/// <summary> /// Creates a blank DB entry for the specified functor /// </summary> public PredicateInfo(Symbol functorName, int arity, KnowledgeBase kb) { Name = functorName; Arity = arity; Entries = new List<KnowledgeBaseEntry>(); KnowledgeBase = kb; }
public static void DeclareOperator(int pri, Symbol type, Symbol op) { DeclareOperator(pri, Specifier(type.Name), op.Name); }
/// <summary> /// Thrown to signal that a predicate used as a goal does not appear in the database. /// </summary> public UndefinedPredicateException(Symbol functor, int arity) : this(new PredicateIndicator(functor, arity)) { }
public static IList<object> Arglist(Symbol functor) { return Implementations[functor].Arglist(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new logic variable /// </summary> public LogicVariable(Symbol name) { Name = name; UID = ++UIDCounter; mValue = this; }
PredicateInfo CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(Symbol functor, int arity) { return CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(new PredicateIndicator(functor, arity)); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to prove the specified goal. /// </summary> internal IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(Symbol functor, object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { context.PushGoalStack(functor, args, parentFrame); context.NewStep(); PrologPrimitives.PrimitiveImplementation prim; if (PrologPrimitives.Implementations.TryGetValue(functor, out prim)) { return CallPrimitive(functor, prim, args, context); } return ProveFromDB(functor, args, context); }
internal static Structure PredicateIndicatorExpression(Symbol functor, int arity) { return new Structure(Symbol.Slash, functor, arity); }
public static void PushIndexicalBinding(Symbol name, object value, PrologContext context) { context.IndexicalBindingStack.Add(new KeyValuePair<Symbol, object>(name, value)); }
private static Func<PrologContext, object> MakeLookup(Symbol name, object defaultValue) { return context => { var bindingStack = context.IndexicalBindingStack; for (int i=bindingStack.Count-1; i>=0; i--) if (bindingStack[i].Key == name) return bindingStack[i].Value; return defaultValue; }; }
private static void MakeUserBindableIndexical(Symbol name, object defaultValue) { if (!Term.IsGround(defaultValue)) throw new ArgumentException("Initial value of an indexical must be a ground term."); // We do CopyInstantiation out of paranoia that there might be some variables buried in defaultValue // that might get unbound in the future. DeclareIndexical(name, MakeLookup(name, CopyInstantiation(defaultValue))); }
public BadProcedureException(Symbol functor, int arity) { Procedure = new Structure(Symbol.Intern("/"), functor, arity); }
public GoalStackFrame(Symbol functor, object[] args, ushort parentFrame) { this.Functor = functor; this.Arguments = args; this.Parent = parentFrame; }
public void PushGoalStack(Symbol functor, object[] args, ushort parentFrame) { if (GoalStackDepth >= goalStack.Count) { goalStack.Add(new GoalStackFrame(functor, args, parentFrame)); goalStackCurrentRules.Add(null); } else { goalStack[GoalStackDepth] = new GoalStackFrame(functor, args, parentFrame); goalStackCurrentRules[GoalStackDepth] = null; } GoalStackDepth++; }
/// <summary> /// Add a term (fact or rule) to the KB. /// </summary> public void Assert(Structure structure, bool atEnd, bool checkSingletons) { if (structure == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("structure", "Term to add to KB may not be null."); //structure = structure.Expand(); if (structure == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("structure"); Structure head = structure.IsFunctor(Symbol.Implication, 2) ? Term.Structurify(structure.Argument(0), "Head of :- must be a valid proposition or predicate.") : structure; if (head.IsFunctor(Symbol.ColonColon, 2)) { var argument = head.Argument(0); var kb = argument as KnowledgeBase; if (kb == null) { var o = argument as GameObject; if (o != null) kb = o.KnowledgeBase(); else { var c = argument as Component; if (c != null) kb = c.KnowledgeBase(); else throw new ArgumentTypeException( "assert", "knowledgebase", argument, typeof(KnowledgeBase)); } } if (structure.IsFunctor(Symbol.Implication, 2)) kb.Assert( new Structure(Symbol.Implication, head.Argument(1), structure.Argument(1)), atEnd, checkSingletons); else { kb.Assert(structure.Argument(1), atEnd, checkSingletons); } } else { if (PrologPrimitives.Implementations.ContainsKey(head.Functor)) throw new PrologException( new Structure( "error", new Structure( "permission_error", Symbol.Intern("modify"), Symbol.Intern("static_procedure"), Term.PredicateIndicatorExpression(head)))); KnowledgeBaseRule assertion = KnowledgeBaseRule.FromTerm( structure, checkSingletons, Prolog.CurrentSourceFile, Prolog.CurrentSourceLineNumber); PredicateInfo info = EntryForStoring(head.PredicateIndicator); PredicateInfo parentInfo; if (!info.Shadow && this.Parent != null && (parentInfo = this.Parent.CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(head.PredicateIndicator)) != null && !parentInfo.External) throw new PrologException( new Structure( "error", new Structure( "permission_error", Symbol.Intern("shadow"), Term.PredicateIndicatorExpression(head)))); info.Assert(assertion, atEnd); } }
static bool IsQuoteNeeded(Symbol s) { string name = s.Name; if (Char.IsUpper(name[0])) return true; foreach (char ch in name) if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) return true; return false; }
public static Indexical Find(Symbol name) { Indexical result; return IndexicalTable.TryGetValue(name, out result) ? result : null; }
