Esempio n. 1
        public void TestLearnSubstringOneExample()
            Result <Grammar> grammar = CompileGrammar();
            SynthesisEngine  prose   = ConfigureSynthesis(grammar.Value);

            State input    = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "Toby Miller");
            var   examples = new Dictionary <State, object> {
                { input, "Miller" }

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(examples);

            var         scoreFeature = new RankingScore(grammar.Value);
            ProgramSet  topPrograms  = prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 1, null);
            ProgramNode topProgram   = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();

            var x = topProgram.PrintAST();
            var y = ProgramNode.Parse(x, grammar.Value); // var y is null. ==> SDK method

            var se = new ASTSerialization.Serialization(grammar.Value);
            var xe = se.PrintXML(topProgram);

            topProgram = se.Parse(xe); // var topProgram is ok. ==> ASTSerialization.Serialization method

            var output = topProgram.Invoke(input) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Miller", output);

            State input2  = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "Courtney Lynch");
            var   output2 = topProgram.Invoke(input2) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Lynch", output2);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void LearnFromNewExample()
            Console.Out.Write("Provide a new input-output example (e.g., \"(Sumit Gulwani)\",\"Gulwani\"): ");
            try {
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input != null)
                    var startFirstExample  = input.IndexOf("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1;
                    var endFirstExample    = input.IndexOf("\"", startFirstExample + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1;
                    var startSecondExample = input.IndexOf("\"", endFirstExample + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1;
                    var endSecondExample   = input.IndexOf("\"", startSecondExample + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1;

                    if ((startFirstExample >= endFirstExample) || (startSecondExample >= endSecondExample))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid example format. Please try again. input and out should be between quotes");

                    var inputExample  = input.Substring(startFirstExample, endFirstExample - startFirstExample - 1);
                    var outputExample = input.Substring(startSecondExample, endSecondExample - startSecondExample - 1);

                    var inputState = State.CreateForExecution(Grammar.InputSymbol, inputExample);
                    Examples.Add(inputState, outputExample);
            catch (Exception) {
                throw new Exception("Invalid example format. Please try again. input and out should be between quotes");

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(Examples);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Learning a program for examples:");
            foreach (var example in Examples)
                Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\"", example.Key.Bindings.First().Value, example.Value);

            var        scoreFeature = new RankingScore(Grammar);
            ProgramSet topPrograms  = _prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 4, null);

            if (topPrograms.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception("No program was found for this specification.");

            _topProgram = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Top 4 learned programs:");
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (var program in topPrograms.RealizedPrograms)
                if (counter > 4)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Program {0}: ", counter);
Esempio n. 3
        public IEnumerable <ProgramNode> GetTopKPrograms(Dictionary <string, string> examples, int k)
            var prose        = ConfigureSynthesis(grammar);
            var scoreFeature = new RankingScore(grammar);

            var programs = prose.LearnGrammarTopK(GetSpecification(examples), scoreFeature, k, null);

Esempio n. 4
        public void TestLearnSubstringNegativeAbsPosRanking()
            Result <Grammar> grammar = CompileGrammar();
            SynthesisEngine  prose   = ConfigureSynthesis(grammar.Value);

            State firstInput = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "(Toby Miller)");
            var   examples   = new Dictionary <State, object> {
                { firstInput, "Toby Miller" }
            var spec = new ExampleSpec(examples);

            var         scoreFeature = new RankingScore(grammar.Value);
            ProgramSet  topPrograms  = prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 1, null);
            ProgramNode topProgram   = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();

            var output = topProgram.Invoke(firstInput) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Toby Miller", output);
            State secondInput = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "(Courtney Lynch)");

            output = topProgram.Invoke(secondInput) as string;
            Assert.AreEqual("Courtney Lynch", output);
Esempio n. 5
        public void TestLearnSubstringNegativeAbsPosRanking()
            var grammar = CompileGrammar();
            var prose   = ConfigureSynthesis(grammar.Value);

            var firstInput = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "(Gustavo Soares)");
            var examples   = new Dictionary <State, object> {
                { firstInput, "Gustavo Soares" }
            var spec = new ExampleSpec(examples);

            var scoreFeature = new RankingScore(grammar.Value);
            var topPrograms  = prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 1, null);
            var topProgram   = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();

            var output = topProgram.Invoke(firstInput) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Gustavo Soares", output);
            var secondInput = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "(Titus Barik)");

            output = topProgram.Invoke(secondInput) as string;
            Assert.AreEqual("Titus Barik", output);
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestLearnSubstringOneExample()
            var grammar = CompileGrammar();
            var prose   = ConfigureSynthesis(grammar.Value);

            var input    = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "Gustavo Soares");
            var examples = new Dictionary <State, object> {
                { input, "Soares" }

