public ezAction(Shape shape) { string altText = shape.AlternativeText; if (altText.Contains("$action$")) { string actionText = Utility.ezLangFinder(altText, "action"); actionText = "{" + actionText + "}"; ezAction parsedAction = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ezAction>(actionText); if (parsedAction.onClick.ToLower().Contains("next")) { this.onClick = "next." + Globals.Ribbons.PowerPointStudioRibbon.ediBxExerKey.Text + "_S" + (shape.Parent.SlideIndex + 1).ToString("000"); //sid = Globals.Ribbons.PowerPointStudioRibbon.ediBxExerKey.Text +"_S"+slide.SlideIndex.ToString("000"); } else if (parsedAction.onClick.ToLower().Contains("back")) { this.onClick = "next." + Globals.Ribbons.PowerPointStudioRibbon.ediBxExerKey.Text + "_S" + (shape.Parent.SlideIndex - 1).ToString("000"); } else { this.onClick = parsedAction.onClick; } this.onHover = parsedAction.onHover; this.onLoad = parsedAction.onLoad; } }
public ezShape(Shape shape) { string qulifiedShapeName = Utility.qulifiedNameGenerator(shape.Name); id = "sh" + qulifiedShapeName; @class = "temp"; //need to get it from alt text. if not found default is 'temp' if (shape.AlternativeText.Contains("$class$")) { @class = classFinder(shape.AlternativeText); } //text = new ezText(shape); //Need to its structure..When instructed if (shape.Type == Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoShapeType.msoMedia && shape.MediaType == PpMediaType.ppMediaTypeSound) { audioUrl = Utility.getExtractedAudioUrl(shape); if (audioUrl != null) { this.audioUrl = audioUrl; } } image = new ezImage(shape); actions = new ezAction(shape); shapeCount++; }