public void WriteXml(string filename, RelayVariations relayVariations, EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId) { this.relayVariations = relayVariations; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.courseId = courseId; this.modificationDate = DateTimeOffset.Now; this.courseName = eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).name; // Create the XML writer. XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(filename, settings); WriteStart(); for (int teamNumber = 1; teamNumber < relayVariations.NumberOfTeams; ++teamNumber) { WriteTeam(teamNumber); } WriteEnd(); // And done. xmlWriter.Close(); eventDB = null; xmlWriter = null; }
// Format the given CourseView into a bunch of course objects, and add it to the given course Layout public RectangleF FormatCourseToLayout(SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseView courseViewAllVariations, CourseView specificVariation, CourseLayout courseLayout, CourseLayer layerAllVariations, CourseLayer layerSpecificVariation) { this.eventDB = courseViewAllVariations.EventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.courseLayout = courseLayout; this.courseLayerAllVariationsAndParts = layerAllVariations; this.courseLayerSpecificVariation = layerSpecificVariation; this.controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts = courseViewAllVariations.ControlViews; this.controlViewsSpecificVariation = specificVariation.ControlViews; this.controlPositions = new ControlPosition[controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count]; this.courseControlIdsSpecificVariation = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, specificVariation.CourseDesignator).ToArray(); this.variationMap = QueryEvent.GetVariantCodeMapping(eventDB, courseViewAllVariations.CourseDesignator); SizeF totalAbstractSize = AssignControlPositions(0, controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count, 0, 0); // Now create objects now that the positions have been created. scaleRatio = 1.0F; appearance = new CourseAppearance(); for (int index = 0; index < controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count; ++index) { CreateObjectsForControlView(controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts[index], controlPositions[index]); } PointF bottomCenter = LocationFromAbstractPosition(0, 0); SizeF size = SizeFromAbstractSize(totalAbstractSize); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(bottomCenter.X - size.Width / 2, bottomCenter.Y - size.Height, size.Width, size.Height); rect.Inflate(widthUnit, heightUnit); return rect; }
public DescriptionPrinting(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, DescriptionPrintSettings descPrintSettings) : base(QueryEvent.GetEventTitle(eventDB, " "), controller, descPrintSettings.PageSettings, descPrintSettings.BoxSize, descPrintSettings.CountKind, descPrintSettings.Count) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.descPrintSettings = descPrintSettings; }
// Add a new course control to a course. Adds a new CourseControl referencing controlId into courseId. The place to insert is // given by courseControl1 and courseControl2. These control should have been gotten by calling FindControlInsertionPoint. public static Id<CourseControl> AddCourseControl(EventDB eventDB, Id<ControlPoint> controlId, Id<Course> courseId, Id<CourseControl> courseControl1, Id<CourseControl> courseControl2) { CourseControl newCourseControl; Id<CourseControl> newCourseControlId; // When adding a new course controls, they fit into variations fine because we are never adding or changing an split, just // fitting into existing splits. if (courseControl1.IsNone) { // Adding at start. Course course = (Course) eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).Clone(); Debug.Assert(courseControl2 == course.firstCourseControl); newCourseControl = new CourseControl(controlId, course.firstCourseControl); newCourseControlId = eventDB.AddCourseControl(newCourseControl); course.firstCourseControl = newCourseControlId; eventDB.ReplaceCourse(courseId, course); } else { // Adding after courseControl1. CourseControl before = (CourseControl) eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControl1).Clone(); Debug.Assert(courseControl2 == before.nextCourseControl); newCourseControl = new CourseControl(controlId, before.nextCourseControl); newCourseControlId = eventDB.AddCourseControl(newCourseControl); before.nextCourseControl = newCourseControlId; eventDB.ReplaceCourseControl(courseControl1, before); } return newCourseControlId; }
public RelayVariations(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId, int numberTeams, int numberLegs) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.courseId = courseId; this.numberTeams = numberTeams; this.numberLegs = numberLegs; }
public PrintCourses(EventDB eventDB, bool enableMultipart) { InitializeComponent(); courseSelector.EventDB = eventDB; checkBoxMergeParts.Visible = enableMultipart; }
public SelectVariations(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId) { InitializeComponent(); this.eventDB = eventDB; this.courseId = courseId; Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseId); if (course.relayTeams > 0) lastTeam = course.relayTeams; else lastTeam = null; comboBoxVariations.SelectedIndex = 0; if (lastTeam.HasValue) { upDownFirstTeam.Maximum = upDownLastTeam.Maximum = lastTeam.Value; upDownFirstTeam.Minimum = upDownLastTeam.Minimum = 1; upDownFirstTeam.Value = 1; upDownLastTeam.Value = lastTeam.Value; labelNumberOfTeams.Text = string.Format(labelNumberOfTeams.Text, lastTeam.Value); } UpdateControls(); }
