Esempio n. 1
        public static void ShowMessage(ConsoleString message, Action<DialogButton> resultCallback, bool allowEscapeToCancel = true, int maxHeight = 6, params DialogButton [] buttons)
            if(buttons.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("You need to specify at least one button");

            ConsolePanel dialogContent = new ConsolePanel();

            Dialog dialog = new Dialog(dialogContent);
            dialog.MaxHeight = maxHeight;
            dialog.AllowEscapeToCancel = allowEscapeToCancel;
            dialog.Cancelled.SubscribeForLifetime(() => { resultCallback(null); }, dialog.LifetimeManager);

            ScrollablePanel messagePanel = dialogContent.Add(new ScrollablePanel()).Fill(padding: new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 3));
            Label messageLabel = messagePanel.ScrollableContent.Add(new Label() { Mode = LabelRenderMode.MultiLineSmartWrap, Text = message }).FillHoriontally(padding: new Thickness(3,3,0,0) );

            StackPanel buttonPanel = dialogContent.Add(new StackPanel() { Margin = 1, Height = 1, Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }).FillHoriontally(padding: new Thickness(1,0,0,0)).DockToBottom(padding: 1);

            Button firstButton = null;
            foreach (var buttonInfo in buttons)
                var myButtonInfo = buttonInfo;
                Button b = new Button() { Text = buttonInfo.DisplayText };
                b.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                }, dialog.LifetimeManager);
                firstButton = firstButton ?? b;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new ConsolePanel
 /// </summary>
 public ProtectedConsolePanel()
     this.CanFocus         = false;
     ProtectedPanel        = new ConsolePanel();
     ProtectedPanel.Parent = this;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new console app given a set of boundaries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">The width of the app</param>
        /// <param name="h">The height of the app</param>
        public ConsoleApp(int w, int h)
            this.Name              = GetType().Name;
            this.console           = ConsoleProvider.Current;
            consoleWriter          = Console.Out;
            this.lastConsoleWidth  = this.console.BufferWidth;
            this.lastConsoleHeight = this.console.WindowHeight;
            this.observable        = new ObservableObject(this);

            cycleRateMeter = new FrameRateMeter();

            this.EndOfCycle.SubscribeForLifetime(Cycle, this);
            SetFocusOnStart        = true;
            LayoutRoot             = new ConsolePanel(w, h);
            FocusManager           = new FocusManager();
            LayoutRoot.Application = this;
            isFullScreen           = false;
            FocusManager.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(FocusManager.FocusedControl), () => RequestPaintAsync(), this);
            LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeAdded.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.Application = this; c.BeforeAddedToVisualTreeInternal(); }, this);
            LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeRemoved.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.BeforeRemovedFromVisualTreeInternal(); }, this);
            LayoutRoot.Controls.Added.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlAddedToVisualTree, this);
            LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlRemovedFromVisualTree, this);
            WindowResized.SubscribeForLifetime(HandleDebouncedResize, this);
            this.LoopStarted.SubscribeOnce(() => _current = this);
            this.EndOfCycle.SubscribeForLifetime(DrainPaints, this);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void ParsePanel(ParserContext context, ConsolePanel panel)
            var myElement = context.CurrentElement;

            context.CurrentControl = panel;
            ParseControlAttributes(panel, context);

            foreach (var childElement in context.CurrentElement.Elements)
                context.CurrentElement = childElement;
                var childControl = CreateControl(context);
                context.CurrentControl = childControl;

                if (childControl is ConsolePanel)
                    ParsePanel(context, childControl as ConsolePanel);
                    ParseControlAttributes(childControl, context);

            context.CurrentElement = myElement;
            context.CurrentControl = panel;
Esempio n. 5
 private void InitLayout()
     layout = ProtectedPanel.Add(new GridLayout(new GridLayoutOptions()
         Columns = new List <GridColumnDefinition>()
             new GridColumnDefinition()
                 Type = GridValueType.Pixels, Width = 15
             new GridColumnDefinition()
                 Type = GridValueType.RemainderValue, Width = 1
         Rows = new List <GridRowDefinition>()
             new GridRowDefinition()
                 Type = GridValueType.Pixels, Height = 3
             new GridRowDefinition()
                 Type = GridValueType.RemainderValue, Height = 1
     commandBar   = layout.Add(new ConsolePanel(), 0, 0, columnSpan: 2);
     framePanel   = layout.Add(new ConsolePanel(), 0, 1);
     previewPanel = layout.Add(new ConsolePanel(), 1, 1);
Esempio n. 6
        internal override ConsoleControl GetContent()
            ConsolePanel content = new ConsolePanel();

            content.Width  = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Width / 2;
            content.Height = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Height / 2;