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(examples);

            var scoreFeature = new RankingScore(grammar.Value);
            var topPrograms  = prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 1, null);
            var topProgram   = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();
            var output       = topProgram.Invoke(input) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Soares", output);

            var input2  = State.CreateForExecution(grammar.Value.InputSymbol, "Sumit Gulwani");
            var output2 = topProgram.Invoke(input2) as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Gulwani", output2);
Esempio n. 7
        private static void LearnFromNewExample()
            Console.Out.Write("Provide a new input-output example all integers only (e.g., {[1, 2, 3, 4], 7}:"); //\"(Sumit Gulwani)\",\"Gulwani\"): ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input != null)
                    int      startpos     = input.IndexOf("[");
                    int      endpos       = input.IndexOf("]");
                    int      final_endpos = input.IndexOf("}");
                    int      num_char_res = final_endpos - (endpos + 3);
                    int      des_result   = int.Parse(input.Substring(endpos + 3, num_char_res).ToString());
                    int      num_char     = endpos - startpos;
                    string   substr       = input.Substring(startpos + 1, num_char - 1);
                    char[]   separator    = { ',' };
                    string[] substrlist   = substr.Split(separator);
                    var      numbers      = new List <int>();

                    foreach (string x in substrlist)
                        string temp = x.Trim();

                    if (input[0] != '{' || input[1] != '[')
                        throw new Exception(
                                  "Invalid example format. Please try again. Follow exact format, including presense/absence of whitespaces");

                    int[] inputExample  = numbers.ToArray();
                    int   outputExample = des_result;

                    State inputState = State.CreateForExecution(Grammar.InputSymbol, inputExample);
                    Examples.Add(inputState, outputExample);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("Invalid example format. Please try again. Follow exact format, including presense/absence of whitespaces");

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(Examples);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Learning a program for examples:");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <State, object> example in Examples)
                int[] temp = (int[])example.Key.Bindings.First().Value;
                Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\"", example.Key.Bindings.First().Value, example.Value);

            var        scoreFeature = new RankingScore(Grammar);
            ProgramSet topPrograms  = _prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 50, null);

            if (topPrograms.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception("No program was found for this specification.");

            _topProgram = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Top 4 learned programs:");
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (ProgramNode program in topPrograms.RealizedPrograms)
                if (counter > 50)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Program {0}: ", counter);
Esempio n. 8
        private static void LearnFromNewExample()
            Console.Out.Write("Enter 4 elements of the input:\n");
                Dictionary <uint?, uint?> d = new Dictionary <uint?, uint?>();
                for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Please enter integer" + (t+1) +": ");
                    d.Add((uint)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()), (uint)t);

                Console.WriteLine("Please enter desired output: ");
                uint output = (uint)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                State inputState = State.CreateForExecution(Grammar.InputSymbol, d);
                Examples.Add(inputState, output);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("Invalid example");

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(Examples);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Learning a program for examples:");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <State, object> example in Examples)
                Dictionary <uint?, uint?> temp = (Dictionary <uint?, uint?>)example.Key.Bindings.First().Value;
                foreach (uint?m in temp.Keys)
                    Console.Write(m + ",");
                Console.Write("] ");
                Console.Write("-> \"{0}\"\n", example.Value);

            var        scoreFeature = new RankingScore(Grammar);
            ProgramSet topPrograms  = _prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 4, null);

            if (topPrograms.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception("No program was found for this specification.");

            _topProgram = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Top 4 learned programs:");
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (ProgramNode program in topPrograms.RealizedPrograms)
                if (counter > 4)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Program {0}: ", counter);
Esempio n. 9
        private static void LearnFromNewExample()
            Console.Out.Write("Provide a new input-output example (e.g., \"10 True\",\"20 False\"): ");
                string line = Console.ReadLine();
                if (line == null)
                    throw new Exception("No Input");

                string[] splittedLine  = line.Split(' ');
                var      inputExample  = UInt32.Parse(splittedLine[0]);
                var      outputExample = Boolean.Parse(splittedLine[1]);

                State inputState = State.CreateForExecution(Grammar.InputSymbol, inputExample);
                // TODO: Check example existence
                if (Examples.ContainsKey(inputState))
                    if ((bool)Examples[inputState] != outputExample)
                        throw new Exception("Inconsistent Example");
                    Examples.Add(inputState, outputExample);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
                //throw new Exception("Invalid example format. Please try again. input and out should be between quotes");

            var spec = new ExampleSpec(Examples);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Learning a program for examples:");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <State, object> example in Examples)
                Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\"", example.Key.Bindings.First().Value, example.Value);

            var        scoreFeature = new RankingScore(Grammar);
            ProgramSet topPrograms  = _prose.LearnGrammarTopK(spec, scoreFeature, 1, null);

            if (topPrograms.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception("No program was found for this specification.");

            _topProgram = topPrograms.RealizedPrograms.First();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Top 4 learned programs:");
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (ProgramNode program in topPrograms.RealizedPrograms)
                if (counter > 4)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Program {0}: ", counter);