Esempio n. 1
        public Quest(GameStateManager gsm)
            yRoster   = new List <int>();
            this.gsm  = gsm;
            player    = gsm.getPlayer();
            karacters = new List <Selected_karacter>();

            int coorX = 559; int coorY = 573;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(coorX, coorY, i + 1));
                coorX += 57;

            frameObj = Properties.Resources.rosterelement_res1;
            frameBit = (Bitmap)frameObj;

            for (int i = 0; i < player.myCharacter.Count; i++)
                yRoster[i] += 85;
                rosterField.Add(new Rectangle(xRoster + 10, yRoster[i], 260, 80));

            battleRect[0] = new Rectangle(892, 68, 190, 97);
            battleRect[1] = new Rectangle(704, 156, 190, 97);
            battleRect[2] = new Rectangle(492, 261, 190, 97);

            player.currentCharacters = new List <karakter>();
Esempio n. 2
        public Sanitarium(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm  = gsm;
            yRoster   = new List <int>();
            player    = gsm.getPlayer();
            karacters = new List <Selected_karacter>();
            font      = new Rectangle(430, 80, 500, 150);
            Config.font.AddFontFile("Resources\\DwarvenAxe BB W00 Regular.ttf");
            title     = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 50, FontStyle.Regular);
            subtitle  = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 20, FontStyle.Regular);
            paragraph = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 15, FontStyle.Regular);

            text.Add("Sanitarium"); text.Add("Treatment Ward"); text.Add("Medical Ward");
            text.Add("Treat Quirks and other \n problematic behaviors."); text.Add("Treat Diseases, humorous, \n and other physical maladies");
            ptext.Add(new Point(120, 30)); ptext.Add(new PointF(670, 60)); ptext.Add(new PointF(680, 265));
            ptext.Add(new Point(650, 90)); ptext.Add(new PointF(650, 300));

            background   = (Image)O1;
            icon         = (Image)O2;
            character    = (Image)O3;
            qpost        = (Image)O4;
            close        = (Image)O5;
            lockslothero = (Image)O6;
            frameStats   = Properties.Resources.back_e2;
            yes          = new Rectangle();
            no           = new Rectangle();
            // add panel locked slot
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx - 65, cy + 65, i + 1));
                cx += 130;
            cy += 210;
            cx  = 960;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx - 65, cy + 65, i + 1));
                cx += 130;

            //rooster add
            frameObj = Properties.Resources.rosterelement_res1;
            frameBit = (Bitmap)frameObj;

            for (int i = 0; i < player.myCharacter.Count; i++)
                yRoster[i] += 85;
                rosterField.Add(new Rectangle(xRoster + 10, yRoster[i], 260, 80));
Esempio n. 3
        public Abbey(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm  = gsm;
            yes       = new Rectangle();
            no        = new Rectangle();
            yRoster   = new List <int>();
            karacters = new List <Selected_karacter>();
            Config.font.AddFontFile("Resources\\DwarvenAxe BB W00 Regular.ttf");
            title         = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 50, FontStyle.Regular);
            subtitle      = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 20, FontStyle.Regular);
            content       = new Font("Times New Roman", 14, FontStyle.Regular);
            player        = gsm.getPlayer();
            rect.Location = new PointF(140, 20);
            arrow         = (Image)O5;
            chara         = (Image)O3;
            icon          = (Image)O2;
            background    = (Image)O1;
            frameStats    = Properties.Resources.back_e2;
            // add panel locked slot
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx - 65, cy + 65, i + 1));
                cx += 130;
            cy += 210;
            cx  = 960;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx - 65, cy + 65, i + 1));
                cx += 130;
            cy += 210;
            cx  = 960;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx - 65, cy + 65, i + 1));
                cx += 130;
            //rooster add
            frameObj = Properties.Resources.rosterelement_res1;
            frameBit = (Bitmap)frameObj;

            for (int i = 0; i < player.myCharacter.Count; i++)
                yRoster[i] += 85;
                rosterField.Add(new Rectangle(xRoster + 10, yRoster[i], 260, 80));
Esempio n. 4
        public MainMenu(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm     = gsm;
            loading      = false;
            player       = gsm.getPlayer();
            roster       = new List <rosterList>();
            xCloud       = 1100;
            listBuilding = new List <Rectangle>();
            coordinates  = new List <coordinate>();
            arrDraw      = new bool[5];

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                arrDraw[i] = false;

            sanitarium = new Rectangle(526, 328, 80, 106);
            coordinates.Add(new coordinate(450, 258, "sanitarium", "treat quirks and disease"));

            guild = new Rectangle(819, 377, 94, 139);
            coordinates.Add(new coordinate(878 - 100, 281, "guild", "treat quirks and disease"));

            blackSmith = new Rectangle(931, 501, 136, 79);
            coordinates.Add(new coordinate(939, 381, "blackSmith", "treat quirks and disease"));

            abbey = new Rectangle(632, 225, 168, 137);
            coordinates.Add(new coordinate(741, 196, "abbey", "treat quirks and disease"));

            shop = new Rectangle(167, 511, 272 - 167, 603 - 511);
            coordinates.Add(new coordinate(167 + 8, 511 - 50, "Shop Hero", "recruit new heroes"));

