// Method to add vocabulary ID
        protected void UpdateWordVocabularyID(ref Word word)
            String withoutDiacWord;
            String addedWord;

            // Check if the first character falls between 0x0620 = 1568 and 0x0652 = 1618 => the characters of Arabic including DIACS
            // This indicates it's a word, not numbers or punc. marks

            /*if (!(word.wordName[0] <= 1618 && word.wordName[0] >= 1568))
             * {
             *  // Put at the last reserved position.
             *  word.vocabularyWordID = Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID;
             *  word.wordName = "";
             *  word.wordNameWithProperDiacritics = "";
             *  logger.LogError("Raw ID is " + word.vocabularyWordID + " while bitfield length is " + Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID, ErrorCode.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY_WORD);
             *  return;
             * }*/
            word.wordName = RemoveNonArabic(word.wordName);
            if (word.wordName == "")
            // Check if the word characters falls between 0x0620 = 1568 and 0x0652 = 1618 => the characters of Arabic including DIACS
            // This indicates it's a word, not numbers or punc. marks

             * foreach (char wordChar in word.wordName)
             * {
             *  if (!(wordChar <= 1618 && wordChar >= 1568))
             *  {
             *      // Put at the last reserved position.
             *      word.vocabularyWordID = Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID;
             *      word.wordName = "";
             *      word.wordNameWithProperDiacritics = "";
             *      logger.LogError("Raw ID is " + word.vocabularyWordID + " while bitfield length is " + Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID, ErrorCode.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY_WORD);
             *      return;
             *  }
             * }
            switch (configManager.wordOnlyVocabularyScope)
            case "AsIs":
                // Add to hashtable
                if (!wordsHashTable.Contains(word.wordName))
                    if ((wordsHashTable.Count < Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID) || maxIDRun)
                        // New word

                        // Form new record
                        Word newWord = new Word(word.wordName, word.mrfType, word.r, word.r, word.f, word.s, word.POS_IDs, word.equivalentPOS_ID, wordsHashTable.Count);

                        // Update the passed word vocabulary ID
                        // The vocabulary ID starts from 0 not 1, that's why addition is done before inserting the new word not after
                        word.vocabularyWordID = wordsHashTable.Count;

                        // Add to hashtable
                        wordsHashTable.Add(word.wordName, newWord);

                        addedWord = word.wordName;
                        // Put at the last reserved position.
                        word.vocabularyWordID = Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID;
                        logger.LogError("Raw ID is " + word.vocabularyWordID + " while bitfield length is " + Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID, ErrorCode.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY_WORD);
                        addedWord = String.Empty;
                }    // end if(!wordsHashTable.Contains(word.wordName))
                    // Word already exists

                    // Update the passed word vocabulary ID from the table
                    word.vocabularyWordID = ((Word)wordsHashTable[word.wordName]).vocabularyWordID;

                    // Existing word, increment the frequency

                    addedWord = word.wordName;
                }    //end else

                // Log the word without diacritics equivalent
                withoutDiacWord = RawTxtParser.RemoveDiacritics(word.wordName);

                // If it already exists in the hashtable, then update its referenced word based on fequency
                if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))
                    // if the frequency of the old reference of the correspondig diac word is less than the new word (with diac too), then refer to the new one
                    if (((Word)wordsHashTable[withoutDiacWord]).frequency < ((Word)wordsHashTable[word.wordName]).frequency)
                        // Modify the reference to the higher frequency word
                        wordsHashTable[withoutDiacWord] = (Word)wordsHashTable[word.wordName];
                        //wordsHashTable.Add(withoutDiacWord, (Word)wordsHashTable[word.wordName]);
                }    // end if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))
                    // New withoudDiacWord--> Add with referene to new (current) word
                    wordsHashTable.Add(withoutDiacWord, word);
                }    // end else if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))


            case "NoDiac":

                // Log the word without diacritics equivalent
                withoutDiacWord = RawTxtParser.RemoveDiacritics(word.wordName);

                // Add to hashtable
                if (!wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))
                    if ((wordsHashTable.Count < Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID) || maxIDRun)
                        // New word

                        // Form new record
                        Word newWord = new Word(word.wordName, word.mrfType, word.r, word.r, word.f, word.s, word.POS_IDs, word.equivalentPOS_ID, wordsHashTable.Count);

                        // Update the passed word vocabulary ID
                        // The vocabulary ID starts from 0 not 1, that's why addition is done before inserting the new word not after
                        word.vocabularyWordID = wordsHashTable.Count;

                        // Add to hashtable
                        wordsHashTable.Add(withoutDiacWord, newWord);
                        addedWord = withoutDiacWord;
                        // Put at the last reserved position.
                        word.vocabularyWordID = Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID;
                        logger.LogError("Raw ID is " + word.vocabularyWordID + " while bitfield length is " + Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID, ErrorCode.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY_WORD);
                        addedWord = String.Empty;
                }    // end if(!wordsHashTable.Contains(word.wordName))
                    // Word already exists

