Esempio n. 1
        public void testArmor()
            Faction newFaction = new Faction(0);
            ShipClassTN ts2 = new ShipClassTN("Test", newFaction);

            StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol();

            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);

            TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);
            ShipTN ts = new ShipTN(ts2, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship");

            ts2.ShipArmorDef = new ArmorDefTN("Duranium Armour");
            ts.ShipArmor = new ArmorTN(ts2.ShipArmorDef);

            ts2.ShipArmorDef.CalcArmor("Duranium Armor", 5, 38.0, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("ArmorPerHS: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.armorPerHS);
            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.size);
            Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.cost);
            Console.WriteLine("Area: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.area);
            Console.WriteLine("Depth: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.depth);
            Console.WriteLine("Column Number: {0}", ts2.ShipArmorDef.cNum);

            Console.WriteLine("isDamaged: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.isDamaged);

            ts.ShipArmor.SetDamage(ts2.ShipArmorDef.cNum, ts2.ShipArmorDef.depth, 4, 1);
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ts2.ShipArmorDef.cNum; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Column Value: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.armorColumns[loop]);
            Console.WriteLine("Damage Key: {0}, Column Value: {1}", ts.ShipArmor.armorDamage.Min().Key, ts.ShipArmor.armorDamage.Min().Value);

            Console.WriteLine("isDamaged: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.isDamaged);


            Console.WriteLine("isDamaged: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.isDamaged);

            ts.ShipArmor.SetDamage(ts2.ShipArmorDef.cNum, ts2.ShipArmorDef.depth, 4, 1);
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ts2.ShipArmorDef.cNum; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Column Value: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.armorColumns[loop]);
            Console.WriteLine("Damage Key: {0}, Column Value: {1}", ts.ShipArmor.armorDamage.Min().Key, ts.ShipArmor.armorDamage.Min().Value);

            Console.WriteLine("isDamaged: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.isDamaged);


            Console.WriteLine("isDamaged: {0}", ts.ShipArmor.isDamaged);

            Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}, Area: {1},Size: {2}", ts.ShipArmor.armorDef.cost, ts.ShipArmor.armorDef.area, ts.ShipArmor.armorDef.size);
Esempio n. 2
        public void testEngine()

            Faction newFaction = new Faction(0);

            StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol();

            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);

            TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);

            ShipClassTN ts2 = new ShipClassTN("Test", newFaction);
            ShipTN ts = new ShipTN(ts2, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship");

            ts2.ShipEngineDef = new EngineDefTN("3137.6 EP Inertial Fusion Drive", 32, 2.65f, 0.6f, 0.75f, 2, 37, -1.0f);
            ts2.ShipEngineCount = 1;

            EngineTN temp = new EngineTN(ts2.ShipEngineDef);

            ts.ShipEngine = new BindingList<EngineTN>();

            EngineDefTN tst = ts.ShipEngine[0].engineDef;

            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", tst.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("EngineBase: {0}, PowerMod: {1}, FuelConMod: {2}, ThermalReduction: {3}, Size: {4},HyperMod: {5}",
                              tst.engineBase, tst.powerMod, tst.fuelConsumptionMod, tst.thermalReduction, tst.size, tst.hyperDriveMod);
            Console.WriteLine("EnginePower: {0}, FuelUsePerHour: {1}", tst.enginePower, tst.fuelUsePerHour);
            Console.WriteLine("EngineSize: {0}, EngineHTK: {1}", tst.size, tst.htk);
            Console.WriteLine("ThermalSignature: {0}, ExpRisk: {1}", tst.thermalSignature, tst.expRisk);
            Console.WriteLine("IsMilitary: {0}", tst.isMilitary);
            Console.WriteLine("Crew: {0}", tst.crew);
            Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}", tst.cost);
Esempio n. 3
        public void testPSensor()

            Faction newFaction = new Faction(0);

            StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol();

            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);

            TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);

            ShipClassTN ts2 = new ShipClassTN("Test", newFaction);
            ShipTN ts = new ShipTN(ts2, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship");

            PassiveSensorDefTN PSensorDefTest = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH19-342", 19.0f, 18, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);

            ts2.ShipPSensorDef = new BindingList<PassiveSensorDefTN>();
            ts2.ShipPSensorCount = new BindingList<ushort>();

            PassiveSensorTN PSensorTest = new PassiveSensorTN(ts2.ShipPSensorDef[0]);

            ts.ShipPSensor = new BindingList<PassiveSensorTN>();

            PassiveSensorDefTN tst3 = ts.ShipPSensor[0].pSensorDef;

            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", tst3.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, HTK: {1}, Hardening: {2}", tst3.size, tst3.htk, tst3.hardening);
            Console.WriteLine("Rating: {0}, Range: {1}", tst3.rating, tst3.range);
            Console.WriteLine("IsMilitary: {0}", tst3.isMilitary);
            Console.WriteLine("Crew: {0}", tst3.crew);
            Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}", tst3.cost);

            for (ushort loop = 80; loop < 120; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Signature:{0} Detection Range in KM:{1}", loop, tst3.GetPassiveDetectionRange(loop));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a ship to a taskgroup, will call sorting and sensor handling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipDef">definition of the ship to be added.</param>
        public void AddShip(ShipClassTN shipDef, String Title)
            ShipTN ship = new ShipTN(shipDef, Ships.Count, GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond, this, TaskGroupFaction, Title);

            /// <summary>
            /// Refuel and ReCrew this ship here?
            /// </summary>

            if (Ships.Count == 1)
                MaxSpeed = ship.ShipClass.MaxSpeed;
                CurrentSpeed = MaxSpeed;
                if (ship.ShipClass.MaxSpeed < MaxSpeed)
                    MaxSpeed = ship.ShipClass.MaxSpeed;
                    CurrentSpeed = MaxSpeed;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Ships.Count; loop++)

            TotalCargoTonnage = TotalCargoTonnage + shipDef.TotalCargoCapacity;
            TotalCryoCapacity = TotalCryoCapacity + shipDef.SpareCryoBerths;



