Esempio n. 1
        private static void UpdateSectionImage(PowerPointSlide refSlide, AgendaSection section, Shape previousImageShape)
            var snapshotShape = CreateSectionImage(refSlide, section);

            Graphics.SyncShape(previousImageShape, snapshotShape, pickupShapeFormat: true, pickupTextContent: false, pickupTextFormat: false);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Shapes.
        /// Unpacks a shape name into a set of shape properties. Paired with the Encode function.
        /// </summary>
        public static AgendaShape Decode(string shapeName)
            string[] parameters = shapeName.Split(Delim, StringSplitOptions.None);

            if (parameters.Length != 3)

            if (parameters[0] != Prefix)

            ShapePurpose shapePurpose;

            if (!Enum.TryParse(parameters[1], out shapePurpose))

            AgendaSection section = AgendaSection.Decode(parameters[2]);

            return(new AgendaShape(shapePurpose, section));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Slides.
        /// Unpacks a slide name into a set of slide properties. Paired wit hthe Encode function.
        /// </summary>
        public static AgendaSlide Decode(string slide)
            string[] parameters = slide.Split(Delim, StringSplitOptions.None);

            if (parameters.Length != 4)

            if (parameters[0] != Prefix)

            Type         type;
            SlidePurpose slidePurpose;

            if (!Enum.TryParse(parameters[1], out type))

            if (!Enum.TryParse(parameters[2], out slidePurpose))

            AgendaSection section = AgendaSection.Decode(parameters[3]);

            return(new AgendaSlide(type, slidePurpose, section));
Esempio n. 4
        private static Shape CreateSectionImage(PowerPointSlide refSlide, AgendaSection section)
            var sectionFirstSlide = FindSectionFirstNonAgendaSlide(section.Index);
            var shape             = refSlide.InsertEntrySnapshotOfSlide(sectionFirstSlide);

            AgendaShape.SetShapeName(shape, ShapePurpose.VisualAgendaImage, section);
 private static void ConfigureTemplate(AgendaSection section, AgendaTemplate template)
     if (section.Index == 1)
     else if (section.Index == NumberOfSections)
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the zoom in (drill down) effect in visual agenda. The zoom in slide is not part of the template.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GenerateVisualAgendaSlideZoomIn(PowerPointSlide slide, Shape zoomInShape)
            PowerPointDrillDownSlide addedSlide;

            AutoZoom.AddDrillDownAnimation(zoomInShape, slide, out addedSlide, includeAckSlide: false, deletePreviouslyAdded: false);
            slide.GetShapesWithRule(new Regex("PPTZoomIn"))[0].Delete();
            AgendaSection section = AgendaSlide.Decode(slide).Section;

            AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(addedSlide, Type.Visual, SlidePurpose.ZoomIn, section);
            zoomInShape.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
Esempio n. 7
        private static Shape PrepareBeamAgendaBeamItem(PowerPointSlide slide, AgendaSection section)
            var textBox = slide.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            AgendaShape.SetShapeName(textBox, ShapePurpose.BeamShapeText, section);
            textBox.TextFrame.AutoSize                 = PpAutoSize.ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText;
            textBox.TextFrame.WordWrap                 = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
            textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text           = section.Name;
            textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = Graphics.ConvertColorToRgb(Color.White);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Identifies the previous section index of a section by looking at the generated agenda slides in the section.
        /// The identified section is the section index of the first generated agenda slide found.
        /// Returns -1 when old section index is not found.
        /// </summary>
        private static int IdentifyOldSectionIndex(AgendaSection section)
            var sectionSlides = GetSectionSlides(section);

            foreach (var slide in sectionSlides)
                var agendaSlide = AgendaSlide.Decode(slide);
                if (agendaSlide != null)
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 0-indexed.
        /// </summary>
        private static List <PowerPointSlide> GetSectionSlides(AgendaSection section)
            var slides = PowerPointPresentation.Current.Slides;

            int firstSlideIndex = SectionFirstSlideIndex(section);
            int lastSlideIndex  = SectionLastSlideIndex(section);