public OcadCreation(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, Controller controller, CourseAppearance courseAppearance, OcadCreationSettings creationSettings) { this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.controller = controller; this.courseAppearance = courseAppearance; this.creationSettings = creationSettings; }
public ExportRouteGadget(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, MapDisplay mapDisplay) { this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay.CloneToFullIntensity(); this.mapDisplay.SetCourse(null); this.mapDisplay.SetPrintArea(null); }
// Do all courses have loads set? public static bool AllCoursesHaveLoads(EventDB eventDB) { foreach (Course course in eventDB.AllCourses) { if (course.load < 0) return false; } return true; }
public AddRectangleMode(Controller controller, UndoMgr undoMgr, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, EventDB eventDB, float aspectRatio, Func<RectangleF, CourseObj> createCourseObj, Func<RectangleF, Id<Special>> createSpecial) { this.controller = controller; this.undoMgr = undoMgr; this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; this.createCourseObj = createCourseObj; this.createSpecial = createSpecial; }
// If a course control is the beginning of a variation split, return all course controls assigned to that variation split. // Otherwise, return just that course control. public static IEnumerable<Id<CourseControl>> AllVariationsOfCourseControl(EventDB eventDB, Id<CourseControl> courseControlId) { CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId); if (courseControl.split) { return courseControl.splitCourseControls; } else { return new[] { courseControlId }; } }
public TopologyDragControlMode(Controller controller, EventDB eventDB, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, CourseObj courseObject, PointF startDrag, PointF currentLocation) { this.controller = controller; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; this.courseObjectStart = courseObject; this.courseObjectDrag = (CourseObj)(courseObject.Clone()); this.startDrag = startDrag; this.currentLocation = currentLocation; this.dropTargetHighlight = null; }
public AddDescriptionMode(Controller controller, UndoMgr undoMgr, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, DescriptionLine[] description, DescriptionKind kind) { this.controller = controller; this.undoMgr = undoMgr; this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.courseDesignator = courseDesignator; this.description = description; this.kind = kind; }
public AddControlMode(Controller controller, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, UndoMgr undoMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, bool allControls, ControlPointKind controlKind, bool exchangeAtControl) { this.controller = controller; this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; this.undoMgr = undoMgr; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.allControls = allControls; this.controlKind = controlKind; this.exchangeAtControl = exchangeAtControl; this.scaleRatio = selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView.ScaleRatio; this.appearance = controller.GetCourseAppearance(); }
public AddTextMode(Controller controller, UndoMgr undoMgr, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, EventDB eventDB, string text, string fontName, bool fontBold, bool fontItalic, SpecialColor fontColor) { this.controller = controller; this.undoMgr = undoMgr; this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr; this.eventDB = eventDB; this.text = text; this.fontName = fontName; this.fontBold = fontBold; this.fontItalic = fontItalic; this.fontColor = fontColor; this.displayText = CourseFormatter.ExpandText(eventDB, selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView, text); }
// Create a single object associated with the leg from courseControlId1 to courseControlId2. Does not consider // flagging (but does consider bends and gaps.) Used for highlighting on the map. public static CourseObj CreateSimpleLeg(EventDB eventDB, float scaleRatio, CourseAppearance appearance, Id<CourseControl> courseControlId1, Id<CourseControl> courseControlId2) { Id<ControlPoint> controlId1 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId1).control; Id<ControlPoint> controlId2 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId2).control; ControlPoint control1 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId1); ControlPoint control2 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId2); LegGap[] gaps; SymPath legPath = GetLegPath(eventDB, control1.location, control1.kind, controlId1, control2.location, control2.kind, controlId2, scaleRatio, appearance, out gaps); if (legPath == null) return null; return new LegCourseObj(controlId1, courseControlId1, courseControlId2, scaleRatio, appearance, legPath, gaps); }
// CONSIDER: shouldn't take an eventDB. Should instead take a pair of CourseViewData/name or some such. public CreateOcadFiles(EventDB eventDB, MapFileFormatKind restrictToFormat, string title) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = title; courseSelector.EventDB = eventDB; // Initialize the items list in the file format. Only put in items matching "restrictToFormat". fileFormatCombo.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < fileFormatDescriptors.Length; ++i) { if (restrictToFormat == MapFileFormatKind.None || restrictToFormat == fileFormatDescriptors[i].kind) { fileFormatCombo.Items.Add(fileFormatStrings[i]); } } }