            Label messageLabel = content.Add(new Label()
                Text = Message, X = 2, Y = 2

            TextBox = TextBox ?? new TextBox()
                Foreground = ConsoleColor.Black, Background = ConsoleColor.White
            TextBox.Y = 4;

            content.SynchronizeForLifetime(nameof(content.Bounds), () => { TextBox.Width = content.Width - 4; }, content);

            TextBox.KeyInputReceived.SubscribeForLifetime((k) =>
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
            }, TextBox);

            TextBox.AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeOnce(() => TextBox.Application.QueueAction(() => TextBox.TryFocus()));
Esempio n. 7
        private void SetupMinimumSizeExperience()
            ConsolePanel   shield = null;
            ConsoleControl min    = null;

            min = ProtectedPanel.Add(new MinimumSizeEnforcerPanel(new MinimumSizeEnforcerPanelOptions()
                MinWidth            = MinWidth,
                MinHeight           = MinHeight,
                OnMinimumSizeNotMet = () =>
                    if (min == null)
                    min.IsVisible = false;
                    shield        = ProtectedPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                        Background = Foreground
                    var date = new DateTime(Options.Year, Options.Month, 1);
                    shield.Add(new Label()
                        Text = date.ToString("Y").ToConsoleString(Background, Foreground)
                OnMinimumSizeMet = () => shield?.Dispose()
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Visits every control in the control tree, recursively, using the visit action provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visitAction">the visitor function that will be run for each child control, the function can return true if it wants to stop further visitation</param>
        /// <param name="root">set to null, used for recursion</param>
        /// <returns>true if the visitation was short ciruited by a visitor, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool VisitControlTree(Func <ConsoleControl, bool> visitAction, ConsolePanel root = null)
            bool shortCircuit = false;

            root = root ?? this;

            foreach (var child in root.Controls)
                shortCircuit = visitAction(child);
                if (shortCircuit)

                if (child is ConsolePanel)
                    shortCircuit = VisitControlTree(visitAction, child as ConsolePanel);
                    if (shortCircuit)

Esempio n. 9
        internal override ConsoleControl GetContent()
            if (Options == null || Options.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("You need to specify at least one button");

            if (Mode == DialogButtonsPresentationMode.Buttons)
                ConsolePanel    dialogContent = new ConsolePanel();
                ScrollablePanel messagePanel  = dialogContent.Add(new ScrollablePanel()).Fill(padding: new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 3));
                Label           messageLabel  = messagePanel.ScrollableContent.Add(new Label()
                    Mode = LabelRenderMode.MultiLineSmartWrap, Text = Message
                }).FillHorizontally(padding: new Thickness(3, 3, 0, 0));
                StackPanel buttonPanel = dialogContent.Add(new StackPanel()
                    Margin = 1, Height = 1, Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
                }).FillHorizontally(padding: new Thickness(1, 0, 0, 0)).DockToBottom(padding: 1);

                foreach (var option in Options)
                    var    myOption = option;
                    Button b        = new Button()
                        Text = option.DisplayText
                    b.Pressed.SubscribeOnce(() =>
                        SelectedOption = myOption;

                buttonPanel.Controls.Last().AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeOnce(() => buttonPanel.Application.QueueAction(() => { buttonPanel.Controls.Last().TryFocus(); }));
                Grid optionsGrid = new Grid(Options.Select(o => o as object).ToList());
                optionsGrid.MoreDataMessage  = "More options below".ToYellow();
                optionsGrid.EndOfDataMessage = "End of menu";

