Esempio n. 1
    public WebsiteStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("www-prod-rg", new ResourceGroupArgs
            Tags = { { "Environment", "production" } }

        var storageAccount = new Storage.Account("wwwprodsa", new Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            StaticWebsite          = new Storage.Inputs.AccountStaticWebsiteArgs
                IndexDocument = "index.html"

        var files = Directory.GetFiles("wwwroot");

        foreach (var file in files)
            var blob = new Storage.Blob(file, new Storage.BlobArgs
                ContentType          = "application/html",
                Source               = new FileAsset(file),
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = "$web",
                Type = "Block"

        this.Endpoint = storageAccount.PrimaryWebEndpoint;
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group");

        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("mystorage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"
Esempio n. 3
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group");

        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("storage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var plan = new Azure.AppService.Plan("asp", new Azure.AppService.PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1"

        var container = new Azure.Storage.Container("zips", new Azure.Storage.ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",

        var blob = new Azure.Storage.Blob("zip", new Azure.Storage.BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("./functions"),

        var codeBlobUrl = Azure.Storage.SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var app = new Azure.AppService.FunctionApp("fa", new Azure.AppService.FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = plan.Id,
            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version     = "~2",
            AppSettings =
                { "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME",     "node"      },
                { "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION", "10.14.1"   },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",     codeBlobUrl }

        this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/hello");
Esempio n. 4
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup(Settings.ResourceGroupName);
        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account(Settings.StorageAccountName, new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier = "Standard"
        var container = new Azure.Storage.Container(Settings.ContainerName, new Azure.Storage.ContainerArgs 
            StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name

        this.AccountName = storageAccount.Name;
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group");

        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("mystorage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var container = new Azure.Storage.Container("mycontainer", new Azure.Storage.ContainerArgs
            Name = "files",
            StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name

        this.AccountName = storageAccount.Name;
Esempio n. 6
        public static IDictionary <string, Output <string> > Run()
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg", new ResourceGroupArgs {
                Location = "West Europe"

            // "Account" without a namespace would be too vague, while "ResourceGroup" without namespace sounds good.
            // We could suggest always using the namespace, but this makes new-ing of Args even longer and uglier?
            var storageAccount = new Storage.Account("sa", new Storage.AccountArgs
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccessTier             = "Standard",

            // How do we want to treat exports?
            return(new Dictionary <string, Output <string> >
                { "accessKey", storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey }
Esempio n. 7
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group");

        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("storage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var plan = new Azure.AppService.Plan("asp", new Azure.AppService.PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1"
Esempio n. 8
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group");

        var storageAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("storage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var plan = new Azure.AppService.Plan("asp", new Azure.AppService.PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1"

        var app = new Azure.AppService.FunctionApp("fa", new Azure.AppService.FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = plan.Id,
            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version     = "~2",
            AppSettings =
                { "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME",     "node"                                                       },
                { "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION", "10.14.1"                                                    },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",     "" }

        this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/hello");
Esempio n. 9
    public MyStack()
        var config = new Config();
        var storageAccountNameParam = config.Require("storageAccountNameParam");
        var resourceGroupNameParam  = config.Require("resourceGroupNameParam");
        var resourceGroupVar        = Output.Create(Azure.Core.GetResourceGroup.InvokeAsync(new Azure.Core.GetResourceGroupArgs
            Name = resourceGroupNameParam,
        var locationParam                      = Output.Create(config.Get("locationParam")) ?? resourceGroupVar.Apply(resourceGroupVar => resourceGroupVar.Location);
        var storageAccountTierParam            = config.Get("storageAccountTierParam") ?? "Standard";
        var storageAccountTypeReplicationParam = config.Get("storageAccountTypeReplicationParam") ?? "LRS";
        var storageAccountResource             = new Azure.Storage.Account("storageAccountResource", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            Name                   = storageAccountNameParam,
            AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
            Location               = locationParam,
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroupNameParam,
            AccountTier            = storageAccountTierParam,
            AccountReplicationType = storageAccountTypeReplicationParam,

        this.StorageAccountNameOut = storageAccountResource.Name;
Esempio n. 10
    public BotStack()
        var config  = new Pulumi.Config();
        var botName = config.Require("botName");