            if (firstSlideIndex == -1 || lastSlideIndex == -1)
                return(new List <PowerPointSlide>());

            return(slides.GetRange(firstSlideIndex - 1, lastSlideIndex - firstSlideIndex + 1));
 private static void ConfigureTemplate(AgendaSection section, AgendaTemplate template)
     if (section.Index == 1)
     else if (section.Index == NumberOfSections)
Esempio n. 11
        private static void SyncBulletAgendaSlide(PowerPointSlide refSlide, List <AgendaSection> sections,
                                                  AgendaSection currentSection, List <string> deletedShapeNames, PowerPointSlide targetSlide)
            SyncShapesFromReferenceSlide(refSlide, targetSlide, deletedShapeNames);

            var referenceContentShape = refSlide.GetShape(AgendaShape.WithPurpose(ShapePurpose.ContentShape));
            var targetContentShape    = targetSlide.GetShape(AgendaShape.WithPurpose(ShapePurpose.ContentShape));
            var bulletFormats         = BulletFormats.ExtractFormats(referenceContentShape);

            Graphics.SetText(targetContentShape, sections.Where(section => section.Index > 1)
                             .Select(section => section.Name));
            Graphics.SyncShape(referenceContentShape, targetContentShape, pickupTextContent: false,
                               pickupTextFormat: false);

            ApplyBulletFormats(targetContentShape.TextFrame2.TextRange, bulletFormats, currentSection);
        private static void SyncBulletAgendaSlide(PowerPointSlide refSlide, List<AgendaSection> sections,
            AgendaSection currentSection, List<string> deletedShapeNames, PowerPointSlide targetSlide)
            SyncShapesFromReferenceSlide(refSlide, targetSlide, deletedShapeNames);

            var referenceContentShape = refSlide.GetShape(AgendaShape.WithPurpose(ShapePurpose.ContentShape));
            var targetContentShape = targetSlide.GetShape(AgendaShape.WithPurpose(ShapePurpose.ContentShape));
            var bulletFormats = BulletFormats.ExtractFormats(referenceContentShape);

            Graphics.SetText(targetContentShape, sections.Where(section => section.Index > 1)
                .Select(section => section.Name));
            Graphics.SyncShape(referenceContentShape, targetContentShape, pickupTextContent: false,
                pickupTextFormat: false);

            ApplyBulletFormats(targetContentShape.TextFrame2.TextRange, bulletFormats, currentSection);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the zoom out (step back) effect in visual agenda. The zoom out slide is not part of the template.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GenerateVisualAgendaSlideZoomOut(PowerPointSlide slide, Shape zoomOutShape, bool finalZoomOut = false)
            PowerPointStepBackSlide addedSlide;

            AutoZoom.AddStepBackAnimation(zoomOutShape, slide, out addedSlide, includeAckSlide: false, deletePreviouslyAdded: false);
            slide.GetShapesWithRule(new Regex("PPTZoomOut"))[0].Delete();
            AgendaSection section = AgendaSlide.Decode(slide).Section;

            AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(addedSlide, Type.Visual, finalZoomOut ? SlidePurpose.FinalZoomOut : SlidePurpose.ZoomOut, section);
            zoomOutShape.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue;

            var index = slide.Index;

            // move the step back slide to the first slide of the section
            PowerPointPresentation.Current.Presentation.Slides[index - 1].MoveTo(index);
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds the slides in the section to match the slides indicated by the template.
        /// Names the agenda slides properly.
        /// Assumption: Reference slide is the first slide.
        /// </summary>
        private static TemplateIndexTable RebuildSectionUsingTemplate(SlideSelectionTracker slideTracker, AgendaSection currentSection, AgendaTemplate template)
            if (template.NotConfigured) throw new ArgumentException("Template is not configured yet.");

