public static void checkDrawConditions(Map map) { foreach (Layer layer in map.Layers.Where(l => l.Properties.ContainsKey("DrawConditions"))) { layer.Properties.AddOrReplace("DrawConditionsResult", PyUtils.checkEventConditions(layer.Properties["DrawConditions"], layer, Game1.currentLocation) ? "T" : "F"); } }
private void harmonyFix() { HarmonyInstance instance = HarmonyInstance.Create("Platonymous.PyTK"); OvSpritebatch.DrawFix1.init("SObject", PyUtils.getTypeSDV("Object"), new List <string>() { "draw", "drawInMenu", "drawWhenHeld", "drawAsProp" }); instance.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); }
public static void adjustWarps(string name) { if (Game1.getLocationFromName(name) is GameLocation target) { foreach (var location in PyUtils.getWarpLocations(target)) { PyUtils.adjustInboundWarps(location, target); } } else { Monitor.Log("Could not find Location: " + name); } }
private void harmonyFix() { HarmonyInstance instance = HarmonyInstance.Create("Platonymous.PyTK"); PyUtils.initOverride("SObject", PyUtils.getTypeSDV("Object"), typeof(DrawFix1), new List <string>() { "draw", "drawInMenu", "drawWhenHeld", "drawAsProp" }); PyUtils.initOverride("TemporaryAnimatedSprite", PyUtils.getTypeSDV("TemporaryAnimatedSprite"), typeof(DrawFix2), new List <string>() { "draw" }); instance.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); }
private void Player_Warped(object sender, WarpedEventArgs e) { if (e.NewLocation.Map.Properties.ContainsKey("@WaterColor") && TMXColor.FromString(e.NewLocation.Map.Properties["@WaterColor"]) is TMXColor color) { e.NewLocation.waterColor.Value = new Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A); } if (!e.IsLocalPlayer) { return; } e.NewLocation?.Map.enableMoreMapLayers(); if (e.NewLocation is GameLocation g && is Map m) { int forceX = Game1.player.getTileX(); int forceY = Game1.player.getTileY(); int forceF = Game1.player.FacingDirection; if (e.OldLocation is GameLocation og && m.Properties.ContainsKey("ForceEntry_" + og.Name)) { string[] pos = m.Properties["ForceEntry_" + og.Name].ToString().Split(' '); if (pos.Length > 0 && pos[1] != "X") { int.TryParse(pos[0], out forceX); } if (pos.Length > 1 && pos[1] != "Y") { int.TryParse(pos[1], out forceY); } if (pos.Length > 2 && pos[2] != "F") { int.TryParse(pos[2], out forceF); } Game1.player.Position = new Vector2(forceX, forceY); Game1.player.FacingDirection = forceF; } if (m.Properties.ContainsKey("EntryAction")) { TileAction.invokeCustomTileActions("EntryAction", g, Vector2.Zero, "Map"); } PyUtils.checkDrawConditions(m); } }
private void registerConsoleCommands() { CcLocations.clearSpace().register(); CcSaveHandler.cleanup().register(); CcSaveHandler.savecheck().register(); CcTime.skip().register(); CcLua.runScript().register(); new ConsoleCommand("adjustWarps", "", (s, p) => { PyUtils.adjustWarps(p[0]); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("rebuild_objects", "", (s, e) => { SaveHandler.RebuildAll(Game1.currentLocation.objects, Game1.currentLocation); SaveHandler.RebuildAll(Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures, Game1.currentLocation); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("allready", "confirms all players for the current readydialogue", (s, p) => { if (!(Game1.activeClickableMenu is ReadyCheckDialog)) { Monitor.Log("No open ready check.", LogLevel.Alert); } else { OvGame.allready = true; } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("send", "sends a message to all players: send [address] [message]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing address or message.", LogLevel.Alert); } else { string address = p[0]; List <string> parts = new List <string>(p); parts.Remove(p[0]); string message = String.Join(" ", p); PyNet.sendMessage(address, message); Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("messages", "lists all new messages on a specified address: messages [address]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length == 0) { Monitor.Log("Missing address", LogLevel.Alert); } else { List <MPMessage> messages = PyNet.getNewMessages(p[0]).ToList(); foreach (MPMessage msg in messages) { Monitor.Log($"From {msg.sender.Name} : {msg.message}", LogLevel.Info); } Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("getstamina", "lists the current stamina values of all players", (s, p) => { Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", -1, farmer, (getStamina) => Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + getStamina, LogLevel.Info)); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("setstamina", "changes the stamina of all or a specific player. use: setstamina [playername or