public void CreateAccount() { var bs = new BusinessAccount(); bs.BusinessID = r.Next(); Console.WriteLine($"Business ID: {bs.BusinessID}"); }
public static IAccount AddAccount<TAccount>() where TAccount : IAccount { ConsoleUtil.Display(Properties.Resources.WhatAccountType); IAccount a; switch (ConsoleUtil.GetResponse(ListAccountTypes<TAccount>())) { case "checking": a = new CheckingAccount(nextAccountId++); break; case "business": a = new BusinessAccount(nextAccountId++); break; case "loan": ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(Properties.Resources.WhatSizeLoan); a = new Loan(nextAccountId++, ConsoleUtil.GetDollarAmount()); break; case "cd": ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(Properties.Resources.WhatSizeCD); a = new TermDeposit(nextAccountId++, ConsoleUtil.GetDollarAmount()); break; default: Log.Error(Properties.Resources.ErrorInvalidProgramFlow); throw new Exception("Bank: Invalid program flow."); } ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(Properties.Resources.GiveAccountName); var name = ConsoleUtil.GetString(); while (currentCustomer.HasAccount(name)) { ConsoleUtil.Display(Properties.Resources.AccountNameUnavailable); name = ConsoleUtil.GetString(); } a.Name = name; currentCustomer.AddAccount(a); return a; }
private static void OpenBusinessAccount() { var account = new BusinessAccount() { AccountNumber = _BusinessAccountNumber, Balance = 0.0M, InterestRate = 0.0, isActive = true, CustomerID = _CurrentCustomer.ID, Transactions = new List <Transaction>() }; _CurrentCustomer.Accounts.Add(account); _BusinessAccountNumber++; CustomerHomeScreen(); }
private static void CustomerHandler(Customer c) { bool logOut = false; String input = ""; int selection; while (!logOut) { Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + c.fName + "."); Console.WriteLine("Please select an option."); Console.WriteLine("Create a new acount (1)"); Console.WriteLine("Close an existing acount (2)"); Console.WriteLine("Withdraw from an acount (3)"); Console.WriteLine("Deposit into an acount (4)"); Console.WriteLine("Transfer money between acounts (5)"); Console.WriteLine("Pay on a loan (6)"); Console.WriteLine("View all acounts (7)"); Console.WriteLine("View transactions across all acounts (8)"); Console.WriteLine("Log out (9)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { switch (selection) { case 1: { bool correctInput = false; double amount = 0; while (!correctInput) { Console.WriteLine("What type of account would you like to create?"); Console.WriteLine("Checking account (1)"); Console.WriteLine("Business account (2)"); Console.WriteLine("Loan account (3)"); Console.WriteLine("Term deposit account (4)"); Console.WriteLine("Cancle (5)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { correctInput = true; switch (selection) { case 1: { bool validAmount = false; while (!validAmount) { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit in your new account?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Amount must be grater than zero"); } else { validAmount = true; CheckingAccount tempCA = new CheckingAccount(, amount); c.AddAcount(tempCA); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Create",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } break; } case 2: { bool validAmount = false; while (!validAmount) { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit in your new account?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Amount must be grater than zero"); } else { validAmount = true; BusinessAccount tempCA = new BusinessAccount(, amount); c.AddAcount(tempCA); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Create",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } } break; case 3: { bool validAmount = false; while (!validAmount) { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to borrow for your loan?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Amount must be grater than zero"); } else { validAmount = true; LoanAccount tempCA = new LoanAccount(, amount); c.AddAcount(tempCA); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Create",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } } break; case 4: { bool validAmount = false; while (!validAmount) { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit in your new account?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Amount must be grater than zero"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please select a (1) 0r (5) year account."); input = Console.ReadLine(); int year; if (!int.TryParse(input, out year)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (year == 1 || year == 5) { validAmount = true; DateTime tempDate; DateTime today = DateTime.Today; if (year == 1) { tempDate = new DateTime((today.Year + 1), today.Month, today.Day); } else { tempDate = new DateTime((today.Year + 5), today.Month, today.Day); } TermDepositAccount tempCA = new TermDepositAccount(, amount, tempDate); c.AddAcount(tempCA); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Create",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } else { Console.WriteLine("input was not a valid option"); } } } } break; case 5: { Console.WriteLine("Acount creation cancled"); } break; } } } break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the acount you would like to close."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { var tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Loan accounts will be closed aoutomaticly when they are paid off and can not be closed manually"); } else if (tempAcount is TermDepositAccount) { TermDepositAccount tempTD = (TermDepositAccount)tempAcount; if (tempTD.maturity < DateTime.Today) { c.CloseAcount(selection); Console.WriteLine("THe account has been closed and a check of " + tempTD.amount + " has ben issued to you."); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Close",, tempTD.amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } else { Console.WriteLine("A term deposit acount can not be closed untill after the mature date"); } } else { c.CloseAcount(selection); Console.WriteLine("The Acount has been closed and a check of " + tempAcount.amount + " has ben issued to you."); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Close",, tempAcount.amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again."); } } break; } case 3: { double amount; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the acount you would like to withdraw from."