Esempio n. 1
        public static Channel CratersAlgo(int sizeX, int sizeY, int numCraters, int seed)
            Channel chan = new Channel(sizeX, sizeY);
            Random rand = new Random(seed);
            for (int i = 0; i < numCraters; )
                int x = rand.Next(0, sizeX);
                int y = rand.Next(0, sizeY);
                double radius = (rand.NextDouble() * 84.0) - 20;

                // Clamp
                //x=(x<0) ? 0 : ((x>size-1) ? size-1 : x);
                //x=(y<0) ? 0 : ((y>size-1) ? size-1 : y);
                //radius=(radius<20.0) ? 20.0 : ((radius>84.0) ? 84.0 : radius);

                Channel crater = (new Crater(sizeX, sizeY, x, y, radius)).toChannel();
                if (crater.findMax() != 1.0)
                //	Console.Write("!");
                //	continue;
                drawTextProgressBar(i, numCraters);
                chan.channelAdd(crater.normalize(-0.01f, 0.01f));
            Console.WriteLine("\nRange [{0},{1}]", chan.findMin(), chan.findMax());
            return chan;
Esempio n. 2
        public static Channel HillsAlgo(int sizeX, int sizeY, int numHills, int seed)
            Channel chan = new Channel(sizeX, sizeY);
            Random rand = new Random(seed);
            for (int i = 0; i < numHills; )
                int x = rand.Next(0, sizeX);
                int y = rand.Next(0, sizeY);

                double radius = ((rand.NextDouble() * 84.0) - 20);
                Channel crater = (new Hill(sizeX, sizeY, x, y, (float)radius)).toChannel();
                if (crater.findMax() != 1.0)
                drawTextProgressBar(i, numHills);
                chan.channelAdd(crater.normalize(0f, 0.01f));
            Console.WriteLine("\nRange [{0},{1}]", chan.findMin(), chan.findMax());
            return chan;
Esempio n. 3
		public Layer(Channel r, Channel g, Channel b) {
			this.width = r.getWidth();
			this.height = r.getHeight();
			this.r = r;
			this.g = g;
			this.b = b;
			this.a = null;
Esempio n. 4
		public Layer(Layer rgb, Channel a) {
			this.r = rgb.r;
			this.g = rgb.g;
			this.b = rgb.b;
			this.width = r.getWidth();
			this.height = r.getHeight();
			this.a = a;
Esempio n. 5
		public Crater(int size,int xp,int yp,double radius)
			channel = new Channel(size,size);
			double ratio=64f/64f;
			double craterdepth = 10.0f*ratio;
			double rimheight = 3.0f*ratio;
			double falloff = 60.0f*ratio;
Esempio n. 6
		public Layer(int width, int height) {
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;
			Channel empty = new Channel(width, height);
			this.r = empty;
			this.g = empty.copy();
			this.b = empty.copy();
			this.a = null;
Esempio n. 7
		public RiverBuilder(Channel channel)
			Directions = new int[,]{
				{-1, 1},{ 0, 1},{ 1, 1},
				{-1, 0},        { 1, 0},
				{-1,-1},{ 0,-1},{ 1,-1}
			Console.WriteLine(" * River generator initialized with a {0}x{1} grid.",chan.Height,chan.Width);
Esempio n. 8
 public Channel getDistance(float c1, float c2, float c3)
     Channel channel = new Channel(sizeX, sizeY);
     for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
             channel.putPixel(x, y, c1*dist1.getPixel(x, y) + c2*dist2.getPixel(x, y) + c3*dist3.getPixel(x, y));
     return channel.normalize();
Esempio n. 9
		public Layer(Channel r, Channel g, Channel b, Channel a) {
			this.width = r.getWidth();
			this.height = r.getHeight();
			if(!(g.getWidth() == width
				&& b.getWidth() == width
				&& g.getHeight() == height
				&& b.getHeight() == height
				&& (a == null || (a.getWidth() == width && a.getHeight() == height))))
				throw new Exception("trying to combine channels of differing sizes");
			this.r = r;
			this.g = g;
			this.b = b;
			this.a = a;
Esempio n. 10
		public Hill(int size,int xp,int yp,float radius)
			double r=(double)radius;
			channel = new Channel(size,size);
			double hill_height=5.0d*(radius/40.0d);
			for(int x=0;x<size;x++)
				for(int y=0;y<size;y++)
					double dx = (double)(yp-x);
					double dy = (double)(xp-y);
					double dist = Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
						double height = 1.0d-((dx*dx + dy*dy) / (r*r));
						height = (height*hill_height);
						channel.putPixel(x,y,Convert.ToSingle(height));//$radius^2 + (($x-$hx)^2 - ($y-(256-$hy))^2);
					//channel.putPixel(x,y,(radius*radius) + (((x-dx)*(x-dx)) - ((y-dy)*(y-dy))));
Esempio n. 11
 public Layer layerBlend(Layer rgb, Channel a)
     return layerBlend(new Layer(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, a));
Esempio n. 12
 public Layer flipV()
     r = r.flipV();
     g = g.flipV();
     b = b.flipV();
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.flipV();
     return this;
Esempio n. 13
 public Layer cropWrap(int x_lo, int y_lo, int x_hi, int y_hi)
     r = r.cropWrap(x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi);
     g = g.cropWrap(x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi);
     b = b.cropWrap(x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.cropWrap(x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi);
     width = r.getWidth();
     height = r.getHeight();
     return this;
Esempio n. 14
 public Layer bumpSpecular(Channel bumpmap, float lx, float ly, float lz, float shadow, float light_r, float light_g, float light_b, int specular)
     if(!(bumpmap.getWidth() == width && bumpmap.getHeight() == height))
         throw new Exception("bumpmap size does not match layer size");