                    // Update the passed word vocabulary ID from the table
                    word.vocabularyWordID = ((Word)wordsHashTable[withoutDiacWord]).vocabularyWordID;

                    // Existing word, increment the frequency
                    addedWord = withoutDiacWord;
                }    //end else


            case "RemoveSyntacticDiac":
                String wordWithoutSyntacticDiac = RemoveSyntacticDiac(word.wordName);
                if (wordWithoutSyntacticDiac == "لِحِجَاب")
                    int x = 0;

                // Add to hashtable
                if (!wordsHashTable.Contains(wordWithoutSyntacticDiac))
                    if ((wordsHashTable.Count < Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID) || maxIDRun)
                        // New word

                        // Form new record
                        Word newWord = new Word(word.wordName, word.mrfType, word.r, word.r, word.f, word.s, word.POS_IDs, word.equivalentPOS_ID, wordsHashTable.Count);

                        // Update the passed word vocabulary ID
                        // The vocabulary ID starts from 0 not 1, that's why addition is done before inserting the new word not after
                        word.vocabularyWordID = wordsHashTable.Count;

                        // Add to hashtable
                        wordsHashTable.Add(wordWithoutSyntacticDiac, newWord);

                        addedWord = wordWithoutSyntacticDiac;
                        // Put at the last reserved position.
                        word.vocabularyWordID = Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID;
                        logger.LogError("Raw ID is " + word.vocabularyWordID + " while bitfield length is " + Parser.maxIDs.vocabularyWordID, ErrorCode.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY_WORD);
                        addedWord = String.Empty;
                }    // end if(!wordsHashTable.Contains(word.wordName))
                    // Word already exists

                    // Update the passed word vocabulary ID from the table
                    word.vocabularyWordID = ((Word)wordsHashTable[wordWithoutSyntacticDiac]).vocabularyWordID;

                    // Existing word, increment the frequency

                    addedWord = wordWithoutSyntacticDiac;
                }    //end else

                // Log the word without diacritics equivalent
                withoutDiacWord = RawTxtParser.RemoveDiacritics(wordWithoutSyntacticDiac);

                // If it already exists in the hashtable, then update its referenced word based on fequency
                if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))
                    // if the frequency of the old reference of the correspondig diac word is less than the new word (with diac too), then refer to the new one
                    if (((Word)wordsHashTable[withoutDiacWord]).frequency < ((Word)wordsHashTable[wordWithoutSyntacticDiac]).frequency)
                        // Modify the reference to the higher frequency word
                        wordsHashTable[withoutDiacWord] = (Word)wordsHashTable[wordWithoutSyntacticDiac];
                        //wordsHashTable.Add(withoutDiacWord, (Word)wordsHashTable[word.wordName]);
                }    // end if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))
                    // New withoudDiacWord--> Add with referene to new (current) word
                    wordsHashTable.Add(withoutDiacWord, (Word)wordsHashTable[wordWithoutSyntacticDiac]);
                }    // end else if (wordsHashTable.Contains(withoutDiacWord))


                addedWord = String.Empty;
                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect WordOnlyVocabularyScope configuration. {0} is invalid configuration. Valid configurations are: AsIs, NoDiac and RemoveSyntacticDiac.", configManager.wordOnlyVocabularyScope);
            //if(word.vocabularyWordID > 144533)
            //    int x = 0;
            //    x++;

            // Update the wordNameWithProperDiacritics
            word.wordNameWithProperDiacritics = addedWord;

            // Update the maximum word length
            if (maxIDRun)
                if (addedWord.Length > maxIDs.wordLength)
                    maxIDs.wordLength = addedWord.Length;
                    maxIDs.wordName   = addedWord;
        }// end UpdateWordVocabularyID(ref Word word)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Start the Configuration Manager
            //ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(@"D:\Work\Research\PhD\Implementation\Diactrization\Preprocessing\Preprocessing\Configurations.xml");
            ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(args[0]);

            // Start the logger
            Logger logger = new Logger(configManager);

            // Start the train parser
            Parser trainParser;

            switch (configManager.trainInputFormat)
            case "ReadyFeatures":
                trainParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            case "RawTxt":
                trainParser = new RawTxtParser(configManager, logger);

                trainParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Train Set parsing from root directory
            trainParser.Parse(configManager.rootTrainDirectory, "Train", configManager.trainInputParsingMode, configManager.trainInputFormat);

            // Start the test parser
            Parser testParser;

            switch (configManager.testInputFormat)
            case "ReadyFeatures":
                testParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            case "RawTxt":
                testParser = new RawTxtParser(configManager, logger);

                testParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Test Set parsing from root directory
            testParser.Parse(configManager.rootTestDirectory, "Test", configManager.testInputParsingMode, configManager.testInputFormat);

            // Copy files to configuration environment if required
            if (configManager.configEnvDirectory != "")
                String           s      = String.Empty;
                MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
                s = matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTrainDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTestDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute(@"save('" + configManager.configEnvDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);