Esempio n. 1
        private static void generate_castle(
            int Side,
            bool Checks,
            Position pos,
            MoveStack[] ms,
            ref int mpos,
            int us)
            if (pos.castle_impeded(us, Side) || (pos.can_castle_CR(Utils.make_castle_right(us, Side)) == 0))

            // After castling, the rook and king final positions are the same in Chess960
            // as they would be in standard chess.
            var kfrom = pos.king_square(us);
            var rfrom = pos.castle_rook_square(us, Side);
            var kto = Utils.relative_square(us, Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? SquareC.SQ_G1 : SquareC.SQ_C1);

            var enemies = pos.pieces_C(us ^ 1);


            int K = pos.chess960 ? kto > kfrom ? -1 : 1 : Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? -1 : 1;
            for (Square s = kto; s != kfrom; s += (Square)K)
                if ((pos.attackers_to(s) & enemies) != 0)

            // Because we generate only legal castling moves we need to verify that
            // when moving the castling rook we do not discover some hidden checker.
            // For instance an enemy queen in SQ_A1 when castling rook is in SQ_B1.
            if (pos.chess960 && ((pos.attackers_to(kto, Utils.xor_bit(pos.occupied_squares, rfrom)) & enemies) != 0))

            var m = Utils.make(kfrom, rfrom, MoveTypeC.CASTLING);

            if (Checks)
                var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
                var givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(m, ci);
                if (!givesCheck)

            ms[mpos++].move = m;
Esempio n. 2
        private static void generate_castle(CastlingSide Side, bool OnlyChecks, Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos, Color us)
            if (pos.castle_impeded(us, Side) || (pos.can_castle_CR(Utils.make_castle_right(us, Side))==0) )

            // After castling, the rook and king final positions are the same in Chess960
            // as they would be in standard chess.
            Square kfrom = pos.king_square(us);
            Square rfrom = pos.castle_rook_square(us, Side);
            Square kto = Utils.relative_square(us, Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? SquareC.SQ_G1 : SquareC.SQ_C1);

            Bitboard enemies = pos.pieces_C(us ^ 1);


            for (Square s = Math.Min(kfrom, kto), e = Math.Max(kfrom, kto); s <= e; s++)
                if (s != kfrom // We are not in check
                    && ((pos.attackers_to(s) & enemies) != 0))

            // Because we generate only legal castling moves we need to verify that
            // when moving the castling rook we do not discover some hidden checker.
            // For instance an enemy queen in SQ_A1 when castling rook is in SQ_B1.
            if (pos.chess960
                && ((pos.attackers_to(kto, Utils.xor_bit(pos.occupied_squares, rfrom)) & enemies) != 0))

            Move m = Utils.make_castle(kfrom, rfrom);

            if (OnlyChecks)
                CheckInfo ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
                bool givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(m, ci);
                if (!givesCheck) return;

            ms[mpos++].move = m;
Esempio n. 3
        internal static void generate_capture(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)

            var us = pos.sideToMove;
            var target = pos.byColorBB[us ^ 1];

            generate_all(GenType.CAPTURES, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target, null);
Esempio n. 4
        internal static void generate_non_evasion(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)

            var us = pos.sideToMove;
            var target = ~(pos.byColorBB[us]);

            generate_all(GenType.NON_EVASIONS, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target, null);
Esempio n. 5
        internal static void generate_quiet_check(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<MV_NON_CAPTURE_CHECK> generates all pseudo-legal non-captures and knight
            /// underpromotions that give check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.

