[TestMethod] // [0] | Get Properties
        public void GetPropertiesReturnProperties()
            //Properties Go Here
            var PropertiesController = new PropertiesController();

            //Call the mthod in question that needs to be tested
            IEnumerable<PropertyModel> property = PropertiesController.GetProperties();

            Assert.IsTrue(property.Count() > 0);

        public void GetPropertiesReturnsProperties()
            //Arrange: Instantiate PropertiesController so its methods can be called
            using (var propertyController = new PropertiesController())
                //Act: Call the GetProperties method
                IEnumerable<PropertyModel> properties = propertyController.GetProperties();

                //Assert: Verify that an array was returned with at least one element
                Assert.IsTrue(properties.Count() > 0);