            /// <summary>
            /// Let the UI know it should re check this taskgroup's sensors.
            /// </summary>
Esempio n. 5
            /// <summary>
            /// Set the activity that this shipyard complex will undertake.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="NewActivity">New Activity to perform.</param>
            /// <param name="RetoolTarget">Retool target if any</param>
            /// <param name="CapLimit">Capacity Expansion Limit if any.</param>
            public void SetShipyardActivity(Faction CurrentFaction, Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity NewActivity, ShipClassTN RetoolTarget = null, int CapLimit = -1)
                decimal[] mCost = new decimal[(int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount];
                float DaysInYear = (float)Constants.TimeInSeconds.RealYear / (float)Constants.TimeInSeconds.Day;

                /// <summary>
                /// These are declared here since each switch case is considered to be on the same level of scope and just putting them in the first case doesn't seem quite right.
                /// </summary>
                float YearsOfProduction = 0.0f;
                int TimeToBuild = 0;
                DateTime EstTime;
                TimeSpan TS;

                /// <summary>
                /// If an order for adding a set amount of tons is canceled while in progress, credit the tons that were built to the shipyard.
                /// </summary>
                if(CurrentActivity.Progress != 0.0m && CurrentActivity.Activity != Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.NoActivity)
                    int TonsToAdd = 0;
                    switch (CurrentActivity.Activity)
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add500Tons:
                            TonsToAdd = (int)Math.Round((float)CurrentActivity.Progress * 500.0f);
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add1000Tons:
                            TonsToAdd = (int)Math.Round((float)CurrentActivity.Progress * 1000.0f);
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add2000Tons:
                            TonsToAdd = (int)Math.Round((float)CurrentActivity.Progress * 2000.0f);
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add5000Tons:
                            TonsToAdd = (int)Math.Round((float)CurrentActivity.Progress * 5000.0f);
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add10000Tons:
                            TonsToAdd = (int)Math.Round((float)CurrentActivity.Progress * 10000.0f);

                    if (TonsToAdd != 0)
                        AddTonnage(CurrentFaction, Tonnage);

                switch (NewActivity)
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.AddSlipway:
                        decimal TotalSlipwayCost = 0.0m;
                        for (int MineralIterator = 0; MineralIterator < Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS; MineralIterator++)
                            if (Constants.ShipyardInfo.MineralCostOfExpansion[MineralIterator] != 0)
                                int Adjustment = 1;
                                if (ShipyardType == Constants.ShipyardInfo.SYType.Naval)
                                    Adjustment = 10;

                                /// <summary>
                                /// Formula for tonnage expansion. This also appears in the constants file for now.
                                /// </summary>
                                decimal value = Constants.ShipyardInfo.MineralCostOfExpansion[MineralIterator] * (Tonnage / Constants.ShipyardInfo.TonnageDenominator) * Slipways * Adjustment;
                                mCost[MineralIterator] = value;
                                TotalSlipwayCost = TotalSlipwayCost + value;

                        YearsOfProduction = (float)TotalSlipwayCost / CalcAnnualSYProduction();
                        EstTime = GameState.Instance.GameDateTime;
                        if (YearsOfProduction < Constants.Colony.TimerYearMax)
                            TimeToBuild = (int)Math.Floor(YearsOfProduction * DaysInYear);
                            TS = new TimeSpan(TimeToBuild, 0, 0, 0);
                            EstTime = EstTime.Add(TS);

                        CurrentActivity = new ShipyardActivity(NewActivity, TotalSlipwayCost, mCost, EstTime);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add500Tons:
                        SetExpansion(NewActivity, 500, mCost, DaysInYear);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add1000Tons:
                        SetExpansion(NewActivity, 1000, mCost, DaysInYear);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add2000Tons:
                        SetExpansion(NewActivity, 2000, mCost, DaysInYear);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add5000Tons:
                        SetExpansion(NewActivity, 5000, mCost, DaysInYear);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Add10000Tons:
                        SetExpansion(NewActivity, 10000, mCost, DaysInYear);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Retool:
                        /// <summary>
                        /// One free retool. Hypothetically this shipyard was built with this shipclass in mind.
                        /// </summary>
                        if (AssignedClass == null && RetoolTarget != null)
                            AssignedClass = RetoolTarget;
                            if (AssignedClass.IsLocked == false)
                                AssignedClass.IsLocked = true;
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Lengthy retool process as the shipyard converts to build the new vessel.
                        /// </summary>
                        else if(AssignedClass != null && RetoolTarget != null)
                            /// <summary>
                            /// Caclulate the cost of this retool:
                            /// </summary>
                            decimal CostToRetool = 0.5m * RetoolTarget.BuildPointCost + ((0.25m * RetoolTarget.BuildPointCost) * Slipways);
                            mCost[(int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.Duranium] = CostToRetool / 2.0m;
                            mCost[(int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.Neutronium] = CostToRetool / 2.0m;

                            /// <summary>
                            /// How long will this retool take?
                            /// </summary>
                            YearsOfProduction = (float)CostToRetool / CalcAnnualSYProduction();
                            EstTime = GameState.Instance.GameDateTime;
                            if (YearsOfProduction < Constants.Colony.TimerYearMax)
                                TimeToBuild = (int)Math.Floor(YearsOfProduction * DaysInYear);
                                TS = new TimeSpan(TimeToBuild, 0, 0, 0);
                                EstTime = EstTime.Add(TS);
                            CurrentActivity = new ShipyardActivity(NewActivity, CostToRetool, mCost, EstTime, RetoolTarget);

                            if (RetoolTarget.IsLocked == false)
                                RetoolTarget.IsLocked = true;
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.CapExpansion:
                        CurrentActivity = new ShipyardActivity(NewActivity);
                    case Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.CapExpansionUntilX:
                        if (CapLimit > Tonnage)
                            SetExpansion(NewActivity, (CapLimit - Tonnage), mCost, DaysInYear);
                            CurrentActivity.CapExpansionLimit = CapLimit;
Esempio n. 6
        public void TGActiveSortThermalSortTest()
            EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f);

            GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew);
            GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel);
            GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering);
            GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge);

            Faction FID = new Faction(0);
            StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol();
            SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);;

            TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System);

            for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++)
                ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID);
                test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);
                test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2);
                test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2);
                test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1);

                int add = 0;
                switch (loop)
                    case 0: add = 2; break;
                    case 1: add = 4; break;
                    case 2: add = 1; break;
                    case 3: add = 5; break;
                    case 4: add = 3; break;
                test.AddEngine(EngDef, (byte)add);

                Console.WriteLine("Speed:{0}", test.MaxSpeed);

                TaskGroup1.AddShip(test,"Test Ship");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipsTaskGroup);