            Color us = pos.sideToMove;
            CheckInfo ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
            Bitboard dc = ci.dcCandidates;

            while (dc != 0)
                Square from = Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref dc);
                PieceType pt = Utils.type_of(pos.piece_on(from));

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.PAWN)
                    continue; // Will be generated together with direct checks

                Bitboard b = pos.attacks_from_PTS(pt, from) & ~pos.occupied_squares;

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.KING)
                    b &= ~Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.QUEEN][ci.ksq];

                while (b != 0) { ms[mpos++].move = Utils.make_move(from, Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref b)); }

            generate_pawn_moves(us, MoveType.MV_QUIET_CHECK, pos, ms, ref mpos, ci.dcCandidates, ci.ksq);

            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.KNIGHT, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.BISHOP, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.ROOK, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.QUEEN, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);

            if (pos.can_castle_C(us) != 0)
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE, true, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE, true, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);

Esempio n. 6
        // insert_pv_in_tt() is called at the end of a search iteration, and inserts
        // the PV back into the TT. This makes sure the old PV moves are searched
        // first, even if the old TT entries have been overwritten.
        internal void insert_pv_in_tt(Position pos)
            StateInfoArray sia = StateInfoArrayBroker.GetObject();

            int stPos = 0;
            TTEntry tte;
            bool tteHasValue;
            Key k;
            Value v, m = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
            int ply = 0;
            UInt32 ttePos = 0;

            Debug.Assert(pv[ply] != MoveC.MOVE_NONE && pos.is_pseudo_legal(pv[ply]));

                k = pos.key();
                tteHasValue = TT.probe(k, ref ttePos, out tte);

                // Don't overwrite existing correct entries
                if ((!tteHasValue) || tte.move() != pv[ply])
                    v = (pos.in_check() ? ValueC.VALUE_NONE : Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref m));
          , ValueC.VALUE_NONE, Bound.BOUND_NONE, DepthC.DEPTH_NONE, pv[ply], v, m);
                pos.do_move(pv[ply], sia.state[stPos++]);
            } while (pv[++ply] != MoveC.MOVE_NONE);

            do pos.undo_move(pv[--ply]); while (ply != 0);

Esempio n. 7
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, Depth d, History h,
                               Square sq)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            curMovePos = 0;
            lastMovePos = 0;

            Debug.Assert(d <= DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            depth = 0;
            recaptureSquare = 0;
            captureThreshold = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0; lastBadCapturePos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            if (p.in_check())
                phase = SequencerC.EVASION;

            else if (d > DepthC.DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS)
                phase = SequencerC.QSEARCH_0;

            else if (d > DepthC.DEPTH_QS_RECAPTURES)
                phase = SequencerC.QSEARCH_1;

                // Skip TT move if is not a capture or a promotion, this avoids qsearch
                // tree explosion due to a possible perpetual check or similar rare cases
                // when TT table is full.
                if ((ttm != 0) && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(ttm))
                    ttm = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                phase = SequencerC.RECAPTURE;
                recaptureSquare = sq;
                ttm = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            ttMove = ((ttm != 0) && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Esempio n. 8
        /// evaluate() is the main evaluation function. It always computes two
        /// values, an endgame score and a middle game score, and interpolates
        /// between them based on the remaining material.
        internal static int do_evaluate(bool Trace, Position pos, ref int margin)

            var ei = EvalInfoBroker.GetObject();

            Value marginsWHITE, marginsBLACK;
            int score = 0, mobilityWhite = 0, mobilityBlack = 0;

            // margins[] store the uncertainty estimation of position's evaluation
            // that typically is used by the search for pruning decisions.
            marginsWHITE = marginsBLACK = ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;

            // Initialize score by reading the incrementally updated scores included
            // in the position object (material + piece square tables) and adding
            // Tempo bonus. Score is computed from the point of view of white.
            score = + (pos.sideToMove == ColorC.WHITE ? Tempo : -Tempo);

            // Probe the material hash table
            pos.this_thread().materialTable.probe(pos, out ei.mi);
            score += ((ei.mi.value << 16) + ei.mi.value);

            // If we have a specialized evaluation function for the current material
            // configuration, call it and return.
            if (ei.mi.evaluationFunction != null)
                margin = ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;
                var retval = ei.mi.evaluationFunction(ei.mi.evaluationFunctionColor, pos);
                ei.pi = null;
                ei.mi = null;
                return retval;

            // Probe the pawn hash table
            pos.this_thread().pawnTable.probe(pos, out ei.pi);
            score += ei.pi.value;

            // Initialize attack and king safety bitboards
            init_eval_info(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei);
            init_eval_info(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei);

