DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment() public static method

public static DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment ( Vector2 &point, Vector2 &lineEndPoint1, Vector2 &lineEndPoint2 ) : float
point Vector2
lineEndPoint1 Vector2
lineEndPoint2 Vector2
return float
        private static bool SearchForOutstandingVertex(Vertices hullArea, float hullTolerance, out Vector2 outstanding)
            Vector2 outstandingResult = Vector2.Zero;
            bool    found             = false;

            if (hullArea.Count > 2)
                int hullAreaLastPoint = hullArea.Count - 1;

                Vector2 tempVector1;
                Vector2 tempVector2 = hullArea[0];
                Vector2 tempVector3 = hullArea[hullAreaLastPoint];

                // Search between the first and last hull point.
                for (int i = 1; i < hullAreaLastPoint; i++)
                    tempVector1 = hullArea[i];

                    // Check if the distance is over the one that's tolerable.
                    if (
                        LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment(ref tempVector1, ref tempVector2, ref tempVector3) >=
                        outstandingResult = hullArea[i];
                        found             = true;

            outstanding = outstandingResult;
        private static bool DistanceToHullAcceptable(PolygonCreationAssistance pca, Vertices polygon, Vector2 point,
                                                     bool higherDetail)
            if (polygon != null && polygon.Count > 2)
                Vector2 edgeVertex2 = polygon[polygon.Count - 1];

                Vector2 edgeVertex1;
                if (higherDetail)
                    for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
                        edgeVertex1 = polygon[i];

                        if (LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment(ref point, ref edgeVertex1, ref edgeVertex2) <=
                            pca.HullTolerance ||
                            LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndPoint(ref point, ref edgeVertex1) <= pca.HullTolerance)

                        edgeVertex2 = polygon[i];

                    for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
                        edgeVertex1 = polygon[i];

                        if (LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment(ref point, ref edgeVertex1, ref edgeVertex2) <=

                        edgeVertex2 = polygon[i];


        private static bool SplitPolygonEdge(Vertices polygon, EdgeAlignment edgeAlign, Vector2 coordInsideThePolygon,
                                             out int vertex1Index, out int vertex2Index)
            List <CrossingEdgeInfo> edges;

            Vector2 slope;
            int     nearestEdgeVertex1Index = 0;
            int     nearestEdgeVertex2Index = 0;
            bool    edgeFound = false;

            float shortestDistance = float.MaxValue;

            bool    edgeCoordFound = false;
            Vector2 foundEdgeCoord = Vector2.Zero;

            vertex1Index = 0;
            vertex2Index = 0;

            switch (edgeAlign)
            case EdgeAlignment.Vertical:
                edges = GetCrossingEdges(polygon, EdgeAlignment.Vertical, (int)coordInsideThePolygon.Y);

                foundEdgeCoord.Y = coordInsideThePolygon.Y;

                if (edges != null && edges.Count > 1 && edges.Count % 2 == 0)
                    float distance;
                    for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++)
                        if (edges[i].CrossingPoint.X < coordInsideThePolygon.X)
                            distance = coordInsideThePolygon.X - edges[i].CrossingPoint.X;

                            if (distance < shortestDistance)
                                shortestDistance = distance;
                                foundEdgeCoord.X = edges[i].CrossingPoint.X;

                                edgeCoordFound = true;

                    if (edgeCoordFound)
                        shortestDistance = float.MaxValue;

                        int edgeVertex2Index = polygon.Count - 1;

                        int edgeVertex1Index;
                        for (edgeVertex1Index = 0; edgeVertex1Index < polygon.Count; edgeVertex1Index++)
                            Vector2 tempVector1 = polygon[edgeVertex1Index];
                            Vector2 tempVector2 = polygon[edgeVertex2Index];
                            distance = LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndLineSegment(ref foundEdgeCoord,
                                                                                    ref tempVector1, ref tempVector2);
                            if (distance < shortestDistance)
                                shortestDistance = distance;

                                nearestEdgeVertex1Index = edgeVertex1Index;
                                nearestEdgeVertex2Index = edgeVertex2Index;

                                edgeFound = true;

                            edgeVertex2Index = edgeVertex1Index;

                        if (edgeFound)
                            slope = polygon[nearestEdgeVertex2Index] - polygon[nearestEdgeVertex1Index];

                            Vector2 tempVector = polygon[nearestEdgeVertex1Index];
                            distance = LineTools.DistanceBetweenPointAndPoint(ref tempVector, ref foundEdgeCoord);

                            vertex1Index = nearestEdgeVertex1Index;
                            vertex2Index = nearestEdgeVertex1Index + 1;

                            polygon.Insert(nearestEdgeVertex1Index, distance * slope + polygon[vertex1Index]);
                            polygon.Insert(nearestEdgeVertex1Index, distance * slope + polygon[vertex2Index]);


            case EdgeAlignment.Horizontal:
                throw new Exception("EdgeAlignment.Horizontal isn't implemented yet. Sorry.");