// mapDisplay is a MapDisplay that contains the correct map. All other features of the map display need to be customized. public CoursePrinting(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, MapDisplay mapDisplay, CoursePrintSettings coursePrintSettings, CourseAppearance appearance) : base(QueryEvent.GetEventTitle(eventDB, " "), controller, coursePrintSettings.PageSettings, coursePrintSettings.PrintingColorModel) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.controller = controller; this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay; this.coursePrintSettings = coursePrintSettings; this.appearance = appearance; // Set default features for printing. mapDisplay.MapIntensity = 1.0F; mapDisplay.AntiAlias = false; mapDisplay.Printing = true; mapDisplay.ColorModel = base.colorModel; }
public string CreateCourseSummaryReport(EventDB eventDB) { InitReport(); // Header. WriteH1(string.Format(ReportText.CourseSummary_Title, QueryEvent.GetEventTitle(eventDB, " "))); // Table of all courses. BeginTable("", 4, "leftalign", "rightalign", "rightalign", "rightalign"); WriteTableHeaderRow(ReportText.ColumnHeader_Course, ReportText.ColumnHeader_Controls, ReportText.ColumnHeader_Length, ReportText.ColumnHeader_Climb); // Enumerate all courses. Id<Course>[] courseIds = QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB); // Write row for each course. foreach (Id<Course> courseId in courseIds) { BeginTableRow(); CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId)); // Course name WriteTableCell(courseView.CourseName); // # of normal controls WriteTableCell(Util.RangeIfNeeded(courseView.MinNormalControls, courseView.MaxNormalControls)); // Length (empty for score course) if (courseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Score) WriteTableCell(""); else WriteTableCell(Util.GetLengthInKm(courseView.MinTotalLength, courseView.MaxTotalLength, 1)); // Climb (empty for score course or no climb defined) if (courseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Score || courseView.TotalClimb < 0) WriteTableCell(""); else WriteTableCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(courseView.TotalClimb / 5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * 5.0) + " m"); EndTableRow(); } EndTable(); return FinishReport(); }
// Get the angle from the given control index to the next control. public static double ComputeAngleOut(EventDB eventDB, CourseView courseView, int controlIndex) { PointF pt1 = eventDB.GetControl(courseView.ControlViews[controlIndex].controlId).location; // Get index of next control. int nextControlIndex = courseView.GetNextControl(controlIndex); if (nextControlIndex < 0) return double.NaN; // By default, the location of the next control is the direction. PointF pt2 = eventDB.GetControl(courseView.ControlViews[nextControlIndex].controlId).location; // If there is a custom leg, then use the location of the first bend instead. Id<Leg> legId = QueryEvent.FindLeg(eventDB, courseView.ControlViews[controlIndex].controlId, courseView.ControlViews[nextControlIndex].controlId); if (legId.IsNotNone) { Leg leg = eventDB.GetLeg(legId); if (leg.bends != null && leg.bends.Length > 0) pt2 = leg.bends[0]; } return Math.Atan2(pt2.Y - pt1.Y, pt2.X - pt1.X); }
// mapDisplay is a MapDisplay that contains the correct map. All other features of the map display need to be customized. public CoursePdf(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, MapDisplay mapDisplay, CoursePdfSettings coursePdfSettings, CourseAppearance appearance) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.controller = controller; this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay; this.coursePdfSettings = coursePdfSettings; this.appearance = appearance; // Set default features for printing. mapDisplay.MapIntensity = 1.0F; mapDisplay.AntiAlias = false; mapDisplay.Printing = true; mapDisplay.ColorModel = coursePdfSettings.ColorModel; mapBounds = mapDisplay.MapBounds; if (mapDisplay.MapType == MapType.PDF) { // For PDF maps, we remove the PDF map from the MapDisplay and add it in separately. sourcePdfMapFileName = mapDisplay.FileName; } }
CourseView topologyCourseView; // The active course view, but: null if all controls or score, plus always shows all variations and parts. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public SelectionMgr(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.symbolDB = symbolDB; this.controller = controller; this.activeCourseDesignator = CourseDesignator.AllControls; }
public GpxFile(EventDB eventDB, CoordinateMapper coordinateMapper, GpxCreationSettings settings) { this.eventDB = eventDB; this.settings = settings; this.coordinateMapper = coordinateMapper; if (coordinateMapper == null) throw new Exception("The map file must be an OCAD file to use GPX files."); }
internal void SetEventDB(EventDB eventDB) { this.eventDB = eventDB; }