            // Evaluate pieces and mobility
            score += evaluate_pieces_of_color(ColorC.WHITE, Trace, pos, ei, ref mobilityWhite)
                     - evaluate_pieces_of_color(ColorC.BLACK, Trace, pos, ei, ref mobilityBlack);

            score += (((((((mobilityWhite - mobilityBlack) + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000
                         * (((Weights[EvalWeightC.Mobility] + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000)) / 0x100) << 16)
                      + (((short)((mobilityWhite - mobilityBlack) & 0xffff)
                          * ((short)(Weights[EvalWeightC.Mobility] & 0xffff))) / 0x100));

            // Evaluate kings after all other pieces because we need complete attack
            // information when computing the king safety evaluation.
            score += evaluate_king(ColorC.WHITE, Trace, pos, ei, ref marginsWHITE, ref marginsBLACK)
                     - evaluate_king(ColorC.BLACK, Trace, pos, ei, ref marginsWHITE, ref marginsBLACK);

            // Evaluate tactical threats, we need full attack information including king
            score += evaluate_threats(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei) - evaluate_threats(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei);

            // Evaluate passed pawns, we need full attack information including king
            score += evaluate_passed_pawns(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei) - evaluate_passed_pawns(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei);

            // If one side has only a king, check whether exists any unstoppable passed pawn
            if (( == 0) || ( == 0))
                score += evaluate_unstoppable_pawns(pos, ei);

            // Evaluate space for both sides, only in middle-game.
            if (ei.mi.spaceWeight != 0)
                var s = evaluate_space(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei) - evaluate_space(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei);
                score += ((((((((s * ei.mi.spaceWeight) << 16) + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000
                             * (((Weights[EvalWeightC.Space] + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000)) / 0x100) << 16)
                          + (((short)(((s * ei.mi.spaceWeight) << 16) & 0xffff)
                              * ((short)(Weights[EvalWeightC.Space] & 0xffff))) / 0x100));

            // Scale winning side if position is more drawish that what it appears
            var sf = ((short)(score & 0xffff)) > ValueC.VALUE_DRAW
                         ? ei.mi.scale_factor_WHITE(pos)
                         : ei.mi.scale_factor_BLACK(pos);

            // If we don't already have an unusual scale factor, check for opposite
            // colored bishop endgames, and use a lower scale for those.
            if (ei.mi.gamePhase < PhaseC.PHASE_MIDGAME
                && (pos.pieceCount[ColorC.WHITE][PieceTypeC.BISHOP] == 1
                    && pos.pieceCount[ColorC.BLACK][PieceTypeC.BISHOP] == 1
                    && (((((pos.pieceList[ColorC.WHITE][PieceTypeC.BISHOP][0]
                            ^ pos.pieceList[ColorC.BLACK][PieceTypeC.BISHOP][0]) >> 3)
                          ^ (pos.pieceList[ColorC.WHITE][PieceTypeC.BISHOP][0]
                             ^ pos.pieceList[ColorC.BLACK][PieceTypeC.BISHOP][0])) & 1) != 0))
                && sf == ScaleFactorC.SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL)
                // Only the two bishops ?
                if ( == Constants.BishopValueMidgame
                    && == Constants.BishopValueMidgame)
                    // Check for KBP vs KB with only a single pawn that is almost
                    // certainly a draw or at least two pawns.
                    sf = (pos.pieceCount[ColorC.WHITE][PieceTypeC.PAWN] + pos.pieceCount[ColorC.BLACK][PieceTypeC.PAWN]
                          == 1)
                             ? (8)
                             : (32);
                    // Endgame with opposite-colored bishops, but also other pieces. Still
                    // a bit drawish, but not as drawish as with only the two bishops.
                    sf = (50);

            // Interpolate between the middle game and the endgame score
            margin = pos.sideToMove == ColorC.WHITE ? marginsWHITE : marginsBLACK;

            // interpolate
            //Value v = interpolate(score, ei.mi.game_phase(), sf);
            var ev = (((short)(score & 0xffff)) * sf) / ScaleFactorC.SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL;
            var result = ((((score + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000) * ei.mi.gamePhase + ev * (128 - ei.mi.gamePhase)) / 128;
            var v = ((result + GrainSize / 2) & ~(GrainSize - 1));

