RunString() public static method

RunString Method
Run a string containing Python code. Returns the result of executing the code string as a PyObject instance, or null if an exception was raised.
public static RunString ( string code ) : PyObject
code string
return PyObject
Esempio n. 1
        public static void InitExt()

                // Trickery - when the import hook is installed into an already
                // running Python, the standard import machinery is still in
                // control for the duration of the import that caused bootstrap.
                // That is problematic because the std machinery tries to get
                // sub-names directly from the module __dict__ rather than going
                // through our module object's getattr hook. This workaround is
                // evil ;) We essentially climb up the stack looking for the
                // import that caused the bootstrap to happen, then re-execute
                // the import explicitly after our hook has been installed. By
                // doing this, the original outer import should work correctly.
                // Note that this is only needed during the execution of the
                // first import that installs the CLR import hook. This hack
                // still doesn't work if you use the interactive interpreter,
                // since there is no line info to get the import line ;(

                string code =

                    "import traceback\n" +
                    "for item in traceback.extract_stack():\n" +
                    "    line = item[3]\n" +
                    "    if line is not None:\n" +
                    "        if line.startswith('import CLR') or \\\n" +
                    "           line.startswith('import clr') or \\\n" +
                    "           line.startswith('from clr') or \\\n" +
                    "           line.startswith('from CLR'):\n" +
                    "            exec(line)\n" +
                    "            break\n";

                PyObject r = PythonEngine.RunString(code);
                if (r != null)
            catch (PythonException e)
#if (PYTHON32 || PYTHON33 || PYTHON34 || PYTHON35)

#if (PYTHON32 || PYTHON33 || PYTHON34 || PYTHON35)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Method
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Initialize the Python runtime. It is safe to call this method
        /// more than once, though initialization will only happen on the
        /// first call. It is *not* necessary to hold the Python global
        /// interpreter lock (GIL) to call this method.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void Initialize()
            if (!initialized)
                // Creating the delegateManager MUST happen before Runtime.Initialize
                // is called. If it happens afterwards, DelegateManager's CodeGenerator
                // throws an exception in its ctor.  This exception is eaten somehow
                // during an initial "import clr", and the world ends shortly thereafter.
                // This is probably masking some bad mojo happening somewhere in Runtime.Initialize().
                delegateManager = new DelegateManager();
                initialized = true;

                // register the atexit callback (this doesn't use Py_AtExit as the C atexit
                // callbacks are called after python is fully finalized but the python ones
                // are called while the python engine is still running).
                string code =
                    "import atexit, clr\n" +
                PyObject r = PythonEngine.RunString(code);
                if (r != null)

                // Load the resource into the clr module
                IntPtr clr      = Python.Runtime.ImportHook.GetCLRModule();
                IntPtr clr_dict = Runtime.PyModule_GetDict(clr);

                PyDict locals = new PyDict();
                    IntPtr module         = Runtime.PyImport_AddModule("clr._extras");
                    IntPtr module_globals = Runtime.PyModule_GetDict(module);
                    IntPtr builtins       = Runtime.PyEval_GetBuiltins();
                    Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(module_globals, "__builtins__", builtins);

                    var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(""))
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            // add the contents of to the module
                            string   clr_py = reader.ReadToEnd();
                            PyObject result = RunString(clr_py, module_globals, locals.Handle);
                            if (null == result)
                                throw new PythonException();

                    // add the imported module to the clr module, and copy the API functions
                    // and decorators into the main clr module.
                    Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(clr_dict, "_extras", module);
                    foreach (PyObject key in locals.Keys())
                        if (!key.ToString().StartsWith("_"))
                            PyObject value = locals[key];
                            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(clr_dict, key.Handle, value.Handle);