Esempio n. 1
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        TextWriter writer = Console.Out;
        string method_name = null;
        string formatter = null;
        bool show_help = false;

        var os = new OptionSet () {
            { "formatter=", "Source code formatter. Valid values are: 'csharp-coregraphics'", v => formatter = v },
            { "out=", "Source code output", v => writer = new StreamWriter (v) },
            { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", v => show_help = true },

        var svg = os.Parse (args);
        string path = (svg.Count > 1) ? String.Concat (svg) : svg [0];

        if (show_help)
            Usage (os, null);

        var parser = new SvgPathParser ();

        switch (formatter) {
        case "csharp-coregraphics":
        case "cs-cg":
            parser.Formatter = new CSharpCoreGraphicsFormatter (writer);
            Usage (os, "error: unkown {0} code formatter", formatter);

        parser.Parse (path, method_name);
        return 0;
        public override void AwakeFromNib()
            base.AwakeFromNib ();

            SourceCodeOutput.Editable = false;

            parser = new SvgPathParser ();

            Convert.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                using (var tw = new StringWriter ()) {
                    parser.Formatter = GetFormatter (tw);
                    try {
                        parser.Parse (SvgPathInput.StringValue ?? String.Empty, "Unnamed");
                        SourceCodeOutput.Value = tw.ToString ();
                    catch {
                        SourceCodeOutput.Value = "Invalid path data. If this looks like a valid path then please " +
                            "file an issue on github: " + Environment.NewLine + BugReport + Environment.NewLine +
                            "and include the offending SVG path: " + Environment.NewLine + SvgPathInput.StringValue;
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length < 1)
            Usage ("error: Path to FontAwesome directory required");

        string font_dir = args [0];
        string css_file = Path.Combine (font_dir, "css/font-awesome.css");
        if (!File.Exists (css_file))
            Usage ("error: Missing '{0}' file.", css_file);

        string svg_file = Path.Combine (font_dir, "font/fontawesome-webfont.svg");
        if (!File.Exists (svg_file))
            Usage ("error: Missing '{0}' file.", svg_file);

        TextWriter writer = (args.Length < 2) ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter (args [1]);
        writer.WriteLine ("// note: Generated file - do not modify - use convert-font-awesome to regenerate");
        writer.WriteLine ();
        writer.WriteLine ("using MonoTouch.CoreGraphics;");
        writer.WriteLine ("using MonoTouch.Dialog;");
        writer.WriteLine ("using MonoTouch.Foundation;");
        writer.WriteLine ("using MonoTouch.UIKit;");
        writer.WriteLine ();
        writer.WriteLine ("namespace Poupou.Awesome.Demo {");
        writer.WriteLine ();
        writer.WriteLine ("\t[Preserve]");
        writer.WriteLine ("\tpublic partial class Elements {");

        Dictionary<string,string> names = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
        foreach (string line in File.ReadLines (css_file)) {
            if (!line.StartsWith (".icon-", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            int p = line.IndexOf (':');
            if (p == -1)
            string name = line.Substring (1, p - 1).Replace ('-', '_');
            p = line.IndexOf ("content: \"\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (p == -1)
            string value = line.Substring (p + 11, 4);
            writer.WriteLine ("\t\t// {0} : {1}", name, value);
            writer.WriteLine ("\t\tImageStringElement {0}_element = new ImageStringElement (\"{0}\", GetAwesomeIcon ({0}));", name);
            writer.WriteLine ();
            names.Add (value, name);
        writer.WriteLine ("\t\t// total: {0}", names.Count);
        writer.WriteLine ();

        // MonoTouch uses C# and CoreGraphics
        var code = new CSharpCoreGraphicsFormatter (writer);
        var parser = new SvgPathParser () {
            Formatter = code

        foreach (string line in File.ReadLines (svg_file)) {
            if (!line.StartsWith ("<glyph unicode=\"&#x", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            string id = line.Substring (19, 4);
            string name;
            if (!names.TryGetValue (id, out name))
            int p = line.IndexOf (" d=\"") + 4;
            int e = line.LastIndexOf ('"');
            string data = line.Substring (p, e - p);
            parser.Parse (data, name);
        writer.WriteLine ("\t}");
        writer.WriteLine ("}");
        writer.Close ();

        return 0;
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length < 1)
            Usage ("error: Path to FontAwesome directory required");

        string font_dir = args [0];
        string css_file = Path.Combine (font_dir, "css/font-awesome.css");
        if (!File.Exists (css_file))
            Usage ("error: Missing '{0}' file.", css_file);

        string svg_file = Path.Combine (font_dir, "font/fontawesome-webfont.svg");
        if (!File.Exists (svg_file))
            Usage ("error: Missing '{0}' file.", svg_file);

        if (args.Length < 2)
            Usage ("error: Specify formatter");

        TextWriter writer = (args.Length < 3) ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter (args [2]);
        var code = CreateFormatter(args[1], writer);

        var parser = new SvgPathParser () {
            Formatter = code


        Console.WriteLine("Parsing icons");

        Dictionary<string,string> names = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
        foreach (string line in File.ReadLines (css_file)) {
            if (!line.StartsWith (".icon-", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            int p = line.IndexOf (':');
            if (p == -1)
            string name = line.Substring (1, p - 1).Replace ('-', '_');
            p = line.IndexOf ("content: \"\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (p == -1)
            string value = line.Substring (p + 11, 4);
            code.NewElement (name, value);
            names.Add (value, name);

        Console.WriteLine("Parsing glyphs");

        foreach (string line in File.ReadLines (svg_file)) {
            if (!line.StartsWith ("<glyph unicode=\"&#x", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            string id = line.Substring (19, 4);
            string name;
            if (!names.TryGetValue (id, out name))
            int p = line.IndexOf (" d=\"") + 4;
            int e = line.LastIndexOf ('"');
            string data = line.Substring (p, e - p);
            parser.Parse (data, name);


        return 0;