            // Step 1: Generate Assignment List and fill in Template Table.
            var templateTable = template.CreateIndexTable();
            var sectionSlides = GetSectionSlides(currentSection);
            if (AgendaSlide.IsReferenceslide(sectionSlides[0])) sectionSlides.RemoveAt(0);

            var addToIndex = SectionLastSlideIndex(currentSection) + 1;

            var assignmentList = new List<int>();
            for (var i = 0; i < sectionSlides.Count; ++i) assignmentList.Add(-1);

            // Step 1a: Filling in Template Table
            MatchTemplateTableWithSlides(template, sectionSlides, templateTable, assignmentList, currentSection);

            // Step 1b: Generating Assignment List
            int indexOfFirstBackSlide;
            GenerateInitialAssignmentList(out indexOfFirstBackSlide, template, templateTable, assignmentList, sectionSlides);

            // Step 2: Add all missing slides.
            var createdSlides = AddAllMissingSlides(ref addToIndex, template, templateTable, assignmentList, currentSection, indexOfFirstBackSlide);

            // Step 3: Create Goal Array of Slide Objects and MarkedForDeletion list.
            List<PowerPointSlide> markedForDeletion;
            int newSlideCount = indexOfFirstBackSlide + template.BackSlidesCount;
            var goalArray = GenerateGoalArray(newSlideCount, assignmentList, sectionSlides, out markedForDeletion);

            // Step 4: Use goal array to reorder all goal slides.
            foreach (var slide in goalArray)

            // Step 5: Delete all slides marked for deletion.

            return templateTable;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores metadata in the slide by setting its name.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetSlideName(PowerPointSlide slide, Type agendaType, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     slide.Name = Encode(agendaType, slidePurpose, section);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of the newly added slides.
        /// Updates assignmentList (by appending)
        /// Gives placeholder agendaslide name to the created slides.
        /// </summary>
        private static List<PowerPointSlide> AddAllMissingSlides(ref int addToIndex, AgendaTemplate template,
            TemplateIndexTable templateTable, List<int> assignmentList, AgendaSection currentSection,
            int indexOfFirstBackSlide)
            var createdSlides = new List<PowerPointSlide>();

            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                if (templateTable.FrontIndexes[i] == TemplateIndexTable.NoSlide)
                    var newSlide = AddBlankSlide(addToIndex);
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(newSlide, template.Type, template.FrontSlides[i].SlidePurpose,

                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedFront[i] = true;
                    templateTable.FrontIndexes[i] = assignmentList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                if (templateTable.BackIndexes[i] == TemplateIndexTable.NoSlide)
                    var newSlide = AddBlankSlide(addToIndex);
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(newSlide, template.Type, template.BackSlides[i].SlidePurpose,

                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedBack[i] = true;
                    templateTable.BackIndexes[i] = assignmentList.Count;
                    assignmentList.Add(indexOfFirstBackSlide + i);

            return createdSlides;
        private static void SynchroniseAllSlides(AgendaTemplate template, TemplateIndexTable templateTable,
                                                 PowerPointSlide refSlide, List <AgendaSection> sections, List <string> deletedShapeNames, AgendaSection currentSection)
            if (template.NotConfigured)
                throw new ArgumentException("Template is not configured yet.");

            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                template.FrontSlides[i].SyncFunction(refSlide, sections, currentSection, deletedShapeNames,
                                                     templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedFront[i], templateTable.FrontSlideObjects[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                template.BackSlides[i].SyncFunction(refSlide, sections, currentSection, deletedShapeNames,
                                                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedBack[i], templateTable.BackSlideObjects[i]);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// 1-indexed
 /// </summary>
 private static int SectionLastSlideIndex(AgendaSection section)
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Shapes.
 /// Packs a set of agenda shape properties to a shape name. Paired with the Decode function.
 /// </summary>
 public static string Encode(ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     string[] parameters = { Prefix, shapePurpose.ToString(), section.Encode() };
     return(string.Join(Delim[0], parameters));
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores metadata in the shape by setting its name.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetShapeName(Shape shape, ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     shape.Name = Encode(shapePurpose, section);
Esempio n. 21
 private AgendaShape(ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     ShapePurpose = shapePurpose;
     Section = section;
Esempio n. 22
        private static Shape PrepareBeamAgendaBeamItem(PowerPointSlide slide, AgendaSection section)
            var textBox = slide.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            AgendaShape.SetShapeName(textBox, ShapePurpose.BeamShapeText, section);
            textBox.TextFrame.AutoSize = PpAutoSize.ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText;
            textBox.TextFrame.WordWrap = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
            textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = section.Name;
            textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = Graphics.ConvertColorToRgb(Color.White);