                optionsGrid.VisibleColumns.Remove(optionsGrid.VisibleColumns.Where(v => v.ColumnName.ToString() == nameof(DialogOption.Id)).Single());
                optionsGrid.VisibleColumns[0].WidthPercentage   = 1;
                optionsGrid.VisibleColumns[0].ColumnDisplayName = Message.IsUnstyled ? Message.ToYellow() : Message;
                optionsGrid.VisibleColumns[0].OverflowBehavior  = new TruncateOverflowBehavior();
                (optionsGrid.VisibleColumns[0].OverflowBehavior as TruncateOverflowBehavior).ColumnWidth = 0;
                optionsGrid.SelectedItemActivated += () =>
                    this.SelectedOption = optionsGrid.SelectedItem as DialogOption;

                optionsGrid.AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeOnce(() => optionsGrid.Application.QueueAction(() => { optionsGrid.TryFocus(); }));

Esempio n. 10
        public static void ShowRichTextInput(ConsoleString message, Action <ConsoleString> resultCallback, Action cancelCallback = null, bool allowEscapeToCancel = true, int maxHeight = 12, TextBox inputBox = null, ConsoleString initialValue = null)
            if (ConsoleApp.Current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no console app running");

            ConsolePanel content = new ConsolePanel();

            content.Width  = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Width / 2;
            content.Height = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Height / 2;

            var dialog = new Dialog(content);

            dialog.MaxHeight           = maxHeight;
            dialog.AllowEscapeToCancel = allowEscapeToCancel;
            dialog.Cancelled.SubscribeForLifetime(() => { if (cancelCallback != null)
                                                  }, dialog);

            Label messageLabel = content.Add(new Label()
                Text = message, X = 2, Y = 2

            if (inputBox == null)
                inputBox = new TextBox()
                    Foreground = ConsoleColor.Black, Background = ConsoleColor.White

            if (initialValue != null)
                inputBox.Value = initialValue;

            inputBox.Y = 4;

            content.SynchronizeForLifetime(nameof(Bounds), () => { inputBox.Width = content.Width - 4; }, content);

            inputBox.KeyInputReceived.SubscribeForLifetime((k) =>
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
            }, inputBox);

Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new ConsolePanel
 /// </summary>
 public ProtectedConsolePanel()
     this.CanFocus         = false;
     ProtectedPanel        = new ConsolePanel();
     ProtectedPanel.Parent = this;
     this.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(Background), () => ProtectedPanel.Background = Background, this);
     this.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(Foreground), () => ProtectedPanel.Foreground = Foreground, this);
Esempio n. 12
        public static ConsolePanel CreatePanelWithCenteredLabel(ConsoleString str)
            var ret = new ConsolePanel();

            ret.Add(new Label()
                Text = str
Esempio n. 13
        public ScrollablePanel()
            ScrollableContent = Add(new ConsolePanel() { IsVisible = false }).Fill();

            verticalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Vertical) { Width = 1 }).DockToRight();
            horizontalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Horizontal) { Height = 1 }).DockToBottom();

            AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnAddedToVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);
            RemovedFromVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnRemovedFromVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);
Esempio n. 14
 private void ComposeLoadingUX()
     loadingPanel = ProtectedPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
         ZIndex = int.MaxValue
     loadingPanel.Add(new Label()
         Text = Options.LoadingMessage
Esempio n. 15
        public static ConsolePanel ParsePanel(string markup, object viewModel = null)
            ParserContext context = new ParserContext()
                RootElement = new XmlElement(markup),
                RootViewModel = viewModel,
                CurrentViewModel = viewModel,

            var panel = new ConsolePanel();
            ParsePanel(context, panel);
            return panel;
Esempio n. 16
        public static List <ConsoleControl> TraverseControlTree(ConsolePanel toTraverse)
            List <ConsoleControl> ret = new List <ConsoleControl>();

            foreach (var control in toTraverse.Controls)
                if (control is ConsolePanel)
                    ret.AddRange(TraverseControlTree(control as ConsolePanel));
Esempio n. 17
        private static List <ConsoleControl> GetDescendents(ConsolePanel toTraverse)
            List <ConsoleControl> ret = new List <ConsoleControl>();

            foreach (var control in toTraverse.Controls)
                if (control is ConsolePanel)
                    ret.AddRange(GetDescendents(control as ConsolePanel));
Esempio n. 18
        public static ConsolePanel ParsePanel(string markup, object viewModel = null)
            ParserContext context = new ParserContext()
                RootElement      = new XmlElement(markup),
                RootViewModel    = viewModel,
                CurrentViewModel = viewModel,

            var panel = new ConsolePanel();

