Esempio n. 1
        public bool Add(AuthorBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item, context, out serverSideError))
                        Author newAuth = new Author();

                        //newAuth.BookDetailsSet = whoa... Okay, remember.. first authors are added, then new books and author specified there

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorBllToDal(context, item, newAuth);


                        return true;

                return false;
                serverSideError = "The Author object is invalid";
                return false;
        public static void AuthorBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, AuthorBLL bllAuthor, Author dalAuthor)
            dalAuthor.FirstName = bllAuthor.FirstName;
            dalAuthor.MiddleName = bllAuthor.MiddleName;
            dalAuthor.LastName = bllAuthor.LastName;
            dalAuthor.DateOfBirth = bllAuthor.DateOfBirth;
            dalAuthor.DateOfDeath = bllAuthor.DateOfDeath;
            dalAuthor.Nationality = bllAuthor.Nationality;

            //FIXME: copy image binary data to BLL object
            dalAuthor.AuthorImage = bllAuthor.AuthorImage;

            foreach (int bookID in bllAuthor.BookDetailsIDs)
                dalAuthor.BookDetailsSet.Add(context.BookDetailsSet.Single(b => b.BookDetailsID == bookID));
        public static void AuthorDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, AuthorBLL bllAuthor, Author dalAuthor)
            bllAuthor.ItemID = dalAuthor.AuthorID;

            bllAuthor.FirstName = dalAuthor.FirstName;
            bllAuthor.MiddleName = dalAuthor.MiddleName;
            bllAuthor.LastName = dalAuthor.LastName;
            bllAuthor.DateOfBirth = dalAuthor.DateOfBirth;
            bllAuthor.DateOfDeath = dalAuthor.DateOfDeath;
            bllAuthor.Nationality = dalAuthor.Nationality;

            bllAuthor.AuthorImage = dalAuthor.AuthorImage;

            foreach (BookDetails b in dalAuthor.BookDetailsSet)
            public AuthorSummary(AuthorBLL author)
                ID = author.ItemID;

                Name = author.FirstName + " " + author.MiddleName +
                    " " + author.LastName;

                if (author.DateOfBirth.HasValue)
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - (DateTime)author.DateOfBirth;
                    Age = ts.Days / 365;

                Nationality = author.Nationality;
Esempio n. 5
        public AuthorBLL GetByID(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                Author dalAuthor = (from a in context.Authors
                                    where a.AuthorID == id
                                    select a).SingleOrDefault();

                if (dalAuthor != null)
                    AuthorBLL bllAuthor = new AuthorBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorDalToBll(context, bllAuthor, dalAuthor);
                    return bllAuthor;


            return null;
Esempio n. 6
        private bool DatabaseDependantValidation(AuthorBLL bllAuthor, ProtoLibEntities context, 
            out string error,
            int idToExclude = 0)
            error = null;

            return true;
Esempio n. 7
        public bool Update(AuthorBLL newItem, out string serverSideError)
            if (newItem.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(newItem, context, out serverSideError, newItem.ItemID))
                        Author dalAuth = (from a in context.Authors
                                          where a.AuthorID == newItem.ItemID
                                          select a).Single();

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorBllToDal(context, newItem, dalAuth);

                        Debug.Assert(serverSideError == null);
                        return true;
                        return false;

            serverSideError = "Item is in an invalid state!";
            return false;
Esempio n. 8
        public List<AuthorBLL> GetPreviousItems(int beforeItemID, int numItems)
            List<AuthorBLL> retList = new List<AuthorBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalAuthors = (from a in context.Authors
                                where a.AuthorID < beforeItemID
                                orderby a.AuthorID descending
                                select a).Take(numItems);

                AuthorBLL bllAuthor = null;
                foreach (Author dalAuthor in dalAuthors)
                    bllAuthor = new AuthorBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorDalToBll(context, bllAuthor, dalAuthor);

            return retList;
Esempio n. 9
        public List<AuthorBLL> GetFirstItems(int numItems)
            List<AuthorBLL> retList = new List<AuthorBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalAuthors = (from a in context.Authors
                                orderby a.AuthorID
                                select a).Take(numItems);

                AuthorBLL bllAuthor = null;
                foreach (Author dalAuthor in dalAuthors)
                    bllAuthor = new AuthorBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorDalToBll(context, bllAuthor, dalAuthor);

            return retList;
Esempio n. 10
        public List<AuthorBLL> GetByName(string name, int numResults)
            List<AuthorBLL> resultList = new List<AuthorBLL>();

            if (name != null)
                string[] nameParts = name.Split(' ');

                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())

                    //ALT: Get a better authors result using strength of result etc
                    var dalAuthors = (from a in context.Authors
                                      where nameParts.Any(val => ((a.FirstName + " " + ((a.MiddleName == null)? "":a.MiddleName) +
                                                                   " " + a.LastName).Contains(val)))
                                      select a).Take(numResults);

                    foreach (Author dalAuthor in dalAuthors)
                        AuthorBLL bllAuthor = new AuthorBLL();
                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorDalToBll(context, bllAuthor, dalAuthor);

            return resultList;