private void buttonSaveProxies_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] allLines = textBoxAddProxies.Text.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in allLines) { if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"http") == false) { _Global.log("Skippet incorrect formatted proxy source " + line); continue; } if (_Global.ProxySources.Any(s => s.Url == line) == false) { _Form.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { ProxySource source = new ProxySource(_Form, line, "", "", 0, -1); _Global.ProxySources.Add(source); }); } } this.Close(); }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); Global = new Globals(this, textBox1); // Setup the data grid that shows found proxies dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; string[] columbsProxiesServers = { "Ip:100", "Port:50", "Anonymity:100", "Checked:100", "Status:100", "Source:100" }; foreach (string columb in columbsProxiesServers) { DataGridViewTextBoxColumn makeColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); makeColumn.DataPropertyName = columb.Split(':')[0]; makeColumn.HeaderText = columb.Split(':')[0]; makeColumn.Width = Int32.Parse(columb.Split(':')[1]); dataGridView1.Columns.Add(makeColumn); } dataGridView1.DataSource = Global.ProxyServers; // Setup the data grid that shows proxy sources dataGridViewProxySources.AutoGenerateColumns = false; string[] columbsProxiesSources = { "Url:100", "Proxies:100", "Working:100", "Bad:100", "Interval:100" }; foreach (string columb in columbsProxiesSources) { DataGridViewTextBoxColumn makeColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); makeColumn.DataPropertyName = columb.Split(':')[0]; makeColumn.HeaderText = columb.Split(':')[0]; makeColumn.Width = Int32.Parse(columb.Split(':')[1]); dataGridViewProxySources.Columns.Add(makeColumn); } // Setup the use button DataGridViewButtonColumn btn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn(); dataGridViewProxySources.Columns.Add(btn); btn.Text = "Use"; btn.Name = "Use"; btn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = false; // Set the data source for the dataGrid showing proxy sources dataGridViewProxySources.DataSource = Global.ProxySources; // Set minimum anonymity comboBoxProxyMinAnonymity.SelectedIndex = comboBoxProxyMinAnonymity.FindStringExact(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyMinAnonymity); trackBar1.Value = 10; // Making an etry for manually added proxies ProxySource source = new ProxySource(this, "Added manually", null, null, 0, 0); Global.ProxySources.Add(source); // ToDo: Load old proxies from the out file }
private void buttonSaveAddProxy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int found = 0; string[] allLines = textBoxAddProxy.Text.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in allLines) { if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):([0-9]+)") == false) { _Global.log("Skippet incorrect formatted proxy " + line); continue; } string[] server = line.Split(':'); lock (_Global.ProxyServers) { if (_Global.ProxyServers.Any(s => s.Ip == server[0]) == true) { //_Global.log("Skippet known ip " + server[0]); } // ToDo: implement banned list here also: //else if (banned != null && banned.Exists(s => s == server[0]) == true) //{ // _Global.log("Skippet banned ip " + server[0]); //} else { _Global.ProxyServers.Add(new ProxyServer(_Form, server[0], Convert.ToInt32(server[1]), "Added manually")); found++; } } // Update the sourc about total proxies added ProxySource source = _Global.ProxySources.Single(s => s.Url == "Added manually"); lock (_Global.ProxySources) { source.Proxies += found; } } this.Close(); }
private void buttonSaveProxies_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] allLines = textBoxAddProxies.Text.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in allLines) { if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"http") == false) { _Global.log("Skippet incorrect formatted proxy source " + line); continue; } if (_Global.ProxySources.Any(s => s.Url == line) == false) { _Form.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ProxySource source = new ProxySource(_Form, line, "", "", 0, -1); _Global.ProxySources.Add(source); }); } } this.Close(); }
// This method will be called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { string ip = null; List <string> banned = null; _Global.log("Query to find our own ip adress"); // Find our own ip address do { try { ProxyJudge pj = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global); WebRequest web = WebRequest.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge); web.Timeout = 30000; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)web.GetResponse(); Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); Dictionary <string, string> values = pj.parse(result); if (values.TryGetValue("REMOTE_ADDR", out ip)) { _Global.log("Found own ip: " + ip); _Global.OwnIp = ip; } else { throw new Exception("REMOTE_ADDR missing in field"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _Global.log("Can not find our own ip: " + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(30000); } } while (ip == null); // Debug: Add a proxy server manually //_Global.ProxyServers.Add(new ProxyServer(_Form, "", Convert.ToInt32("3128"), "runarb")); //return; if (Properties.Settings.Default.UsePublicProxySources == false) { _Global.log("Usage of public proxy sources is off, so will not download list"); } else { // Get public proxy sources List <string> proxysources = getList(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxySource); foreach (string url in proxysources) { lock (_Global.ProxySources) { if (_Global.ProxySources.Any(s => s.Url == url) == false) { ProxySource source = new ProxySource(_Form, url, null, null, 60, 0); _Global.ProxySources.Add(source); } } } // Get public of banned sources banned = getList(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyBanned); } _Global.log("Entering main source scraper loop with " + (_Global.ProxySources.Count - 1) + " sources"); // -1 to not count proxies that was added manualy while (!shutdown) { foreach (ProxySource source in _Global.ProxySources.ToList()) { if (source.Url == "Added manually") { continue; } if (source.Shudled != default(DateTime) && source.Interval == 0) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Debug) { _Global.log("Skipping server " + source.Url + " because it shall only be checked once"); } continue; } if (source.Shudled != default(DateTime) && DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, source.Shudled.AddMinutes(source.Interval)) > 0) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Debug) { _Global.log("Skipping server " + source.Url + " because it have been checked all ready"); } continue; } source.Shudled = DateTime.Now; _Global.log("Trying to get proxy servers from " + source.Url); Process proc = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = @"PhantomJS\phantomjs.exe", Arguments = @"JavaScript\plainText.js " + source.Url, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; proc.Start(); // Go thought the data and use different methods to find proxy servers using (StreamReader reader = proc.StandardOutput) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); int found = 0; // method 0: No tricks found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, result, banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 0 from " + source.Url); // method 1: find ip and port separated with a space or tab found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 1 from " + source.Url); // // method 2: find port and ip separated with a space or tab found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", @"$2:$1"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 2 from " + source.Url); // // method 3: find ip and port separated with a space or tab, and the ip ends in ":" found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):[\t ]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 3 from " + source.Url); /* * // More agresive but methods, that may give bad data. * if (found == 0) { * // * // method 4: find ip and port separated with spmthin other then 0-9 * found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); * source.Proxies += found; * _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 4 from " + source.Url); * } */ } // If asked to shut down we will exit the loop here if (shutdown) { break; } } // Take a little nap to prevent hammering if (!shutdown) { Thread.Sleep(10000); } } }
public void DoWork() { // Hardcoded list of bad and good headers. Dictionary <string, bool> revealingheader = new Dictionary <string, bool>() { { "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL", true }, { "HTTP_CDN_SRC_IP", true }, { "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", true }, { "HTTP_REFERER", true }, { "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH", true }, { "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE", true }, { "HTTP_MAX_FORWARDS", true }, { "HTTP_OCT_MAX_AGE", true }, { "HTTP_PROXY_AGENT", true }, { "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", true }, { "HTTP_VIA", true }, { "HTTP_X_ACCEPT_ENCODING_PRONTOWIFI", true }, { "HTTP_X_BLUECOAT_VIA", true }, { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", true }, { "HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR", true }, { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST", true }, { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER", true }, { "HTTP_X_MATO_PARAM", true }, { "HTTP_X_NAI_ID", true }, { "HTTP_X_PROXY_ID", true }, { "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", true }, { "HTTP_X_VIA", true }, { "HTTP_XCNOOL_REMOTE_ADDR", true }, { "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", true }, { "HTTP_XXPECT", true }, { "HTTP_ACCEPT", false }, { "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", false }, { "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", false }, { "HTTP_CONNECTION", false }, { "HTTP_HOST", false }, { "HTTP_USER_AGENT", false }, { "REMOTE_ADDR", false }, { "REMOTE_PORT", false }, { "REQUEST_METHOD", false }, { "REQUEST_TIME", false }, { "REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT", false }, { "REQUEST_URI", false }, }; Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "ProxyChecker"; while (_Global.ProxyCheckerContinue()) { int i = _Global.ProxyServersToCheck(); // Asked to exit. Wil do so. if (i == -2) { return; } if (i == -1) { Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } _Global.log(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " check server nr " + i); ProxyServer server = _Global.ProxyServers[i]; string lastStatus = server.Status; lock (_Global.ProxyServers) { server.Status = "Checking"; } _Global.log("Trying to connect to " + server.Ip + ":" + server.Port); string anonymity = ""; string status = ""; try { ProxyJudge pj = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global); WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(server.Ip, server.Port); #if USE_RESTSHARP var client = new RestClient(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge); client.Proxy = proxy; var request = new RestRequest("", Method.GET); request.AddHeader("Accept", "text/html"); // execute the request IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); var result = response.Content; // raw content as string // Debug: show more info //_Global.log("result (" + server.Ip + ":" + server.Port + "): " + result); //_Global.log("StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode); //_Global.log("StatusDescription: " + response.StatusDescription); if (response.ErrorException != null) { throw new Exception(response.ErrorException.Message); } #else ProxyJudge pj = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global); WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(server.Ip, server.Port); WebRequest web = WebRequest.