            LinkedListNode<int> AS = TaskGroup1.ActiveSortList.First;
            LinkedListNode<int> ES = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First;
            LinkedListNode<int> TS = TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList.First;
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++)
                Console.Write("AL:{0}, EL:{1}, TL:{2} || Ship{3} AL:{4}, EL:{5} TL:{6} |||", AS.Value, ES.Value, TS.Value, loop, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ActiveList.Value,
                                                                                             TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].EMList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ThermalList.Value);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentSpeed, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxEnginePower,
                    TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentFuelUsePerHour, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour);

                AS = AS.Next;
                ES = ES.Next;
                TS = TS.Next;

            TaskGroup1.Ships[4].CurrentThermalSignature = 500;
            TaskGroup1.SortShipBySignature(TaskGroup1.Ships[4].ThermalList, TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList, 0);


            AS = TaskGroup1.ActiveSortList.First;
            ES = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First;
            TS = TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList.First;
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++)
                Console.Write("AL:{0}, EL:{1}, TL:{2} || Ship{3} AL:{4}, EL:{5} TL:{6} |||", AS.Value, ES.Value, TS.Value, loop, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ActiveList.Value,
                                                                                             TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].EMList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ThermalList.Value);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentSpeed, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxEnginePower,
                    TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentFuelUsePerHour, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour);

                AS = AS.Next;
                ES = ES.Next;
                TS = TS.Next;
Esempio n. 7
        public void TGActiveTest()
            EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f);
            ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef1 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1);
            ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef2 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 500k - 1", 1.0f, 10, 5, 1, false, 1.0f, 1);
            ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef3 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 2.2M - 1000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 20, false, 1.0f, 1);
            ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef4 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 7M - 10000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 200, false, 1.0f, 1);

            GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew);
            GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel);
            GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering);
            GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge);

            Faction FID = new Faction(0);
            StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol();
            SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);;

            TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System);
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++)

                ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID);
                test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);
                test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2);
                test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2);
                Console.WriteLine("Bridge isn't present: {0} {1}", test.OtherComponents.IndexOf(Bridge), test.HasBridge);
                test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Bridge is present: {0} {1}", test.OtherComponents.IndexOf(Bridge), test.HasBridge);

                switch (loop)
                    case 0: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef2, 2);
                    case 1: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef1, 2);
                    case 2: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef3, 2);
                    case 3: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef4, 2);

                TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship");

                TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(loop, 0, true);
                TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(loop, 1, true);

            LinkedListNode<int> EM = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First;
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEMSignature, EM.Value);
                EM = EM.Next;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", TaskGroup1.TaskGroupLookUpST[loop], loop);

            TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(2, 0, false);
            TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(2, 1, false);


            EM = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First;
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEMSignature, EM.Value);
                EM = EM.Next;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", TaskGroup1.TaskGroupLookUpST[loop], loop);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// New ship class button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void NewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ShipClassTN oNewShipClass = new ShipClassTN("New Class", VM.CurrentFaction);
            oNewShipClass.AddCrewQuarters(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.CrewQuarters[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddFuelStorage(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.FuelStorage[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddEngineeringSpaces(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.EngineeringSpaces[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddOtherComponent(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.OtherComponents[0], 1);

            int ArmorTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ArmourProtection];

#warning throw error here if this happens instead of just capping at 12?
            if (ArmorTech > 12)
                ArmorTech = 12;

            String Title = UIConstants.Armor.ArmorTypes[ArmorTech];

            oNewShipClass.NewArmor(Title, (ushort)Constants.MagazineTN.MagArmor[ArmorTech], oNewShipClass.ShipArmorDef.depth);


            m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex = m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.Items.Count - 1;
            _CurrnetShipClass = _CurrnetFaction.ShipDesigns[m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex];


Esempio n. 9
 public void AddNewShipDesign(String Title)
     ShipClassTN Ship = new ShipClassTN(Title, this);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// GetRefitCost determines how much a refit from this shipclass to CompareClass will cost.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CompareClass">Shipclass to compare this one to. the refit target in other words.</param>
        /// <param name="RefitThreshold">Eligible class calculation imposes a threshold on the refit cost which allows me to short circuit GetRefitCost if it is exceeded. do not include this variable 
        /// if you just want the refit cost.</param>
        /// <returns>Refit cost.</returns>
        public decimal GetRefitCost(ShipClassTN CompareClass, decimal RefitThreshold = -1.0m)
            /// <summary>
            /// overhead is 1/4th the component difference cost in BP
            /// components taken out are free
            /// components put in are not.
            /// if armor is of a different type then update with the cost of the whole new armor
            /// 5 BP per 1 HS difference
            /// compare the costs. for a refit
            /// if the cost is 20% of the overall cost of the ship the class is eligible.
            /// </summary>

            decimal TotalRefitCost = 0.0m;

            float SizeDiff = SizeHS - CompareClass.SizeHS;
            SizeDiff = Math.Abs(SizeDiff);

            decimal SizeDiffCost = (decimal)SizeDiff * 5.0m;
            TotalRefitCost += SizeDiffCost;

            /// <summary>
            /// size differential alone invalidates the eligibility of this class. most classes should be different enough in size for this to catch most cases.
            /// </summary>
            if (TotalRefitCost > RefitThreshold)
                return TotalRefitCost;

            /// <summary>
            /// Armour test: if armorPerHS is different, then two different types of armour are being used here and therefore armour must be part of the refit cost.
            /// if Armour is radically different then this should also throw out eligibility.
            /// </summary>
            if (ShipArmorDef.armorPerHS != CompareClass.ShipArmorDef.armorPerHS)
                TotalRefitCost = TotalRefitCost + CompareClass.ShipArmorDef.cost;

                if (TotalRefitCost > RefitThreshold)
                    return TotalRefitCost;

            /// <summary>
            /// Iterate through every component and determine which components must be added to the new class for a refit. If the cost goes above the refit threshold however, then
            /// this class is not an eligible class as far as the shipyard is concerned.
            /// </summary>
            for (int componentIterator = 0; componentIterator < CompareClass.ListOfComponentDefs.Count; componentIterator++)
                ComponentDefTN TestComponent = CompareClass.ListOfComponentDefs[componentIterator];
                int TestComponentCount = CompareClass.ListOfComponentDefsCount[componentIterator];

                int index = ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(TestComponent);

