Esempio n. 1
        public static ClientSession Login(QE_USER user)
            try {
                //user.PASSWORD = AccountService.aesEncryptBase64(user.PASSWORD, "QEKey");
                QE_USER loginedUser = KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_USER", "select * from QE_USER where USER_ID='" + user.USER_ID + "' and PASSWORD='******' and active=1").Cast <QE_USER>().First();
                if (loginedUser.ID != 0)
                    if (loginedUser.FIRST_LOGIN.Date.Year == 1900 || loginedUser.FIRST_LOGIN.Date == null)
                        loginedUser.FIRST_LOGIN = DateTime.Now;
                        loginedUser.LAST_LOGIN = DateTime.Now;

                ClientSession session = new ClientSession();
                session.loginedUser = loginedUser;
                HttpContext.Current.Session["ClientSession"] = session;
            catch { return(new ClientSession()); }
Esempio n. 2
 public static TERM GetTerm(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("TERM", "select * from TERM where ID='" + id + "' and active=1").Cast <TERM>().First()); }
     catch { return(new TERM()); }
Esempio n. 3
 public static List <QE_USER> GetUsersList()
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_USER", "select ID,USER_ID,USER_NAME,USER_NAME_CHI from QE_USER where active=1").Cast <QE_USER>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(new List <QE_USER>()); }
Esempio n. 4
 public static QE_USER GetUser(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_USER", "select * from QE_USER where ID=" + id + " and active=1").Cast <QE_USER>().First()); }
     catch { return(new QE_USER()); }
Esempio n. 5
 public static List <QE_USER> GetUsers()
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_USER").Cast <QE_USER>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(new List <QE_USER>()); }
Esempio n. 6
 public static List <STUDENT> GetStudentsByClass(int qe_class)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("STUDENT", "select * from STUDENT where ID in (select STUDENT from CLASS_STUDENT_LIST where QE_CLASS = " + qe_class + ") and active=1").Cast <STUDENT>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(new List <STUDENT>()); }
Esempio n. 7
 public static List <QE_CLASS> GetClassesByForm(int form)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_CLASS", "select * from QE_CLASS where TERM = '" + TermService.GetCurrentTerm().ID + "' and active=1 and FORM = " + form + " order by FORM, NAME").Cast <QE_CLASS>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 8
 public static TERM GetNextTerm()
     try{ return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("TERM", "select top 1 * from TERM where TERM_START > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and active=1").Cast <TERM>().First()); }
     catch { return(new TERM()); }
Esempio n. 9
 public static List <HOMEWORK> GetHomeworksByGroupAndType(int student_group, int homework_type)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("HOMEWORK", "select * from HOMEWORK where STUDENT_GROUP='" + student_group + "' and HOMEWORK_TYPE=" + homework_type + " and active=1").Cast <HOMEWORK>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 10
 public static List <HOMEWORK> GetHomeworks(int student_group)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("HOMEWORK", "select * from HOMEWORK where STUDENT_GROUP='" + student_group + "' and active=1").Cast <HOMEWORK>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 11
 public static List <HOMEWORK> GetHomeworksByType(int homework_type)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("HOMEWORK", "select * from HOMEWORK where STUDENT_GROUP in (select ID from STUDENT_GROUP where TERM='" + TermService.GetCurrentTerm().ID + "' and active=1) and HOMEWORK_TYPE=" + homework_type + " and active=1").Cast <HOMEWORK>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 12
 public static HOMEWORK GetHomework(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("HOMEWORK", "select * from HOMEWORK where ID=" + id + " and active=1").Cast <HOMEWORK>().First()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 13
 public static List <STUDENT_GROUP> GetStudentGroups(int subject)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("STUDENT_GROUP", "select * from STUDENT_GROUP where TERM='" + TermService.GetCurrentTerm().ID + "' and SUBJECT=" + subject + " and active=1").Cast <STUDENT_GROUP>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 14
 public static STUDENT_GROUP GetStudentGroup(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("STUDENT_GROUP", "select * from STUDENT_GROUP where ID=" + id + " and active=1").Cast <STUDENT_GROUP>().First()); }
     catch { return(null); }
Esempio n. 15
 public static List <TERM> GetTerms()
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("TERM").Cast <TERM>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(new List <TERM>()); }
Esempio n. 16
 public static STUDENT GetStudent(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("STUDENT", "select * from STUDENT where ID = " + id + " and active=1").Cast <STUDENT>().First()); }
     catch { return(new STUDENT()); }
Esempio n. 17
 public static TERM GetTermByName(string name)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("TERM", "select * from TERM where TERM_NAME='" + name + "' and active=1").Cast <TERM>().First()); }
     catch { return(new TERM()); }
Esempio n. 18
 public static List <STUDENT> GetStudents(int term) // get students by term
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("STUDENT", "select * from STUDENT where ID in (select STUDENT from CLASS_STUDENT_LIST where ID in (select ID from QE_CLASS where TERM = " + TermService.GetCurrentTerm().ID + " and active=1 order by FORM, NAME) and active=1) and active=1").Cast <STUDENT>().ToList()); }
     catch { return(new List <STUDENT>()); }
Esempio n. 19
 public static SSUBJECT GetSSubject(int id)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("SSUBJECT", "select * from SSUBJECT where ID=" + id + " and active=1").Cast <SSUBJECT>().First()); }
     catch { return(new SSUBJECT()); }
Esempio n. 20
 public static QE_CLASS GetClass(int form, string name)
     try { return(KennyORM.GetDBSource("QE_CLASS", "select * from QE_CLASS where TERM = '" + TermService.GetCurrentTerm().ID + "' and active=1 and FORM = " + form + " and NAME = '" + name + "'").Cast <QE_CLASS>().First()); }
     catch { return(null); }