public ArrayVariable(string name, TermArray ta, ListTerm subscripts) { this.ta = ta; = ta.Name; this.subscripts = subscripts.ArgumentsToArrayList (); if (this.subscripts.Count != ta.Rank) IO.Error ("Wrong number of subscripts for '{0}': expected {1}, got {2}", name, ta.Rank, this.subscripts.Count); }
private void List(TerminalSet _TS, out Term term) { Term beforeBar; Term afterBar = null; ArrayList elements = null; terminalTable[DOT] = Atom; terminalTable[OP] = Atom; GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(LSqBracket), true, true); GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(LeftParen, Identifier, IntLiteral, RealLiteral, StringLiteral, Operator, Atom, Anonymous, CutSym, LSqBracket, RSqBracket, LCuBracket, PrologString), false, true); if (symbol.IsMemberOf(LeftParen, Identifier, IntLiteral, RealLiteral, StringLiteral, Operator, Atom, Anonymous, CutSym, LSqBracket, LCuBracket, PrologString)) { PrologTerm(new TerminalSet(RSqBracket, VBar), out beforeBar); elements = beforeBar.ArgumentsToArrayList(false); GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(RSqBracket, VBar), false, true); if (symbol.Terminal == VBar) { symbol.SetProcessed(); PrologTerm(new TerminalSet(RSqBracket), out afterBar); } } terminalTable[DOT] = Dot; terminalTable[OP] = OpSym; GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(RSqBracket), true, true); if (afterBar == null) term = Term.NULLLIST; else term = afterBar; if (elements != null) for (int i = elements.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) term = new ListTerm((Term)elements[i], term); }
void AppendToRangeList (ref ListTerm RangeList, BaseTerm rangeSpecVar, BaseTerm t, ref BaseTerm tail) // append t to RangeList { if (rangeSpecVar == null) return; // no point in constructing a range last if it won't be bound later if (RangeList == null) { RangeList = new ListTerm (t); tail = RangeList; } else { tail.SetArg (1, new ListTerm (t)); tail = tail.Arg (1); } }
// try to bind the range specification variable (if present) to the range last. // if the minimun or the maximum range length was a variable, then bind it to the actual length just found bool TryBindingRangeRelatedVars (ListPatternElem g, int rangeLength, ListTerm RangeList, VarStack varStack) { if (g.MinLenTerm.IsVar) g.MinLenTerm.Unify (new DecimalTerm (rangeLength), varStack); if (g.MaxLenTerm.IsVar) g.MaxLenTerm.Unify (new DecimalTerm (rangeLength), varStack); if (g.RangeBindVar != null) { if (RangeList == null) RangeList = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; if (!g.RangeBindVar.Unify (RangeList, varStack)) return false; // alas, the same range var was apparently used & bound earlier in the pattern } return true; }
private AltLoopStatus TryOneAlternative (int ip, VarStack varStack, ListPatternElem e, int k, int marker, ListTerm RangeList, int i, BaseTerm t, ref bool negSearchSucceeded, BaseTerm searchTerm) { bool unified = searchTerm.Unify (t, varStack); if (e.IsNegSearch) // none of the terms in the inner loop may match. ~(a | b | c) = ~a & ~b & ~c { if (unified) // ... no point in investigating the other alternatives if one does { negSearchSucceeded = false; return AltLoopStatus.Break; // don't try the other alternatives } return AltLoopStatus.TryNextDown; // non of the downranges matches may lead to a success } else { if (unified && // we found a match. Unify, and TryBindingAltListVarToMatch (e.AltListBindVar, t, varStack) && // bind the AltListBindVar to the match TryBindingRangeRelatedVars (e, i, RangeList, varStack)) // bind the range to the range variables { if (ip == pattern.Length - 1) // this was the last pattern element { if (k == target.Count - 1) // both pattern and target exhausted return AltLoopStatus.MatchFound; } else if (UnifyTailEx (ip + 1, k + 1, varStack)) // now deal with the rest return AltLoopStatus.MatchFound; } // if we arrive here, it was not possible to ... // (1) ... unify the range's SearchTerm with the target element, or // (2) ... unify the range variable with the range last, or // (3) ... successfully process the rest of the pattern and target // Now unbind and try matching with the next target element BaseTerm.UnbindToMarker (varStack, marker); return AltLoopStatus.TryNextDown; // try the next downrange match } }
// ToTerm results in term xml( Pre, Element, Post), where Pre and Post are lists with comments // and/or processing instructions that come before/after the top-level XML element. public BaseTerm ToTerm() { BaseTerm pre = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; BaseTerm post = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; BaseTerm t = null; Node topEl = null; foreach (Node n in childNodes) // array was constructed in reverse order, so top-level XML-element is entry 0. { switch (n.type) { case XmlNodeType.Element: topEl = n; break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: t = new CompoundTerm (COMMENT, new StringTerm (n.Text)); if (topEl == null) post = new ListTerm (t, post); else pre = new ListTerm (t, pre); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: t = new CompoundTerm (INSTRUCTIONS, new AtomTerm ( ()), new AtomTerm (n.text.Trim ())); if (topEl == null) post = new ListTerm (t, post); else pre = new ListTerm (t, pre); break; } } BaseTerm xmlDecl = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in Attributes) // XML Declaration (acually a PI) was stored in Attributes { BaseTerm pair = new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new AtomTerm (kv.Value)); xmlDecl = new ListTerm (pair, xmlDecl); // [pre, arg2, ...] } if (!xmlDecl.IsEmptyList) // enhance term with XML Declaration { xmlDecl = new CompoundTerm (XMLDECL, xmlDecl); pre = new ListTerm (xmlDecl, pre); } BaseTerm content = ToTermEx (topEl); // Now process top-level Element return new CompoundTerm (XMLDOCUMENT, new BaseTerm [] { pre, content, post }); }