            return textBox;
        /// <summary>
        /// 0-indexed.
        /// </summary>
        private static List<PowerPointSlide> GetSectionSlides(AgendaSection section)
            var slides = PowerPointPresentation.Current.Slides;

            int firstSlideIndex = SectionFirstSlideIndex(section);
            int lastSlideIndex = SectionLastSlideIndex(section);
            if (firstSlideIndex == -1 || lastSlideIndex == -1) return new List<PowerPointSlide>();

            return slides.GetRange(firstSlideIndex - 1, lastSlideIndex - firstSlideIndex + 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// 1-indexed
 /// </summary>
 private static int SectionLastSlideIndex(AgendaSection section)
     return SectionLastSlideIndex(section.Index);
Esempio n. 25
 private static Shape CreateSectionImage(PowerPointSlide refSlide, AgendaSection section)
     var sectionFirstSlide = FindSectionFirstNonAgendaSlide(section.Index);
     var shape = refSlide.InsertEntrySnapshotOfSlide(sectionFirstSlide);
     AgendaShape.SetShapeName(shape, ShapePurpose.VisualAgendaImage, section);
     return shape;
        private static void SynchroniseAllSlides(AgendaTemplate template, TemplateIndexTable templateTable,
            PowerPointSlide refSlide, List<AgendaSection> sections, List<string> deletedShapeNames, AgendaSection currentSection)
            if (template.NotConfigured) throw new ArgumentException("Template is not configured yet.");

            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                template.FrontSlides[i].SyncFunction(refSlide, sections, currentSection, deletedShapeNames,
                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedFront[i], templateTable.FrontSlideObjects[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                template.BackSlides[i].SyncFunction(refSlide, sections, currentSection, deletedShapeNames,
                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedBack[i], templateTable.BackSlideObjects[i]);
        private static void MatchTemplateTableWithSlides(AgendaTemplate template, List<PowerPointSlide> sectionSlides,
            TemplateIndexTable templateTable, List<int> assignmentList, AgendaSection currentSection)
            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                var purpose = template.FrontSlides[i].SlidePurpose;
                for (int j = 0; j < assignmentList.Count; ++j)
                    if (!AgendaSlide.MatchesPurpose(sectionSlides[j], purpose)) continue;
                    templateTable.FrontIndexes[i] = j;
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(sectionSlides[j], template.Type, purpose, currentSection);
                    assignmentList[j] = TemplateIndexTable.Reserved;

            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                var purpose = template.BackSlides[i].SlidePurpose;
                for (int j = 0; j < assignmentList.Count; ++j)
                    if (!AgendaSlide.MatchesPurpose(sectionSlides[j], purpose)) continue;
                    templateTable.BackIndexes[i] = j;
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(sectionSlides[j], template.Type, purpose, currentSection);
                    assignmentList[j] = TemplateIndexTable.Reserved;
Esempio n. 28
 private AgendaSlide(Type type, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     AgendaType = type;
     SlidePurpose = slidePurpose;
     Section = section;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores metadata in the shape by setting its name.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetShapeName(Shape shape, ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     shape.Name = Encode(shapePurpose, section);
        private static void MatchTemplateTableWithSlides(AgendaTemplate template, List <PowerPointSlide> sectionSlides,
                                                         TemplateIndexTable templateTable, List <int> assignmentList, AgendaSection currentSection)
            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                SlidePurpose purpose = template.FrontSlides[i].SlidePurpose;
                for (int j = 0; j < assignmentList.Count; ++j)
                    if (!AgendaSlide.MatchesPurpose(sectionSlides[j], purpose))
                    templateTable.FrontIndexes[i] = j;
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(sectionSlides[j], template.Type, purpose, currentSection);
                    assignmentList[j] = TemplateIndexTable.Reserved;