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("botservice-rg");

        var storageAccount = new Storage.Account("sa", new Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "App",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Basic",
                Size = "B1"

        var container = new Storage.Container("zips", new Storage.ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",

        var blob = new Storage.Blob("zip", new Storage.BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("bot/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl = Storage.SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var appInsights = new Insights("ai", new InsightsArgs
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name

        var appInsightApiKey = new ApiKey("ai", new ApiKeyArgs
            ApplicationInsightsId = appInsights.Id,
            ReadPermissions       = "api",

        var luis = new Cognitive.Account("cs", new Cognitive.AccountArgs
            Kind = "CognitiveServices", // includes LUIS
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "S0"

        var msa = new Application("msapp", new ApplicationArgs
            Oauth2AllowImplicitFlow = false,
            AvailableToOtherTenants = true,
            PublicClient            = true

        var pwd = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length     = 16,
            MinNumeric = 1,
            MinSpecial = 1,
            MinUpper   = 1,
            MinLower   = 1

        var msaSecret = new ApplicationPassword("msasecret", new ApplicationPasswordArgs
            ApplicationObjectId = msa.ObjectId,
            EndDateRelative     = "8640h",
            Value = pwd.Result

        var app = new AppService("app", new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl           },
                { "MicrosoftAppId",           msa.ApplicationId     },
                { "MicrosoftAppPassword",     msaSecret.Value       },
                { "LuisApiKey",               luis.PrimaryAccessKey },
            HttpsOnly = true

        var bot = new WebApp(botName, new WebAppArgs
            DisplayName       = botName,
            MicrosoftAppId    = msa.ApplicationId,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku      = "F0",
            Location = "global",
            Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultSiteHostname}/api/messages"),
            DeveloperAppInsightsApiKey        = appInsightApiKey.Key,
            DeveloperAppInsightsApplicationId = appInsights.AppId,
            DeveloperAppInsightsKey           = appInsights.InstrumentationKey

        this.BotEndpoint          = bot.Endpoint;
        this.MicrosoftAppId       = msa.ApplicationId;
        this.MicrosoftAppPassword = msaSecret.Value;
Esempio n. 11
    public MyStack()
        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumiTestRG");

        //create service bus
        var serviceBus = new Pulumi.Azure.ServiceBus.Namespace("webappServiceBus", new Pulumi.Azure.ServiceBus.NamespaceArgs
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = "Standard",

        //create ServiceBus Queue
        var exampleQueue = new Pulumi.Azure.ServiceBus.Queue("exampleQueue", new Pulumi.Azure.ServiceBus.QueueArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            NamespaceName     = serviceBus.Name,

        //create sql
        var primary = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.SqlServer("primary", new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.SqlServerArgs
            ResourceGroupName          = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location                   = resourceGroup.Location,
            Version                    = "12.0",
            AdministratorLogin         = "******",
            AdministratorLoginPassword = Password.Generate(32, 12),
        var secondary = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.SqlServer("secondary", new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.SqlServerArgs
            ResourceGroupName          = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location                   = "northeurope",
            Version                    = "12.0",
            AdministratorLogin         = "******",
            AdministratorLoginPassword = Password.Generate(32, 12),

        var sqlLogs = new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Account("sqllogs", new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location               = resourceGroup.Location,
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
        var db1 = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.Database("exampleDatabase", new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.DatabaseArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = primary.ResourceGroupName,
            Location               = primary.Location,
            ServerName             = primary.Name,
            ExtendedAuditingPolicy = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.Inputs.DatabaseExtendedAuditingPolicyArgs
                StorageEndpoint                    = sqlLogs.PrimaryBlobEndpoint,
                StorageAccountAccessKey            = sqlLogs.PrimaryAccessKey,
                StorageAccountAccessKeyIsSecondary = true,
                RetentionInDays                    = 6,
            RequestedServiceObjectiveName = "S0",
            Tags =
                { "environment", "production" },