            // In case of tracing add all single evaluation contributions for both white and black
            if (Trace)
                trace_add(TracedTypeC.PST, pos.psq_score());
                trace_add(TracedTypeC.IMBALANCE, ei.mi.material_value());
                trace_add(PieceTypeC.PAWN, ei.pi.pawns_value());
                    Utils.apply_weight(mobilityWhite, Weights[EvalWeightC.Mobility]),
                    Utils.apply_weight(mobilityBlack, Weights[EvalWeightC.Mobility]));
                    evaluate_threats(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei),
                    evaluate_threats(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei));
                    evaluate_passed_pawns(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei),
                    evaluate_passed_pawns(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei));
                trace_add(TracedTypeC.UNSTOPPABLE, evaluate_unstoppable_pawns(pos, ei));
                var w = Utils.make_score(ei.mi.space_weight() * evaluate_space(ColorC.WHITE, pos, ei), 0);
                var b = Utils.make_score(ei.mi.space_weight() * evaluate_space(ColorC.BLACK, pos, ei), 0);
                    Utils.apply_weight(w, Weights[EvalWeightC.Space]),
                    Utils.apply_weight(b, Weights[EvalWeightC.Space]));
                trace_add(TracedTypeC.TOTAL, score);

                TraceStream.Append("\nUncertainty margin: White: ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble(to_cp(marginsWHITE), null, true));
                TraceStream.Append(", Black: ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble(to_cp(marginsBLACK), null, true));
                TraceStream.Append("\nScaling: ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble((100.0 * ei.mi.game_phase() / 128.0), 6, false));
                TraceStream.Append("% MG, ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble((100.0 * (1.0 - ei.mi.game_phase() / 128.0)), 6, false));
                TraceStream.Append("% * ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble(((100.0 * sf) / ScaleFactorC.SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL), 6, false));
                TraceStream.Append("% EG.\n");
                TraceStream.Append("Total evaluation: ");
                TraceStream.Append(FormatDouble(to_cp(v), null, false));

            ei.pi = null;
            ei.mi = null;

            return pos.sideToMove == ColorC.WHITE ? v : -v;
Esempio n. 9
        // search<>() is the main search function for both PV and non-PV nodes and for
        // normal and SplitPoint nodes. When called just after a split point the search
        // is simpler because we have already probed the hash table, done a null move
        // search, and searched the first move before splitting, we don't have to repeat
        // all this work again. We also don't need to store anything to the hash table
        // here: This is taken care of after we return from the split point.
        internal static int search(int NT, Position pos, Stack[] ss, int ssPos, int alpha, int beta, int depth)
            var PvNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.PV || NT == NodeTypeC.Root || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointPV
                          || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);
            var SpNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointPV || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointNonPV
                          || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);
            var RootNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.Root || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);

            Debug.Assert(alpha >= -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && alpha < beta && beta <= ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);
            Debug.Assert((PvNode || alpha == beta - 1));
            Debug.Assert(depth > DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            var ms = MovesSearchedBroker.GetObject();
            var movesSearched = ms.movesSearched;

            StateInfo st = null;
            var tte = TT.StaticEntry;
            var tteHasValue = false;
            uint ttePos = 0;
            ulong posKey = 0;
            int ttMove, move, excludedMove, bestMove, threatMove;
            int ext, newDepth;
            int bestValue, value, ttValue;
            int eval = 0, nullValue, futilityValue;
            bool inCheck, givesCheck, pvMove, singularExtensionNode;
            bool captureOrPromotion, dangerous, doFullDepthSearch;
            int moveCount = 0, playedMoveCount = 0;
            SplitPoint sp = null;

            // Step 1. Initialize node
            var thisThread = pos.this_thread();
            //var threatExtension = false;
            inCheck = pos.in_check();
            if (SpNode)
                sp = ss[ssPos].sp;
                bestMove = sp.bestMove;
                threatMove = sp.threatMove;
                bestValue = sp.bestValue;
                ttMove = excludedMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                ttValue = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;

