public static SensorReturnValues[] GetDetectedEntites(SensorReceverAtbDB sensorAtb, Vector3 position, List <Entity> detectableEntities, DateTime atDate, Guid factionOwner, bool filterSameFaction = true)
            SensorReturnValues[] detectionValues = new SensorReturnValues[detectableEntities.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < detectableEntities.Count; i++)
                var detectableEntity = detectableEntities[i];
                if (filterSameFaction && detectableEntity.FactionOwner == factionOwner)
                    SensorProfileDB detectableProfile = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>();
                    PositionDB      detectablePosDB   = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
                    if (detectablePosDB == null)
                        StaticRefLib.EventLog.AddEvent(new Event("Error: Attempt to get a sensor position on a positionless entity, ID: " + detectableEntity.Guid));

                    //TODO: check if the below actualy saves us anything. it might be better just to seperatly loop through each of the entites and set the reflection profiles every so often..
                    TimeSpan timeSinceLastCalc     = atDate - detectableProfile.LastDatetimeOfReflectionSet;
                    double   distanceSinceLastCalc = detectablePosDB.GetDistanceTo_m(detectableProfile.LastPositionOfReflectionSet);
                    if (timeSinceLastCalc > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) || distanceSinceLastCalc > 5000) //TODO: move the time and distance numbers here to settings?
                        SetReflectedEMProfile.SetEntityProfile(detectableEntity, atDate);

                    var distance                      = detectablePosDB.GetDistanceTo_m(position);
                    var attentuatedSignal             = AttenuatedForDistance(detectableProfile, distance);
                    SensorReturnValues detectionValue = DetectonQuality(sensorAtb, attentuatedSignal);
                    //if(detectionValue.SignalStrength_kW > 0)
                    detectionValues[i] = detectionValue;

Esempio n. 2
        public static (Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel) GetAbsulutePositon_m(Entity entity, NewtonMoveDB newtonMoveDB, DateTime atDateTime)
            PositionDB            positionDB   = entity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
            NewtonThrustAbilityDB newtonThrust = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>();
            DateTime dateTimeNow   = entity.StarSysDateTime;
            TimeSpan timeDelta     = atDateTime - dateTimeNow;
            double   mass_Kg       = entity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            double   parentMass_kg = newtonMoveDB.ParentMass;

            Vector3 newAbsolute = positionDB.AbsolutePosition_m;
            Vector3 velocity    = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms;

            double secondsToItterate = timeDelta.TotalSeconds;

            while (secondsToItterate > 0)
                //double timeStep = Math.Max(secondsToItterate / speed_kms, 1);
                //timeStep = Math.Min(timeStep, secondsToItterate);
                double timeStep           = 1;//because the above seems unstable and looses energy.
                double distanceToParent_m = positionDB.GetDistanceTo_m(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>());

                distanceToParent_m = Math.Max(distanceToParent_m, 0.1); //don't let the distance be 0 (once collision is in this will likely never happen anyway)

                double  gravForce       = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (mass_Kg * parentMass_kg / Math.Pow(distanceToParent_m, 2));
                Vector3 gravForceVector = gravForce * -Vector3.Normalise(positionDB.RelativePosition_m);

                Vector3 acceleratonFromGrav = gravForceVector / mass_Kg;

                double  maxAccelFromThrust1    = newtonThrust.ExhaustVelocity * Math.Log(mass_Kg / (mass_Kg - newtonThrust.FuelBurnRate)); //per second
                double  maxAccelFromThrust     = newtonThrust.ThrustInNewtons / mass_Kg;                                                   //per second
                Vector3 accelerationFromThrust = newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_AU / maxAccelFromThrust;                                    //per second

                Vector3 accelerationTotal = acceleratonFromGrav + accelerationFromThrust;

                Vector3 newVelocity = (accelerationTotal * timeStep) + velocity;

                velocity = newVelocity;
                Vector3 deltaPos = (velocity + newVelocity) / 2 * timeStep;

                newAbsolute += deltaPos;

                secondsToItterate -= timeStep;

            return(newAbsolute, velocity);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This was designed so that fast moving objects will get interpolated a lot more than slow moving objects
        /// so fast moving objects shouldn't loose positional acuracy when close to a planet,
        /// and slow moving objects won't have processor time wasted on them by calulcating too often.
        /// However this seems to be unstable and looses energy, unsure why. currently set it to just itterate/interpolate every second.
        /// so currently will be using more time to get through this than neccisary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaSeconds">Delta seconds.</param>
        public static void NewtonMove(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            NewtonMoveDB          newtonMoveDB = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
            NewtonThrustAbilityDB newtonThrust = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>();
            PositionDB            positionDB   = entity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
            double mass_Kg       = entity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            double parentMass_kg = newtonMoveDB.ParentMass;