// Create the normal view onto a score course private static CourseView CreateScoreCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator) { Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId); CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator); Id<CourseControl> courseControlId; courseView.courseName =; courseView.scoreColumn = course.scoreColumn; courseControlId = course.firstCourseControl; while (courseControlId.IsNotNone) { ControlView controlView = new ControlView(); CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId); controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { courseControlId }; controlView.controlId = courseControl.control; // Ordinals assigned after sorting. controlView.ordinal = -1; controlView.joinIndex = -1; // Move to the next control. courseView.controlViews.Add(controlView); courseControlId = courseControl.nextCourseControl; } // Sort the control views: first by kind, then by score, then by code. courseView.controlViews.Sort(delegate(ControlView view1, ControlView view2) { ControlPoint control1 = eventDB.GetControl(view1.controlId); ControlPoint control2 = eventDB.GetControl(view2.controlId); CourseControl courseControl1 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(view1.courseControlIds[0]); CourseControl courseControl2 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(view2.courseControlIds[0]); if (control1.kind < control2.kind) return -1; else if (control1.kind > control2.kind) return 1; if (courseControl1.points != courseControl2.points) return courseControl1.points.CompareTo(courseControl2.points); int result = Util.CompareCodes(control1.code, control2.code); if (result != 0) return result; return; }); // Assign ordinals, if applicable. If scores in column A, then no ordinals will be assigned. if (courseView.scoreColumn != 0) { int ordinal = course.firstControlOrdinal; foreach (ControlView control in courseView.controlViews) { if (eventDB.GetControl(control.controlId).kind == ControlPointKind.Normal) control.ordinal = ordinal++; } } courseView.Finish(); return courseView; }
// ----------- Static methods to create a new CourseView. ----------------- // Create a normal course view -- the standard view in order, from start control to finish control. courseId may NOT be None. private static CourseView CreateCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, bool addNonDescriptionSpecials, bool addDescriptionSpecials) { Debug.Assert(! courseDesignator.IsAllControls); Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId); CourseView courseView; if (course.kind == CourseKind.Score) courseView = CreateScoreCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator); else if (course.kind == CourseKind.Normal) { if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId) && !courseDesignator.IsVariation) courseView = CreateAllVariationsCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator); else courseView = CreateStandardCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator); } else { Debug.Fail("Bad course kind"); return null; } courseView.AddSpecials(courseDesignator, addNonDescriptionSpecials, addDescriptionSpecials); return courseView; }
// Create the view of all variations of a course with variations. Cannot be a single part of a multi-part course. // Does not contain ordinals. private static CourseView CreateAllVariationsCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator) { Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId); if (!courseDesignator.AllParts) throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create all variations of a single part"); CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator); courseView.courseName =; courseView.scoreColumn = -1; // To get the ordinals correct, we get the course control ids for all parts. List<Id<CourseControl>> courseControls = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, courseDesignator).ToList(); for (int index = 0; index < courseControls.Count; ++index) { Id<CourseControl> courseControlId = courseControls[index]; CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId); // We add each split control only once, even though it has multiple variations. Check to see if we have already // handled it. bool alreadyHandled = false; if (courseControl.split) { foreach (ControlView cv in courseView.controlViews) { if (cv.courseControlIds.Contains(courseControlId)) alreadyHandled = true; } } if (!alreadyHandled) { ControlView controlView = new ControlView(); controlView.controlId = courseControl.control; // Set the ordinal number. All variations does not include an ordinal. controlView.ordinal = -1; // Set all course control ids associated with split control, or a single one for a non-split control. // Set the legTo array with the next courseControlID(s). This is later updated // to the indices. if (courseControl.split) { controlView.courseControlIds = QueryEvent.AllVariationsOfCourseControl(eventDB, courseControlId).ToArray(); if (courseControl.nextCourseControl.IsNotNone) { controlView.legTo = new int[controlView.courseControlIds.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < controlView.legTo.Length; ++i) { controlView.legTo[i] = eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[i]); } } if (courseControl.loop) controlView.joinIndex =; else controlView.joinIndex =; } else { controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { courseControlId }; if (courseControl.nextCourseControl.IsNotNone) controlView.legTo = new int[1] { }; // legTo initially holds course control ids, later changed. controlView.joinIndex = -1; } // Add the controlview. courseView.controlViews.Add(controlView); } } courseView.Finish(); return courseView; }
// Create the All Controls view -- show all controls, sorted. private static CourseView CreateAllControlsView(EventDB eventDB) { return CreateFilteredAllControlsView(eventDB, null, ControlPointKind.None, true, true); }
// Create a course view for normal viewing. public static CourseView CreateViewingCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator) { if (courseDesignator.IsAllControls) return CourseView.CreateAllControlsView(eventDB); else return CourseView.CreateCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator, true, true); }