Esempio n. 1
        private static MotorGoalPositions CalculateIkForLeg(Vector3 target, LegConfiguration legConfig)
            Vector3 relativeVector = target - legConfig.CoxaPosition;
            float   targetAngle    = (float)(Math.Atan2(relativeVector.Y, relativeVector.X).RadToDegree() + legConfig.AngleOffset);

            float horizontalDistanceToTarget          = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(relativeVector.X, 2) + Math.Pow(relativeVector.Y, 2));
            float horizontalDistanceWithoutCoxa       = horizontalDistanceToTarget - CoxaLength;
            float absoluteDistanceToTargetWithoutCoxa = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(horizontalDistanceWithoutCoxa, 2) + Math.Pow(relativeVector.Z, 2));
            // use sss triangle solution to calculate angles
            // use law of cosinus to get angles in two corners
            float angleByTibia = (float)GetAngleByA(absoluteDistanceToTargetWithoutCoxa, FemurLength, TibiaLength);
            float angleByFemur = (float)GetAngleByA(TibiaLength, FemurLength, absoluteDistanceToTargetWithoutCoxa);
            // we have angles of the SSS triangle. now we need angle for the servos
            float groundToTargetAngleSize = (float)Math.Atan2(horizontalDistanceWithoutCoxa, -relativeVector.Z).RadToDegree();

            if (targetAngle >= 90 || targetAngle <= -90)
                // target is behind me
                // can still happen if target is right bellow me
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Target angle is {targetAngle}");
            float femurAngle = angleByFemur + groundToTargetAngleSize;
            // these angles need to be converted to the dynamixel angles
            // in other words horizon is 150 for the dynamixel angles so we need to recalcualate them
            float correctedFemur = Math.Abs(legConfig.FemurCorrection + femurAngle);
            float correctedTibia = Math.Abs(legConfig.TibiaCorrection + angleByTibia);
            float correctedCoxa  = 150f + targetAngle;

            return(new MotorGoalPositions(correctedCoxa, correctedFemur, correctedTibia));
Esempio n. 2
        private void MoveLeg(Vector3 target, LegConfiguration legConfig)
            var legGoalPositions = CalculateIkForLeg(target, legConfig);

            lock (_driver.SyncLock)
                _driver.SetGoalPositionInDegrees(legConfig.CoxaId, legGoalPositions.Coxa);
                _driver.SetGoalPositionInDegrees(legConfig.FemurId, legGoalPositions.Femur);
                _driver.SetGoalPositionInDegrees(legConfig.TibiaId, legGoalPositions.Tibia);
Esempio n. 3
        private Vector3 GetCurrentLegPosition(LegConfiguration legConfig)
            MotorGoalPositions positions;

            lock (_driver.SyncLock)
                float coxa  = _driver.GetPresentPositionInDegrees(legConfig.CoxaId);
                float femur = _driver.GetPresentPositionInDegrees(legConfig.FemurId);
                float tibia = _driver.GetPresentPositionInDegrees(legConfig.TibiaId);
                positions = new MotorGoalPositions(coxa, femur, tibia);
            return(CalculateFkForLeg(positions, legConfig));
Esempio n. 4
        private static Vector3 CalculateFkForLeg(MotorGoalPositions currentPsoitions, LegConfiguration legConfig)
            float   femurAngle  = Math.Abs(currentPsoitions.Femur - Math.Abs(legConfig.FemurCorrection));
            float   tibiaAngle  = Math.Abs(currentPsoitions.Tibia - Math.Abs(legConfig.TibiaCorrection));
            float   coxaAngle   = 150 - currentPsoitions.Coxa - legConfig.AngleOffset;
            float   baseX       = (float)Math.Cos(coxaAngle.DegreeToRad());
            float   baseY       = (float)Math.Sin(coxaAngle.DegreeToRad());
            Vector3 coxaVector  = new Vector3(baseX, baseY, 0) * CoxaLength;
            float   femurX      = (float)Math.Sin((femurAngle - 90).DegreeToRad()) * FemurLength;
            float   femurY      = (float)Math.Cos((femurAngle - 90).DegreeToRad()) * FemurLength;
            Vector3 femurVector = new Vector3(baseX * femurY, baseY * femurY, femurX);
            // to calculate tibia we need angle between tibia and a vertical line
            // we get this by calculating the angles formed by a horizontal line from femur, femur and part of fibia by knowing that the sum of angles is 180
            // than we just remove this from teh tibia andgle and done
            float   angleForTibiaVector = tibiaAngle - (180 - 90 - (femurAngle - 90));
            float   tibiaX      = (float)Math.Sin(angleForTibiaVector.DegreeToRad()) * TibiaLength;
            float   tibiaY      = (float)Math.Cos(angleForTibiaVector.DegreeToRad()) * TibiaLength;
            Vector3 tibiaVector = new Vector3(baseX * tibiaX, baseY * tibiaX, -tibiaY);

            return(legConfig.CoxaPosition + coxaVector + femurVector + tibiaVector);