Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the screenAreas for the buttons and fields
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateScreenAreas()
            //Arrow Left/up
            double Tx = r_up.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            double Ty = r_up.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            double Bx = r_up.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + r_up.RenderedGeometry.Bounds.Width;
            double By = r_up.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + r_up.Height;
            TPoint left = new TPoint((int) Math.Round(Tx), (int) Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            TPoint right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            arrowLeft = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);

            //Arrow right/down
            Tx = r_down.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            Ty = r_down.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            Bx = r_down.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + r_down.Width;
            By = r_down.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + r_down.Height;
            left = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Tx), (int)Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            arrowRight = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);

            //MenuObject 1
            Tx = c1.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            Ty = c1.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            Bx = c1.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + c1.Width;
            By = c1.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + c1.Height;
            left = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Tx), (int)Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            MObject1 = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);

            //MenuObject 2
            Tx = c2.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            Ty = c2.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            Bx = c2.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + c2.Width;
            By = c2.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + c2.Height;
            left = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Tx), (int)Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            MObject2 = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);

            //MenuObject 3
            Tx = c3.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            Ty = c3.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            Bx = c3.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + c3.Width;
            By = c3.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + c3.Height;
            left = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Tx), (int)Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            MObject3 = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);

            //MenuObject 4
            Tx = c4.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this);
            Ty = c4.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this);
            Bx = c4.Margin.Left + menugrid.Margin.Left + Canvas.GetLeft(this) + c4.Width;
            By = c4.Margin.Top + menugrid.Margin.Top + Canvas.GetTop(this) + c4.Height;
            left = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Tx), (int)Math.Round(Ty), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            right = new TPoint((int)Math.Round(Bx), (int)Math.Round(By), TPoint.PointCreationType.screen);
            MObject4 = new GraphicalRegion(left, right);
Esempio n. 2
        private void GetRegions(out GraphicalRegion b4, out GraphicalRegion b3, out GraphicalRegion b2, out GraphicalRegion b1)
            //recalculate screen areas
            _tableManager.DisplayManager.WorkThreadSafe((Action) (() => _gfxMenu.CalculateScreenAreas()), null);

            //Check wheter the object is in one of the regions of the menu objects
            b1 = null;
            GraphicalRegion b1_ = null;
            b2 = null;
            GraphicalRegion b2_ = null;
            b3 = null;
            GraphicalRegion b3_ = null;
            b4 = null;
            GraphicalRegion b4_ = null;

            _tableManager.BeamerScreen.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) (() => { b1_ = (GraphicalRegion) _gfxMenu.MObject1.Clone(); }),
            _tableManager.BeamerScreen.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { b2_ = (GraphicalRegion)_gfxMenu.MObject2.Clone(); }),
            _tableManager.BeamerScreen.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { b3_ = (GraphicalRegion)_gfxMenu.MObject3.Clone(); }),
            _tableManager.BeamerScreen.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { b4_ = (GraphicalRegion)_gfxMenu.MObject4.Clone(); }),

            b1 = b1_;
            b2 = b2_;
            b3 = b3_;
            b4 = b4_;