imageAttr.Value);

            byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath);

            /// Create the new TileVariant object and add it to the tile type.
            IsoTileVariant newVariant = new IsoTileVariant(imageData, XmlHelper.LoadColor(transpColorAttr.Value), tileset);


            /// Load the cell data changesets.
            foreach (XElement childElem in fromElem.Elements())
                ICellDataChangeSet changeset = LoadCellDataChangeSet(childElem, tileset);

            /// Register the variant to the tileset.
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a mixed tile type from the XML element into the given tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The TileSet to load to.</param>
        private static void LoadMixedTile(XElement fromElem, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute terrainAAttr    = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.MIXEDTILE_TERRAINA_ATTR);
            XAttribute terrainBAttr    = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.MIXEDTILE_TERRAINB_ATTR);
            XAttribute combinationAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.MIXEDTILE_COMBINATION_ATTR);

            if (terrainAAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Terrain type A not defined for mixed tile!");
            if (terrainBAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Terrain type B not defined for mixed tile!");
            if (combinationAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Terrain combination not defined for mixed tile!");

            TerrainCombination combination;

            if (!EnumMap <TerrainCombination, string> .TryDemap(combinationAttr.Value, out combination))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected terrain combination '{0}' defined for mixed tile.", combinationAttr.Value));

            tileset.CreateMixedTileType(terrainAAttr.Value, terrainBAttr.Value, combination);
            IsoTileType tile = tileset.GetIsoTileTypeImpl(terrainAAttr.Value, terrainBAttr.Value, combination);

            LoadVariants(fromElem, tile, tileset);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a simple tile type from the XML element into the given tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The TileSet to load to.</param>
        private static void LoadSimpleTile(XElement fromElem, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute terrainAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.SIMPLETILE_TERRAIN_ATTR);

            if (terrainAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Terrain type not defined for simple tile!");

            IsoTileType tile = tileset.GetIsoTileTypeImpl(terrainAttr.Value);

            LoadVariants(fromElem, tile, tileset);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a conditional branch of a tile type from the given XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile type being loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset being loaded.</param>
        private static void LoadBranch(XElement fromElem, IsoTileType tile, TileSet tileset)
            /// Check whether the branch element has exactly 2 child elements.
            XElement conditionElem = null;
            XElement actionElem    = null;
            int      i             = 0;

            foreach (XElement child in fromElem.Elements())
                if (i == 0)
                    conditionElem = child;
                else if (i == 1)
                    actionElem = child;
                    throw new TileSetException("Unexpected nodes in conditional branch!");
            if (i != 2)
                throw new TileSetException("Missing nodes in conditional branch!");

            /// Check the action element.
            if (actionElem.Name != XmlTileSetConstants.THEN_ELEM)
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected node '{0}' at conditional branch!", actionElem.Name));

            /// Load the condition and start defining the conditional branch.
            IIsoTileCondition condition = LoadCondition(conditionElem, tileset);


            /// Load the variants of the conditional branch.
            foreach (XElement variantElem in actionElem.Elements(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_ELEM))
                LoadVariant(variantElem, tile, tileset);

            /// Close the conditional branch.
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the variants of a tile type from the XML element into the given tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile type to load to.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset of the tile type.</param>
        private static void LoadVariants(XElement fromElem, IsoTileType tile, TileSet tileset)
            TileReadStatus status = TileReadStatus.None;

            foreach (XElement childElem in fromElem.Elements())
                if (status == TileReadStatus.None)
                    /// We are in the initial read status.
                    if (childElem.Name == XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_ELEM)
                        /// No conditional expression at the current tile type.
                        status = TileReadStatus.NoCondition;
                        LoadVariant(childElem, tile, tileset);
                    else if (childElem.Name == XmlTileSetConstants.IF_ELEM)
                        /// Beginning of the conditional branch.
                        status = TileReadStatus.ConditionalBranch;
                        LoadBranch(childElem, tile, tileset);
                        /// Other XML elements not allowed at this read status.
                        throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected node '{0}'!", childElem.Name));
                else if (status == TileReadStatus.NoCondition)
                    /// We are in the read status where only variant elements are allowed.
                    if (childElem.Name == XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_ELEM)
                        LoadVariant(childElem, tile, tileset);
                        /// Other XML elements not allowed at this read status.
                        throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected node '{0}'!", childElem.Name));
                else if (status == TileReadStatus.ConditionalBranch)
                    /// We are in the read status where only conditional branch and default branch elements are allowed.
                    if (childElem.Name == XmlTileSetConstants.ELSEIF_ELEM)
                        /// Load the conditional branch.
                        LoadBranch(childElem, tile, tileset);
                    else if (childElem.Name == XmlTileSetConstants.ELSE_ELEM)
                        /// Load the default branch.
                        status = TileReadStatus.DefaultBranch;
                        foreach (XElement varElem in childElem.Elements(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_ELEM))
                            LoadVariant(varElem, tile, tileset);
                        /// Other XML elements not allowed at this read status.
                        throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected node '{0}'!", childElem.Name));
                    /// Other XML elements not allowed.
                    throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected node '{0}' after default branch!", childElem.Name));