public string ConvertWithoutUsingAdditionDataStructure(BiNode root)
            BiNode result = ConvertMethod2(root);

        public string ConvertUsingAdditionDataStructure(BiNode root)
            NodePair result = ConvertMethod1(root);

 public BiNode(int data, BiNode left, BiNode right)
     this.Data  = data;
     this.Node1 = left;
     this.Node2 = right;
 public NodePair(BiNode head, BiNode tail)
     this.Head = head;
     this.Tail = tail;
        /* This is the recursive function that converts the binary tree to linked list and returns the BiNode which is circular */
        //makes the result circular
        //Here is the logic
        // partition 1 + root + partition 3
        //(Head to tail) + root + (head to tail)
        //Make it circular  - connect tail of part3 to head of part1 and vice versa
        //If either of the part is null
        //If part1 is null - connect tail of part3 to root
        //if part3 is null - connect root to part1
        //dubug the code to understand
        //update: do revision often
        public BiNode ConvertToCircular(BiNode root)
            if (root == null)
            //Part1 maintains the head and builds the list forward it is circular
            BiNode part1 = ConvertToCircular(root.Node1);
            //part3 maintains the head of the second partition..and the result node is circular
            BiNode part3 = ConvertToCircular(root.Node2);

            if (part1 == null && part3 == null)
                //if both part1 and part3 are null make the root circular and return
                root.Node1 = root;
                root.Node2 = root;

            //tail3 maintain the tail of the sec partition..part3.node1 will be tail bczo it is circular
            BiNode tail3 = (part3 == null) ? root : part3.Node1;

            /* join the left to root to form this fashion         //(Head to tail) + root + (head to tail) */
            if (part1 == null)
                //here the logic is hard
                //part3.node1 will be the tail and we are adding tail + root to make it circular
                //no worries somewhere in the below root will be added before tail.and will make  it as   root + tail + root
                //For eg  think of this ////5////
                //for R(5)  part1 = null and part3 = 6 <-> 7 and circular
                //6,7, 5
                Concat(part3.Node1, root);
                //if part1 is not null
                //part1.node1 will be the tail of part1 bcoz of circular nature
                //add the tail of first partition to the root
                Concat(part1.Node1, root); //straight forward

            //note not null has logic and the null code is to make circular
            /* join the right to root to form this fashion           //(Head to tail) + root + (head to tail) */
            if (part3 == null)
                Concat(root, part1);
                //(Head to tail) + root + (head to tail)
                Concat(root, part3);

            /* join right to left */
            ///we did the circular logic for null if both are not null..make it circular here
            if (part1 != null && part3 != null)
                Concat(tail3, part1);

            //return the head of the circular linked list
            return(part1 == null ? root : part1);