        //create sql failover
        var exampleFailoverGroup = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.FailoverGroup("failover", new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.FailoverGroupArgs
            ResourceGroupName = primary.ResourceGroupName,
            ServerName        = primary.Name,
            Databases         =
            PartnerServers =
                new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.Inputs.FailoverGroupPartnerServerArgs
                    Id = secondary.Id,
            ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.Inputs.FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicyArgs
                Mode         = "Automatic",
                GraceMinutes = 60,

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        // var storageAccount = new Account("pulumistoragetest", new AccountArgs
        // {
        //     ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
        //     AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
        //     AccountTier = "Standard"
        // });

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "App",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Basic",
                Size = "B1",

        var appInsights = new Insights("appInsights", new InsightsArgs
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name

        var webapp = new AppService("webapp", new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                // {"WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl},
                { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY",             appInsights.InstrumentationKey },
                // {"APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING", appInsights.InstrumentationKey.Apply(key => $"InstrumentationKey={key}")},
                { "ApplicationInsightsAgent_EXTENSION_VERSION", "~2"                           },
            HttpsOnly = true,
            Identity  = new AppServiceIdentityArgs
                Type = "SystemAssigned"
        //get CurentUser
        var current = Output.Create(Pulumi.Azure.Core.GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());

        //create aad group
        var appADGroup = new AzureAD.Group("mynewGroup", new AzureAD.GroupArgs
            Owners  = { current.Apply(current => current.ObjectId) },
            Members = { webapp.Identity.Apply(x => x.PrincipalId) },

        //add aad admin to server
        var primarySQLAADAdmin = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.ActiveDirectoryAdministrator("exampleActiveDirectoryAdministrator",
                                                                                   new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.ActiveDirectoryAdministratorArgs
            ServerName        = primary.Name,
            Login             = "******",
            ResourceGroupName = primary.ResourceGroupName,
            TenantId          = current.Apply(current => current.TenantId),
            ObjectId          = appADGroup.ObjectId,
        var secondarySQLAADAdmin = new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.ActiveDirectoryAdministrator("secondarysqlAdmin",
                                                                                     new Pulumi.Azure.Sql.ActiveDirectoryAdministratorArgs
            ServerName        = secondary.Name,
            Login             = "******",
            ResourceGroupName = secondary.ResourceGroupName,
            TenantId          = current.Apply(current => current.TenantId),
            ObjectId          = appADGroup.ObjectId,

        var webappAKV = new KeyVault("webappAKV", new Pulumi.Azure.KeyVault.KeyVaultArgs
            Location                 = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName        = resourceGroup.Name,
            EnabledForDiskEncryption = true,
            TenantId                 = current.Apply(current => current.TenantId),
            SoftDeleteEnabled        = true,
            SoftDeleteRetentionDays  = 7,
            PurgeProtectionEnabled   = false,
            SkuName        = "standard",
            AccessPolicies =
                new KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs
                    TenantId       = current.Apply(current => current.TenantId),
                    ObjectId       = current.Apply(current => current.ObjectId),
                    KeyPermissions =
                    SecretPermissions =
                        "set", "get", "list", "delete"
                    CertificatePermissions =
                new KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs
                    TenantId       = current.Apply(current => current.TenantId),
                    ObjectId       = appADGroup.ObjectId,
                    KeyPermissions =
                    SecretPermissions =
                        "set", "get", "list"
                    CertificatePermissions =
            Tags =
                { "environment", "Testing" },

        var secret = new Secret("paymentApiKey", new SecretArgs
            KeyVaultId = webappAKV.Id,
            Value      = serviceBus.DefaultPrimaryConnectionString,

        // Export the connection string for the storage account
        this.Outbound  = webapp.OutboundIpAddresses;
        this.akvurl    = webappAKV.VaultUri;
        this.secretURL = secret.Id;
Esempio n. 12
    public KpiAzureFunctionStack()
        var config = new Config();

        var resourceGroupName = config.Require("resourceGroupName");
        var appServicePlan    = new Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.AppServicePlan("kpi-linux-asp",
                                                                          new Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.AppServicePlanArgs
            Kind = "functionapp",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
            Sku = new SkuDescriptionArgs
                Name = "Y1",
                Tier = "Dynamic"
            Tags =
                { "environment", "dev"        },
                { "product",     "kpi-system" }