                /// <summary>
                /// Both AssignedClass and CurrentClass have the same component definition if index is not -1.
                /// </summary>
                if (index != -1)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// If the assignedClass has more components or an equal number of components then it is not necessary to add any of said component to the total refit cost.
                    /// otherwise this must be done.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (ListOfComponentDefsCount[index] < TestComponentCount)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// If CurrentClass has 3 of this component, and Assigned class has only 1, then 2 must be added via refit.
                        /// </summary>
                        decimal CurrentComponentCost = TestComponent.cost * (TestComponentCount - ListOfComponentDefsCount[index]);
                        TotalRefitCost = TotalRefitCost + CurrentComponentCost;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Every component of this component definition must be added.
                    /// </summary>
                    decimal CurrentComponentCost = TestComponent.cost * TestComponentCount;
                    TotalRefitCost = TotalRefitCost + CurrentComponentCost;

                /// <summary>
                /// Break out of this component iteration loop due to the refit cost being too great.
                /// </summary>
                if (TotalRefitCost > RefitThreshold)

            return TotalRefitCost;
Esempio n. 11
        private void ClassComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex < _CurrnetFaction.ShipDesigns.Count)
                _CurrnetShipClass = _CurrnetFaction.ShipDesigns[m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex];


            //if (VM.CurrentShipClass != null)
            //    m_oClassPropertiesPanel.ClassPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = VM.CurrentShipClass;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// ShipTN creates a ship of classDefinition in Index ShipIndex for the taskgroup ship list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClassDefinition">Definition of the ship.</param>
        /// <param name="ShipIndex">Its index within the shiplist of the taskgroup.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentTimeSlice">tick when this ship is created.</param>
        /// <param name="ShipTG">TG this ship belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="ShipFact">Faction this ship belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="Title">Name of the ship.</param>
        public ShipTN(ShipClassTN ClassDefinition, int ShipIndex, int CurrentTimeSlice, TaskGroupTN ShipTG, Faction ShipFact, String Title)
            int index;
            Name = Title;

            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            /// <summary>
            /// Set the class definition
            /// </summary>
            ShipClass = ClassDefinition;

            /// <summary>
            /// Inform the class that it has a new member.
            /// </summary>

            /// <summary>
            /// Ships are standard crewed vessels for now.
            /// </summary>
            TypeOf = ShipType.Standard;

            /// <summary>
            /// Tell the Ship which TG it is a part of.
            /// </summary>
            ShipsTaskGroup = ShipTG;

            /// <summary>
            /// Likewise for Faction.
            /// </summary>
            ShipsFaction = ShipFact;

            /// <summary>
            /// Add this ship to the overall faction ship list.
            /// </summary>

            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure to initialize this important variable that everything uses.
            /// </summary>
            ShipComponents = new BindingList<ComponentTN>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Initialize the list of Ship fire controls.
            /// </summary>
            ShipFireControls = new BindingList<ComponentTN>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Likewise the ListOfComponentDefs counterpart here is important.
            /// </summary>
            ComponentDefIndex = new BindingList<ushort>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.Count; loop++)

            /// <summary>
            /// List of components that have been destroyed.
            /// </summary>
            DestroyedComponents = new BindingList<ushort>();

            DestroyedComponentsType = new BindingList<ComponentTypeTN>();

            /// <summary>
            /// How much damage can the ship take?
            /// </summary>
            ShipHTK = ShipClass.TotalHTK;

            /// <summary>
            /// When the destroyed components list is populated it can be selected from to put components here to be repaired.
            /// </summary>
            DamageControlQue = new BindingList<ushort>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Not yet set.
            /// </summary>
            DamageControlTarget = -1;

            /// <summary>
            /// All ships will have armor, and all ship defs should have armor before this point.
            /// </summary.
            ShipArmor = new ArmorTN(ClassDefinition.ShipArmorDef);

            /// <summary>
            /// Crew Quarters don't strictly have to be present, but will be in almost all designs.
            /// </summary>
            CrewQuarters = new BindingList<GeneralComponentTN>();
            AddComponents(CrewQuarters, ClassDefinition.CrewQuarters, ClassDefinition.CrewQuartersCount);

            /// <summary>
            /// Subtract crew from crew pool if ship is not conscript staffed Here:
            /// </summary>

            CurrentCrew = 0;
            SpareBerths = ShipClass.TotalCrewQuarters;
            CurrentCryoStorage = 0;
            CurrentDeployment = 0.0f;
            Morale = 100.0f;
            ShipGrade = 0.0f;
            TFTraining = 0.0f;

            /// <summary>
            ///Fuel Tanks don't have to be present, but will be in most designs.
            /// </summary>
            FuelTanks = new BindingList<GeneralComponentTN>();
            AddComponents(FuelTanks, ClassDefinition.FuelTanks, ClassDefinition.FuelTanksCount);
            CurrentFuel = 0.0f;
            CurrentFuelCapacity = ShipClass.TotalFuelCapacity;
            FuelCounter = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// Engineering spaces must be on civ designs(atleast 1), but can be absent from military designs.
            /// </summary>
            EngineeringBays = new BindingList<GeneralComponentTN>();
            AddComponents(EngineeringBays, ClassDefinition.EngineeringBays, ClassDefinition.EngineeringBaysCount);
            CurrentDamageControlRating = ClassDefinition.MaxDamageControlRating;
            CurrentMSP = ShipClass.TotalMSPCapacity;
            CurrentMSPCapacity = ShipClass.TotalMSPCapacity;
            MaintenanceClock = 0.0f;

            /// <summary>
            /// All remaining components that are of a more specialized nature. These do not have to be present, except bridges on ships bigger than 1K tons.
            /// </summary>
            OtherComponents = new BindingList<GeneralComponentTN>();
            AddComponents(OtherComponents, ClassDefinition.OtherComponents, ClassDefinition.OtherComponentsCount);

            /// <summary>
            /// All mobile ships need engines, orbitals and PDCs don't however.
            /// </summary>
            ShipEngine = new BindingList<EngineTN>();
            index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipEngineDef);
            if (index != -1)
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipEngineCount; loop++)
                EngineTN Engine = new EngineTN(ClassDefinition.ShipEngineDef);
                Engine.componentIndex = ShipEngine.Count;
            CurrentEnginePower = ClassDefinition.MaxEnginePower;
            CurrentMaxEnginePower = CurrentEnginePower;
            CurrentThermalSignature = ClassDefinition.MaxThermalSignature;
            CurrentMaxThermalSignature = CurrentThermalSignature;
            CurrentSpeed = ClassDefinition.MaxSpeed;
            CurrentMaxSpeed = CurrentSpeed;
            CurrentFuelUsePerHour = ClassDefinition.MaxFuelUsePerHour;
            CurrentMaxFuelUsePerHour = CurrentFuelUsePerHour;

