/// <summary> /// Method create instance of an PawnShop, and create few employees and few inventory items. /// </summary> /// <returns>Methos returns incance of an PawnShop</returns> static PawnShop InitShop() { PawnShop ps = new PawnShop(); //Employee e = new Employee("John", "Doe", 1000); //ps.AddEmployee(e); //Employee e1 = new ExpertEmployee("Jane", "Doe", 1500, 0); //ps.AddEmployee(e1); ps.AddEmployee(new Employee("John", "Doe", 1000)); ps.AddEmployee(new ExpertEmployee("Jane", "Doe", 1500, 0)); ps.AddItem(new InventoryItem("Sony LED TV", "50 Sony Smart LED TV", 1699)); ps.AddItem(new InventoryItem("Notebook Apple", "MacBook Pro 15 Retina", 3250)); ps.AddItem(new Vehicle("Golf", "VW bestseller vehicle 2.0 TDI engine with 150 PS", 41566, "Passenger car", 2014, "Volkswagen", 0)); ; ps.AddItem(new Vehicle("Megane", "French manufacturers compact vehicle", 33000, "Passenger car", 2010, "Renault", 1)); ps.AddItem(new Watch("Navy blue", "Moder Festin Chrono watch - 2014 collection", 999, 3, "Festina", 1)); ps.AddItem(new Watch("7200R", "Classic style, but highly expensive wathc", 24599, 0, "Philippe Patek", 0)); return ps; }
/// <summary> /// Methos recive as parameter instance of a PawnShop and performs serach in objects list of inventory items by Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="ps">Instance of a PawnShop</param> static void SearchTitle(PawnShop ps) { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter any part of the Inventory items title : "); string search = Console.ReadLine(); List<InventoryItem> list = ps.Inventory.Select(x => x.FitsSearch(search)).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Items found : "); PrintItems(list); }
/// <summary> /// Methos recive as parameter instance of a PawnShop and performs serach in objects list of inventory items by Price /// </summary> /// <param name="ps">Instance of a PawnShop</param> static void SearchPrice(PawnShop ps) { double price = 0; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter max price for item : "); try { price = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); break; } catch (FormatException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } List<InventoryItem> list = ps.Inventory.Select(x => x.FitsSearch(price)).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Items found : "); PrintItems(list); }