            ParsePanel(context, panel);
Esempio n. 19
 private void ComposeLoadingUX()
     using (var modifyLock = Unlock())
         loadingPanel = Add(new ConsolePanel()
             ZIndex = int.MaxValue
         loadingPanel.Add(new Label()
             Text = Options.LoadingMessage
Esempio n. 20
        public ConsoleApp(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            Bitmap     = new ConsoleBitmap(x, y, w, h);
            LayoutRoot = new ConsolePanel {
                Width = w, Height = h
            LayoutRoot.Application     = this;
            focusableControls          = new List <ConsoleControl>();
            focusIndex                 = -1;
            ExitOnEscapeCharacter      = true;
            LayoutRoot.Controls.Added += (c) =>
                c.Application = this;
                if (c.CanFocus)

                if (c is ConsolePanel)
                    var children = TraverseControlTree(c as ConsolePanel);
                    focusableControls.AddRange(children.Where(child => child.CanFocus));
                    focusableControls = focusableControls.Distinct().ToList();
                    foreach (var child in children)
                        child.Application = this;

            LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed += (c) =>
                c.Application = null;
                if (c.CanFocus)

                if (c is ConsolePanel)
                    var children = TraverseControlTree(c as ConsolePanel);
                    foreach (var child in children)
                        child.Application = null;
Esempio n. 21
        private void Decompose()
            for (var i = 0; i < recomposableControls.Count; i++)

            if (loadingPanel != null)
                loadingPanel = null;
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new console app given a set of boundaries
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The left position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="y">The right position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="w">The width of the app</param>
 /// <param name="h">The height of the app</param>
 public ConsoleApp(int x, int y, int w, int h)
     : base(ConsoleProvider.Current)
     SetFocusOnStart = true;
     Theme = new Theme();
     Bitmap = new ConsoleBitmap(x, y, w, h);
     LayoutRoot = new ConsolePanel { Width = w, Height = h };
     FocusManager = new FocusManager();
     LayoutRoot.Application = this;
     AutoFillOnConsoleResize = false;
     FocusManager.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(FocusManager.FocusedControl), Paint, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeAdded.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.Application = this; c.BeforeAddedToVisualTreeInternal(); }, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeRemoved.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.BeforeRemovedFromVisualTreeInternal(); }, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Added.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlAddedToVisualTree, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlRemovedFromVisualTree, LifetimeManager);
     WindowResized.SubscribeForLifetime(HandleDebouncedResize, LifetimeManager);
Esempio n. 23
        public static void ShowMessage(ConsoleString message, Action <DialogButton> resultCallback, bool allowEscapeToCancel = true, int maxHeight = 10, params DialogButton [] buttons)
            if (buttons.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("You need to specify at least one button");

            ConsolePanel dialogContent = new ConsolePanel();

            Dialog dialog = new Dialog(dialogContent);

            dialog.MaxHeight           = maxHeight;
            dialog.AllowEscapeToCancel = allowEscapeToCancel;
            dialog.Cancelled.SubscribeForLifetime(() => { resultCallback(null); }, dialog);

            ScrollablePanel messagePanel = dialogContent.Add(new ScrollablePanel()).Fill(padding: new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 3));
            Label           messageLabel = messagePanel.ScrollableContent.Add(new Label()
                Mode = LabelRenderMode.MultiLineSmartWrap, Text = message
            }).FillHorizontally(padding: new Thickness(3, 3, 0, 0));

            StackPanel buttonPanel = dialogContent.Add(new StackPanel()
                Margin = 1, Height = 1, Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
            }).FillHorizontally(padding: new Thickness(1, 0, 0, 0)).DockToBottom(padding: 1);