            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                SlidePurpose purpose = template.BackSlides[i].SlidePurpose;
                for (int j = 0; j < assignmentList.Count; ++j)
                    if (!AgendaSlide.MatchesPurpose(sectionSlides[j], purpose))
                    templateTable.BackIndexes[i] = j;
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(sectionSlides[j], template.Type, purpose, currentSection);
                    assignmentList[j] = TemplateIndexTable.Reserved;
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Shapes.
 /// Packs a set of agenda shape properties to a shape name. Paired with the Decode function.
 /// </summary>
 public static string Encode(ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     string[] parameters = { Prefix, shapePurpose.ToString(), section.Encode() };
     return string.Join(Delim[0], parameters);
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds the slides in the section to match the slides indicated by the template.
        /// Names the agenda slides properly.
        /// Assumption: Reference slide is the first slide.
        /// </summary>
        private static TemplateIndexTable RebuildSectionUsingTemplate(SlideSelectionTracker slideTracker, AgendaSection currentSection, AgendaTemplate template)
            if (template.NotConfigured)
                throw new ArgumentException("Template is not configured yet.");

            // Step 1: Generate Assignment List and fill in Template Table.
            TemplateIndexTable     templateTable = template.CreateIndexTable();
            List <PowerPointSlide> sectionSlides = GetSectionSlides(currentSection);

            if (AgendaSlide.IsReferenceslide(sectionSlides[0]))

            int addToIndex = SectionLastSlideIndex(currentSection) + 1;

            List <int> assignmentList = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sectionSlides.Count; ++i)

            // Step 1a: Filling in Template Table
            MatchTemplateTableWithSlides(template, sectionSlides, templateTable, assignmentList, currentSection);

            // Step 1b: Generating Assignment List
            int indexOfFirstBackSlide;

            GenerateInitialAssignmentList(out indexOfFirstBackSlide, template, templateTable, assignmentList, sectionSlides);

            // Step 2: Add all missing slides.
            List <PowerPointSlide> createdSlides = AddAllMissingSlides(ref addToIndex, template, templateTable, assignmentList, currentSection, indexOfFirstBackSlide);


            // Step 3: Create Goal Array of Slide Objects and MarkedForDeletion list.
            List <PowerPointSlide> markedForDeletion;
            int newSlideCount = indexOfFirstBackSlide + template.BackSlidesCount;

            PowerPointSlide[] goalArray = GenerateGoalArray(newSlideCount, assignmentList, sectionSlides, out markedForDeletion);

            // Step 4: Use goal array to reorder all goal slides.
            foreach (PowerPointSlide slide in goalArray)
                slide.MoveTo(addToIndex - 1);

            // Step 5: Delete all slides marked for deletion.

Esempio n. 33
 private AgendaShape(ShapePurpose shapePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     ShapePurpose = shapePurpose;
     Section      = section;
Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores metadata in the slide by setting its name.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetSlideName(PowerPointSlide slide, Type agendaType, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     slide.Name = Encode(agendaType, slidePurpose, section);
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Slides.
 /// Packs a set of agenda slide properties to a slide name. Paired with the Decode function.
 /// </summary>
 public static string Encode(Type agendaType, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     string[] parameters = { Prefix, agendaType.ToString(), slidePurpose.ToString(), section.Encode() };
     return(string.Join(Delim[0], parameters));
Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies font highlighting by section to the text in the bullet agenda.
        /// Set currentSection to the first section for everything to be unvisited.
        /// Set currentSection to AgendaSection.None for everything to be visited.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ApplyBulletFormats(TextRange2 textRange, BulletFormats bulletFormats, AgendaSection currentSection)
            // - 1 because first section in agenda is at index 2 (exclude first section)
            int focusIndex = currentSection.IsNone() ? int.MaxValue : currentSection.Index - 1;