            /// <summary>
            /// Usually only cargo ships and salvagers will have cargo holds.
            /// </summary>
            ShipCargo = new BindingList<CargoTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipCargoDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipCargoDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipCargoCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    CargoTN cargo = new CargoTN(ClassDefinition.ShipCargoDef[loop]);
                    cargo.componentIndex = ShipCargo.Count;
            CurrentCargoTonnage = 0;
            CargoList = new Dictionary<Installation.InstallationType, CargoListEntryTN>();
            CargoComponentList = new Dictionary<ComponentDefTN, CargoListEntryTN>();

            /// <summary>
            /// While only colonyships will have the major bays, just about any craft can have an emergency cryo bay.
            /// </summary>
            ShipColony = new BindingList<ColonyTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipColonyDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipColonyDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipColonyCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    ColonyTN colony = new ColonyTN(ClassDefinition.ShipColonyDef[loop]);
                    colony.componentIndex = ShipColony.Count;
            CurrentCryoStorage = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// Any ship with cargo holds, troop bays, cryo berths, or drop pods will benefit from a cargohandling system. though droppods benefit from the CHSes on other vessels as well.
            /// </summary>
            ShipCHS = new BindingList<CargoHandlingTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipCHSDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipCHSDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipCHSCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    CargoHandlingTN CHS = new CargoHandlingTN(ClassDefinition.ShipCHSDef[loop]);
                    CHS.componentIndex = ShipCHS.Count;
            CurrentTractorMultiplier = ShipClass.TractorMultiplier;

            /// <summary>
            /// Every ship will have a passive sensor rating, but very few will have specialized passive sensors.
            /// </summary>
            ShipPSensor = new BindingList<PassiveSensorTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipPSensorDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipPSensorDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipPSensorCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    PassiveSensorTN PSensor = new PassiveSensorTN(ClassDefinition.ShipPSensorDef[loop]);
                    PSensor.componentIndex = ShipPSensor.Count;

            /// <summary>
            /// These two can and will change if the ship takes damage to its sensors.
            /// </summary>
            BestThermalRating = ClassDefinition.BestThermalRating;
            BestEMRating = ClassDefinition.BestEMRating;

            /// <summary>
            /// Active Sensors will be probably rarer than passive sensors, as they betray their location to any listener in range.
            /// And the listener may be far enough away that the active will not ping him.
            /// </summary>
            ShipASensor = new BindingList<ActiveSensorTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipASensorDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipASensorDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipASensorCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    ActiveSensorTN ASensor = new ActiveSensorTN(ClassDefinition.ShipASensorDef[loop]);
                    ASensor.componentIndex = ShipASensor.Count;

                    int ASIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    ASensor.Name = ASensor.aSensorDef.Name + " #" + ASIndex.ToString();


            /// <summary>
            /// This won't change, but it should be here for convenience during sensor sweeps.
            /// </summary>
            TotalCrossSection = ClassDefinition.TotalCrossSection;
            CurrentEMSignature = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// Detection Statistics initialization:
            /// </summary>
            ThermalList = new LinkedListNode<int>(ShipIndex);
            EMList = new LinkedListNode<int>(ShipIndex);
            ActiveList = new LinkedListNode<int>(ShipIndex);

            ThermalDetection = new BindingList<int>();
            EMDetection = new BindingList<int>();
            ActiveDetection = new BindingList<int>();

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.Faction.FactionMax; loop++)

            ShipCommanded = false;

            ShipBFC = new BindingList<BeamFireControlTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipBFCDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipBFCDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipBFCCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    BeamFireControlTN BFC = new BeamFireControlTN(ClassDefinition.ShipBFCDef[loop]);
                    BFC.componentIndex = ShipBFC.Count;

                    int BFCIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    BFC.Name = BFC.beamFireControlDef.Name + " #" + BFCIndex.ToString();


            ShipBeam = new BindingList<BeamTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipBeamDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipBeamDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipBeamCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    BeamTN Beam = new BeamTN(ClassDefinition.ShipBeamDef[loop]);
                    Beam.componentIndex = ShipBeam.Count;

                    int BeamIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    Beam.Name = Beam.beamDef.Name + " #" + BeamIndex.ToString();


            ShipReactor = new BindingList<ReactorTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipReactorDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipReactorDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipReactorCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    ReactorTN Reactor = new ReactorTN(ClassDefinition.ShipReactorDef[loop]);
                    Reactor.componentIndex = ShipReactor.Count;
            CurrentPowerGen = ClassDefinition.TotalPowerGeneration;

            ShipShield = new BindingList<ShieldTN>();
            index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipShieldDef);
            if (index != -1)
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipShieldCount; loop++)
                ShieldTN Shield = new ShieldTN(ClassDefinition.ShipShieldDef);
                Shield.componentIndex = ShipShield.Count;

            CurrentShieldPool = 0.0f;
            CurrentShieldPoolMax = ClassDefinition.TotalShieldPool;
            CurrentShieldGen = ClassDefinition.TotalShieldGenPerTick;
            CurrentShieldFuelUse = ClassDefinition.TotalShieldFuelCostPerTick;
            ShieldIsActive = false;

            ShipMLaunchers = new BindingList<MissileLauncherTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipMLaunchDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipMLaunchDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipMLaunchCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    MissileLauncherTN Tube = new MissileLauncherTN(ClassDefinition.ShipMLaunchDef[loop]);
                    Tube.componentIndex = ShipMLaunchers.Count;

                    int TubeIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    Tube.Name = Tube.missileLauncherDef.Name + " #" + TubeIndex.ToString();


            ShipMagazines = new BindingList<MagazineTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipMagazineDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipMagazineDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipMagazineCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    MagazineTN Mag = new MagazineTN(ClassDefinition.ShipMagazineDef[loop]);
                    Mag.componentIndex = ShipMagazines.Count;