static BaseTerm ToTermEx(Node root) { BaseTerm [] args = new BaseTerm [3]; #if fullyTagged args [0] = new AtomTerm (root.TagName.ToAtom ()); #else string tagName = root.TagName.ToAtom (); #endif args [1] = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; Decimal d; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in root.Attributes) // XML Declaration { BaseTerm pair; if (Decimal.TryParse (kv.Value, styleAllowDecPnt, Utils.CIC, out d)) pair = new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new DecimalTerm (d)); else pair = new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new StringTerm (kv.Value)); args [1] = new ListTerm (pair, args [1]); } args [2] = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST; if (root.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (Node n in root.ChildNodes) { BaseTerm e; e = null; switch (n.type) { case XmlNodeType.Element: e = ToTermEx (n); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: e = new CompoundTerm (COMMENT, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ())); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: if (Decimal.TryParse (n.text, styleAllowDecPnt, Utils.CIC, out d)) #if fullyTagged e = new CompoundTerm (TEXT, new DecimalTerm (d)); else e = new CompoundTerm (TEXT, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ())); #else e = new DecimalTerm (d); else e = new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ()); #endif break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: e = new CompoundTerm (CDATA, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ())); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: e = new CompoundTerm ("processing_instruction", new AtomTerm ( ()), new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ())); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break;
public override Term ToTerm() { // list is constructed in reverse order -- nullable first, name last Term result = new ListTerm (new Term ("nullable", new Term (isNullable?"yes":"no"), OType.noop, 0)); result = new ListTerm (DatatypeTerm (), result); return new ListTerm (new Term (Utils.MakeAtom (name)) , result); // columm name }
public override Term ToTerm() { Term result = new ListTerm (new Term ("direction", new Term (direction.ToString ()), OType.noop, 0)); result = new ListTerm (DatatypeTerm (), result); return new ListTerm (new Term (Utils.MakeAtom (name)) , result); }
public Term PersistentInfo () { Term result = Term.NULLLIST; for (int i = MetaDataCollection.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DbDataItem di = MetaDataCollection [i]; result = new ListTerm (di.ToTerm (), result); } return PersistentInfo (result); // wraps "table" or "procedure" around result }
private static Term ToTermEx(Node root) { Term[] args = new Term[3]; if (root.Text == null || root.Text == "") args[0] = new Term(Utils.MakeAtom(root.TagName)); else args[0] = new Term(":", new Term(Utils.MakeAtomic(root.Text)), new Term(Utils.MakeAtomic(root.TagName)), FType.comp, OType.xfy, 600); args[1] = Term.NULLLIST; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in root.Attributes) // XML Declaration { Term pair = new Term(Parser.EQ, new Term((string)de.Key), new Term((string)de.Value, FType.text), FType.comp, OType.xfx, 700); args[1] = new ListTerm(pair, args[1]); } args[2] = Term.NULLLIST; // [] if (root.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (Node n in root.ChildNodes) { Term e; e = null; switch (n.type) { case XmlNodeType.Element: e = ToTermEx(n); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: e = new Term("comment", new Term(n.text.Trim(), FType.text), OType.noop, 0); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: e = new Term("text", new Term(n.text.Trim(), FType.text), OType.noop, 0); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: e = new Term("cdata", new Term(n.text.Trim(), FType.text), OType.noop, 0); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: e = new Term("instructions", new Term(Utils.MakeAtomic(, new Term(n.text.Trim(), FType.text), FType.comp, OType.noop, 0); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break; default: break; } if (e != null) args[2] = new ListTerm(e, args[2]); } } return new Term("element", args); }
// ToTerm results in term xml( Pre, Element, Post), where Pre and Post are lists with comments // and/or processing instructions that come before/after the top-level XML element. public Term ToTerm() { Term pre = Term.NULLLIST; Term post = Term.NULLLIST; Term t = null; Node topEl = null; foreach (Node n in childNodes) // array was constructed in reverse order, so top-level XML-element is entry 0. { switch (n.type) { case XmlNodeType.Element: topEl = n; break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: t = new Term("comment", new Term(n.Text, FType.text), OType.noop, 0); if (topEl == null) post = new ListTerm(t, post); else pre = new ListTerm(t, pre); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: t = new Term("instructions", new Term(Utils.MakeAtomic(, new Term(n.text.Trim(), FType.text), FType.comp, OType.noop, 0); if (topEl == null) post = new ListTerm(t, post); else pre = new ListTerm(t, pre); break; } } Term xmlDecl = Term.NULLLIST; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Attributes) // XML Declaration (acually a PI) was stored in Attributes { Term pair = new Term(Parser.EQ, new Term((string)de.Key), new Term((string)de.Value, FType.text), FType.comp, OType.xfx, 700); xmlDecl = new ListTerm(pair, xmlDecl); // [pre, arg2, ...] } if (xmlDecl != Term.NULLLIST) // enhance list with XML Declaration { xmlDecl = new Term("xmldecl", xmlDecl, OType.noop, 0); pre = new ListTerm(xmlDecl, pre); } Term content = ToTermEx(topEl); // Now process top-level Element return new Term("xml", new Term[] { pre, content, post }, FType.comp, OType.noop, 0); }