all] [stamina]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing parameter", LogLevel.Alert); } Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); Farmer farmer = null; farmer = Game1.otherFarmers.Find(k => k.Value.Name.Equals(p[0])).Value; if (farmer == null) { Monitor.Log("Couldn't find Farmer", LogLevel.Alert); return; } int i = -1; int.TryParse(p[1], out i); PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", i, farmer, (setStamina) => Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + setStamina, LogLevel.Info)); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("ping", "pings all other players", (s, p) => { foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { long t = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <bool>("PytK.Ping", t, farmer, (ping) => { long r = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; if (ping) { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + (r - t) + "ms", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": No Answer", LogLevel.Error); } }); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("syncmap", "Syncs map of a specified location to all clients. Exp.: syncmap Farm, syncmap BusStop, syncmao Town", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 1) { Monitor.Log("No Location specified. "); } PyNet.syncLocationMapToAll(p[0]); }).register(); }
private void registerCPTokens() { if (!Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher")) { return; } IContentPatcherAPI api = Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <IContentPatcherAPI>("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher"); /* * api.RegisterToken(this.ModManifest, "LuaString", () => * { * foreach (string k in tokenStrings.Keys) * if (tokenStrings[k] != PyUtils.getLuaString(k)) * return true; * * return false; * }, () => Context.IsWorldReady, (s) => * { * tokenStrings.AddOrReplace(s, PyUtils.getLuaString(s)); * return new string[] { tokenStrings[s] }; * }, true, true);*/ api.RegisterToken(this.ModManifest, "Conditional", () => { foreach (string k in tokenBoleans.Keys) { if (tokenBoleans[k] != PyUtils.checkEventConditions(k.Split(new[] { " >: " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0])) { return(true); } } return(false); }, () => Context.IsWorldReady, (s) => { string[] parts = s.Split(new [] { " >: " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length < 2) { return(null); } tokenBoleans.AddOrReplace(s, PyUtils.checkEventConditions(parts[0])); return(new string[] { tokenBoleans[s] ? parts[1] : parts.Length < 3 ? null : parts[2] }); }, true, true); api.RegisterToken( mod: this.ModManifest, name: "ObjectByName", updateContext: () => { if (!PyTK.PyTKMod.UpdateCustomObjects) { return(false); } UpdateCustomObjects = false; return(true); }, isReady: () => Context.IsWorldReady, getValue: GetObjectByNameTokenValue, allowsInput: true, requiresInput: true ); api.RegisterToken( mod: this.ModManifest, name: "LuaString", updateContext: () => { if (!UpdateLuaTokens) { return(false); } UpdateLuaTokens = false; return(true); }, isReady: () => Context.IsWorldReady, getValue: GetLuaString, allowsInput: true, requiresInput: true ); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { _instance = this; PostSerializer.Add(ModManifest, Rebuilder); PreSerializer.Add(ModManifest, Replacer); harmonyFix(); FormatManager.Instance.RegisterMapFormat(new TMXTile.TMXFormat(Game1.tileSize / Game1.pixelZoom, Game1.tileSize / Game1.pixelZoom, Game1.pixelZoom, Game1.pixelZoom)); initializeResponders(); startResponder(); registerConsoleCommands(); CustomTVMod.load(); PyLua.init(); registerTileActions(); registerEventPreconditions(); SaveHandler.setUpEventHandlers(); CustomObjectData.CODSyncer.start(); ContentSync.ContentSyncHandler.initialize(); helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += (s, e) => { if (ReInjectCustomObjects) { ReInjectCustomObjects = false; CustomObjectData.injector.Invalidate(); CustomObjectData.injectorBig.Invalidate(); } }; this.Helper.Events.Player.Warped += Player_Warped; this.Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += OnDayStarted; this.Helper.Events.Multiplayer.PeerContextReceived += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame && Game1.IsServer) { if (CustomObjectData.collection.Values.Count > 0) { List <CODSync> list = new List <CODSync>(); foreach (CustomObjectData data in CustomObjectData.collection.Values) { list.Add(new CODSync(, data.sdvId)); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer(CustomObjectData.CODSyncerName, new CODSyncMessage(list), e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer("PyTK.ModSavdDataReceiver", saveData, e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderingHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, true); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderedHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, false); } }; Helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { if (e.Button == SButton.MouseLeft || e.Button == SButton.MouseRight) { PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.PerformClick(e.Cursor.ScreenPixels.toPoint(), e.Button == SButton.MouseRight, false, false); } } }; Helper.Events.Display.WindowResized += (s, e) => { PlatoUI.UIElement.Viewportbase.UpdateBounds(); PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.UpdateBounds(); }; Helper.Events.Multiplayer.ModMessageReceived += PyNet.Multiplayer_ModMessageReceived; helper.Events.GameLoop.Saving += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { helper.Data.WriteSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData", saveData); } catch { } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += (s, e) => { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); }; helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { saveData = helper.Data.ReadSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData"); } catch { } if (saveData == null) { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.OneSecondUpdateTicked += (s, e) => { if (Context.IsWorldReady && Game1.currentLocation is GameLocation location && location.Map is Map map) { PyUtils.checkDrawConditions(map); } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += (s, e) => { if (!Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu")) { return; } try { registerCPTokens(); } catch { } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += (s, e) => UpdateLuaTokens = true; }
private void registerEventPreconditions() { PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("hasmod", (key, values, location) => { string mod = values.Replace("hasmod ", "").Replace(" ", ""); bool result = LuaUtils.hasMod(mod); return(result); }); PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("switch", (key, values, location) => { return(LuaUtils.switches(values.Replace("switch ", ""))); }); PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("npcxy", (key, values, location) => { var v = values.Split(' '); var name = v[0]; if (v.Length == 1) { return(Game1.getCharacterFromName(name) is NPC npcp && npcp.currentLocation == location); } var x = int.Parse(v[1]); if (v.Length == 2) { return(Game1.getCharacterFromName(name) is NPC npcx && npcx.currentLocation == location && npcx.getTileX() == x); } var y = int.Parse(v[2]); return(Game1.getCharacterFromName(name) is NPC npc && npc.currentLocation == location && (x == -1 || npc.getTileX() == x) && (y == -1 || npc.getTileY() == y)); }); PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("items", (key, values, location) => { var v = values.Split(','); List <Item> items = new List <Item>(Game1.player.Items); foreach (string pair in v) { var p = pair.Split(':'); var name = p[0]; var stack = p.Length == 1 ? 1 : int.Parse(p[1]); int count = 0; foreach (Item item in items) { if (item.Name == name) { count += item.Stack; } if (count >= stack) { return(true); } } } return(false); }); PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("counter", (key, values, location) => { var v = values.Split(' '); var c = LuaUtils.counters(v[0]); if (v.Length == 2) { return(c == int.Parse(v[1])); } else { return(PyUtils.calcBoolean("c " + values, new KeyValuePair <string, object>("c", c))); } }); PyUtils.addEventPrecondition("LC", (key, values, location) => { return(PyUtils.checkEventConditions(values.Replace("%div", "/"), location, location)); }); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { _instance = this; if (xTile.Format.FormatManager.Instance.GetMapFormatByExtension("tmx") is TMXFormat tmxf) { tmxf.DrawImageLayer = PyMaps.drawImageLayer; } Game1.mapDisplayDevice = new PyDisplayDevice(Game1.content,; helper.Events.Display.RenderingWorld += (s, e) => { if (Game1.currentLocation is GameLocation location && location.Map is Map map && map.GetBackgroundColor() is TMXColor tmxColor) {; } }; PostSerializer.Add(ModManifest, Rebuilder); PreSerializer.Add(ModManifest, Replacer); harmonyFix(); initializeResponders(); startResponder(); registerConsoleCommands(); CustomTVMod.load(); PyLua.init(); registerTileActions(); registerEventPreconditions(); SaveHandler.setUpEventHandlers(); CustomObjectData.CODSyncer.start(); ContentSync.ContentSyncHandler.initialize(); helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += (s, e) => { if (ReInjectCustomObjects) { ReInjectCustomObjects = false; CustomObjectData.injector?.Invalidate(); CustomObjectData.injectorBig?.Invalidate(); } }; this.Helper.Events.Player.Warped += Player_Warped; this.Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += OnDayStarted; this.Helper.Events.Multiplayer.PeerContextReceived += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame && Game1.IsServer) { if (CustomObjectData.collection.Values.Count > 0) { List <CODSync> list = new List <CODSync>(); foreach (CustomObjectData data in CustomObjectData.collection.Values) { list.Add(new CODSync(, data.sdvId)); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer(CustomObjectData.CODSyncerName, new CODSyncMessage(list), e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer("PyTK.ModSavdDataReceiver", saveData, e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderingHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, true); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderedHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, false); } }; Helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { if (e.Button == SButton.MouseLeft || e.Button == SButton.MouseRight) { PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.PerformClick(e.Cursor.ScreenPixels.toPoint(), e.Button == SButton.MouseRight, false, false); } } }; Helper.Events.Display.WindowResized += (s, e) => { PlatoUI.UIElement.Viewportbase.UpdateBounds(); PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.UpdateBounds(); }; Helper.Events.Multiplayer.ModMessageReceived += PyNet.Multiplayer_ModMessageReceived; helper.Events.GameLoop.Saving += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { helper.Data.WriteSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData", saveData); } catch { } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += (s, e) => { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); }; helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (s, e) => { CustomTVMod.reloadStrings(); if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { saveData = helper.Data.ReadSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData"); } catch { } if (saveData == null) { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.OneSecondUpdateTicked += (s, e) => { if (Context.IsWorldReady && Game1.currentLocation is GameLocation location && location.Map is Map map) { PyUtils.checkDrawConditions(map); } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += (s, e) => { if (Game1.currentLocation is GameLocation loc) { UpdateLuaTokens = true; } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += (s, e) => AnimatedTexture2D.ticked = e.Ticks; }
public static Item getItem(string type, int index = -1, string name = "none") { Item item = null; if (type == "Object") { if (index != -1) { item = new StardewValley.Object(index, 1); } else if (name != "none") { item = new StardewValley.Object(Game1.objectInformation.getIndexByName(name), 1); } } else if (type == "BigObject") { if (index != -1) { item = new StardewValley.Object(Vector2.Zero, index); } else if (name != "none") { item = new StardewValley.Object(Vector2.Zero, Game1.bigCraftablesInformation.getIndexByName(name)); } } else if (type == "Ring") { if (index != -1) { item = new Ring(index); } else if (name != "none") { item = new Ring(Game1.objectInformation.getIndexByName(name)); } } else if (type == "Hat") { if (index != -1) { item = new Hat(index); } else if (name != "none") { item = new Hat(Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/hats", ContentSource.GameContent).getIndexByName(name)); } } else if (type == "Boots") { if (index != -1) { item = new Boots(index); } else if (name != "none") { item = new Boots(Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/Boots", ContentSource.GameContent).getIndexByName(name)); } } else if (type == "TV") { if (index != -1) { item = new StardewValley.Objects.TV(index, Vector2.Zero); } else if (name != "none") { item = new TV(Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/Furniture", ContentSource.GameContent).getIndexByName(name), Vector2.Zero); } } else if (type == "IndoorPot") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.IndoorPot(Vector2.Zero); } else if (type == "CrabPot") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.CrabPot(Vector2.Zero); } else if (type == "Chest") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Chest(true); } else if (type == "Cask") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Cask(Vector2.Zero); } else if (type == "Cask") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Cask(Vector2.Zero); } else if (type == "Furniture") { if (index != -1) { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Furniture(index, Vector2.Zero); } else if (name != "none") { item = new Furniture(Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/Furniture", ContentSource.GameContent).getIndexByName(name), Vector2.Zero); } } else if (type == "Sign") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Sign(Vector2.Zero, index); } else if (type == "Wallpaper") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Wallpaper(Math.Abs(index), false); } else if (type == "Floors") { item = new StardewValley.Objects.Wallpaper(Math.Abs(index), true); } else if (type == "MeleeWeapon") { if (index != -1) { item = new MeleeWeapon(index); } else if (name != "none") { item = new MeleeWeapon(Helper.Content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >(@"Data/weapons", ContentSource.GameContent).getIndexByName(name)); } } else if (type == "CustomObject" && PyTK.CustomElementHandler.CustomObjectData.collection.ContainsKey(name)) { item = PyTK.CustomElementHandler.CustomObjectData.collection[name].getObject(); } else if (type == "SDVType") { try { if (index == -1) { item = Activator.CreateInstance(PyUtils.getTypeSDV(name)) is Item i ? i : null; } else { item = Activator.CreateInstance(PyUtils.getTypeSDV(name), index) is Item i ? i : null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, LogLevel.Error); Monitor.Log("Couldn't load item SDVType: " + name); } } else if (type == "ByType") { try { if (index == -1) { item = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(name)) is Item i ? i : null; } else { item = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(name), index) is Item i ? i : null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, LogLevel.Error); Monitor.Log("Couldn't load item ByType: " + name); } } return(item); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { _helper = helper; _monitor = Monitor; harmonyFix(); // Monitor.Log("Harmony Patching failed", LogLevel.Error); FormatManager.Instance.RegisterMapFormat(new NewTiledTmxFormat()); SaveHandler.BeforeRebuilding += (a, b) => CustomObjectData.collection.useAll(k => k.Value.sdvId = k.Value.getNewSDVId()); initializeResponders(); startResponder(); registerConsoleCommands(); CustomTVMod.load(); PyLua.init(); registerTileActions(); registerEventPreconditions(); SaveHandler.setUpEventHandlers(); CustomObjectData.CODSyncer.start(); ContentSync.ContentSyncHandler.initialize(); this.Helper.Events.Player.Warped += Player_Warped; this.Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += OnDayStarted; this.Helper.Events.Multiplayer.PeerContextReceived += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame && Game1.IsServer) { if (CustomObjectData.collection.Values.Count > 0) { List <CODSync> list = new List <CODSync>(); foreach (CustomObjectData data in CustomObjectData.collection.Values) { list.Add(new CODSync(, data.sdvId)); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer(CustomObjectData.CODSyncerName, new CODSyncMessage(list), e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } PyNet.sendDataToFarmer("PyTK.ModSavdDataReceiver", saveData, e.Peer.PlayerID, SerializationType.JSON); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderingHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, true); } }; Helper.Events.Display.RenderedHud += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { PyTK.PlatoUI.UIHelper.DrawHud(e.SpriteBatch, false); } }; Helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed += (s, e) => { if (Game1.displayHUD && Context.IsWorldReady) { if (e.Button == SButton.MouseLeft || e.Button == SButton.MouseRight) { PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.PerformClick(e.Cursor.ScreenPixels.toPoint(), e.Button == SButton.MouseRight, false, false); } } }; Helper.Events.Display.WindowResized += (s, e) => { PlatoUI.UIElement.Viewportbase.UpdateBounds(); PlatoUI.UIHelper.BaseHud.UpdateBounds(); }; Helper.Events.Multiplayer.ModMessageReceived += PyNet.Multiplayer_ModMessageReceived; helper.Events.GameLoop.Saving += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { helper.Data.WriteSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData", saveData); } catch { } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += (s, e) => { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); }; helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (s, e) => { if (Game1.IsMasterGame) { try { saveData = helper.Data.ReadSaveData <PyTKSaveData>("PyTK.ModSaveData"); } catch { } if (saveData == null) { saveData = new PyTKSaveData(); } } }; helper.Events.GameLoop.OneSecondUpdateTicked += (s, e) => { if (Context.IsWorldReady && Game1.currentLocation is GameLocation location && location.Map is Map map) { PyUtils.checkDrawConditions(map); } }; }