            //frame roster
            frameObj = Properties.Resources.rosterelement_res1;
            frameBit = (Bitmap)frameObj;
            for (int i = 0; i < player.myCharacter.Count; i++)
                yRoster[i] += 85;
                roster.Add(new rosterList(xRoster + 10, yRoster[i], player.myCharacter[i]));

            frameStats = Properties.Resources.characterpanel_frames;

            frameBuy    = new Rectangle(xBuy, 240, widthBuy, 388);
            playerPanel = new Rectangle(0, 622, 1300, 90);
Esempio n. 5
        public EntryNewHero(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm       = gsm;
            background     = Properties.Resources.stage_coach_character_background;
            iconMer_img    = Properties.Resources.stage_coach_icon;
            characterCoach = Properties.Resources.stage_coach_character;
            backBtn        = Properties.Resources.progression_close;
            backRect       = new Rectangle(1232, 33, 30, 30);
            player         = gsm.getPlayer();

            frameStats = Properties.Resources.characterpanel_frames;

            frameBuy    = new Rectangle(xBuy, 240, widthBuy, 388);
            playerPanel = new Rectangle(0, 622, 1300, 90);
Esempio n. 6
        public Blacksmith(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm  = gsm;
            yRoster   = new List <int>();
            player    = gsm.getPlayer();
            karacters = new List <Selected_karacter>();
            font      = new Rectangle(430, 80, 500, 150);
            Config.font.AddFontFile("Resources\\DwarvenAxe BB W00 Regular.ttf");
            title    = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 50, FontStyle.Regular);
            subtitle = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 20, FontStyle.Regular);

            text.Add("Blacksmith"); text.Add("Drag a hero from the roster here.");
            ptext.Add(new Point(120, 50)); ptext.Add(new Point(700, 55));

            background = (Image)O1;
            icon       = (Image)O2;
            character  = (Image)O3;
            qpost      = (Image)O4;
            close      = (Image)O5;

            frameStats = Properties.Resources.back_e2;
            yes        = new Rectangle();
            no         = new Rectangle();
            // add panel locked slot
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                //unlockset.Add(new unlockoverlay(cx, cy));
                karacters.Add(new Selected_karacter(cx, cy, i + 1));

            //rooster add
            frameObj = Properties.Resources.rosterelement_res1;
            frameBit = (Bitmap)frameObj;

            for (int i = 0; i < player.myCharacter.Count; i++)
                yRoster[i] += 85;
                rosterField.Add(new Rectangle(xRoster + 10, yRoster[i], 260, 80));
Esempio n. 7
        public Provision(GameStateManager gsm)
            this.gsm = gsm;
            player   = gsm.getPlayer();
            font     = new Rectangle(430, 80, 500, 150);
            Config.font.AddFontFile("Resources\\DwarvenAxe BB W00 Regular.ttf");
            title = new Font(Config.font.Families[0], 35, FontStyle.Regular);
            ket   = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular);

            backgroundblur = (Image)O1;
            icon           = (Image)O2;
            background     = (Image)O3;
            character      = (Image)O4;
            grid           = (Image)O6;
            detail         = (Image)O7;

            //gambar item
            cure    = (Image)O8;
            salve   = (Image)O9;
            sfood   = (Image)O10;
            lfood   = (Image)O11;
            bandage = (Image)O12;
            jewel   = (Image)O13;
            shovel  = (Image)O14;
            skelkey = (Image)O15;
            torch   = (Image)O16;
            gold    = (Image)O17;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    lisrec.Add(new Rectangle(620 + j * 60, 85 + i * 112, 55, 100));
                    lisrecsell.Add(new Rectangle((550 + j * 61), 342 + i * 112, 53, 100));
                    posisi.Add(620 + j * 60); //posx inv
                    posisi.Add(85 + i * 112); //posy inv

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                pointer[i] = -1;
                idx[i]     = -1;

            lisinv.Add(new LargeFood(posisi[0], posisi[1], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new SmallFood(posisi[2], posisi[3], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Torch(posisi[4], posisi[5], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Bandage(posisi[6], posisi[7], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Gold(posisi[8], posisi[9], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Jewel(posisi[10], posisi[11], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Key(posisi[12], posisi[13], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new Shovel(posisi[14], posisi[15], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new TheCure(posisi[16], posisi[17], 0));
            lisinv.Add(new PotentSalve(posisi[18], posisi[19], 0));


            go = new Rectangle(580, 638, 200, 33);