        // var storageAccount = new Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.StorageAccount("kpistrg", new Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.StorageAccountArgs
        // {
        //     Kind = Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.Kind.StorageV2,
        //     ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
        //     Sku = new Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.Inputs.SkuArgs
        //     {
        //         Name = "Standard_LRS",
        //     },
        //     Tags =
        //     {
        //         { "environment", "dev" },
        //         { "product", "kpi-system" },
        //     },
        // });

        var storageAccount = new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Account("kpistrg", new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroupName,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
            AccountKind            = "StorageV2"

        var container = new BlobContainer("zips-container", new BlobContainerArgs
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            PublicAccess      = PublicAccess.None,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName

        var blob = new Blob("myfunctions", new BlobArgs
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerName     = container.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
            Source            = new FileArchive(FunctionAppPublishFolder),
            Type = BlobType.Block

        var codeBlobUrl = SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, container, storageAccount.Name, resourceGroupName);

        // Application insights
        var appInsights = new Component("appInsights", new ComponentArgs
            ApplicationType   = ApplicationType.Web,
            Kind              = "web",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName

        var userAssignedIdentity = new Pulumi.AzureNative.ManagedIdentity.UserAssignedIdentity("kpi-identity",
                                                                                               new Pulumi.AzureNative.ManagedIdentity.UserAssignedIdentityArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName

        var vault = CreateVault(resourceGroupName, config, userAssignedIdentity);

         * Create relevant Vault Secrets.
         * N.B.: we use these to make the secrets unreadable for users who have read-access
         * to the Azure Function itself, but not the vault.
        var influxDbTokenSecret = CreateSecret("InfluxDbToken", config.RequireSecret("InfluxDb.Token"), vault,
        var mailChimpTokenSecret = CreateSecret("MailchimpApiKey", config.RequireSecret("Mailchimp.ApiKey"), vault,
        var googleAnalyticsKeySecret = CreateSecret("GoogleAnalyticsKey", config.RequireSecret("GoogleAnalytics.Key"),
                                                    vault, resourceGroupName);

        var kpiCollector = new Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.WebApp("kpi-collector", new Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.WebAppArgs
            Kind = "functionapp,linux",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
            ServerFarmId      = appServicePlan.Id,
            SiteConfig        = new SiteConfigArgs
                AppSettings =
                    GenerateGoogleAnalyticsArgs(config, "GoogleAnalytics.Sites")
                    new NameValuePairArgs
                        Name  = "AzureWebJobsStorage",
                        Value = storageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString
                    new NameValuePairArgs
                        Name  = "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME",
                        Value = "dotnet"
                    new NameValuePairArgs
                        Name  = "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",
                        Value = codeBlobUrl
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION",
                        Value = "~3"             // use Azure functions v3

                    /* App Insights - for some reason Azure Functions
                     * built via Portal use both configuration values
                     * */

                    new NameValuePairArgs
                        Name  = "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING",
                        Value = Output.Format($"InstrumentationKey={appInsights.InstrumentationKey}")
                    new NameValuePairArgs
                        Name  = "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY",
                        Value = appInsights.InstrumentationKey

                    /* Add InfluxDb parameters
                     * All of these configuration parameters are consumed via
                     * Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration environment variables
                     * consumption - hence why we use the double underscore - to separate
                     * configuration areas.
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "InfluxDb__ConnectionString",
                        Value = config.Require("InfluxDb.ConnectionString")
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "InfluxDb__Org",
                        Value = config.Require("InfluxDb.Org")
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "InfluxDb__Bucket",
                        Value = config.Require("InfluxDb.Bucket")
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "InfluxDb__Token",
                        Value = Output.Format(

                    /* Email marketing configuration values */
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "Mailchimp__ApiKey",
                        Value = Output.Format(

                    /* Web analytics configuration values */
                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "GoogleAnalytics__ServiceAccount",
                        Value = config.Require("GoogleAnalytics.ServiceAccount")

                    new NameValuePairArgs()
                        Name  = "GoogleAnalytics__Key",
                        Value = Output.Format(
            Identity = new ManagedServiceIdentityArgs()
                Type = Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.ManagedServiceIdentityType.SystemAssigned
            Tags =
                { "environment", "dev"        },
                { "product",     "kpi-system" }