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { var tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money cannot be withdrawn from a Loan account."); } else if (tempAcount is TermDepositAccount) { TermDepositAccount tempTD = (TermDepositAccount)tempAcount; if (tempTD.maturity < DateTime.Today) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you would like to withdraw."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount > 0) { if (tempAcount is CheckingAccount && tempAcount.amount < amount) { Console.WriteLine("Could not withdraw " + amount + " from checking acount becase the balance is too low."); } else { c.Withdraw(selection, amount); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Withdraw",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be withdrawn from a term deposit account untill the maturity date."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you would like to withdraw."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount > 0) { if (tempAcount is CheckingAccount && tempAcount.amount < amount) { Console.WriteLine("Could not withdraw " + amount + " from checking acount becase the balance is too low."); } else { c.Withdraw(selection, amount); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Withdraw",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Input must be grater than zero"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again."); } } break; } case 4: { double amount; Console.WriteLine("Pleaseenter the id of the account you would like to deposit into."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { var tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be deposited into a loan account. if you want t o pay on a loan select pay loan instalment."); } else if (tempAcount is TermDepositAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be added to a term deposit account."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Plese enter the amount you would like to deposit."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount > 0) { c.Deposit(selection, amount); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Deposit",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } else { Console.WriteLine("Input must be grater than zero"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again."); } } break; } case 5: { double amount; int withdrawAccountId; int depositAccountId; Console.WriteLine("Enter the id of the acount you would like to withdraw money from."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number"); } else { var tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be withdrawn from a loan account."); break; } else { if (tempAcount is TermDepositAccount) { TermDepositAccount tempTD = (TermDepositAccount)tempAcount; if (tempTD.maturity < DateTime.Today) { withdrawAccountId = selection; } else { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be withdrawn from a term deposit acount before the maturity date."); break; } } else { withdrawAccountId = selection; } Console.WriteLine("Enter the id of the account you would like to deposit to"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number"); } else { tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be deposited to a loan account."); } else if (tempAcount is TermDepositAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Money can not be deposited to a term deposit account."); } else { depositAccountId = selection; Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount you would like totransfer."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number"); } else if (amount <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Amount must be grater than zero"); } else { c.TransferFunds(withdrawAccountId, depositAccountId, amount); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Transfer", withdrawAccountId, depositAccountId, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again"); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again"); } } break; } case 6: { double amount; Console.WriteLine("Ender the id of a loan account."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out selection)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else { var tempAcount = c.GetAccount(selection); if (tempAcount != null) { if (tempAcount is LoanAccount) { LoanAccount lc = (LoanAccount)tempAcount; Console.WriteLine("Enter a payment amout of the minimum " + lc.monthlyDue + " or more."); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(input, out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a number."); } else if (amount < lc.monthlyDue) { Console.WriteLine("Payment must be above the minimum " + lc.monthlyDue + "."); } else { c.Deposit(selection, amount); Transaction tempTrans = new Transaction("Loan Payment",, amount); c.AddTransaction(tempTrans); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Given id was not for a loan account"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Acount was not found please check the id and try again."); } } break; } case 7: { Console.WriteLine(" "); c.DisplayAcounts(); Console.WriteLine(" "); break; } case 8: { Console.WriteLine(" "); c.DisplayTransactions(); Console.WriteLine(" "); break; } case 9: { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using bank of nowhere. Have a nice day"); logOut = true; break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Input was not a valid option"); break; } } } } }