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming IEnumerable<CutState> ProveFromDB(Symbol functor, object[] args, PrologContext context) { PredicateInfo info = GetPredicateInfo(this, new PredicateIndicator(functor, args.Length)); if (info == null) { if (ErrorOnUndefined) throw new UndefinedPredicateException(functor, args.Length); return PrologPrimitives.FailImplementation; } return info.Prove(args, context); }
public static void DeclareIndexical(Symbol name, Func<PrologContext, object> valueFunc) { IndexicalTable[name] = new Indexical(name, valueFunc); }
IEnumerable<CutState> CallPrimitive(Symbol functor, PrologPrimitives.PrimitiveImplementation handler, object[] args, PrologContext context) { if (Trace) context.TraceOutput("Goal: {0}", new Structure(functor, args)); foreach (var state in handler(args, context)) { if (Trace) context.TraceOutput((state == CutState.Continue) ? "Succeed: {0}" : "Cut: {0}", new Structure(functor, args)); yield return state; if (Trace) context.TraceOutput("Retry: {0}", new Structure(functor, args)); } if (Trace) context.TraceOutput("Fail: {0}", new Structure(functor, args)); context.PopGoalStack(); }
private Indexical(Symbol name, Func<PrologContext, object> valueFunc) { this.Name = name; this.valueFunc = valueFunc; }
public Parser(params object[] arg) { parser_arg = arg; symbol = new Symbol(this); strStartChar = '\u0027'; strStartCharAlt = '\u0022'; streamInPrefix = ""; streamInPreLen = 0; }
private void WarnUndefined(KnowledgeBaseRule rule,Symbol functor,int arity) { rule.PrintWarning("{0}/{1} undefined", functor, arity); }
private static void DefinePrimitive(Symbol name, PrimitiveImplementation implementationDelegate, string manualSections, string docstring, params object[] arglist) { Implementations[name] = implementationDelegate; if (arglist.Length > 0 && (arglist[arglist.Length - 1] as string) == "...") { MinimumArity[name] = arglist.Length - 2; MaximumArity[name] = int.MaxValue; } else { MinimumArity[name] = MaximumArity[name] = arglist.Length; for (var i = arglist.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!((string)(arglist[i])).StartsWith("[")) { // This is a non-optional parameter MinimumArity[name] = i + 1; break; } } } DelegateUtils.NameProcedure(implementationDelegate, name.Name); Manual.AddToSections(manualSections, implementationDelegate); for (int i = 0; i < arglist.Length; i++) if (arglist[i] is string) arglist[i] = Symbol.Intern((string) arglist[i]); DelegateUtils.Arglists[implementationDelegate] = arglist; DelegateUtils.Docstrings[implementationDelegate] = docstring; }
/// <summary> /// Adds assertion to GAMEOBJECT's knowledgebase. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameObject">Object whose knowledge base it should be added to</param> /// <param name="functor">Functor (i.e. predicate) of the assertion</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments to the functor</param> public static void Assert(this GameObject gameObject, Symbol functor, params object[] args) { gameObject.KnowledgeBase().AssertZ(new Structure(functor, args)); }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming private static IEnumerable<CutState> MapListInternal(Symbol functor, object[] args, object list1, object list2, PrologContext context) { // maplist(_, [], []). // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (var ignore in Term.Unify(null, list1)) foreach (var ignore2 in Term.Unify(null, list2)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable yield return CutState.Continue; // maplist(P, [X | XT], [Y | YT]) :- call(P, X, Y), maplist(P, XT, YT). var x = new LogicVariable(SX); var xT = new LogicVariable(SXt); var y = new LogicVariable(SY); var yT = new LogicVariable(SYt); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (var ignore in Term.Unify(list1, new Structure(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, x, xT))) foreach (var ignore2 in Term.Unify(list2, new Structure(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, y, yT))) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { // call(P, X, Y) var realArgs = new object[args.Length + 2]; args.CopyTo(realArgs, 0); realArgs[realArgs.Length - 2] = x; realArgs[realArgs.Length - 1] = y; #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach ( var ignore3 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(functor, realArgs, context, context.CurrentFrame)) // maplist(P, XT, YT) foreach (var ignore4 in MapListInternal(functor, args, xT, yT, context)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable yield return CutState.Continue; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds assertion to component's knowledgebase. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">Object whose knowledge base it should be added to</param> /// <param name="functor">Functor (i.e. predicate) of the assertion</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments to the functor</param> public static void Assert(this Component component, Symbol functor, params object[] args) { component.KnowledgeBase().AssertZ(new Structure(functor, args)); }
public CSVParser(Symbol functor, char delimiter, PositionTrackingTextReader reader) { this.functor = functor; this.delimiter = delimiter; this.reader = reader; }
public PredicateIndicator(Symbol functor, int arity) { this.Functor = functor; this.Arity = arity; }
static object ResolveNamedValue(Symbol nameSymbol) { if (nameSymbol == Symbol.Global) return KnowledgeBase.Global; return Indexical.Find(nameSymbol) ?? ResolveNamedString(nameSymbol.Name); }