     float lnorm = (float)Math.Sqrt(lx*lx + ly*ly + lz*lz);
     float nz = 4*(1f/Math.Min(width, height));
     float nzlz = nz*lz;
     float nz2 = nz*nz;
     int power = 2<<specular;
     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             float nx = bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x + 1, y) - bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x - 1, y);
             float ny = bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x, y + 1) - bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x, y - 1);
             float brightness = nx*lx + ny*ly;
             float costheta = (brightness + nzlz)/((float)Math.Sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny + nz2)*lnorm);
             float highlight;
             if (costheta > 0) {
                 highlight = (float)Math.Pow(costheta, power);
             } else {
                 highlight = 0;
             putPixelClip(x, y,
                 (r.getPixel(x, y) + highlight*light_r)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                 (g.getPixel(x, y) + highlight*light_g)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                 (b.getPixel(x, y) + highlight*light_b)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow));
     return this;
Esempio n. 15
 public Layer bumpFast(Channel bumpmap, float lx, float light, float ambient)
     if(!(bumpmap.getWidth() == width && bumpmap.getHeight() == height))
         throw new Exception("bumpmap size does not match layer size");
     ambient = 1f - ambient;
     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             float brightness = lx*(bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x + 1, y) - bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x - 1, y));
             if (brightness >= 0) {
                 brightness = brightness*light;
                 putPixel(x, y, r.getPixel(x, y) + brightness,
                     g.getPixel(x, y) + brightness,
                     b.getPixel(x, y) + brightness);
             } else {
                 brightness = brightness*ambient;
                 putPixel(x, y, r.getPixel(x, y) + brightness,
                     g.getPixel(x, y) + brightness,
                     b.getPixel(x, y) + brightness);
     return this;
Esempio n. 16
        private void Gen(int sizeX, int sizeY, int base_freq, float pers, long seed, int x_o, int y_o)
            if (!Utils.isPowerOf2(sizeX))
                throw new Exception("sizeX must be power of 2");
            if (!Utils.isPowerOf2(sizeY))
                throw new Exception("sizeY must be power of 2");

            int iterationsX = Utils.powerOf2Log2(sizeX);
            int iterationsY = Utils.powerOf2Log2(sizeY);
            base_freq = Math.Max(base_freq, 0);
            base_freq = Math.Min(base_freq, iterationsX);
            random = new Random((int)seed);
            channel = new Channel(sizeX, sizeY);

            int x_block, y_block, x, y;

            if (base_freq > 0) {
                int block_size = sizeX>>base_freq;
                for (int x_b = 0; x_b < (1<<base_freq); x_b++) {
                    for (int y_b = 0; y_b < (1<<base_freq); y_b++) {
                        x = x_b*block_size;
                        y = y_b*block_size;
                        channel.putPixel(x, y, (float)random.NextDouble());

            float v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9;

            for (int i = base_freq; i < iterationsX; i++) {
                int block_size = sizeX>>i;
                int block_size_half = sizeX>>(i + 1);
                float amp = (float)Math.Pow(pers, i - base_freq);
                float amp_half = 0.5f*amp;
                float avr;
                // calculate center midpoints
                if (i < 2) {
                    for (x_block = 0, x = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4);
                            v5 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
                            y+= block_size;
                        x+= block_size;
                } else {
                    // safe blocks
                    for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 1, y = block_size; y_block < (1<<i) - 1; y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, y + block_size);
                            v4 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y + block_size);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4);
                            v5 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
                            y+= block_size;
                        x+= block_size;
                    // left and right edge blocks
                    for (x_block = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
                        x = x_block*block_size;
                        for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4);
                            v5 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
                            y+= block_size;
                    // top and bottom edge blocks
                    for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
                            y = y_block*block_size;
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4);
                            v5 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
                        x+= block_size;