            ShipMFC = new BindingList<MissileFireControlTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipMFCDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipMFCDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipMFCCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    MissileFireControlTN MFC = new MissileFireControlTN(ClassDefinition.ShipMFCDef[loop]);
                    MFC.componentIndex = ShipMFC.Count;

                    int MFCIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    MFC.Name = MFC.mFCSensorDef.Name + " #" + MFCIndex.ToString();


            ShipOrdnance = new Dictionary<OrdnanceDefTN, int>();

            CurrentMagazineCapacity = 0;
            CurrentMagazineCapacityMax = ClassDefinition.TotalMagazineCapacity;
            CurrentLauncherMagCapacityMax = ClassDefinition.LauncherMagSpace;
            CurrentMagazineMagCapacityMax = ClassDefinition.MagazineMagSpace;

            ShipCIWS = new BindingList<CIWSTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipCIWSDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipCIWSDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipCIWSCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    CIWSTN CIWS = new CIWSTN(ClassDefinition.ShipCIWSDef[loop]);
                    CIWS.componentIndex = ShipCIWS.Count;

                    int CIWSIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    CIWS.Name = CIWS.cIWSDef.Name + " #" + CIWSIndex.ToString();

            ShipCIWSIndex = 0;

            ShipTurret = new BindingList<TurretTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipTurretDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipTurretDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipTurretCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    TurretTN Turret = new TurretTN(ClassDefinition.ShipTurretDef[loop]);
                    Turret.componentIndex = ShipTurret.Count;

                    int TurretIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    Turret.Name = Turret.turretDef.Name + " #" + TurretIndex.ToString();


            ShipJumpEngine = new BindingList<JumpEngineTN>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < ClassDefinition.ShipJumpEngineDef.Count; loop++)
                index = ClassDefinition.ListOfComponentDefs.IndexOf(ClassDefinition.ShipJumpEngineDef[loop]);
                ComponentDefIndex[index] = (ushort)ShipComponents.Count;
                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < ClassDefinition.ShipJumpEngineCount[loop]; loop2++)
                    JumpEngineTN JumpEngine = new JumpEngineTN(ClassDefinition.ShipJumpEngineDef[loop]);
                    JumpEngine.componentIndex = ShipJumpEngine.Count;

                    int JumpEngineIndex = loop2 + 1;
                    JumpEngine.Name = JumpEngine.jumpEngineDef.Name + " #" + JumpEngineIndex.ToString();

            JumpSickness = 0;

            IsDestroyed = false;

            ShipsTargetting = new BindingList<ShipTN>();

            TaskGroupsOrdered = new BindingList<TaskGroupTN>();
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// New ship class button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void NewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ShipClassTN oNewShipClass = new ShipClassTN("New Class", VM.CurrentFaction);
            oNewShipClass.AddCrewQuarters(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.CrewQuarters[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddFuelStorage(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.FuelStorage[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddEngineeringSpaces(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.EngineeringSpaces[0], 1);
            oNewShipClass.AddOtherComponent(_CurrnetFaction.ComponentList.OtherComponents[0], 1);

            int ArmorTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ArmourProtection];

            if (ArmorTech > 12)
                ArmorTech = 12;
#warning more armor names to move to constants.UI
            #region Armor Tech names
            String Title = "N/A";
            switch (ArmorTech)
                case 0:
                    Title = "Conventional";
                case 1:
                    Title = "Duranium";
                case 2:
                    Title = "High Density Duranium";
                case 3:
                    Title = "Composite";
                case 4:
                    Title = "Ceramic Composite";
                case 5:
                    Title = "Laminate Composite";
                case 6:
                    Title = "Compressed Carbon";
                case 7:
                    Title = "Biphased Carbide";
                case 8:
                    Title = "Crystaline Composite";
                case 9:
                    Title = "Superdense";
                case 10:
                    Title = "Bonded Superdense";
                case 11:
                    Title = "Coherent Superdense";
                case 12:
                    Title = "Collapsium";

            oNewShipClass.NewArmor(Title, (ushort)Constants.MagazineTN.MagArmor[ArmorTech], oNewShipClass.ShipArmorDef.depth);


            m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex = m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.Items.Count - 1;
            _CurrnetShipClass = _CurrnetFaction.ShipDesigns[m_oOptionsPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndex];


Esempio n. 14
        public FastOOB()
            m_oFastOOBPanel = new Panels.FastOOB_Panel();

            VM = new ViewModels.FastOOBViewModel();

            /// <summary>
            /// setup bindings:
            /// </summary>
            m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.Factions);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentFaction, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            VM.FactionChanged += (s, args) => CurrentFaction = VM.CurrentFaction;
            CurrentFaction = VM.CurrentFaction;

            m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue();
            m_oFastOOBPanel.EmpireComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(EmpireComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);

            m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.TaskGroups);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentTaskGroup, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            VM.TaskGroupChanged += (s, args) => CurrentTaskGroup = VM.CurrentTaskGroup;
            CurrentTaskGroup = VM.CurrentTaskGroup;

            m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue();
            m_oFastOOBPanel.TaskGroupComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TaskGroupComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);

            m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.ShipDesigns);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentShipClass, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            VM.ShipClassChanged += (s, args) => CurrentShipClass = VM.CurrentShipClass;
            CurrentShipClass = VM.CurrentShipClass;

            m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue();
            m_oFastOOBPanel.ClassComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ClassComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);

            m_oFastOOBPanel.AddButton.Click += new EventHandler(AddButton_Click);
            m_oFastOOBPanel.CloseButton.Click += new EventHandler(CloseButton_Click);

            m_oFastOOBPanel.NumberTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(NumberTextBox_TextChanged);

Esempio n. 15
        public void testASensor()

            Faction newFaction = new Faction(0);

            StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol();

            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);

            TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);

            ShipClassTN ts2 = new ShipClassTN("Test", newFaction);
            ShipTN ts = new ShipTN(ts2, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship");

            ActiveSensorDefTN ASensorDefTest = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Active Search Sensor MR705-R185", 6.0f, 36, 24, 185, false, 1.0f, 1);

            ts2.ShipASensorDef = new BindingList<ActiveSensorDefTN>();
            ts2.ShipASensorCount = new BindingList<ushort>();

            ActiveSensorTN ASensorTest = new ActiveSensorTN(ts2.ShipASensorDef[0]);

            ts.ShipASensor = new BindingList<ActiveSensorTN>();

