Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <LUISAnalyticAssistant> QueryLuis(string message)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                string LuisUrl  = _LuisBaseUrl + _appId + "?subscription-key=" + _subscriptionKey + "&q=" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(message);
                string LuisJson = await client.GetStringAsync(LuisUrl);

                LUISAnalyticAssistant LuisResult = new LUISAnalyticAssistant();
                LuisResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LUISAnalyticAssistant>(LuisJson);

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <bool> Predict(string TextToPredict)
            Predicted.HasPrediction = false;
            Predicted.OriginalQuery = null;
            Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.None;
            Predicted.Response      = null;

            Predicted.Measure    = null;
            Predicted.Measure2   = null;
            Predicted.Element    = null;
            Predicted.Dimension  = null;
            Predicted.Dimension2 = null;
            Predicted.Percentage = null;
            Predicted.Number     = 0;
            Predicted.ChartType  = null;
            Predicted.DistanceKm = 0;
            Predicted.Language   = null;
            string DistanceUnit = "km";

                LUISAnalyticAssistant LuisResult = await QueryLuis(TextToPredict);

                foreach (Entity et in LuisResult.entities)
                    if (et.type == "Measure")
                        this.Predicted.Measure = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Measure2")
                        this.Predicted.Measure2 = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Element")
                        this.Predicted.Element = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Dimension")
                        this.Predicted.Dimension = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Dimension1")
                        this.Predicted.Dimension2 = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "builtin.percentage" || et.type == "percentage")
                        this.Predicted.Percentage = et.entity;
                        if (this.Predicted.Number == 0)
                            this.Predicted.Number = PercentageToDouble(et.entity);
                    if (et.type == "builtin.number")
                        this.Predicted.Number = Convert.ToDouble(et.entity);
                    if (et.type == "ChartType")
                        this.Predicted.ChartType = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Distance")
                        this.Predicted.DistanceKm = Convert.ToDouble(et.entity);
                    if (et.type == "DistanceUnit")
                        DistanceUnit = et.entity;
                    if (et.type == "Language")
                        this.Predicted.Language = et.entity;

                    if (DistanceKm > 0 && DistanceUnit != "km")
                        switch (DistanceUnit)
                        case "mi":
                        case "miles": Predicted.DistanceKm *= 1.61; break;

                        case "m":
                        case "meters": Predicted.DistanceKm *= 0.001; break;

                if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "None")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = false;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.None;
                    this.Predicted.Number        = 0;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I do not understand you, could you try again with other question?";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Show a measure")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.KPI;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to know the value of " + this.Predicted.Measure;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Show a chart")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Chart;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to know the value of " + this.Predicted.Measure;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Show a measure for element")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Measure4Element;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to know the value of " + this.Predicted.Measure;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Filter")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Filter;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to filter " + Predicted.Dimension + " by " + Predicted.Element;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Alert")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Alert;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to be alerted when " + this.Predicted.Measure + " changes by " + this.Predicted.Percentage;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Good Answer")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.GoodAnswer;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = ":-)";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Ranking Top")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.RankingTop;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to know the top elements by " + this.Predicted.Dimension;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Ranking Bottom")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.RankingBottom;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "You want to know the bottom elements by " + this.Predicted.Dimension;
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Hello")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Hello;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "Hello";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Bye")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Bye;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "Bye";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "BadWorks")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.BadWords;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = ":-(\nI prefer not to answer this type of questions, I am a robot but I am very polite.";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Reports")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Reports;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I will show you the available reports";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "CreateChart")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.CreateChart;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I will create a chart for you";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAnalysis")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAnalysis;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I will create an analysis for you";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "GeoFilter")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.GeoFilter;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I will filter the information based on your location";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Apologize")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Apologize;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ClearAllFilters")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ClearAllFilters;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ClearDimensionFilter")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ClearDimensionFilter;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "CreateChart")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.CreateChart;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "CreateCollaborationGroup")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.CreateCollaborationGroup;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "CurrentSelections")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.CurrentSelections;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Help")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Help;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "Reports")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.Reports;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAllApps")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAllApps;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAllDimensions")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAllDimensions;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAllMeasures")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAllMeasures;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAllSheets")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAllSheets;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAllStories")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAllStories;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";
                else if (LuisResult.topScoringIntent.intent == "ShowAnalysis")
                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = true;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.ShowAnalysis;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "OK";

                    this.Predicted.HasPrediction = false;
                    this.Predicted.OriginalQuery = TextToPredict;
                    this.Predicted.Intent        = IntentType.None;
                    this.Predicted.Response      = "I do not have the logic to answer " + TextToPredict;

            catch (Exception e)