internal ClassLayout(ushort pack, uint cSize, ClassDef par) { packSize = pack; classSize = cSize; parent = par; tabIx = MDTable.ClassLayout; }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal Feature(string name, ClassDef par) { parent = par; = name; }
internal static void Read(PEReader buff, TableRow[] typeDefs, bool isMSCorLib) { Contract.Requires(buff != null); Contract.Requires(typeDefs != null); ClassDef prevDef = new ClassDef(buff, 1, isMSCorLib); typeDefs[0] = prevDef; for (int i = 1; i < typeDefs.Length; i++) { ClassDef typeDef = new ClassDef(buff, (uint)i + 1, isMSCorLib); prevDef.fieldEndIx = typeDef.fieldIx; prevDef.methodEndIx = typeDef.methodIx; prevDef = typeDef; typeDefs[i] = typeDef; } prevDef.fieldEndIx = buff.GetTableSize(MDTable.Field) + 1; prevDef.methodEndIx = buff.GetTableSize(MDTable.Method) + 1; }
internal void SetParent(ClassDef par) { parent = par; }
internal NestedClassDef MakeNestedClass(ClassDef parent) { Contract.Requires(parent != null); NestedClassDef nClass = new NestedClassDef(parent, (TypeAttr)flags, Name); ClassDef tmp = nClass; tmp.fieldIx = fieldIx; tmp.fieldEndIx = fieldEndIx; tmp.methodIx = methodIx; tmp.methodEndIx = methodEndIx; tmp.extendsIx = extendsIx; tmp.Row = Row; parent.nestedClasses.Add(nClass); return nClass; }
internal void SetDefaultClass(ClassDef dClass) { Contract.Requires(dClass != null); defaultClass = dClass; }
/// <summary> /// Add a class to this module /// If this class already exists, throw an exception /// </summary> /// <param name="aClass">The class to be added</param> public void AddClass(ClassDef aClass) { Contract.Requires(aClass != null); ClassDef eClass = GetClass(aClass.NameSpace, aClass.Name); if (eClass != null) throw new DescriptorException("Class " + aClass.NameString()); classes.Add(aClass); // MERGE change Refs to Defs here, fix this aClass.SetScope((PEFile)this); }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal Module(string mName) : base(GetBaseName(mName)) { mvid = Guid.NewGuid(); //isDLL = name.EndsWith(".dll") || name.EndsWith(".DLL"); defaultClass = new ClassDef((PEFile)this, TypeAttr.Private, "", "<Module>"); defaultClass.MakeSpecial(); tabIx = MDTable.Module; ismscorlib = name.ToLower() == "mscorlib.dll"; if (Diag.DiagOn) Console.WriteLine("Module name = " + name); // FIXME Contract.Ensures(defaultClass != null); }
internal override void Resolve(PEReader buff) { theClass = (ClassDef)buff.GetElement(MDTable.TypeDef, classIx); theInterface = (Class)buff.GetCodedElement(CIx.TypeDefOrRef, interfacesIndex); theClass.AddImplementedInterface(this); }
internal InterfaceImpl(ClassDef theClass, TableRow theInterface) { Contract.Requires(theClass != null); Contract.Requires(theInterface != null); this.theClass = theClass; this.theInterface = (Class)theInterface; tabIx = MDTable.InterfaceImpl; }
internal static string[] ReadNames(PEReader buff, ClassDef theClass, uint classIx) { return Feature.GetFeatureNames(buff, MDTable.Event, MDTable.EventMap, theClass, classIx); }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newType, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { throw new NotYetImplementedException("Merge for Properties"); }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal Event(string name, Type eType, ClassDef parent) : base(name, parent) { eventType = eType; tabIx = MDTable.Event; }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal Property(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, ClassDef parent) : base(name, parent) { returnType = retType; parList = pars; if (pars != null) numPars = (uint)pars.Length; tabIx = MDTable.Property; }
internal static string[] GetFeatureNames(PEReader buff, MDTable tabIx, MDTable mapTabIx, ClassDef theClass, uint classIx) { buff.SetElementPosition(mapTabIx, 0); uint start = 0; uint i = 0; for (; (i < buff.GetTableSize(tabIx)) && (start == 0); i++) { if (buff.GetIndex(MDTable.TypeDef) == classIx) { start = buff.GetIndex(tabIx); } } if (start == 0) return null; uint end; if (i < buff.GetTableSize(mapTabIx)) { uint junk = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.TypeDef); end = buff.GetIndex(tabIx); } else end = buff.GetTableSize(tabIx); if (tabIx == MDTable.Event) theClass.eventIx = start; else theClass.propIx = start; string[] names = new string[end - start]; buff.SetElementPosition(tabIx, start); for (i = start; i < end; i++) { uint junk = buff.ReadUInt16(); names[i] = buff.GetString(); if (tabIx == MDTable.Event) junk = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef); else junk = buff.GetBlobIx(); } return names; }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newPar, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { parent = newPar; bool changeType = false; for (int i = 0; i < oldTypes.Length && !changeType; i++) { if (type == oldTypes[i]) type = newPar; } }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newPar, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { parent = newPar; sig.ChangeParTypes(newPar, oldTypes); if (code != null) code.ChangeRefsToDefs(newPar, oldTypes); }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newType, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { foreach (ClassDef oldType in oldTypes) { if (retType == oldType) retType = newType; for (int j = 0; j < numPars; j++) { if (parTypes[j] == oldType) parTypes[j] = newType; } for (int j = 0; j < numOptPars; j++) { if (optParTypes[j] == oldType) optParTypes[j] = newType; } } }
