private void button_Preview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_ident == null) { isvalid = false; MessageBox.Show("you must be logged in with authoity level > 1"); return; } if (textBox_Employee.Text == "") { isvalid = false; MessageBox.Show("you must be logged in with a valid employee ID and authoity level > 1"); return; } int order_no = 0; int.TryParse(textBox_PurchaseOrderID.Text, out order_no); if (order_no == 0) { isvalid = false; MessageBox.Show("Invalid Order Number"); return; } po = new PurchaseOrder(); po.PO_ID = order_no; po.SupplierID = comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 0; po.PO_Status = comboBox_Status.SelectedIndex; int val = 111; if (Int32.TryParse(textBox_Employee.Text, out val)) { po.EmployeeID = val; } else { po.EmployeeID = 111; } po.PO_Date = dateTimePicker1.Value; po.DeliveryDate = dateTimePicker2.Value; po.Comment = textBox_Comment.Text; if (po.Comment.Length < 1) po.Comment = "create PO " + po.PO_ID.ToString(); if (Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker1.Text) > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker2.Text)) { isvalid = false; MessageBox.Show("Order Date should not be greater than Delivery Date"); return; } //processDoc_ID = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetNextNumber("ProcessDocs", 0, ""); }
private void button_Display2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //button_CreateObject_2.Visible = true; button_Preview.Visible = false; button_Retern.Visible = false; PurchaseOrder _order = new PurchaseOrder(); string poCmd = "Select * from PURCHASE_ORDERS PO WHERE PO.DocNum = " + textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text; DataTable poTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(poCmd); dataGridView1.DataSource = poTable; string _supplierID = poTable.Rows[0][2].ToString(); string supplierCmd = "Select * from suppliers WHERE supplierID = " + _supplierID; DataTable supplierTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(supplierCmd); dataGridView2.DataSource = supplierTable; string detailsCmd = "Select * from PURCHASE_ORDERS_DETAILS WHERE DocNum = " + Convert.ToInt32(textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text); detailsTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(detailsCmd); gboOrderStatus.Visible = true; _order = _order.GetPurchaseOrder(Convert.ToInt32(textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text)); string _supplierName = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Name"]); string _supplierAddress = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Address"]); string _supplierAddress2 = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["City"]) + ", " + Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["State"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["PostalCode"]); string _supplierPhone = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Phone"]); string _supplierEmail = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["WebAddress"]); lblInvNumValue.Text = textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text; //_ Convert.ToString(_order.PurchaseOrderID); label_SupplierName.Text = _supplierName; label_SupplierAddr.Text = _supplierAddress; label_SupplierAddress2.Text = _supplierAddress2; lblPhone.Text = Convert.ToString(_supplierPhone); label_ShipName.Text = "Local Bikes"; label_ShippingAddr2.Text = "2700 Bay Area Blvd"; label_ShipAddress.Text = "Houston, TX, 77058"; lblDateValue.Text = _order.PO_Date.ToString(); label_SupplierEmail.Text = _supplierEmail; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = _order.PO_Status; label_Status.Text = comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString(); gboOrderStatus.Visible = true; int recnbr1 = 0; double partsTotal = 0.0; // double partsTax = 0.0; lvProducts.Items.Clear(); while (recnbr1 < detailsTable.Rows.Count) { string productCode = detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][2].ToString(); _product_Names = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetList("Select ProductName from Products where ProductID = " + productCode); ListViewItem lvi = lvProducts.Items.Add(productCode); //detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][1].ToString()); if (_product_Names.Count > 1 && _product_Names[1] != null) { lvi.SubItems.Add(_product_Names[1]); } //else //{ // MessageBox.Show("Please check the products and inventory data, the inventory product " + productCode + " not available in products table"); //} lvi.SubItems.Add(detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][5].ToString()); double _price = Double.Parse(detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][6].ToString()); double _quant = Double.Parse(detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][5].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", _price)); lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", 0.00)); double _total = _quant * _price; lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", _total)); partsTotal += _total; // order.POProdDetails[recnbr1].DetailProductLineTotal; recnbr1++; } lblPartsSubTotalValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal); // lblSubTotalTaxValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal * .0825); // int recnbr2 = 0; // double serviceTotal = 0.0; lblShippingCostValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal * .04); double _totalCost = partsTotal + partsTotal * .04; lblGrandTotalValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", _totalCost); // pnlService.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Due to invalid or old data in Database, Application could not load the purchase order"); } }
