public HybridHestonHullWhiteProcess(HestonProcess hestonProcess, HullWhiteForwardProcess hullWhiteProcess, double corrEquityShortRate, Discretization discretization = Discretization.BSMHullWhite) { hestonProcess_ = hestonProcess; hullWhiteProcess_ = hullWhiteProcess; hullWhiteModel_ = new HullWhite(hestonProcess.riskFreeRate(), hullWhiteProcess.a(), hullWhiteProcess.sigma()); corrEquityShortRate_ = corrEquityShortRate; disc_ = discretization; maxRho_ = Math.Sqrt(1 - hestonProcess.rho() * hestonProcess.rho()) - Math.Sqrt(Const.QL_EPSILON) /* reserve for rounding errors */; T_ = hullWhiteProcess.getForwardMeasureTime(); endDiscount_ = hestonProcess.riskFreeRate(); Utils.QL_REQUIRE(corrEquityShortRate * corrEquityShortRate + hestonProcess.rho() * hestonProcess.rho() <= 1.0, () => "correlation matrix is not positive definite"); Utils.QL_REQUIRE(hullWhiteProcess.sigma() > 0.0, () => "positive vol of Hull White process is required"); }
public AnalyticH1HWEngine(HestonModel model, HullWhite hullWhiteModel, double rhoSr, int integrationOrder = 144) : base(model, hullWhiteModel, integrationOrder) { rhoSr_ = rhoSr; Utils.QL_REQUIRE(rhoSr_ >= 0.0, () => "Fourier integration is not stable if " + "the equity interest rate correlation is negative"); }
public AnalyticHestonHullWhiteEngine(HestonModel hestonModel, HullWhite hullWhiteModel, double relTolerance, int maxEvaluations) : base(hestonModel, relTolerance, maxEvaluations) { hullWhiteModel_ = hullWhiteModel; update(); hullWhiteModel_.registerWith(update); }
// see AnalticHestonEninge for usage of different constructors public AnalyticHestonHullWhiteEngine(HestonModel hestonModel, HullWhite hullWhiteModel, int integrationOrder = 144) : base(hestonModel, integrationOrder) { hullWhiteModel_ = hullWhiteModel; update(); hullWhiteModel_.registerWith(update); }
public FdmHullWhiteOp(FdmMesher mesher, HullWhite model, int direction) { x_ = mesher.locations(direction); dzMap_ = new TripleBandLinearOp(new FirstDerivativeOp(direction, mesher).mult(-1.0 * x_ * model.a()).add( new SecondDerivativeOp(direction, mesher).mult(0.5 * model.sigma() * model.sigma() * new Vector(mesher.layout().size(), 1.0)))); mapT_ = new TripleBandLinearOp(direction, mesher); direction_ = direction; model_ = model; }
public Fj_Helper(Handle <HestonModel> hestonModel, HullWhite hullWhiteModel, double rhoSr, double term, double strike, int j) { j_ = j; lambda_ = hullWhiteModel.a(); eta_ = hullWhiteModel.sigma(); v0_ =; kappa_ =; theta_ =; gamma_ =; d_ = 4.0 * kappa_ * theta_ / (gamma_ * gamma_); rhoSr_ = rhoSr; term_ = term; }
protected override IPricingEngine controlPricingEngine() { HybridHestonHullWhiteProcess process = process_ as HybridHestonHullWhiteProcess; Utils.QL_REQUIRE(process != null, () => "invalid process"); HestonProcess hestonProcess = process.hestonProcess(); HullWhiteForwardProcess hullWhiteProcess = process.hullWhiteProcess(); HestonModel hestonModel = new HestonModel(hestonProcess); HullWhite hwModel = new HullWhite(hestonProcess.riskFreeRate(), hullWhiteProcess.a(), hullWhiteProcess.sigma()); return(new AnalyticHestonHullWhiteEngine(hestonModel, hwModel, 144)); }
public AnalyticH1HWEngine(HestonModel model, HullWhite hullWhiteModel, double rhoSr, double relTolerance, int maxEvaluations) : base(model, hullWhiteModel, relTolerance, maxEvaluations) { rhoSr_ = rhoSr; }
public void testCachedValues() { //("Testing Bermudan swaption against cached values..."); CommonVars vars = new CommonVars(); = new Date(15, Month.February, 2002); Settings.setEvaluationDate(; vars.settlement = new Date(19, Month.February, 2002); // flat yield term structure impling 1x5 swap at 5% vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(vars.settlement, 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed())); double atmRate = vars.makeSwap(0.0).fairRate(); VanillaSwap itmSwap = vars.makeSwap(0.8*atmRate); VanillaSwap atmSwap = vars.makeSwap(atmRate); VanillaSwap otmSwap = vars.makeSwap(1.2*atmRate); double a = 0.048696, sigma = 0.0058904; ShortRateModel model=new HullWhite(vars.termStructure,a, sigma); List<Date> exerciseDates= new List<Date>(); List<CashFlow> leg = atmSwap.fixedLeg(); for (int i=0; i<leg.Count; i++) { Coupon coupon = (Coupon)(leg[i]); exerciseDates.Add(coupon.accrualStartDate()); } Exercise exercise = new BermudanExercise(exerciseDates); IPricingEngine engine = new TreeSwaptionEngine(model, 50); #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON Real itmValue = 42.2413, atmValue = 12.8789, otmValue = 2.4759; #else double itmValue = 42.2470, atmValue = 12.8826, otmValue = 2.4769; #endif double tolerance = 1.0e-4; Swaption swaption = new Swaption(itmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-itmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached in-the-money swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + itmValue); swaption = new Swaption(atmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-atmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached at-the-money swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + atmValue); swaption = new Swaption(otmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-otmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached out-of-the-money " + "swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + otmValue); for (int j=0; j<exerciseDates.Count; j++) exerciseDates[j] = vars.calendar.adjust(exerciseDates[j]-10); exercise = new BermudanExercise(exerciseDates); #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON itmValue = 42.1917; atmValue = 12.7788; otmValue = 2.4388; #else itmValue = 42.1974; atmValue = 12.7825; otmValue = 2.4399; #endif swaption = new Swaption(itmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-itmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached in-the-money swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + itmValue); swaption = new Swaption(atmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-atmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached at-the-money swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + atmValue); swaption = new Swaption(otmSwap, exercise); swaption.setPricingEngine(engine); if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV()-otmValue) > tolerance) Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached out-of-the-money " + "swaption value:\n" + "calculated: " + swaption.NPV() + "\n" + "expected: " + otmValue); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime timer = DateTime.Now; Date todaysDate = new Date(15, 2, 2002); Calendar calendar = new TARGET(); Date settlementDate = new Date(19, 2, 2002); Settings.setEvaluationDate(todaysDate); // flat yield term structure impling 1x5 swap at 5% Quote flatRate = new SimpleQuote(0.04875825); Handle<YieldTermStructure> rhTermStructure = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>( new FlatForward(settlementDate, new Handle<Quote>(flatRate), new Actual365Fixed())); // Define the ATM/OTM/ITM swaps Frequency fixedLegFrequency = Frequency.Annual; BusinessDayConvention fixedLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted; BusinessDayConvention floatingLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing; DayCounter fixedLegDayCounter = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.European); Frequency floatingLegFrequency = Frequency.Semiannual; VanillaSwap.Type type = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer; double dummyFixedRate = 0.03; IborIndex indexSixMonths = new Euribor6M(rhTermStructure); Date startDate = calendar.advance(settlementDate, 1, TimeUnit.Years, floatingLegConvention); Date maturity = calendar.advance(startDate, 5, TimeUnit.Years, floatingLegConvention); Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency), calendar, fixedLegConvention, fixedLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false); Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(floatingLegFrequency), calendar, floatingLegConvention, floatingLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false); VanillaSwap swap = new VanillaSwap( type, 1000.0, fixedSchedule, dummyFixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter, floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0, indexSixMonths.dayCounter()); swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(rhTermStructure)); double fixedAtmRate = swap.fairRate(); double fixedOtmRate = fixedAtmRate * 1.2; double fixedItmRate = fixedAtmRate * 0.8; VanillaSwap atmSwap = new VanillaSwap( type, 1000.0, fixedSchedule, fixedAtmRate, fixedLegDayCounter, floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0, indexSixMonths.dayCounter()); VanillaSwap otmSwap = new VanillaSwap( type, 1000.0, fixedSchedule, fixedOtmRate, fixedLegDayCounter, floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0, indexSixMonths.dayCounter()); VanillaSwap itmSwap = new VanillaSwap( type, 1000.0, fixedSchedule, fixedItmRate, fixedLegDayCounter, floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0, indexSixMonths.dayCounter()); // defining the swaptions to be used in model calibration List<Period> swaptionMaturities = new List<Period>(5); swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years)); swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years)); swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(3, TimeUnit.Years)); swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(4, TimeUnit.Years)); swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years)); List<CalibrationHelper> swaptions = new List<CalibrationHelper>(); // List of times that have to be included in the timegrid List<double> times = new List<double>(); for (int i = 0; i < NumRows; i++) { int j = NumCols - i - 1; // 1x5, 2x4, 3x3, 4x2, 5x1 int k = i * NumCols + j; Quote vol = new SimpleQuote(SwaptionVols[k]); swaptions.Add(new SwaptionHelper(swaptionMaturities[i], new Period(SwapLenghts[j], TimeUnit.Years), new Handle<Quote>(vol), indexSixMonths, indexSixMonths.tenor(), indexSixMonths.dayCounter(), indexSixMonths.dayCounter(), rhTermStructure, false)); swaptions.Last().addTimesTo(times); } // Building time-grid TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(times, 30); // defining the models G2 modelG2 = new G2(rhTermStructure); HullWhite modelHw = new HullWhite(rhTermStructure); HullWhite modelHw2 = new HullWhite(rhTermStructure); BlackKarasinski modelBk = new BlackKarasinski(rhTermStructure); // model calibrations Console.WriteLine("G2 (analytic formulae) calibration"); for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++) swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new G2SwaptionEngine(modelG2, 6.0, 16)); CalibrateModel(modelG2, swaptions); Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" + "a = {0:0.000000}, " + "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n" + "b = {2:0.000000}, " + "eta = {3:0.0000000}\n" + "rho = {4:0.00000}\n", modelG2.parameters()[0], modelG2.parameters()[1], modelG2.parameters()[2], modelG2.parameters()[3], modelG2.parameters()[4]); Console.WriteLine("Hull-White (analytic formulae) calibration"); for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++) swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new JamshidianSwaptionEngine(modelHw)); CalibrateModel(modelHw, swaptions); Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" + "a = {0:0.000000}, " + "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n", modelHw.parameters()[0], modelHw.parameters()[1]); Console.WriteLine("Hull-White (numerical) calibration"); for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count(); i++) swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, grid)); CalibrateModel(modelHw2, swaptions); Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" + "a = {0:0.000000}, " + "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n", modelHw2.parameters()[0], modelHw2.parameters()[1]); Console.WriteLine("Black-Karasinski (numerical) calibration"); for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++) swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, grid)); CalibrateModel(modelBk, swaptions); Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" + "a = {0:0.000000}, " + "sigma = {1:0.00000}\n", modelBk.parameters()[0], modelBk.parameters()[1]); // ATM Bermudan swaption pricing Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption " + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (ATM)", fixedAtmRate); List<Date> bermudanDates = new List<Date>(); List<CashFlow> leg = swap.fixedLeg(); for (int i = 0; i < leg.Count; i++) { Coupon coupon = (Coupon)leg[i]; bermudanDates.Add(coupon.accrualStartDate()); } Exercise bermudanExercise = new BermudanExercise(bermudanDates); Swaption bermudanSwaption = new Swaption(atmSwap, bermudanExercise); // Do the pricing for each model // G2 price the European swaption here, it should switch to bermudan bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("G2: {0:0.00}", bermudanSwaption.NPV()); bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW: {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV()); bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV()); bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50)); Console.WriteLine("BK: {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV()); // OTM Bermudan swaption pricing Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption " + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (OTM)", fixedOtmRate); Swaption otmBermudanSwaption = new Swaption(otmSwap, bermudanExercise); // Do the pricing for each model otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("G2: {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW: {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50)); Console.WriteLine("BK: {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); // ITM Bermudan swaption pricing Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption " + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (ITM)", fixedItmRate); Swaption itmBermudanSwaption = new Swaption(itmSwap, bermudanExercise); // Do the pricing for each model itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("G2: {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW: {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50)); Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50)); Console.WriteLine("BK: {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV()); Console.WriteLine(" \nRun completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - timer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue ..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void testCachedHullWhite() { //("Testing Hull-White calibration against cached values..."); Date today=new Date(15, Month.February, 2002); Date settlement=new Date(19, Month.February, 2002); Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); Handle<YieldTermStructure> termStructure= new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed())); // HullWhite model=new HullWhite(termStructure); CalibrationData[] data = { new CalibrationData( 1, 5, 0.1148 ), new CalibrationData( 2, 4, 0.1108 ), new CalibrationData( 3, 3, 0.1070 ), new CalibrationData( 4, 2, 0.1021 ), new CalibrationData( 5, 1, 0.1000 )}; IborIndex index = new Euribor6M(termStructure); IPricingEngine engine = new JamshidianSwaptionEngine(model); List<CalibrationHelper> swaptions = new List<CalibrationHelper>(); for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++) { Quote vol = new SimpleQuote(data[i].volatility); CalibrationHelper helper = new SwaptionHelper(new Period(data[i].start,TimeUnit.Years), new Period(data[i].length, TimeUnit.Years), new Handle<Quote>(vol), index, new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), new Thirty360(), new Actual360(), termStructure); helper.setPricingEngine(engine); swaptions.Add(helper); } // Set up the optimization problem // Real simplexLambda = 0.1; // Simplex optimizationMethod(simplexLambda); LevenbergMarquardt optimizationMethod = new LevenbergMarquardt(1.0e-8,1.0e-8,1.0e-8); EndCriteria endCriteria = new EndCriteria(10000, 100, 1e-6, 1e-8, 1e-8); //Optimize model.calibrate(swaptions, optimizationMethod, endCriteria, new Constraint(),new List<double>()); EndCriteria.Type ecType = model.endCriteria(); // Check and print out results #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON double cachedA = 0.0488199, cachedSigma = 0.00593579; #else double cachedA = 0.0488565, cachedSigma = 0.00593662; #endif double tolerance = 1.120e-5; //double tolerance = 1.0e-6; Vector xMinCalculated = model.parameters(); double yMinCalculated = model.value(xMinCalculated, swaptions); Vector xMinExpected = new Vector(2); xMinExpected[0]= cachedA; xMinExpected[1]= cachedSigma; double yMinExpected = model.value(xMinExpected, swaptions); if (Math.Abs(xMinCalculated[0]-cachedA) > tolerance || Math.Abs(xMinCalculated[1]-cachedSigma) > tolerance) { Assert.Fail ("Failed to reproduce cached calibration results:\n" + "calculated: a = " + xMinCalculated[0] + ", " + "sigma = " + xMinCalculated[1] + ", " + "f(a) = " + yMinCalculated + ",\n" + "expected: a = " + xMinExpected[0] + ", " + "sigma = " + xMinExpected[1] + ", " + "f(a) = " + yMinExpected + ",\n" + "difference: a = " + (xMinCalculated[0]-xMinExpected[0]) + ", " + "sigma = " + (xMinCalculated[1]-xMinExpected[1]) + ", " + "f(a) = " + (yMinCalculated - yMinExpected) + ",\n" + "end criteria = " + ecType ); } }
public void testSwaps() { //BOOST_MESSAGE("Testing Hull-White swap pricing against known values..."); Date today; //=Settings::instance().evaluationDate();; Calendar calendar = new TARGET(); today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today); Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); Date settlement = calendar.advance(today, 2, TimeUnit.Days); Date[] dates = { settlement, calendar.advance(settlement,1,TimeUnit.Weeks), calendar.advance(settlement,1,TimeUnit.Months), calendar.advance(settlement,3,TimeUnit.Months), calendar.advance(settlement,6,TimeUnit.Months), calendar.advance(settlement,9,TimeUnit.Months), calendar.advance(settlement,1,TimeUnit.Years), calendar.advance(settlement,2,TimeUnit.Years), calendar.advance(settlement,3,TimeUnit.Years), calendar.advance(settlement,5,TimeUnit.Years), calendar.advance(settlement,10,TimeUnit.Years), calendar.advance(settlement,15,TimeUnit.Years) }; double[] discounts = { 1.0, 0.999258, 0.996704, 0.990809, 0.981798, 0.972570, 0.963430, 0.929532, 0.889267, 0.803693, 0.596903, 0.433022 }; //for (int i = 0; i < dates.Length; i++) // dates[i] + dates.Length; LogLinear Interpolator = new LogLinear(); Handle<YieldTermStructure> termStructure = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>( new InterpolatedDiscountCurve<LogLinear>( dates.ToList<Date>(), discounts.ToList<double>(), new Actual365Fixed(),new Calendar(), null, null , Interpolator) ); HullWhite model = new HullWhite(termStructure); int[] start = { -3, 0, 3 }; int[] length = { 2, 5, 10 }; double[] rates = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 }; IborIndex euribor = new Euribor6M(termStructure); IPricingEngine engine = new TreeVanillaSwapEngine(model, 120, termStructure); #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON double tolerance = 4.0e-3; #else double tolerance = 1.0e-8; #endif for (int i=0; i<start.Length; i++) { Date startDate = calendar.advance(settlement,start[i],TimeUnit.Months); if (startDate < today) { Date fixingDate = calendar.advance(startDate,-2,TimeUnit.Days); //TimeSeries<double> pastFixings; ObservableValue<TimeSeries<double>> pastFixings = new ObservableValue<TimeSeries<double>>(); pastFixings.value()[fixingDate] = 0.03; IndexManager.instance().setHistory(, pastFixings); } for (int j=0; j<length.Length; j++) { Date maturity = calendar.advance(startDate, length[i], TimeUnit.Years); Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(Frequency.Annual), calendar, BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false); Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(Frequency.Semiannual), calendar, BusinessDayConvention.Following, BusinessDayConvention.Following, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false); for (int k=0; k<rates.Length; k++) { VanillaSwap swap = new VanillaSwap(VanillaSwap.Type.Payer, 1000000.0, fixedSchedule, rates[k], new Thirty360(), floatSchedule, euribor, 0.0, new Actual360()); swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(termStructure)); double expected = swap.NPV(); swap.setPricingEngine(engine); double calculated = swap.NPV(); double error = Math.Abs((expected-calculated)/expected); if (error > tolerance) { Assert.Fail("Failed to reproduce swap NPV:" //+ QL_FIXED << std::setprecision(9) + "\n calculated: " + calculated + "\n expected: " + expected //+ QL_SCIENTIFIC + "\n rel. error: " + error); } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // boost::timer timer; Date today = new Date(16,Month.October,2007); Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pricing a callable fixed rate bond using"); Console.WriteLine("Hull White model w/ reversion parameter = 0.03"); Console.WriteLine("BAC4.65 09/15/12 ISIN: US06060WBJ36"); Console.WriteLine("roughly five year tenor, "); Console.WriteLine("quarterly coupon and call dates"); Console.WriteLine("reference date is : " + today ); /* Bloomberg OAS1: "N" model (Hull White) varying volatility parameter The curve entered into Bloomberg OAS1 is a flat curve, at constant yield = 5.5%, semiannual compounding. Assume here OAS1 curve uses an ACT/ACT day counter, as documented in PFC1 as a "default" in the latter case. */ // set up a flat curve corresponding to Bloomberg flat curve double bbCurveRate = 0.055; DayCounter bbDayCounter = new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.Bond); InterestRate bbIR = new InterestRate(bbCurveRate,bbDayCounter,Compounding.Compounded ,Frequency.Semiannual); Handle<YieldTermStructure> termStructure = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(flatRate( today, bbIR.rate(), bbIR.dayCounter(), bbIR.compounding(), bbIR.frequency())); // set up the call schedule CallabilitySchedule callSchedule = new CallabilitySchedule(); double callPrice = 100.0; int numberOfCallDates = 24; Date callDate = new Date(15,Month.September,2006); for (int i=0; i< numberOfCallDates; i++) { Calendar nullCalendar = new NullCalendar(); Callability.Price myPrice = new Callability.Price(callPrice, Callability.Price.Type.Clean); callSchedule.Add( new Callability(myPrice,Callability.Type.Call, callDate )); callDate = nullCalendar.advance(callDate, 3, TimeUnit.Months); } // set up the callable bond Date dated = new Date(16,Month.September,2004); Date issue = dated; Date maturity = new Date(15,Month.September,2012); int settlementDays = 3; // Bloomberg