// Load a particular course with step information.
        // Param courseName (in): the name that represents the course in the courseToPath dictionary
        public void LoadCourse(string courseName)
            // Delete the previous course that was loaded

            // Find course to be loaded
            string jsonPath;
            bool   courseFound = courseToPath.TryGetValue(courseName, out jsonPath);

            if (!courseFound)
                Debug.Log("Course not found: " + courseName + ". Check that the Course Button, CourseMenuHelper.courseToPath and JSON filepath are sync.");

            // Read the course
            string     json_data    = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath);
            CourseJSON course_steps = JsonUtility.FromJson <CourseJSON>(json_data);

            foreach (StepContainer step in course_steps.steps)
                steps.Add((step.Position), step);
            foreach (CoreographieContainer coreographie in course_steps.coreographies)
                coreographies.Add(coreographie.Position, coreographie);

            courses.CurrentCourse = course_steps.CourseID;
            isTraining            = true;

 // Loads the Course info without storing the steps for all available courses
 public void LoadAllCourseInfos()
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in courseToPath)
         string           json_data    = File.ReadAllText(entry.Value);
         CourseJSON       course_steps = JsonUtility.FromJson <CourseJSON>(json_data);
         CourseInfoHolder course       = new CourseInfoHolder();
         course.CourseID               = course_steps.CourseID;
         course.CourseTitle            = course_steps.CourseTitle;
         course.CourseShortDescription = course_steps.CourseShortDescription;
         course.CourseDescription      = course_steps.CourseDescription;
        // Load all Coreographies.
        public void LoadFreeplay()

            int id = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in courseToPath)
                string           json_data    = File.ReadAllText(entry.Value);
                CourseJSON       course_steps = JsonUtility.FromJson <CourseJSON>(json_data);
                CourseInfoHolder course       = new CourseInfoHolder();

                foreach (CoreographieContainer coreographie in course_steps.coreographies)
                    coreographies.Add(id++, coreographie);
            isTraining = false;