        // need to create access policies using the azure function system identity
        var appId = kpiCollector.Identity.Apply(s => s.PrincipalId);

        var accessPolicy = new AccessPolicy("kpi-keyvault-access",
                                            new AccessPolicyArgs()
            ObjectId          = appId,
            SecretPermissions = "get",
            KeyVaultId        = vault.Id,
            TenantId          = config.Require("azureTenantId")
Esempio n. 13
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("testResourceGroup",
                                                         new Azure.Core.ResourceGroupArgs {
            Location = "ukwest"

        var serviceBusNamespace = new Azure.ServiceBus.Namespace("testServiceBusNamespace", new Azure.ServiceBus.NamespaceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = "Basic"

        var messageQueue = new Azure.ServiceBus.Queue("testMessageQueue", new Azure.ServiceBus.QueueArgs
            ResourceGroupName  = resourceGroup.Name,
            NamespaceName      = serviceBusNamespace.Name,
            MaxSizeInMegabytes = 1024,
            EnablePartitioning = false,
            DefaultMessageTtl  = System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))

        var appServicePlan = new Azure.AppService.Plan("testConsumptionPlan", new Azure.AppService.PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1"

        var functionStorage = new Azure.Storage.Account("testFuncStorage", new Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var appInsights = new Azure.AppInsights.Insights("testAppInsights", new Azure.AppInsights.InsightsArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            RetentionInDays   = 30,
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            Location          = "uksouth"

        var functionApp = new Azure.AppService.FunctionApp("testFunctionApp", new Azure.AppService.FunctionAppArgs
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
            StorageConnectionString = functionStorage.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version           = "~3",
            AppSettings       = { { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey } },
            ConnectionStrings = new Azure.AppService.Inputs.FunctionAppConnectionStringsArgs
                Name  = "ServiceBusConnection",
                Value = serviceBusNamespace.DefaultPrimaryConnectionString,
                Type  = "ServiceBus"
Esempio n. 14
        public Step3Start()
            const string prefix   = Common.Prefix;
            var          config   = new Config();
            var          location = config.Get("location") ?? "australiaeast";

            #region Resource Group
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}", new ResourceGroupArgs()
                Name     = $"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                Location = location
            var name = $"{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}web";

            #region Static Website
            var staticWebsiteStorageAccount = new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Account(
                new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
                Name = name,
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard",
                AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
                AccessTier             = "Hot"

            WebContainer =
                staticWebsiteStorageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString.Apply(async v => await EnableStaticSites(v));
            StaticWebsiteConnection = staticWebsiteStorageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString;

            #region Cosmos DB
            var cosmosDatabaseOutput = CosmosDatabase.Run(
                resourceGroup.Name, prefix, resourceGroup.Location);

            #region Azure Function
            #region Storage Account
            var storageAccount = new Account($"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                             new AccountArgs
                Name = $"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location               = resourceGroup.Location,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard"

            #region App Service Plan
            var appServicePlan = new Plan($"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                          new PlanArgs
                Name = $"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1"

            #region Storage Container
            var container = new Container($"func-code", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = "private",

            #region Function Zip Blob
            var functionAppFileLocation = "../TeamTimeZones/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish/";
            var blob = new Blob($"func", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type   = "block",
                Source = new FileArchive(functionAppFileLocation),

            #region Function App
            var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);
            var app         = new FunctionApp($"app-{prefix}",
                                              new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = $"app-{prefix}",
                ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location                = resourceGroup.Location,
                AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
                StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
                Version     = "~3",
                AppSettings = new InputMap <string>
                    { "runtime", "dotnet" },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
                    { "db-account-endpoint", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-endpoint"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) },
                    { "db-account-key", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-key"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) }
                SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                    Cors = new FunctionAppSiteConfigCorsArgs
                        AllowedOrigins = "*"

            this.FunctionAppEndPoint = app.DefaultHostname;