            ActiveSensorDefTN tst3 = ts.ShipASensor[0].aSensorDef;

            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", tst3.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, HTK: {1}, Hardening: {2}", tst3.size, tst3.htk, tst3.hardening);
            Console.WriteLine("GPS: {0}, Range: {1}", tst3.gps, tst3.maxRange);
            Console.WriteLine("IsMilitary: {0}", tst3.isMilitary);
            Console.WriteLine("Crew: {0}", tst3.crew);
            Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}", tst3.cost);

            for (ushort loop = 80; loop < 120; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Resolution:{0} Detection Range in KM:{1}", loop, tst3.GetActiveDetectionRange(loop, -1));
 /// <summary>
 /// Now I want a list of the ships of a specific class that are in orbit. these will potentially be targets for repair, refit, or scrap operations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CurrentFaction">Economics handler selected faction.</param>
 /// <param name="CurrentPopulation">Population from the economics handler.</param>
 /// <param name="CurrentShipClass">Shipclass selected via the RepairRefitScrapClassComboBox</param>
 /// <param name="ShipsOfClassInOrbit">List of ships in the selected shipclass in orbit around CurrentPopulation.</param>
 private static void GetShipsOfClassInOrbit(Faction CurrentFaction, Population CurrentPopulation, ShipClassTN CurrentShipClass, ref BindingList<ShipTN> ShipsOfClassInOrbit)
     foreach (TaskGroupTN CurrentTaskGroup in CurrentPopulation.Planet.TaskGroupsInOrbit)
         if (CurrentTaskGroup.TaskGroupFaction == CurrentFaction)
             foreach (ShipTN CurrentShip in CurrentTaskGroup.Ships)
                 if (CurrentShip.ShipClass == CurrentShipClass)
Esempio n. 17
        public void testShip()
            Faction newFaction = new Faction(0);

            /// <summary>
            /// These would go into a faction component list I think
            /// </summary>
            EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f);
            ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1);
            PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);
            PassiveSensorDefTN EMPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Sensor EM1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1);

            GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew);
            GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel);
            GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering);
            GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge);

            ShipClassTN TestClass = new ShipClassTN("Test Ship Class", newFaction);

            TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);
            TestClass.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2);
            TestClass.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2);
            TestClass.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1);

            TestClass.AddEngine(EngDef, 1);

            TestClass.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef, 1);
            TestClass.AddPassiveSensor(EMPasDef, 1);

            TestClass.AddActiveSensor(ActDef, 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons);

            Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement,
            TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew);

            Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost);

            Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour);

            Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection);

            TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, -1);

            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons);

            Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement,
            TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew);

            Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost);

            Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour);

            Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection);

            TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, -1);

            Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons);

            Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement,
            TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew);

            Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost);

            Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour);

            Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection);

            TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);

            StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol();

            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);

            TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);

            ShipTN testShip = new ShipTN(TestClass, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship");

            testShip.CrewQuarters[0].isDestroyed = true;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < testShip.CrewQuarters.Count; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Crew Quarters {0} isDestroyed:{1}", loop + 1, testShip.CrewQuarters[loop].isDestroyed);

            testShip.CrewQuarters[0].isDestroyed = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature,


            Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature,

            Console.WriteLine("Current Crew/Fuel/MSP: {0}/{1}/{2}", testShip.CurrentCrew, testShip.CurrentFuel, testShip.CurrentMSP);

            int CrewSource = 100000;
            float FuelSource = 100000.0f;
            int MSPSource = 100000;

            CrewSource = testShip.Recrew(CrewSource);
            FuelSource = testShip.Refuel(FuelSource);
            MSPSource = testShip.Resupply(MSPSource);

            Console.WriteLine("Current Crew/Fuel/MSP: {0}/{1}/{2} Source: {3}/{4}/{5}", testShip.CurrentCrew, testShip.CurrentFuel, testShip.CurrentMSP, CrewSource, FuelSource, MSPSource);

            Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature);

            bool isActive = true;
            testShip.SetSensor(testShip.ShipASensor[0], isActive);

            Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature);

            isActive = false;
            testShip.SetSensor(testShip.ShipASensor[0], isActive);

            Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature,
            Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature);

Esempio n. 18
                /// <summary>
                /// Constructor for task.
                /// ABR = Normal shipbuilding rate x (1+(((Class Size / 100) - 1)/2)) 
                /// Scrap Formula is ((0.25 * ShipCost) / ABR) * Year = days involved.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="Ship">Ship to repair/refit/scrap. build will be handled elsewhere.</param>
                /// <param name="TargetTG">Target TG which the ship will be put back in to, or in the case of a scrap operation taken from.</param>
                /// <param name="PopulationBuildRate">What is the currently selected shipyard capable of building? population and faction should factor into this number.</param>
                /// <param name="ConstructOrRefitTarget">If a new ship is being built, or an old ship is being refitted, what target design are we interested in?</param>
                public ShipyardTask(ShipTN Ship, Constants.ShipyardInfo.Task TaskToPerform, TaskGroupTN TargetTG, int PopulationBuildRate, String TitleToUse, ShipClassTN ConstructOrRefitTarget=null)
                    m_aiMinerialsCost = new decimal[(int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount];

                    CurrentShip = Ship;
                    CurrentTask = TaskToPerform;
                    Progress = 0.0m;
                    Priority = 0;
                    Paused = false;
                    ConstructRefitTarget = ConstructOrRefitTarget;

                    ABR = 1;

                    AssignedTaskGroup = TargetTG;

                    if(AssignedTaskGroup != null)
                        AssignedTaskGroup.IsInShipyard = true;

                    Cost = 0.0m;