                Debug.Assert(sp.bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && sp.moveCount > 0);

                goto split_point_start;

            bestValue = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;
            ss[ssPos].currentMove = threatMove = ss[ssPos + 1].excludedMove = bestMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
            ss[ssPos].ply = ss[ssPos - 1].ply + 1;
            ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 0;
            ss[ssPos + 1].reduction = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;
            ss[ssPos + 2].killers0 = ss[ssPos + 2].killers1 = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            // Used to send selDepth info to GUI
            if (PvNode && thisThread.maxPly < ss[ssPos].ply)
                thisThread.maxPly = ss[ssPos].ply;
            if (!RootNode)
                // Step 2. Check for aborted search and immediate draw
                if ((SignalsStop || pos.is_draw(false) || ss[ssPos].ply > Constants.MAX_PLY))
                    return DrawValue[pos.sideToMove];

                // Step 3. Mate distance pruning. Even if we mate at the next move our score
                // would be at best mate_in(ss->ply+1), but if alpha is already bigger because
                // a shorter mate was found upward in the tree then there is no need to search
                // further, we will never beat current alpha. Same logic but with reversed signs
                // applies also in the opposite condition of being mated instead of giving mate,
                // in this case return a fail-high score.
                alpha = Math.Max(Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply), alpha);
                beta = Math.Min(Utils.mate_in(ss[ssPos].ply + 1), beta);
                if (alpha >= beta)
                    return alpha;

            // Step 4. Transposition table lookup
            // We don't want the score of a partial search to overwrite a previous full search
            // TT value, so we use a different position key in case of an excluded move.
            excludedMove = ss[ssPos].excludedMove;
            posKey = (excludedMove != 0) ? pos.exclusion_key() : pos.key();
            tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
            ttMove = RootNode ? RootMoves[PVIdx].pv[0] : tteHasValue ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
            ttValue = tteHasValue ? value_from_tt(tte.value(), ss[ssPos].ply) : ValueC.VALUE_NONE;

            // At PV nodes we check for exact scores, while at non-PV nodes we check for
            // a fail high/low. Biggest advantage at probing at PV nodes is to have a
            // smooth experience in analysis mode. We don't probe at Root nodes otherwise
            // we should also update RootMoveList to avoid bogus output.
            if (!RootNode 
                && tteHasValue 
                && tte.depth() >= depth
                && ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
                && (PvNode ? tte.type() == Bound.BOUND_EXACT 
                            : ttValue >= beta ? ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0 )
                                              : ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_UPPER) != 0)))
                Debug.Assert(ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE); // Due to depth > DEPTH_NONE

                ss[ssPos].currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE

                if (ttValue >= beta && (ttMove != 0) && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(ttMove)
                    && ttMove != ss[ssPos].killers0)
                    ss[ssPos].killers1 = ss[ssPos].killers0;
                    ss[ssPos].killers0 = ttMove;

                return ttValue;

            // Step 5. Evaluate the position statically and update parentSplitPoint's gain statistics
            if (inCheck)
                ss[ssPos].staticEval = ss[ssPos].evalMargin = eval = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
            else if (tteHasValue)
                // Never assume anything on values stored in TT
                if ((ss[ssPos].staticEval = eval = tte.eval_value()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                    || (ss[ssPos].evalMargin = tte.eval_margin()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE)
                    eval = ss[ssPos].staticEval = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                // Can ttValue be used as a better position evaluation?
                if (ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE)
                    if ((((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0) && ttValue > eval)
                        || (((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_UPPER) != 0) && ttValue < eval))
                        eval = ttValue;
                eval = ss[ssPos].staticEval = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

            // Update gain for the parentSplitPoint non-capture move given the static position
            // evaluation before and after the move.
            if ((move = ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove) != MoveC.MOVE_NULL && ss[ssPos - 1].staticEval != ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                && ss[ssPos].staticEval != ValueC.VALUE_NONE && (pos.captured_piece_type() == 0) && Utils.type_of_move(move) == MoveTypeC.NORMAL)
                var to = Utils.to_sq(move);
                H.update_gain(pos.piece_on(to), to, -ss[ssPos - 1].staticEval - ss[ssPos].staticEval);