                // calculate left and bottom edge midpoints
                if (i < 2) {
                    for (x_block = 0, x = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + sizeX) % sizeX, (y + block_size_half) % sizeY);
                            v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % sizeX, ((y - block_size_half) + sizeY) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6);
                            v8 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7);
                            v9 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
                            y+= block_size;
                        x+= block_size;
                } else {
                    // safe blocks
                    for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 1, y = block_size; y_block < (1<<i) - 1; y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, y + block_size);
                            v6 = channel.getPixel(x - block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
                            v7 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y - block_size_half);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6);
                            v8 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7);
                            v9 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
                            y+= block_size;
                        x+= block_size;
                    // left and right edge blocks
                    for (x_block = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
                        x = x_block*block_size;
                        for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + sizeX) % sizeX, (y + block_size_half) % sizeY);
                            v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % sizeX, ((y - block_size_half) + sizeY) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6);
                            v8 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7);
                            v9 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
                            y+= block_size;
                    // top and bottom edge blocks
                    for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
                        for (y_block = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
                            y = y_block*block_size;
                            v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
                            v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
                            v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % sizeX, y);
                            v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % sizeY);
                            v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + sizeX) % sizeX, (y + block_size_half) % sizeY);
                            v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % sizeX, ((y - block_size_half) + sizeY) % sizeY);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6);
                            v8 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            avr = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7);
                            v9 = avr*(1f + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half);
                            channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
                            channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
                        x+= block_size;
            float[] mm=channel.findMinMax();
            //Console.WriteLine("Range Mountain->[{0},{1}]",mm[0],mm[1]);
            //Console.WriteLine("Range Mountain->[{0},{1}]",mm[0],mm[1]);
Esempio n. 17
 public Layer scaleFast(int new_width, int new_height)
     r = r.scaleFast(new_width, new_height);
     g = g.scaleFast(new_width, new_height);
     b = b.scaleFast(new_width, new_height);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.scaleFast(new_width, new_height);
     width = new_width;
     height = new_height;
     return this;
Esempio n. 18
 public void addAlpha()
     a = new Channel(width, height);
Esempio n. 19
		public Channel scaleDouble() {
			if(!(width == height)) throw new Exception("square images only");
			// calculate filter
			Channel filter = new Channel(width<<1, height<<1);
			for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				int y_shift = y<<1;
				for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					int x_shift = x<<1;
					float value = 0.25f*getPixel(x, y);
					filter.putPixel(x_shift, y_shift, value);
					filter.putPixel(x_shift + 1, y_shift, value);
					filter.putPixel(x_shift, y_shift + 1, value);
					filter.putPixel(x_shift + 1, y_shift + 1, value);
			// draw image
			Channel channel = new Channel(width<<1, height<<1);
			for (int y = 1; y < (height<<1) - 1; y++) {
				for (int x = 1; x < (width<<1) - 1; x++) {
					channel.putPixel(x, y, filter.getPixel(x - 1, y) + filter.getPixel(x + 1, y) + filter.getPixel(x, y - 1) + filter.getPixel(x, y + 1));
			// fix edges
			int max = (width<<1) - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
				channel.putPixel(0, i, filter.getPixelWrap(-1, i) + filter.getPixelWrap(1, i) + filter.getPixelWrap(0, i - 1) + filter.getPixelWrap(0, i + 1));