            var      manager        = entity.Manager;
            DateTime dateTimeFrom   = newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeNow    = manager.ManagerSubpulses.StarSysDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeFuture = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds);
            double   deltaT         = (dateTimeFuture - dateTimeFrom).TotalSeconds;

            double secondsToItterate = deltaT;

            while (secondsToItterate > 0)
                //double timeStep = Math.Max(secondsToItterate / speed_kms, 1);
                //timeStep = Math.Min(timeStep, secondsToItterate);
                double timeStepInSeconds  = 1;//because the above seems unstable and looses energy.
                double distanceToParent_m = positionDB.GetDistanceTo_m(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>());

                distanceToParent_m = Math.Max(distanceToParent_m, 0.1); //don't let the distance be 0 (once collision is in this will likely never happen anyway)

                double  gravForce       = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (mass_Kg * parentMass_kg / Math.Pow(distanceToParent_m, 2));
                Vector3 gravForceVector = gravForce * -Vector3.Normalise(positionDB.RelativePosition_m);

                Vector3 totalDVFromGrav = (gravForceVector / mass_Kg) * timeStepInSeconds;

                double maxAccelFromThrust1 = newtonThrust.ExhaustVelocity * Math.Log(mass_Kg / (mass_Kg - newtonThrust.FuelBurnRate)); //per second
                double maxAccelFromThrust  = newtonThrust.ThrustInNewtons / mass_Kg;                                                   //per second

                Vector3 manuverDV = newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m;                      //how much dv needed to complete the manuver.

                double dryMass = mass_Kg - newtonThrust.FuelBurnRate * timeStepInSeconds; //how much our ship weighs after a timestep of fuel is used.
                //how much dv can we get in this timestep.
                double deltaVThisStep = OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyRocketEquation(mass_Kg, dryMass, newtonThrust.ExhaustVelocity);
                deltaVThisStep = Math.Min(manuverDV.Length(), deltaVThisStep);  //don't use more Dv than what is called for.
                deltaVThisStep = Math.Min(newtonThrust.DeltaV, deltaVThisStep); //check we've got the deltaV to spend.

                Vector3 totalDVFromThrust = Vector3.Normalise(manuverDV) * deltaVThisStep;

                //remove the deltaV we're expending from the max (TODO: Remove fuel from cargo, change mass of ship)
                newtonThrust.DeltaV -= deltaVThisStep;
                //remove the vectorDV from the amount needed to fully complete the manuver.
                newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m -= totalDVFromThrust;

                Vector3 totalDV     = totalDVFromGrav + totalDVFromThrust;
                Vector3 newVelocity = totalDV + newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms;

                newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms = newVelocity;
                Vector3 deltaPos = (newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + newVelocity) / 2 * timeStepInSeconds;

                positionDB.RelativePosition_m += deltaPos;

                double sOIRadius = OrbitProcessor.GetSOI_m(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent);

                if (positionDB.RelativePosition_m.Length() >= sOIRadius)
                    Entity  newParent;
                    Vector3 parentRalitiveVector;
                    //if our parent is a regular kepler object (normaly this is the case)
                    if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                        var orbitDB = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                        newParent = orbitDB.Parent;
                        var parentVelocity = OrbitProcessor.InstantaneousOrbitalVelocityVector_m(orbitDB, entity.StarSysDateTime);
                        parentRalitiveVector = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + parentVelocity;
                    else //if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob<NewtonMoveDB>())
                    {   //this will pretty much never happen.
                        newParent = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().SOIParent;
                        var parentVelocity = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().CurrentVector_ms;
                        parentRalitiveVector = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + parentVelocity;
                    parentMass_kg = newParent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;

                    Vector3 posRalitiveToNewParent = positionDB.AbsolutePosition_m - newParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().AbsolutePosition_m;

                    var    dateTime = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds - secondsToItterate);
                    double sgp      = GMath.StandardGravitationalParameter(parentMass_kg + mass_Kg);
                    var    kE       = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp, posRalitiveToNewParent, parentRalitiveVector, dateTime);

                    newtonMoveDB.ParentMass       = parentMass_kg;
                    newtonMoveDB.SOIParent        = newParent;
                    newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms = parentRalitiveVector;

                if (newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m.Length() <= 0) //if we've completed the manuver.
                    var    dateTime = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds - secondsToItterate);
                    double sgp      = GMath.StandardGravitationalParameter(parentMass_kg + mass_Kg);

                    KeplerElements kE = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp, positionDB.RelativePosition_m, newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms, dateTime);

                    var parentEntity = Entity.GetSOIParentEntity(entity, positionDB);

                    if (kE.Eccentricity < 1) //if we're going to end up in a regular orbit around our new parent
                        var newOrbit = OrbitDB.FromKeplerElements(
                        entity.RemoveDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
                        var newPos = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_m(newOrbit, dateTime);
                        positionDB.RelativePosition_m = newPos;

                secondsToItterate -= timeStepInSeconds;
            newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime = dateTimeFuture;