            // Step 6. Razoring (is omitted in PV nodes)
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck && depth < 4 * DepthC.ONE_PLY && eval + razor_margin(depth) < beta
                && ttMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
                && !pos.pawn_on_7th(pos.sideToMove))
                var rbeta = beta - razor_margin(depth);
                var v = qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, false, pos, ss, ssPos, rbeta - 1, rbeta, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);
                if (v < rbeta)
                    // Logically we should return (v + razor_margin(depth)), but
                    // surprisingly this did slightly weaker in tests.
                    return v;

            // Step 7. Static null move pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
            // We're betting that the opponent doesn't have a move that will reduce
            // the score by more than futility_margin(depth) if we do a null move.
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0) && depth < 4 * DepthC.ONE_PLY
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY && eval - FutilityMargins[depth][0] >= beta
                && (pos.non_pawn_material(pos.sideToMove) != 0))
                return eval - FutilityMargins[depth][0];

            // Step 8. Null move search with verification search (is omitted in PV nodes)
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0) && depth > DepthC.ONE_PLY && eval >= beta
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY && (pos.non_pawn_material(pos.sideToMove) != 0))
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = MoveC.MOVE_NULL;

                // Null move dynamic reduction based on depth
                Depth R = 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY + depth / 4;

                // Null move dynamic reduction based on value
                if (eval - Constants.PawnValueMidgame > beta)
                    R += DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                if (st == null)
                    st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject();
                ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 1;
                nullValue = depth - R < DepthC.ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, false, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                                      : -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth - R);

                ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 0;

                if (nullValue >= beta)
                    // Do not return unproven mate scores
                    if (nullValue >= ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY)
                        nullValue = beta;

                    if (depth < 6 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                        if (st != null)
                            st.previous = null;
                        return nullValue;

                    // Do verification search at high depths
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                    var v = search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, alpha, beta, depth - R);
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;

                    if (v >= beta)
                        if (st != null)
                            st.previous = null;
                        return nullValue;
                    // The null move failed low, which means that we may be faced with
                    // some kind of threat. If the previous move was reduced, check if
                    // the move that refuted the null move was somehow connected to the
                    // the move that refuted the null move was somehow connected to the
                    // move which was reduced. If a connection is found extend moves that
                    // defend against threat.
                    threatMove = ss[ssPos + 1].currentMove;

                    if (depth < 5 * DepthC.ONE_PLY && (ss[ssPos - 1].reduction != 0) && threatMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                        && allows(pos, ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove, threatMove))
                        //threatExtension = true;
                        if (st != null)
                            st.previous = null;
                        return beta - 1;

            // Step 9. ProbCut (is omitted in PV nodes)
            // If we have a very good capture (i.e. SEE > seeValues[captured_piece_type])
            // and a reduced search returns a value much above beta, we can (almost) safely
            // prune the previous move.
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck && excludedMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE && depth >= 4 * DepthC.ONE_PLY + DepthC.ONE_PLY
                && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0) && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY)
                var rbeta = beta + 200;
                var rdepth = depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY - 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                Debug.Assert(rdepth >= DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                Debug.Assert(ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
                Debug.Assert(ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove != MoveC.MOVE_NULL);

                var mp2 = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
                mp2.MovePickerC(pos, ttMove, H, pos.captured_piece_type());
                var ci2 = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();

                while ((move = mp2.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE)
                    if (pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci2.pinned))
                        ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;
                        if (st == null)
                            st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject();
                        pos.do_move(move, st, ci2, pos.move_gives_check(move, ci2));
                        value = -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -rbeta, -rbeta + 1, rdepth);
                        if (value >= rbeta)
                            if (st != null)
                                st.previous = null;
                            return value;