				channel.putPixel(i, 0, filter.getPixelWrap(i, -1) + filter.getPixelWrap(i, 1) + filter.getPixelWrap(i - 1, 0) + filter.getPixelWrap(i + 1, 0));
				channel.putPixel(max, i, filter.getPixelWrap(max - 1, i) + filter.getPixelWrap(max + 1, i) + filter.getPixelWrap(max, i - 1) + filter.getPixelWrap(max, i + 1));
				channel.putPixel(i, max, filter.getPixelWrap(i, max - 1) + filter.getPixelWrap(i, max + 1) + filter.getPixelWrap(i - 1, max) + filter.getPixelWrap(i + 1, max));
			pixels = channel.getPixels();
			width = width<<1;
			height = height<<1;
			return this;
Esempio n. 20
 public Layer tile(int new_width, int new_height)
     r = r.tile(new_width, new_height);
     g = g.tile(new_width, new_height);
     b = b.tile(new_width, new_height);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.tile(new_width, new_height);
     width = r.getWidth();
     height = r.getHeight();
     return this;
Esempio n. 21
		public Channel rotate(int degrees) {
			Channel channel = null;
			int tmp = width;
			switch (degrees) {
				case 90:
					channel = new Channel(height, width);
					for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
						for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
							channel.putPixel(y, width - x - 1, getPixel(x, y));
					width = height;
					height = tmp;
				case 180:
					channel = new Channel(width, height);
					for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
						for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
							channel.putPixel(width - x - 1, height - y - 1, getPixel(x, y));
				case 270:
					channel = new Channel(height, width);
					for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
						for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
							channel.putPixel(height - y - 1, x, getPixel(x, y));
					width = height;
					height = tmp;
					throw new Exception("Rotation degrees not a multiple of 90");
			pixels = channel.getPixels();
			return this;
Esempio n. 22
		public Channel shear(float offset) {
			Channel channel = new Channel(width, height);
			for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					channel.putPixel(x, y, getPixelWrap((int)(x + offset*width*((float)y/height)), y));
			pixels = channel.getPixels();
			return this;
Esempio n. 23
 public Layer offset(int x_offset, int y_offset)
     r = r.offset(x_offset, y_offset);
     g = g.offset(x_offset, y_offset);
     b = b.offset(x_offset, y_offset);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.offset(x_offset, y_offset);
     return this;
Esempio n. 24
 public void addAlpha(Channel alpha)
     a = alpha;
Esempio n. 25
 public Layer rotate(int degrees)
     r = r.rotate(degrees);
     g = g.rotate(degrees);
     b = b.rotate(degrees);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.rotate(degrees);
     width = r.getWidth();
     height = r.getHeight();
     return this;
Esempio n. 26
 public Layer bump(Channel bumpmap, float lx, float ly, float shadow, float light_r, float light_g, float light_b, float ambient_r, float ambient_g, float ambient_b)
     if(!(bumpmap.getWidth() == width && bumpmap.getHeight() == height))
         throw new Exception("bumpmap size does not match layer size");
     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             float nx = bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x + 1, y) - bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x - 1, y);
             float ny = bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x, y + 1) - bumpmap.getPixelWrap(x, y - 1);
             float brightness = nx*lx + ny*ly;
             if (brightness >= 0) {
                 putPixelClip(x, y, (r.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*light_r)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                     (g.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*light_g)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                     (b.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*light_b)*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow));
             } else {
                 putPixelClip(x, y, (r.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*(1 - ambient_r))*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                     (g.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*(1 - ambient_g))*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow),
                     (b.getPixel(x, y) + brightness*(1 - ambient_b))*(bumpmap.getPixel(x, y)*shadow + 1 - shadow));
     return this;
Esempio n. 27
 public Layer shear(float offset)
     r = r.shear(offset);
     g = g.shear(offset);
     b = b.shear(offset);
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.shear(offset);
     return this;
Esempio n. 28
		public Channel perturb(Channel perturb, float magnitude) {
			Channel channel = new Channel(width, height);
			for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					float perturbation = magnitude*(perturb.getPixel(x, y) - 0.5f);
					float x_coord = x + width*perturbation;
					int x_coord_lo = (int)x_coord;
					int x_coord_hi = x_coord_lo + 1;
					float x_frac = x_coord - x_coord_lo;
					float y_coord = y + height*perturbation;
					int y_coord_lo = (int)y_coord;
					int y_coord_hi = y_coord_lo + 1;
					float y_frac = y_coord - y_coord_lo;
					float val1 = Tools.interpolateLinear(getPixelWrap(x_coord_lo, y_coord_lo), getPixelWrap(x_coord_hi, y_coord_lo), x_frac);