                    /// <summary>
                    /// This is only relevant for new ship construction.
                    /// </summary>
                    Title = TitleToUse;

                    switch (TaskToPerform)
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.Task.Construction:
                            ABR = (int)Math.Round(PopulationBuildRate * (1.0f + (((ConstructRefitTarget.SizeHS / 100.0f) - 1.0f) / 2.0f)));
                            Cost = ConstructRefitTarget.BuildPointCost;
                            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                                m_aiMinerialsCost[mineralIterator] = ConstructRefitTarget.minerialsCost[mineralIterator];
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.Task.Repair:
                            ABR = (int)Math.Round(PopulationBuildRate * (1.0f + (((Ship.ShipClass.SizeHS / 100.0f) - 1.0f) / 2.0f)));
                            /// <summary>
                            /// Repair will just cost money. Two reasons. 1st: Laziness. I'd have to get all the component costs as well.
                            /// 2nd:Ships require continuous resource outlays via routine maintenance, that should and will cover the actual cost of repairing the ship above and beyond the money required.
                            /// </summary>
                            for(int componentIterator = 0; componentIterator < Ship.DestroyedComponents.Count; componentIterator++)
                                ushort ID = Ship.DestroyedComponents[componentIterator];
                                ComponentTypeTN CType = Ship.DestroyedComponentsType[componentIterator];
                                Cost = Cost + Ship.GetDamagedComponentsRepairCost(ID,CType);

                            if(Ship.ShipArmor.isDamaged == true)
                                int totalDamage = 0;
                                int max = Ship.ShipArmor.armorDef.cNum * Ship.ShipArmor.armorDef.depth;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, ushort> pair in Ship.ShipArmor.armorDamage)
                                    totalDamage = totalDamage + pair.Value;

                                float damageFraction = ((float)totalDamage / (float)max);

                                Cost = Cost + ((decimal)damageFraction * Ship.ShipArmor.armorDef.cost);

                            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                                m_aiMinerialsCost[mineralIterator] = 0.0m;
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.Task.Refit:
                            ABR = (int)Math.Round(PopulationBuildRate * (1.0f + (((ConstructRefitTarget.SizeHS / 100.0f) - 1.0f) / 2.0f)));
                            Cost = ConstructRefitTarget.BuildPointCost;
                            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                                m_aiMinerialsCost[mineralIterator] = ConstructRefitTarget.minerialsCost[mineralIterator];
                        case Constants.ShipyardInfo.Task.Scrap:
                            ABR = (int)Math.Round(PopulationBuildRate * (1.0f + (((Ship.ShipClass.SizeHS / 100.0f) - 1.0f) / 2.0f)));
                            Cost = Ship.ShipClass.BuildPointCost * -0.25m;
                            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                                m_aiMinerialsCost[mineralIterator] = Ship.ShipClass.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] * -0.25m;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// How long will this retool take?
                    /// </summary>
                    float DaysInYear = (float)Constants.TimeInSeconds.RealYear / (float)Constants.TimeInSeconds.Day; 
                    float YearsOfProduction = (float)Math.Abs(Cost) / (float)ABR;
                    DateTime EstTime = GameState.Instance.GameDateTime;
                    if (YearsOfProduction < Constants.Colony.TimerYearMax)
                        int TimeToBuild = (int)Math.Floor(YearsOfProduction * DaysInYear);
                        TimeSpan TS = new TimeSpan(TimeToBuild, 0, 0, 0);
                        EstTime = EstTime.Add(TS);
                    CompletionDate = EstTime;
Esempio n. 19
        public void TGPassivesTest()
            EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f);
            PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef1 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);
            PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef2 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-6", 1.0f, 6, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);
            PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef3 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-8", 1.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);
            PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef4 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-11", 1.0f, 11, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1);

            GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew);
            GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel);
            GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering);
            GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge);

            Faction FID = new Faction(0);
            StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol();
            SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);;

            TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System);
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++)

                ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID);
                test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);
                test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2);
                test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2);
                test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1);

                switch (loop)
                    case 0: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef2, 5);
                    case 1: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef1, 4);
                    case 2: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef3, 7);
                    case 3: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef4, 6);

                TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship");
                Console.WriteLine("Best Thermal:{0},{1}", TaskGroup1.BestThermal.pSensorDef.rating, TaskGroup1.BestThermalCount);
Esempio n. 20
                /// <summary>
                /// Constructor for Activity.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="NewActivity">New activity for this shipyard.</param>
                /// <param name="Cost">Cost of the activity. This will depend on the shipyard, so can't be calculated here in all cases.</param>
                /// <param name="minCost">Mineral cost of activity.</param>
                /// <param name="CompDate">Estimated completion date.</param>
                /// <param name="RetoolTarget">Shipclass to retool this shipyard to.</param>
                /// <param name="CapLimit">Expand this shipard until CapLimit tons. if -1 then this should not be cap expansion until X tons</param>
                public ShipyardActivity(Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity NewActivity, decimal Cost, decimal [] minCost, DateTime CompDate, ShipClassTN RetoolTarget=null)
                    m_aiMinerialsCost = new decimal[(int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount];
                    Activity = NewActivity;
                    Progress = 0.0m;
                    TargetOfRetool = null;
                    CapExpansionLimit = -1;

                    CostOfActivity = Cost;

                    CompletionDate = CompDate;

                    for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                        m_aiMinerialsCost[mineralIterator] = minCost[mineralIterator];

                    if (RetoolTarget != null && NewActivity == Constants.ShipyardInfo.ShipyardActivity.Retool)
                        TargetOfRetool = RetoolTarget;

                    Paused = false;
Esempio n. 21
        public void TGOrdersTest()
            EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f);

            GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew);
            GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel);
            GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering);
            GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge);

            Faction FID = new Faction(0); 
            StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol();
            SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);;

            Waypoint WP1 = new Waypoint("WP TG Orders", System, 0.1, 0.1, 0);

            planet.Position.X = 0.0;
            planet.Position.Y = 0.0;

            TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System);

            ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID);
            test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2);
            test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2);
            test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2);
            test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1);
            test.AddEngine(EngDef, 1);

            TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship");


            Order TGOrder = new Order(Constants.ShipTN.OrderType.MoveTo, -1, -1, 0, WP1);


            Console.WriteLine("Fuel Remaining:{0}", TaskGroup1.Ships[0].CurrentFuel);

            while (TaskGroup1.TaskGroupOrders.Count != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} | {2} {3}", Distance.ToKm(TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.X), Distance.ToKm(TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.Y), TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.X, TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.Y);

            Console.WriteLine("Fuel Remaining:{0}", TaskGroup1.Ships[0].CurrentFuel);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Missile Build Queue Items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Definition"></param>
        public FighterBuildQueueItem(ShipClassTN Definition)
            : base()
            numToBuild = 0.0f;
            buildCapacity = 0.0f;
            productionRate = 0.0f;
            costPerItem = Definition.BuildPointCost;

            m_ShipClassDef = Definition;