            // Step 10. Internal iterative deepening
            if (ttMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE && depth >= (PvNode ? 5 * DepthC.ONE_PLY : 8 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                && (PvNode || (!inCheck && ss[ssPos].staticEval + 256 >= beta)))
                var d = (PvNode ? depth - 2 * DepthC.ONE_PLY : depth / 2);

                ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                search(PvNode ? NodeTypeC.PV : NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, alpha, beta, d);
                ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;

                tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
                ttMove = (tteHasValue) ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                // Re-read (needed as TTEntry is a struct in the port)
                if ((tteHasValue) && (TT.table[ttePos].key == tte.key))
                    tte = TT.table[ttePos];

            split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here

            var mp = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
                PvNode ? -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE : beta,
                SpNode ? ss[ssPos].sp.movePicker : null);
            var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
            value = bestValue; // Workaround a bogus 'uninitialized' warning under gcc
            singularExtensionNode = !RootNode && !SpNode && depth >= (PvNode ? 6 * DepthC.ONE_PLY : 8 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                                    && ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE && (excludedMove == 0)
                                    // Recursive singular search is not allowed
                                    && ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0) // FIXME: uninitialized!
                                    && tte.depth() >= depth - 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY;

            // Step 11. Loop through moves
            // Loop through all pseudo-legal moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
            while ((move = mp.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE && !thisThread.cutoff_occurred()
                   && !SignalsStop)

                if (move == excludedMove)

                // At root obey the "searchmoves" option and skip moves not listed in Root
                // Move List, as a consequence any illegal move is also skipped. In MultiPV
                // mode we also skip PV moves which have been already searched.

                // If we find none, it means !count
                if (RootNode && (find(RootMoves, PVIdx, RootMoves.Count, move) == -1))

                if (SpNode)
                    // Shared counter cannot be decremented later if move turns out to be illegal
                    if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                    moveCount = ++sp.moveCount;

                if (RootNode)
                    SignalsFirstRootMove = (moveCount == 1);

                    if (thisThread == Threads.main_thread() && SearchTime.ElapsedMilliseconds > 3000)
                        Plug.Write("info depth ");
                        Plug.Write((depth / DepthC.ONE_PLY).ToString());
                        Plug.Write(" currmove ");
                        Plug.Write(Utils.move_to_uci(move, pos.chess960));
                        Plug.Write(" nodes ");
                        Plug.Write(" currmovenumber ");
                        Plug.Write((moveCount + PVIdx).ToString());

                ext = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;
                captureOrPromotion = pos.is_capture_or_promotion(move);
                givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(move, ci);
                dangerous = givesCheck 
                            || pos.is_passed_pawn_push(move)
                            || Utils.type_of_move(move) == MoveTypeC.CASTLING
                            || (captureOrPromotion // Entering a pawn endgame?
                                    && Utils.type_of(pos.piece_on(Utils.to_sq(move))) != PieceTypeC.PAWN
                                    && Utils.type_of_move(move) == MoveTypeC.NORMAL
                                    && (pos.non_pawn_material(ColorC.WHITE) + pos.non_pawn_material(ColorC.BLACK) 
                                        - Position.PieceValue[PhaseC.MG][pos.piece_on(Utils.to_sq(move))] == ValueC.VALUE_ZERO));

                // Step 12. Extend checks and, in PV nodes, also dangerous moves
                if (PvNode && dangerous)
                    ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY;
                // else if (threatExtension && refutes(pos, move, threatMove))
                // {
                // ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY;
                // }
                else if (givesCheck && pos.see(move, true) >= 0)
                    ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY / 2;

                // Singular extension search. If all moves but one fail low on a search of
                // (alpha-s, beta-s), and just one fails high on (alpha, beta), then that move
                // is singular and should be extended. To verify this we do a reduced search
                // on all the other moves but the ttMove, if result is lower than ttValue minus
                // a margin then we extend ttreMove.
                if (singularExtensionNode && move == ttMove && (ext == 0) && pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))
                    Debug.Assert(ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE);

                    var rBeta = ttValue - depth;
                    ss[ssPos].excludedMove = move;
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                    value = search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, rBeta - 1, rBeta, depth / 2);
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;
                    ss[ssPos].excludedMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                    if (value < rBeta)
                        ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                // Update current move (this must be done after singular extension search)
                newDepth = depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY + ext;

