Esempio n. 1
        private President[] LoadPresidentArray()
            // Path to CSV file
            string filePath = "..\\..\\..\\Presidents.csv";

            FileStream   fileStream   = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream);

            // Gets number of rows in CSV file
            int rowCount = getRowCount(filePath);

            // Creates President object array
            President[] presidents = new President[rowCount];
            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < rowCount; rowCounter++)
                presidents[rowCounter] = new President();

            // Gets data values from CSV
            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < rowCount; ++rowCounter)
                string   readRow = streamReader.ReadLine();
                string[] values  = readRow.Split(',');

                // Get only necessary columns
                presidents[rowCounter].Number       = values[0];
                presidents[rowCounter].First        = values[1];
                presidents[rowCounter].Last         = values[2];
                presidents[rowCounter].Education    = values[19];
                presidents[rowCounter].Occupation   = values[20];
                presidents[rowCounter].CauseOfDeath = values[34];
                presidents[rowCounter].Party        = values[3];
                presidents[rowCounter].Religion     = values[18];

            // Return the array containing data from CSV
Esempio n. 2
        }//End GetCount

        private void writeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const int QUAN_PROPERTIES = 38; //38 columns in the file
            string    filePath        = "C:\\Users\\selelia\\Downloads\\Project2\\Project2\\Presidents.csv";
            string    strRead;
            string    delim = ",";

            FileStream   fs          = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader readerClass = new StreamReader(fs);

            int count = 0;

            count = GetCount(filePath); //return number of lines including header

            //Create a President object array - one instance per row
            President[] presidents = new President[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                presidents[i] = new President();

            //Get the records
            string[] recordParts = new string[QUAN_PROPERTIES];
            strRead = readerClass.ReadLine();
            for (int counter = 1; counter < count; ++counter)
                strRead = readerClass.ReadLine();

                recordParts = strRead.Split(',');

                presidents[counter].FirstName    = recordParts[1];
                presidents[counter].LastName     = recordParts[2];
                presidents[counter].Party        = recordParts[3];
                presidents[counter].StartYear    = recordParts[10];
                presidents[counter].EndYear      = recordParts[11];
                presidents[counter].DateBorn     = recordParts[12];
                presidents[counter].DateDied     = recordParts[13];
                presidents[counter].CauseOfDeath = recordParts[34];

            int    x            = presListBoxValue.SelectedIndex + 1;
            string outputString = $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {presidents[x].LastName}'s";

            /*int listInfoSelected = ffCatListBoxValue.SelectedItems.Count;
             * string[] infoOptions = new string[listInfoSelected];
             * int infoOptionsCount = 0;
             * foreach (var infoOption in ffCatListBoxValue.SelectedItems)
             * {
             *  infoOptions[infoOptionsCount] = infoOption.ToString();
             *  infoOptionsCount++;
             * }*/
            bool[] isChecked = new bool[ffCatListBoxValue.Items.Count];
            int    itemCount = 0;                         //will keep track of each item in the list box

            foreach (var item in ffCatListBoxValue.Items) //going to check each item in listbox to see if it is selected
                if (ffCatListBoxValue.GetSelected(itemCount))
                    isChecked[itemCount] = true; //that item was selected
                    isChecked[itemCount] = false;
            string writeString = "";

            for (int y = 0; y <= presListBoxValue.Items.Count; y++)  //****** prezComboBox.Items.Count is the quantity of presidents
                if (y == x)
                    if (isChecked[0])
                        outputString += $"\n Party: {presidents[x].Party}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].Party} {delim}";
                    if (isChecked[1])  // ***********changed all else ifs to just ifs    -  allows for more than one
                    {                  // ************** also added \r\n at the each of each line, to make the string multiline
                        outputString += $"\n Start year: {presidents[x].StartYear}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].Party} {delim}";
                    if (isChecked[2])
                        outputString += $"\n End year: {presidents[x].EndYear}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].EndYear} {delim}";
                    if (isChecked[3])
                        outputString += $"\n Date born: {presidents[x].DateBorn}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].DateBorn} {delim}";
                    if (isChecked[4])
                        outputString += $"\n Date died: {presidents[x].DateDied}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].DateDied} {delim}";
                    if (isChecked[5])
                        outputString += $"\n Cause of death: {presidents[x].CauseOfDeath}";
                        writeString  += $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[x].LastName} {delim} {presidents[x].CauseOfDeath} {delim}";

            string       fileWritePath = "C:\\Users\\selelia\\output1.csv";
            FileStream   outFile2      = new FileStream(fileWritePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter writerCSV     = new StreamWriter(outFile2);



            outputString += "\n selected info written to C:\\Users\\selelia\\output1.csv";
        }//end writeButton_Click
Esempio n. 3
        }//End previewPresButton_Click

        private void writePresButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const int QUAN_PROPERTIES = 38; //38 columns in the file
            string    filePath        = "C:\\Users\\selelia\\Downloads\\Project2\\Project2\\Presidents.csv";
            string    strRead;
            string    delim = ",";

            FileStream   fs          = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader readerClass = new StreamReader(fs);

            int count = 0;

            count = GetCount(filePath); //return number of lines including header

            //create a President object array. one instance per row
            President[] presidents = new President[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                presidents[i] = new President();