            Button firstButton = null;

            foreach (var buttonInfo in buttons)
                var    myButtonInfo = buttonInfo;
                Button b            = new Button()
                    Text = buttonInfo.DisplayText
                b.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                }, dialog);
                firstButton = firstButton ?? b;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new console app given a set of boundaries
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The left position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="y">The right position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="w">The width of the app</param>
 /// <param name="h">The height of the app</param>
 public ConsoleApp(int x, int y, int w, int h) : base(ConsoleProvider.Current)
     SetFocusOnStart = true;
     Bitmap          = new ConsoleBitmap(x, y, w, h);
     LayoutRoot      = new ConsolePanel {
         Width = w, Height = h
     FocusManager            = new FocusManager();
     LayoutRoot.Application  = this;
     AutoFillOnConsoleResize = false;
     FocusManager.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(FocusManager.FocusedControl), () => Paint(), this);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeAdded.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.Application = this; c.BeforeAddedToVisualTreeInternal(); }, this);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeRemoved.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.BeforeRemovedFromVisualTreeInternal(); }, this);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Added.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlAddedToVisualTree, this);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlRemovedFromVisualTree, this);
     WindowResized.SubscribeForLifetime(HandleDebouncedResize, this);
Esempio n. 25
        private void Decompose()
            for (var i = 0; i < recomposableControls.Count; i++)

            if (loadingPanel != null)
                using (var modifyLock = Unlock())
                    loadingPanel = null;
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new console app given a set of boundaries
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The left position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="y">The right position on the target console to bound this app</param>
 /// <param name="w">The width of the app</param>
 /// <param name="h">The height of the app</param>
 public ConsoleApp(int x, int y, int w, int h)
     SetFocusOnStart = true;
     Theme           = new Theme();
     Bitmap          = new ConsoleBitmap(x, y, w, h);
     MessagePump     = new CliMessagePump(Bitmap.Console, KeyPressed);
     LayoutRoot      = new ConsolePanel {
         Width = w, Height = h
     FocusManager            = new FocusManager();
     LayoutRoot.Application  = this;
     AutoFillOnConsoleResize = false;
     FocusManager.SubscribeForLifetime(nameof(FocusManager.FocusedControl), Paint, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeAdded.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.Application = this; c.BeforeAddedToVisualTreeInternal(); }, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.BeforeRemoved.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { c.BeforeRemovedFromVisualTreeInternal(); }, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Added.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlAddedToVisualTree, LifetimeManager);
     LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed.SubscribeForLifetime(ControlRemovedFromVisualTree, LifetimeManager);
     MessagePump.WindowResized.SubscribeForLifetime(HandleDebouncedResize, LifetimeManager);
Esempio n. 27
        private void PopulateDayOfWeekLabels()
            var dayLabels = new List <Label>();

            for (var day = 0; day < 7; day++)
                var dayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek)day;
                var panel     = new ConsolePanel();
                panel.Background = Foreground;
                var label = panel.Add(new Label()
                    Mode = LabelRenderMode.ManualSizing, Background = Foreground
                }).FillHorizontally(padding: new Thickness(day == 0 ? 2 : 0, 0, 0, 0)).CenterVertically();
                gridLayout.Add(panel, day, 0);
                Func <int> smallestDayLabelWidth = () => dayLabels.Select(l => l.Width).Min();
                this.SynchronizeForLifetime(nameof(Bounds), () => label.Text = GetDayOfWeekDisplay(dayOfWeek, smallestDayLabelWidth()), this);
Esempio n. 28
        public ScrollablePanel()
            ScrollableContent = Add(new ConsolePanel()
                IsVisible = false

            verticalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Vertical)
                Width = 1
            horizontalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Horizontal)
                Height = 1

            AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnAddedToVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);
            RemovedFromVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnRemovedFromVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);
Esempio n. 29
        public ScrollablePanel()
            ScrollableContent = Add(new ConsolePanel()
                IsVisible = true
            SynchronizeForLifetime(nameof(Background), () => ScrollableContent.Background = Background, this);
            verticalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Vertical)
                Width = 1
            horizontalScrollbar = Add(new Scrollbar(Orientation.Horizontal)
                Height = 1

            AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnAddedToVisualTree, this);
            RemovedFromVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnRemovedFromVisualTree, this);
Esempio n. 30
        public void ConsoleAppLifecycleTestBasic()
            ConsoleProvider.Current = new CliUnitTestConsole();
            ConsoleApp app = new ConsoleApp(0, 0, 80, 10);

            int addCounter = 0, removeCounter = 0;

            app.ControlAdded.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { addCounter++; }, app.LifetimeManager);
            app.ControlRemoved.SubscribeForLifetime((c) => { removeCounter++; }, app.LifetimeManager);
            app.LayoutRoot.Id = "LayoutRoot";
            ConsolePanel panel = app.LayoutRoot.Add(new ConsolePanel() { Id = "First panel" });
            // direct child
            Assert.AreEqual(1, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, removeCounter);

            var button = panel.Add(new Button() { Id = "Button on first panel" });

            // grandchild
            Assert.AreEqual(2, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, removeCounter);

            var innerPanel = new ConsolePanel() { Id="InnerPanel" };
            var innerInnerPanel = innerPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel() { Id = "Inner Inner Panel"});

            // no change since not added to the app yet
            Assert.AreEqual(2, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, removeCounter);


            // both child and grandchild found on add
            Assert.AreEqual(4, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, removeCounter);

            // remove a nested child
            Assert.AreEqual(4, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, removeCounter);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, addCounter);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, removeCounter);
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// create content panels for each cell so that other pieces of code don't need to worry about
        /// the grid layout implementation
        /// </summary>
        private void InitCellContainers()
            for (var x = 0; x < gridLayout.Options.Columns.Count; x++)
                // start at 1 since the first row is for day of week labels
                for (var y = 1; y < gridLayout.Options.Rows.Count; y++)
                    var key        = GetKeyForCoordinates(y, x);
                    var outerPanel = new ConsolePanel()
                        Background = Foreground
                    var innerPanel = outerPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                        Background = Foreground
                    }).Fill(padding: new Thickness(x == 0 ? 2 : 0, 1, 0, 1));
                    dateCells.Add(key, innerPanel);
                    gridLayout.Add(outerPanel, x, y);

                    // the first row gets an outer border
                    if (x == 0)
                        outerPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                            Width = 2, Background = Foreground

                    outerPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                        Width = 2, Background = Foreground
                    outerPanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                        Height = 1, Background = Foreground
Esempio n. 32
        public ConsoleApp(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            Bitmap = new ConsoleBitmap(x,y, w, h);
            LayoutRoot = new ConsolePanel { Width = w, Height = h };
            LayoutRoot.Application = this;
            focusableControls = new List<ConsoleControl>();
            focusIndex = -1;
            ExitOnEscapeCharacter = true;
            LayoutRoot.Controls.Added += (c) =>
                c.Application = this;
                if (c.CanFocus) focusableControls.Add(c);

                if (c is ConsolePanel)
                    var children = TraverseControlTree(c as ConsolePanel);
                    focusableControls.AddRange(children.Where(child => child.CanFocus));
                    focusableControls = focusableControls.Distinct().ToList();
                    foreach (var child in children) child.Application = this;

            LayoutRoot.Controls.Removed += (c) =>
                c.Application = null;
                if (c.CanFocus) focusableControls.Remove(c);

                if (c is ConsolePanel)
                    var children = TraverseControlTree(c as ConsolePanel);
                    foreach (var child in children)
                        child.Application = null;
Esempio n. 33
        private void ComposePager()
            pagerContainer = gridLayout.Add(new ConsolePanel(), 0, Height - 1, gridLayout.Options.Columns.Count, 1);
            pager           = pagerContainer.Add(new RandomAccessPager()).CenterHorizontally();
            pager.IsVisible = Options.ShowPager;
            pager.FirstPageButton.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(FirstPageClicked.Fire, pager);
            pager.PreviousPageButton.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(PreviousPageClicked.Fire, pager);
            pager.NextPageButton.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(NextPageClicked.Fire, pager);
            pager.LastPageButton.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(LastPageClicked.Fire, pager);
            pager.FirstPageButton.CanFocus    = Options.PagerState.CanGoBackwards;
            pager.PreviousPageButton.CanFocus = Options.PagerState.CanGoBackwards;
            pager.NextPageButton.CanFocus     = Options.PagerState.CanGoForwards;
            pager.LastPageButton.CanFocus     = Options.PagerState.CanGoForwards;
            pager.CurrentPageLabel.Text       = Options.PagerState.CurrentPageLabelValue;
            if (Options.PagerState.AllowRandomAccess == false)