public PurchaseOrderDisplay(string[] _purchOrderStrings) { InitializeComponent(); //button_CreateObject_2.Visible = false ; button_Preview.Visible = true ; button_Retern.Visible = true ; string mainString = _purchOrderStrings[0]; int indx = mainString.IndexOf("("); string datastring = mainString.Substring(indx + 1); int indx2 = datastring.IndexOf(")"); datastring = datastring.Substring(0, indx2 ); string[] field = datastring.Split(','); textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text = field[0]; PurchaseOrder _order = new PurchaseOrder(field); //string poCmd = "Select * from PurchaseOrders PO WHERE PO.PO_ID = " + textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text; //DataTable poTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(poCmd); //dataGridView1.DataSource = poTable; string _supplierID = field[4];// poTable.Rows[0][4].ToString(); string supplierCmd = "Select * from suppliers WHERE supplierID = " + _supplierID; DataTable supplierTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(supplierCmd); dataGridView2.DataSource = supplierTable; gboOrderStatus.Visible = true; // _order = _order.GetPurchaseOrder(Convert.ToInt32(textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text)); string _supplierName = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Name"]); string _supplierAddress = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Address"]); string _supplierAddress2 = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["City"]) + ", " + Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["State"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["PostalCode"]); string _supplierPhone = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["Phone"]); string _supplierEmail = Convert.ToString(supplierTable.Rows[0]["WebAddress"]); lblInvNumValue.Text = textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text; //_ Convert.ToString(_order.PurchaseOrderID); label_SupplierName.Text = _supplierName; label_SupplierAddr.Text = _supplierAddress; label_SupplierAddress2.Text = _supplierAddress2; lblPhone.Text = Convert.ToString(_supplierPhone); label_ShipName.Text = "Local Bikes"; label_ShippingAddr2.Text = "2700 Bay Area Blvd"; label_ShipAddress.Text = "Houston, TX, 77058"; lblDateValue.Text = _order.PO_Date.ToString(); label_SupplierEmail.Text = _supplierEmail; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = _order.PO_Status; label_Status.Text = comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString(); gboOrderStatus.Visible = true; int recnbr1 = 1; double partsTotal = 0.0; // double partsTax = 0.0; lvProducts.Items.Clear(); while (recnbr1 < _purchOrderStrings.Length - 1 ) { mainString = _purchOrderStrings[recnbr1 ]; // textBox1.Text = mainString; indx = mainString.IndexOf("("); datastring = mainString.Substring(indx + 1); indx2 = datastring.IndexOf(")"); datastring = datastring.Substring(0, indx2); textBox2.Text = datastring; string[] fields = datastring.Split(','); textBox_PurchaseOrderNbr.Text = fields[0]; // PurchaseOrderDetails _details = new PurchaseOrderDetails(fields); string productCode = fields[1]; // detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][1].ToString(); detailsTable = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable("Select * from products where productID = " + productCode); dataGridView2.DataSource = detailsTable; ListViewItem lvi = lvProducts.Items.Add(productCode); lvi.SubItems.Add( detailsTable.Rows[0][1].ToString()); double _quant = Double.Parse(fields[2]); //detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][2].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(fields[3]); // detailsTable.Rows[recnbr1][2].ToString()); double _price = Double.Parse(fields[3]); _price = Double.Parse(detailsTable.Rows[0][8].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", _price)); lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", 0.00)); double _total = _quant * _price; lvi.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", _total)); partsTotal += _total; // order.POProdDetails[recnbr1].DetailProductLineTotal; recnbr1++; } lblPartsSubTotalValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal); // lblSubTotalTaxValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal * .0825); // int recnbr2 = 0; // double serviceTotal = 0.0; lblShippingCostValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", partsTotal * .04); double _totalCost = partsTotal + partsTotal * .04; lblGrandTotalValue.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", _totalCost); }
public PurchaseOrder GetPurchaseOrder(int purchaseNbr) { PurchaseOrder myOrder = new PurchaseOrder(); string poCmd = "Select * from PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE DocNum = " + purchaseNbr.ToString(); DataTable _table = Utilities.DataBaseUtility.GetTable(poCmd); int nrows = _table.Rows.Count; if (nrows != 1) return myOrder; myOrder.PO_ID = Convert.ToInt32(_table.Rows[0][0]); myOrder.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(_table.Rows[0]["ExtRef"]); DateTime dt,dt1; if ((_table.Rows[0]["TextValue2"] != null) && DateTime.TryParse(_table.Rows[0]["TextValue2"].ToString(), out dt)) myOrder.PO_Date = dt; if ((_table.Rows[0]["TextValue1"] != null) && DateTime.TryParse(_table.Rows[0]["TextValue1"].ToString(), out dt1)) myOrder.DeliveryDate = dt1; // myOrder.PurchaseQuotedPrice = Convert.ToDouble(_table.Rows[0]["QuotedPrice"]); myOrder.PO_Status = Convert.ToInt32(_table.Rows[0]["status"]); return myOrder; }