OAS1 settle is Oct 19, 2007 Calendar bondCalendar = new UnitedStates(UnitedStates.Market.GovernmentBond); double coupon = .0465; Frequency frequency = Frequency.Quarterly; double redemption = 100.0; double faceAmount = 100.0; /* The 30/360 day counter Bloomberg uses for this bond cannot reproduce the US Bond/ISMA (constant) cashflows used in PFC1. Therefore use ActAct(Bond) */ DayCounter bondDayCounter = new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.Bond); // PFC1 shows no indication dates are being adjusted // for weekends/holidays for vanilla bonds BusinessDayConvention accrualConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted; BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted; Schedule sch = new Schedule( dated, maturity, new Period(frequency), bondCalendar, accrualConvention, accrualConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Backward, false); int maxIterations = 1000; double accuracy = 1e-8; int gridIntervals = 40; double reversionParameter = .03; // output price/yield results for varying volatility parameter double sigma = Const.QL_Epsilon; // core dumps if zero on Cygwin ShortRateModel hw0 = new HullWhite(termStructure,reversionParameter,sigma); IPricingEngine engine0 = new TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(hw0, gridIntervals, termStructure); CallableFixedRateBond callableBond = new CallableFixedRateBond( settlementDays, faceAmount, sch, new InitializedList<double>(1, coupon), bondDayCounter, paymentConvention, redemption, issue, callSchedule); callableBond.setPricingEngine(engine0); Console.WriteLine("sigma/vol (%) = {0:0.00}", (100.0 * sigma)); Console.WriteLine("QuantLib price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine( "{0:0.00} / {1:0.00} ", callableBond.cleanPrice() , 100.0 * callableBond.yield(bondDayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, accuracy, maxIterations)); Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("96.50 / 5.47"); // sigma = .01; Console.WriteLine("sigma/vol (%) = {0:0.00}", (100.0 * sigma)); ShortRateModel hw1 = new HullWhite(termStructure,reversionParameter,sigma); IPricingEngine engine1 = new TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(hw1,gridIntervals,termStructure); callableBond.setPricingEngine(engine1); Console.WriteLine("QuantLib price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine( "{0:0.00} / {1:0.00} ", callableBond.cleanPrice() , 100.0 * callableBond.yield(bondDayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, accuracy, maxIterations)); Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("95.68 / 5.66"); // sigma = .03; Console.WriteLine("sigma/vol (%) = {0:0.00}", (100.0 * sigma)); ShortRateModel hw2 = new HullWhite(termStructure, reversionParameter, sigma); IPricingEngine engine2 = new TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(hw2, gridIntervals, termStructure); callableBond.setPricingEngine(engine2); Console.WriteLine("QuantLib price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00} / {1:0.00} ", callableBond.cleanPrice(), 100.0 * callableBond.yield(bondDayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, accuracy, maxIterations)); Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("92.34 / 6.49"); // sigma = .06; Console.WriteLine("sigma/vol (%) = {0:0.00}", (100.0 * sigma)); ShortRateModel hw3 = new HullWhite(termStructure, reversionParameter, sigma); IPricingEngine engine3 = new TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(hw3, gridIntervals, termStructure); callableBond.setPricingEngine(engine3); Console.WriteLine("QuantLib price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00} / {1:0.00} ", callableBond.cleanPrice(), 100.0 * callableBond.yield(bondDayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, accuracy, maxIterations)); Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("87.16 / 7.83"); // sigma = .12; Console.WriteLine("sigma/vol (%) = {0:0.00}", (100.0 * sigma)); ShortRateModel hw4 = new HullWhite(termStructure, reversionParameter, sigma); IPricingEngine engine4 = new TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(hw4, gridIntervals, termStructure); callableBond.setPricingEngine(engine4); Console.WriteLine("QuantLib price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00} / {1:0.00} ", callableBond.cleanPrice(), 100.0 * callableBond.yield(bondDayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, accuracy, maxIterations)); Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg price/yld (%) "); Console.WriteLine("77.31 / 10.65"); }