            if (firstButtonFocused)
            else if (previousButtonFocused)
            else if (nextButtonFocused)
            else if (lastButtonFocused)
Esempio n. 34
 public Border2(ConsolePanel content = null)
     this.Content = content ?? new ConsolePanel();
     this.Add(Content).Fill(padding: new Thickness(2, 2, 1, 1));
Esempio n. 35
        private List<ConsoleControl> TraverseControlTree(ConsolePanel toTraverse)
            List<ConsoleControl> ret = new List<ConsoleControl>();
            foreach (var control in toTraverse.Controls)
                if (control is ConsolePanel)
                    ret.AddRange(TraverseControlTree(control as ConsolePanel));

            return ret;
Esempio n. 36
        public static void ShowRichTextInput(ConsoleString message, Action<ConsoleString> resultCallback, Action cancelCallback = null, bool allowEscapeToCancel = true, int maxHeight = 12, TextBox inputBox = null)
            if (ConsoleApp.Current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no console app running");

            ConsolePanel content = new ConsolePanel();

            content.Width = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Width / 2;
            content.Height = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Height / 2;

            var dialog = new Dialog(content);
            dialog.MaxHeight = maxHeight;
            dialog.AllowEscapeToCancel = allowEscapeToCancel;
            dialog.Cancelled.SubscribeForLifetime(() => { if (cancelCallback != null) cancelCallback(); }, dialog.LifetimeManager);

            Label messageLabel = content.Add(new Label() { Text = message,  X = 2, Y = 2 });
            if (inputBox == null)
                inputBox = new TextBox() { Foreground = ConsoleColor.Black, Background = ConsoleColor.White };

            inputBox.Y = 4;

            content.SynchronizeForLifetime(nameof(Bounds), () => { inputBox.Width = content.Width - 4; }, content.LifetimeManager);

            inputBox.KeyInputReceived.SubscribeForLifetime((k) =>
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
            }, inputBox.LifetimeManager);

Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a dialog on top of the current ConsoleApp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentFactory">A callback where you are given a handle that can be used to configure the dialog.
        /// It also has a method that lets you close the dialog. This callback should return the dialog content.</param>
        public static async void Show(Func <DialogHandle, ConsolePanel> contentFactory, ConsolePanel parent = null, bool pushPop = true)
            parent = parent ?? ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot;
            using (var dialogLt = new Lifetime())
                if (pushPop)
                var handle  = new DialogHandle();
                var content = contentFactory(handle);
                content.IsVisible = false;
                var dialogContainer = parent.Add(new BorderPanel(content)
                    ZIndex = int.MaxValue, BorderColor = handle.BorderColor, Background = content.Background, Width = 1, Height = 1
                await Forward(300, dialogLt, percentage => dialogContainer.Width  = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Round((4 + content.Width) * percentage)));
                await Forward(200, dialogLt, percentage => dialogContainer.Height = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Round((2 + content.Height) * percentage)));

                content.IsVisible = true;
                await handle.CallerLifetime.AwaitEndOfLifetime();

                content.IsVisible = false;
                await Reverse(150, dialogLt, percentage => dialogContainer.Height = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Floor((2 + content.Height) * percentage)));

                await Task.Delay(200);
                await Reverse(200, dialogLt, percentage => dialogContainer.Width = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Round((4 + content.Width) * percentage)));

