public void OnMessage(QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle n, SessionID s) { Console.WriteLine("* Got a NewOrderSingle. Responding with an ExecutionReport."); Symbol symbol = n.Symbol; Side side = n.Side; OrdType ordType = n.OrdType; OrderQty orderQty = n.OrderQty; Price price = new Price(DEFAULT_MARKET_PRICE); ClOrdID clOrdID = n.ClOrdID; switch (ordType.getValue()) { case OrdType.LIMIT: price = n.Price; if (price.Obj == 0) throw new IncorrectTagValue(price.Tag); break; case OrdType.MARKET: break; default: throw new IncorrectTagValue(ordType.Tag); } QuickFix.FIX44.ExecutionReport exReport = new QuickFix.FIX44.ExecutionReport( new OrderID(GenOrderID()), new ExecID(GenExecID()), new ExecType(ExecType.FILL), new OrdStatus(OrdStatus.FILLED), symbol, //shouldn't be here? side, new LeavesQty(0), new CumQty(orderQty.getValue()), new AvgPx(price.getValue())); exReport.Set(clOrdID); exReport.Set(symbol); exReport.Set(orderQty); exReport.Set(new LastQty(orderQty.getValue())); exReport.Set(new LastPx(price.getValue())); if (n.IsSetAccount()) exReport.SetField(n.Account); try { Session.SendToTarget(exReport, s); } catch (SessionNotFound ex) { Console.WriteLine("==session not found exception!=="); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
private static OrderData TranslateOrderImpl(Symbol symbol, Side side, OrdType ordType, OrderQty orderQty, Price price, ClOrdID clOrdID, Account account) { switch (ordType.getValue()) { case OrdType.LIMIT: if (price.Obj == 0) throw new IncorrectTagValue(price.Tag); break; //case OrdType.MARKET: break; default: throw new IncorrectTagValue(ordType.Tag); } return new OrderData { MarketSide = TranslateFixFields.Translate(side), Symbol = symbol.getValue(), OrderType = TranslateFixFields.Translate(ordType), Quantity = orderQty.getValue(), Price = price.getValue(), ClOrdID = clOrdID.getValue(), Account = account == null ? TradingAccount.None : new TradingAccount(account.getValue()) }; }
public void Set(QuickFix.Fields.Price val) { this.Price = val; }
public bool IsSet(QuickFix.Fields.Price val) { return(IsSetPrice()); }
public QuickFix.Fields.Price Get(QuickFix.Fields.Price val) { GetField(val); return(val); }