Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Start()
            Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Starting Mock APNS Server...");
            running = true;

            listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2195));


            Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Started Mock APNS Server.");

            while (running)
                Socket socket = null;

                try {
                    // Get a client connection
                    socket = await Task.Factory.FromAsync <Socket> (
                        listener.BeginAccept(null, null),
                } catch {

                if (socket == null)

                Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Client Connected.");

                // Start receiving from the client connection on a new thread
                #pragma warning disable 4014
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                #pragma warning restore 4014

                    var sentErrorResponse = false;
                    var s         = socket;
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024000]; // 1 MB

                    var data = new List <byte> ();

                    // Do processing, continually receiving from the socket
                    while (true)
                        var received = s.Receive(buffer);

                        if (received <= 0 && data.Count <= 0)

                        totalBytesRx += received;

                        Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Received {0} bytes...", received);

                        // Add the received data to our data list
                        for (int i = 0; i < received; i++)
                            data.Add(buffer [i]);

                        ApnsServerNotification notification = null;

                        try {
                            while ((notification = Parse(data)) != null)
                                if (!sentErrorResponse)

                                // Console.WriteLine (TAG + " -> Rx'd ID: {0}, DeviceToken: {1}, Payload: {2}", notification.Identifier, notification.DeviceToken, notification.Payload);

                                foreach (var rf in ResponseFilters)
                                    if (rf.IsMatch(notification.Identifier, notification.DeviceToken, notification.Payload))
                                        if (!sentErrorResponse)
                                            SendErrorResponse(s, rf.Status, notification.Identifier);
                                        sentErrorResponse = true;
                        } catch (ApnsNotificationException ex) {
                            Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Notification Exception: {0}", ex);

                            if (!sentErrorResponse)
                                SendErrorResponse(s, ex.ErrorStatusCode, ex.NotificationId);
                            sentErrorResponse = true;


                    try {
                    } catch {
                    try {
                    } catch {
                    try {
                    } catch {

                    Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Client Disconnected...");


            Console.WriteLine(TAG + " -> Stopped APNS Server.");
Esempio n. 2
        ApnsServerNotification Parse(List <byte> data)
            // COMMAND          FRAME LENGTH    FRAME
            // 1 byte (0x02)    4 bytes         ITEM ... ITEM ... ITEM ...

            // ITEM ID          ITEM LENGTH     ITEM DATA
            // 1 byte           2 bytes         variable length

            // ITEMS:
            // 1: 32 bytes                      Device Token
            // 2: 2048 bytes (up to)            Payload
            // 3: 4 bytes                       Notification identifier
            // 4: 4 bytes                       Expiration
            // 5: 1 byte                        Priority (10 - immediate, or 5 - normal)

            var notification = new ApnsServerNotification();

            ApnsNotificationException exception = null;

            // If there aren't even 5 bytes, we can't even check if the length of notification is correct
            if (data.Count < 5)

            // Let's check to see if the notification is all here in the buffer
            var apnsCmd         = data [0];
            var apnsFrameLength = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(data.GetRange(1, 4).ToArray(), 0));

            // If we don't have all of the notification's frame data that we should have, we need to keep waiting
            if (data.Count - 5 < apnsFrameLength)

            var frameData = data.GetRange(5, apnsFrameLength);

            // Remove the data we are processing
            data.RemoveRange(0, apnsFrameLength + 5);

            // Now process each item from the frame
            while (frameData.Count > 0)
                // We need at least 4 bytes to count as a full item (1 byte id + 2 bytes length + at least 1 byte data)
                if (frameData.Count < 4)
                    exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.ProcessingError, "Invalid Frame Data");

                var itemId     = frameData [0];
                var itemLength = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(frameData.GetRange(1, 2).ToArray(), 0));

                // Make sure the item data is all there
                if (frameData.Count - 3 < itemLength)
                    exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.ProcessingError, "Invalid Item Data");

                var itemData = frameData.GetRange(3, itemLength);
                frameData.RemoveRange(0, itemLength + 3);

                if (itemId == 1)   // Device Token

                    notification.DeviceToken = BitConverter.ToString(itemData.ToArray()).Replace("-", "");
                    if (notification.DeviceToken.Length != 64)
                        exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.InvalidTokenSize, "Invalid Token Size");
                else if (itemId == 2)     // Payload

                    notification.Payload = BitConverter.ToString(itemData.ToArray());
                    if (notification.Payload.Length > 2048)
                        exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.InvalidPayloadSize, "Invalid Payload Size");
                else if (itemId == 3)     // Identifier

                    if (itemData.Count > 4)
                        exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.ProcessingError, "Identifier too long");
                        notification.Identifier = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(itemData.ToArray(), 0));
                else if (itemId == 4)     // Expiration

                    int secondsSinceEpoch = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(itemData.ToArray(), 0));

                    var expire = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(secondsSinceEpoch);
                    notification.Expiration = expire;
                else if (itemId == 5)     // Priority
                    notification.Priority = itemData [0];

            if (exception == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.DeviceToken))
                exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.MissingDeviceToken, "Missing Device Token");
            if (exception == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.Payload))
                exception = new ApnsNotificationException(ApnsNotificationErrorStatusCode.MissingPayload, "Missing Payload");

            // See if there was an error and we can assign an ID to it
            if (exception != null)
                exception.NotificationId = notification.Identifier;

                throw exception;