Esempio n. 38
        private void InitFramePanel()
            // vertical divider
            framePanel.Add(new ConsolePanel()
                Width = 1, Background = RGB.White

            var options = new ListGridOptions <InMemoryConsoleBitmapFrame>()
                DataSource = new SyncList <InMemoryConsoleBitmapFrame>(animation.Frames),
                Columns    = new List <ListGridColumnDefinition <InMemoryConsoleBitmapFrame> >()
                    new ListGridColumnDefinition <InMemoryConsoleBitmapFrame>()
                        Width     = framePanel.Width - 2,
                        Type      = GridValueType.Pixels,
                        Formatter = f => new Label()
                            Text = $"Frame {animation.Frames.IndexOf(f)+1}".ToWhite()
                        Header = "Frame".ToYellow(),
                ShowColumnHeaders            = false,
                ShowPager                    = false,
                EnablePagerKeyboardShortcuts = false,

            frameList = framePanel.Add(new ListGrid <InMemoryConsoleBitmapFrame>(options)).Fill(padding: new Thickness(1, 1, 0, 0));

            refreshed.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
            }, frameList);

            BorderPanel fakeDialog      = null;
            Label       fakeDialogLabel = null;

            frameList.SelectionChanged.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                CurrentFrameIndex = frameList.SelectedRowIndex;
                if (fakeDialog != null)
                    fakeDialog.X         = frameList.AbsoluteX + frameList.Width - 2;
                    fakeDialog.Y         = frameList.Y + 1 + frameList.SelectedRowIndex;
                    fakeDialogLabel.Text = FormatTimespanForFramePopup(CurrentFrame.FrameTime);
            }, frameList);

            frameList.Focused.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                var fakeDialogContent = new ConsolePanel()
                    Background = TimespanPopupBGColor

                fakeDialog             = ConsoleApp.Current.LayoutRoot.Add(new BorderPanel(fakeDialogContent));
                fakeDialog.BorderColor = RGB.Blue;
                fakeDialog.Width       = 30;
                fakeDialog.Height      = 5;
                fakeDialog.X           = frameList.AbsoluteX + frameList.Width - 2;
                fakeDialog.Y           = frameList.Y + 1 + frameList.SelectedRowIndex;

                fakeDialogLabel = fakeDialogContent.Add(new Label()
                    Text = FormatTimespanForFramePopup(CurrentFrame.FrameTime)

                refreshed.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                    fakeDialogLabel.Text = FormatTimespanForFramePopup(CurrentFrame.FrameTime);
                }, fakeDialogLabel);

                ConsoleApp.Current.FocusManager.GlobalKeyHandlers.PushForLifetime(ConsoleKey.OemPlus, null, () =>
                    undoRedo.Do(new ShiftTimeStampForwardAction(this, CurrentFrameIndex, 50));
                }, fakeDialog);

                ConsoleApp.Current.FocusManager.GlobalKeyHandlers.PushForLifetime(ConsoleKey.OemMinus, null, () =>
                    undoRedo.Do(new ShiftTimeStampBackwardAction(this, CurrentFrameIndex, 50));
                }, fakeDialog);

                ConsoleApp.Current.FocusManager.GlobalKeyHandlers.PushForLifetime(ConsoleKey.OemPlus, ConsoleModifiers.Shift, () =>
                    undoRedo.Do(new ShiftTimeStampForwardAction(this, CurrentFrameIndex, 10));
                }, fakeDialog);

                ConsoleApp.Current.FocusManager.GlobalKeyHandlers.PushForLifetime(ConsoleKey.OemMinus, ConsoleModifiers.Shift, () =>
                    undoRedo.Do(new ShiftTimeStampBackwardAction(this, CurrentFrameIndex, 10));
                }, fakeDialog);
            }, frameList);

            frameList.Unfocused.SubscribeForLifetime(() =>
                fakeDialogLabel = null;
                fakeDialog      = null;
            }, frameList);
Esempio n. 39
        private static void ParsePanel(ParserContext context, ConsolePanel panel)
            var myElement = context.CurrentElement;
            context.CurrentControl = panel;
            ParseControlAttributes(panel, context);

            foreach (var childElement in context.CurrentElement.Elements)
                context.CurrentElement = childElement;
                var childControl = CreateControl(context);
                context.CurrentControl = childControl;

                if (childControl is ConsolePanel)
                    ParsePanel(context, childControl as ConsolePanel);
                    ParseControlAttributes(childControl, context);

            context.CurrentElement = myElement;
            context.CurrentControl = panel;