            textRange.Font.StrikeThrough = MsoTriState.msoFalse;

            for (var i = 1; i <= textRange.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                var currentParagraph = textRange.Paragraphs[i];

                if (i == focusIndex)
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Highlighted, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
                else if (i < focusIndex)
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Visited, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Unvisited, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
Esempio n. 37
 private AgendaSlide(Type type, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     AgendaType   = type;
     SlidePurpose = slidePurpose;
     Section      = section;
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Universal Encode function used for all Agenda Slides.
 /// Packs a set of agenda slide properties to a slide name. Paired with the Decode function.
 /// </summary>
 public static string Encode(Type agendaType, SlidePurpose slidePurpose, AgendaSection section)
     string[] parameters = { Prefix, agendaType.ToString(), slidePurpose.ToString(), section.Encode() };
     return string.Join(Delim[0], parameters);
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Identifies the previous section index of a section by looking at the generated agenda slides in the section.
 /// The identified section is the section index of the first generated agenda slide found.
 /// Returns -1 when old section index is not found.
 /// </summary>
 private static int IdentifyOldSectionIndex(AgendaSection section)
     var sectionSlides = GetSectionSlides(section);
     foreach (var slide in sectionSlides)
         var agendaSlide = AgendaSlide.Decode(slide);
         if (agendaSlide != null)
             return agendaSlide.Section.Index;
     return -1;
Esempio n. 40
 private static void UpdateSectionImage(PowerPointSlide refSlide, AgendaSection section, Shape previousImageShape)
     var snapshotShape = CreateSectionImage(refSlide, section);
     Graphics.SyncShape(previousImageShape, snapshotShape, pickupShapeFormat: true, pickupTextContent: false, pickupTextFormat: false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies font highlighting by section to the text in the bullet agenda.
        /// Set currentSection to the first section for everything to be unvisited.
        /// Set currentSection to AgendaSection.None for everything to be visited.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ApplyBulletFormats(TextRange2 textRange, BulletFormats bulletFormats, AgendaSection currentSection)
            // - 1 because first section in agenda is at index 2 (exclude first section)
            int focusIndex = currentSection.IsNone() ? int.MaxValue : currentSection.Index - 1;

            textRange.Font.StrikeThrough = MsoTriState.msoFalse;

            for (var i = 1; i <= textRange.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                var currentParagraph = textRange.Paragraphs[i];

                if (i == focusIndex)
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Highlighted, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
                else if (i < focusIndex)
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Visited, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
                    Graphics.SyncTextRange(bulletFormats.Unvisited, currentParagraph, pickupTextContent: false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of the newly added slides.
        /// Updates assignmentList (by appending)
        /// Gives placeholder agendaslide name to the created slides.
        /// </summary>
        private static List <PowerPointSlide> AddAllMissingSlides(ref int addToIndex, AgendaTemplate template,
                                                                  TemplateIndexTable templateTable, List <int> assignmentList, AgendaSection currentSection,
                                                                  int indexOfFirstBackSlide)
            List <PowerPointSlide> createdSlides = new List <PowerPointSlide>();

            for (int i = 0; i < template.FrontSlidesCount; ++i)
                if (templateTable.FrontIndexes[i] == TemplateIndexTable.NoSlide)
                    PowerPointSlide newSlide = AddBlankSlide(addToIndex);
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(newSlide, template.Type, template.FrontSlides[i].SlidePurpose,

                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedFront[i] = true;
                    templateTable.FrontIndexes[i]          = assignmentList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < template.BackSlidesCount; ++i)
                if (templateTable.BackIndexes[i] == TemplateIndexTable.NoSlide)
                    PowerPointSlide newSlide = AddBlankSlide(addToIndex);
                    AgendaSlide.SetSlideName(newSlide, template.Type, template.BackSlides[i].SlidePurpose,

                    templateTable.IsNewlyGeneratedBack[i] = true;
                    templateTable.BackIndexes[i]          = assignmentList.Count;
                    assignmentList.Add(indexOfFirstBackSlide + i);