            //getting the records
            string[] recordParts = new string[QUAN_PROPERTIES];
            strRead = readerClass.ReadLine();
            for (int counter = 1; counter < count; ++counter)
                strRead = readerClass.ReadLine();

                recordParts = strRead.Split(',');

                presidents[counter].FirstName  = recordParts[1];
                presidents[counter].LastName   = recordParts[2];
                presidents[counter].Party      = recordParts[3];
                presidents[counter].Religion   = recordParts[18];
                presidents[counter].Occupation = recordParts[20];
                presidents[counter].StateBorn  = recordParts[14];

            int listCalValSelected = ffSubCatValue.SelectedItems.Count;

            string[] valOptions      = new string[listCalValSelected];
            int      valOptionsCount = 0;

            foreach (var valOption in ffSubCatValue.SelectedItems)
                valOptions[valOptionsCount] = valOption.ToString();

            string presidentsOutput = "";
            string writeOutput2     = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < valOptions.Length; y++)
                if (valOptions[y] == "Democratic")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "Democratic")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Republican")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "Republican")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Federalist")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "Federalist")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Whig")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "Whig")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Dem-Rep")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "Dem-Rep")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "No Designation")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Party == "no designation")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Party}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Party} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Methodist")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "Methodist")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Baptist")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "Baptist")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Episcopalian")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "Episcopalian")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Presbyterian")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "Presbyterian")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Unitarian")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "Unitarian")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "No affiliation")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Religion == "no affiliation" || presidents[z].Religion == "no formal affiliation")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Religion}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Religion} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Lawyer")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Lawyer")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName}: {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Soldier")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Soldier")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName}: {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Farmer")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Farmer")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Engineer")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Engineer")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Teacher")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Teacher")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Actor")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].Occupation == "Actor")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].Occupation}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].Occupation} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Virginia")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "Virginia")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Ohio")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "Ohio")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "New York")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "New York")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "Massachusetts")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "Massachusetts")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";
                else if (valOptions[y] == "California")
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "California")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";
                    for (int z = 2; z < presidents.Length; z++)
                        if (presidents[z].StateBorn == "Texas")
                            presidentsOutput += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {presidents[z].LastName} {presidents[z].StateBorn}\n";
                            writeOutput2     += $"{presidents[z].FirstName} {delim} {presidents[z].LastName} {delim} {presidents[z].StateBorn} {delim}\n";

            string       fileWritePath = "C:\\Users\\selelia\\President_Output.csv";
            FileStream   outFile3      = new FileStream(fileWritePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter writerCSV     = new StreamWriter(outFile3);



            presidentsOutput += "\n selected info written to C:\\Users\\selelia\\President_Output.csv";
        } //End writePresButton_Click
Esempio n. 4
        }//end GetCount method

        private void buttonWriteInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const int QUAN_PROPERTIES = 38; //38 columns in the file
            string    filePath        = "C:\\Users\\stoerit\\Presidents.csv";
            string    strRead;
            string    delim = ",";

            FileStream   fs          = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader readerClass = new StreamReader(fs);

            int count = 0;

            count = GetCount(filePath); //return number of lines including header

            //create a President object array. one instance per row
            President[] presidents = new President[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                presidents[i] = new President();

            //getting the records
            string[] recordParts = new string[QUAN_PROPERTIES];
            for (int counter = 1; counter < count; ++counter)
                strRead = readerClass.ReadLine();

                recordParts = strRead.Split(',');

                presidents[counter].FirstName    = recordParts[1];
                presidents[counter].LastName     = recordParts[2];
                presidents[counter].Party        = recordParts[3];
                presidents[counter].StartYear    = recordParts[10];
                presidents[counter].EndYear      = recordParts[11];
                presidents[counter].DateBorn     = recordParts[12];
                presidents[counter].DateDied     = recordParts[13];
                presidents[counter].CauseOfDeath = recordParts[34];

            int    x            = listBoxPresidents.SelectedIndex + 2;
            string outputString = $"{presidents[x].FirstName} {presidents[x].LastName}'s";

            int listInfoSelected = listBoxInfoOptions.SelectedItems.Count;

            string[] infoOptions      = new string[listInfoSelected];
            int      infoOptionsCount = 0;

            foreach (var infoOption in listBoxInfoOptions.SelectedItems)
                infoOptions[infoOptionsCount] = infoOption.ToString();

            string writeString = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < infoOptions.Length; y++)
                if (infoOptions[y] == "Party")
                    outputString += $"\n Party: {presidents[x].Party}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].Party} {delim}";
                else if (infoOptions[y] == "Start year")
                    outputString += $"\n Start year: {presidents[x].StartYear}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].StartYear} {delim}";
                else if (infoOptions[y] == "End year")
                    outputString += $"\n End year: {presidents[x].EndYear}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].EndYear} {delim}";
                else if (infoOptions[y] == "Date born")
                    outputString += $"\n Date born: {presidents[x].DateBorn}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].DateBorn} {delim}";
                else if (infoOptions[y] == "Date died")
                    outputString += $"\n Date died: {presidents[x].DateDied}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].DateDied} {delim}";
                    outputString += $"\n Cause of death: {presidents[x].CauseOfDeath}";
                    writeString  += $"{presidents[x].CauseOfDeath} {delim}";

            string       fileWritePath = "C:\\Users\\stoerit\\PresidentsInfoOutput.csv";
            FileStream   outFile2      = new FileStream(fileWritePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter writerCSV     = new StreamWriter(outFile2);



            outputString += "\n selected info written to C:\\Users\\stoerit\\PresidentsInfoOutput.csv";
        }//end buttonWriteInfo_Click