/*------------------------- public set and get methods --------------------------*/ /// <summary> /// Add a class to this Module /// If this class already exists, throw an exception /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">class name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns> public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name) { //FIXME Contract.Requires(classes != null); ClassDef aClass = GetClass(nsName, name); if (aClass != null) throw new DescriptorException("Class " + aClass.NameString()); aClass = new ClassDef((PEFile)this, attrSet, nsName, name); classes.Add(aClass); return aClass; }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newType, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { for (int i = 0; i < tide; i++) { if (buffer[i] is SigInstr) { CalliSig sig = ((SigInstr)buffer[i]).GetSig(); sig.ChangeRefsToDefs(newType, oldTypes); } else if (buffer[i] is TypeInstr) { TypeInstr tinst = (TypeInstr)buffer[i]; if (tinst.GetTypeArg() is ClassDef) { ClassDef iType = (ClassDef)tinst.GetTypeArg(); bool changed = false; for (int j = 0; (j < oldTypes.Length) && !changed; j++) { if (iType == oldTypes[j]) tinst.SetTypeArg(newType); } } } } }
internal bool isDefaultClass(ClassDef aClass) { return aClass == defaultClass; }
internal override void Resolve(PEReader buff) { parent = (ClassDef)buff.GetElement(MDTable.TypeDef, parentIx); if (parent != null) parent.Layout = this; }
internal void ChangeRefsToDefs(ClassDef newType, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { Contract.Requires(newType != null); Contract.Requires(oldTypes != null); foreach (ClassDef oldType in oldTypes) { foreach (object field in oldType.fields) ((FieldDef)field).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object method in oldType.methods) ((MethodDef)method).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object evnt in ((Event)evnt).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object property in ((Property)property).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object interfc in oldType.interfaces) ((ClassDef)interfc).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object methodImpl in oldType.methodImpls) ((MethodImpl)methodImpl).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); foreach (object nestedClass in oldType.nestedClasses) ((ClassDef)nestedClass).ChangeRefsToDefs(this, oldTypes); } }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal ClassLayout(int pack, int cSize, ClassDef par) : this((ushort) pack, (uint) cSize, par) { }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal NestedClassDef(ClassDef parent, TypeAttr attrSet, string name) : base(parent.GetScope(), attrSet, "", name) { this.parent = parent; }
internal static ClassLayout FindLayout(PEReader buff, ClassDef paren, uint classIx) { Contract.Requires(buff != null); Contract.Requires(paren != null); buff.SetElementPosition(MDTable.ClassLayout, 0); for (int i = 0; i < buff.GetTableSize(MDTable.ClassLayout); i++) { ushort packSize = buff.ReadUInt16(); uint classSize = buff.ReadUInt32(); if (buff.GetIndex(MDTable.TypeDef) == classIx) return new ClassLayout(packSize, classSize, paren); } return null; }
public void MergeClasses(ClassDef[] classes) { // FIXME Contract.Requires(methods != null); Contract.Requires(classes != null); ChangeRefsToDefs(this, classes); foreach (ClassDef cls in classes) { fields.AddRange(cls.fields); methods.AddRange(cls.methods); events.AddRange(; properties.AddRange(; interfaces.AddRange(cls.interfaces); methodImpls.AddRange(cls.methodImpls); nestedClasses.AddRange(cls.nestedClasses); } }
internal void ReadMethodImpls(ClassDef theClass, uint classIx) { Contract.Requires(theClass != null); SetElementPosition(MDTable.InterfaceImpl, 0); for (int i = 0; (i < tableLengths[(int)MDTable.MethodImpl]); i++) { uint clIx = GetIndex(MDTable.TypeDef); uint bodIx = GetCodedIndex(CIx.MethodDefOrRef); uint declIx = GetCodedIndex(CIx.MethodDefOrRef); if (clIx == classIx) { MethodImpl mImpl = new MethodImpl(this, theClass, bodIx, declIx); theClass.AddMethodImpl(mImpl); tables[(int)MDTable.MethodImpl][i] = mImpl; } } }
internal void ChangeParTypes(ClassDef newType, ClassDef[] oldTypes) { Contract.Requires(newType != null); Contract.Requires(oldTypes != null); foreach (ClassDef oldType in oldTypes) { if (retType == oldType) retType = newType; for (int j = 0; j < numPars; j++) { if (parTypes[j] == oldType) parTypes[j] = newType; } for (int j = 0; j < numOptPars; j++) { if (optParTypes[j] == oldType) optParTypes[j] = newType; } } }
internal virtual void ResolveParent(PEReader buff, bool isExtern) { CIx cIx = CIx.ResolutionScope; if (isExtern) cIx = CIx.Implementation; if (scope != null) return; MetaDataElement parentScope = buff.GetCodedElement(cIx, resScopeIx); if (parentScope is Module) { // special code for glitch in Everett ilasm ClassDef newDef = new ClassDef((PEFile)parentScope, 0, NameSpace, Name); ((Module)parentScope).AddToClassList(newDef); buff.InsertInTable(MDTable.TypeRef, Row, newDef); } else { scope = (ReferenceScope)buff.GetCodedElement(cIx, resScopeIx); ClassRef existing = (ClassRef)scope.GetExistingClass(NameSpace, Name); if (existing == null) { scope.AddToClassList(this); } else { if (isExtern) buff.InsertInTable(MDTable.ExportedType, Row, existing); else buff.InsertInTable(MDTable.TypeRef, Row, existing); } } }