					float val2 = Tools.interpolateLinear(getPixelWrap(x_coord_lo, y_coord_hi), getPixelWrap(x_coord_hi, y_coord_hi), x_frac);
					channel.putPixel(x, y, Tools.interpolateLinear(val1, val2, y_frac));
			pixels = channel.getPixels();
			return this;
Esempio n. 29
 public Layer tileDouble()
     r = r.tileDouble();
     g = g.tileDouble();
     b = b.tileDouble();
     if (a != null) {
         a = a.tileDouble();
     width = width<<1;
     height = height<<1;
     return this;
Esempio n. 30
		public Midpoint(int size, int base_freq, float pers, long seed) {
				throw new Exception("size must be power of 2");
			int iterations = Utils.powerOf2Log2(size);
			base_freq = Math.Max(base_freq, 0);
			base_freq = Math.Min(base_freq, iterations);
			random = new Random((int)seed);
			channel = new Channel(size, size);
			int x_block, y_block, x, y;
			if (base_freq > 0) {
				int block_size = size>>base_freq;
				for (x_block = 0; x_block < (1<<base_freq); x_block++) {
					for (y_block = 0; y_block < (1<<base_freq); y_block++) {
						x = x_block*block_size;
						y = y_block*block_size;
						channel.putPixel(x, y, (float)random.NextDouble());
			float v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9;
			for (int i = base_freq; i < iterations; i++) {
				int block_size = size>>i;
				int block_size_half = size>>(i + 1);
				float amp = (float)Math.Pow(pers, i - base_freq);
				float amp_half = 0.5f*amp;
				// calculate center midpoints
				if (i < 2) {
					for (x_block = 0, x = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, (y + block_size) % size);
							v5 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
							y+= block_size;
						x+= block_size;
				} else {
					// safe blocks
					for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 1, y = block_size; y_block < (1<<i) - 1; y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v2 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, y + block_size);
							v4 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y + block_size);
							v5 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
							y+= block_size;
						x+= block_size;
					// left and right edge blocks
					for (x_block = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
						x = x_block*block_size;
						for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, (y + block_size) % size);
							v5 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
							y+= block_size;
					// top and bottom edge blocks
					for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
							y = y_block*block_size;
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v4 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, (y + block_size) % size);
							v5 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half, v5);
						x+= block_size;
				// calculate left and bottom edge midpoints
				if (i < 2) {
					for (x_block = 0, x = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + size) % size, (y + block_size_half) % size);
							v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % size, ((y - block_size_half) + size) % size);
							v8 = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							v9 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
							y+= block_size;
						x+= block_size;
				} else {
					// safe blocks
					for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 1, y = block_size; y_block < (1<<i) - 1; y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
							v2 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, y + block_size);
							v6 = channel.getPixel(x - block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
							v7 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y - block_size_half);
							v8 = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							v9 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
							y+= block_size;
						x+= block_size;
					// left and right edge blocks
					for (x_block = 0; x_block < (1<<i); x_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
						x = x_block*block_size;
						for (y_block = 0, y = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block++) {
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + size) % size, (y + block_size_half) % size);
							v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % size, ((y - block_size_half) + size) % size);
							v8 = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							v9 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
							y+= block_size;
					// top and bottom edge blocks
					for (x_block = 1, x = block_size; x_block < (1<<i) - 1; x_block++) {
						for (y_block = 0; y_block < (1<<i); y_block+= (1<<i) - 1) {
							y = y_block*block_size;
							v1 = channel.getPixel(x, y);
							v5 = channel.getPixel(x + block_size_half, y + block_size_half);
							v2 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size) % size, y);
							v3 = channel.getPixel(x, (y + block_size) % size);
							v6 = channel.getPixel(((x - block_size_half) + size) % size, (y + block_size_half) % size);
							v7 = channel.getPixel((x + block_size_half) % size, ((y - block_size_half) + size) % size);
							v8 = 0.25f*(v1 + v3 + v5 + v6) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							v9 = 0.25f*(v1 + v2 + v5 + v7) + (float)random.NextDouble()*amp - amp_half;
							channel.putPixel(x, y + block_size_half, v8);
							channel.putPixel(x + block_size_half, y, v9);
						x+= block_size;