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge); web.Timeout = Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyTimeOut * 1000; web.Proxy = proxy; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)web.GetResponse(); Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); #endif Dictionary <string, string> values = pj.parse(result); // Test to se if our ip adress exist in the result string ip = _Global.OwnIp; if (result == "") { throw new Exception("Emty response"); } if (result.IndexOf("REQUEST_URI") == -1) { throw new Exception("Did not find header info. The proxy may tamper with the response"); } // Will go troght black and whitlist to see what level of anonymity this server provides foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in values) { bool revealing; if (revealingheader.TryGetValue(value.Key, out revealing)) // Returns true. { if (revealing) { anonymity = "Low"; // Debug: _Global.log("Found revealing header " + value.Key + " : " + value.Value); status += "Found revealing header " + value.Key + " = " + value.Value + ". "; } } else { anonymity = "Low"; // Debug: _Global.log("Have unknown header '" + value.Key + " : " + value.Value); status += "Have unknown header '" + value.Key + " : " + value.Value + ". "; } } if (result.IndexOf(ip) != -1) { // Debug: _Global.log(server.Ip + ": Have your ip in results"); status += "Have your ip in results. "; anonymity = "None"; } // No ip and not proxy filds found if (anonymity == "") { anonymity = "High"; status = "Ok"; } else { status = "Ok (" + status + ")"; } _Global.log(server.Ip + " Ok: anonymity=" + anonymity + ", status=" + status); } catch (Exception ex) { _Global.log(server.Ip + " error: '" + ex.Message + "'"); status = "Error: " + ex.Message; } // Update the global object lock (_Global.ProxyServers) { server.Anonymity = anonymity; server.Checked = DateTime.Now; server.Status = status; } // Update the owervive, do no count twice. if (server.Status != lastStatus) { ProxySource source = _Global.ProxySources.Single(s => s.Url == server.Source); lock (_Global.ProxySources) { if (status.Substring(0, 2) == "Ok") { source.Working += 1; } else { source.Bad += 1; } } } } _Global.log("T exeting"); }
// This method will be called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { string ip = null; List<string> banned = null; _Global.log("Query to find our own ip adress"); // Find our own ip address do { try { ProxyJudge pj = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global); WebRequest web = WebRequest.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge); web.Timeout = 30000; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)web.GetResponse(); Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); Dictionary<string, string> values = pj.parse(result); if (values.TryGetValue("REMOTE_ADDR", out ip)) { _Global.log("Found own ip: " + ip); _Global.OwnIp = ip; } else { throw new Exception("REMOTE_ADDR missing in field"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _Global.log("Can not find our own ip: " + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(30000); } } while (ip == null); // Debug: Add a proxy server manually //_Global.ProxyServers.Add(new ProxyServer(_Form, "", Convert.ToInt32("3128"), "runarb")); //return; if (Properties.Settings.Default.UsePublicProxySources == false) { _Global.log("Usage of public proxy sources is off, so will not download list"); } else { // Get public proxy sources List<string> proxysources = getList(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxySource); foreach (string url in proxysources) { lock (_Global.ProxySources) { if (_Global.ProxySources.Any(s => s.Url == url) == false) { ProxySource source = new ProxySource(_Form, url, null, null, 60, 0); _Global.ProxySources.Add(source); } } } // Get public of banned sources banned = getList(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyBanned); } _Global.log("Entering main source scraper loop with " + (_Global.ProxySources.Count - 1)+ " sources"); // -1 to not count proxies that was added manualy while (!shutdown) { foreach (ProxySource source in _Global.ProxySources.ToList()) { if (source.Url == "Added manually") { continue; } if (source.Shudled != default(DateTime) && source.Interval == 0) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Debug) { _Global.log("Skipping server " + source.Url + " because it shall only be checked once"); } continue; } if (source.Shudled != default(DateTime) && DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, source.Shudled.AddMinutes(source.Interval)) > 0) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Debug) { _Global.log("Skipping server " + source.Url + " because it have been checked all ready"); } continue; } source.Shudled = DateTime.Now; _Global.log("Trying to get proxy servers from " + source.Url); Process proc = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = @"PhantomJS\phantomjs.exe", Arguments = @"JavaScript\plainText.js " + source.Url, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; proc.Start(); // Go thought the data and use different methods to find proxy servers using (StreamReader reader = proc.StandardOutput) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); int found = 0; // method 0: No tricks found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, result, banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 0 from " + source.Url); // method 1: find ip and port separated with a space or tab found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 1 from " + source.Url); // // method 2: find port and ip separated with a space or tab found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", @"$2:$1"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 2 from " + source.Url); // // method 3: find ip and port separated with a space or tab, and the ip ends in ":" found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):[\t ]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 3 from " + source.Url); /* // More agresive but methods, that may give bad data. if (found == 0) { // // method 4: find ip and port separated with spmthin other then 0-9 found = ExtractProxies(source.Url, Regex.Replace(result, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)", @"$1:$2"), banned); source.Proxies += found; _Global.log("Extracted " + found.ToString() + " with method 4 from " + source.Url); } */ } // If asked to shut down we will exit the loop here if (shutdown) { break; } } // Take a little nap to prevent hammering if (!shutdown) { Thread.Sleep(10000); } } }