                // Step 13. Futility pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
                if (!PvNode
                    && !captureOrPromotion
                    && !inCheck 
                    && !dangerous 
                    && move != ttMove
                    && (bestValue > ValueC.VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY || (bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && alpha > ValueC.VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY)))
                    // Move count based pruning
                    if (depth < 16 * DepthC.ONE_PLY
                        && moveCount >= FutilityMoveCounts[depth]
                        && ((threatMove == 0) || !refutes(pos, move, threatMove)))
                        if (SpNode)


                    // Value based pruning
                    // We illogically ignore reduction condition depth >= 3*ONE_PLY for predicted depth,
                    // but fixing this made program slightly weaker.
                    var predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction(PvNode, depth, moveCount);
                    futilityValue = ss[ssPos].staticEval + ss[ssPos].evalMargin + futility_margin(predictedDepth, moveCount)
                                    + H.gain(pos.piece_moved(move), Utils.to_sq(move));

                    if (futilityValue < beta)
                        if (SpNode)


                    // Prune moves with negative SEE at low depths
                    if (predictedDepth < 2 * DepthC.ONE_PLY && pos.see(move, true) < 0)
                        if (SpNode)


                // Check for legality only before to do the move
                if (!RootNode && !SpNode && !pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                pvMove = (PvNode && moveCount == 1);
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;
                if (!SpNode && !captureOrPromotion && playedMoveCount < 64)
                    movesSearched[playedMoveCount++] = move;

                // Step 14. Make the move
                if (st == null)
                    st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject();
                pos.do_move(move, st, ci, givesCheck);

                // Step 15. Reduced depth search (LMR). If the move fails high will be
                // re-searched at full depth.
                if (depth > 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY
                    && !pvMove 
                    && !captureOrPromotion 
                    && !dangerous
                    && move != ttMove
                    && move != ss[ssPos].killers0
                    && move != ss[ssPos].killers1)
                    ss[ssPos].reduction = reduction(PvNode, depth, moveCount);
                    var d = Math.Max(newDepth - ss[ssPos].reduction, DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                    alpha = SpNode ? sp.alpha : alpha;

                    value = -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, d);

                    doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha && ss[ssPos].reduction != DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);
                    ss[ssPos].reduction = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;
                    doFullDepthSearch = !pvMove;

                // Step 16. Full depth search, when LMR is skipped or fails high
                if (doFullDepthSearch)
                    alpha = SpNode ? sp.alpha : alpha;
                    value = newDepth < DepthC.ONE_PLY 
                            ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, givesCheck, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                            : -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, newDepth);

                // Only for PV nodes do a full PV search on the first move or after a fail
                // high, in the latter case search only if value < beta, otherwise let the
                // parentSplitPoint node to fail low with value <= alpha and to try another move.
                if (PvNode && (pvMove || (value > alpha && (RootNode || value < beta))))
                    value = newDepth < DepthC.ONE_PLY
                                ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.PV, givesCheck, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                                : -search(NodeTypeC.PV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth);

                // Step 17. Undo move

                Debug.Assert(value > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && value < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

                // Step 18. Check for new best move
                if (SpNode)
                    bestValue = sp.bestValue;
                    alpha = sp.alpha;

                // Finished searching the move. If Signals.stop is true, the search
                // was aborted because the user interrupted the search or because we
                // ran out of time. In this case, the return value of the search cannot
                // be trusted, and we don't update the best move and/or PV.
                if (SignalsStop || thisThread.cutoff_occurred())
                    if (st != null)
                        st.previous = null;

                    return value; // To avoid returning VALUE_INFINITE

                // Finished searching the move. If Signals.stop is true, the search
                // was aborted because the user interrupted the search or because we
                // ran out of time. In this case, the return value of the search cannot
                // be trusted, and we don't update the best move and/or PV.
                if (RootNode)
                    var rmPos = find(RootMoves, 0, RootMoves.Count, move);

                    // PV move or new best move ?
                    if (pvMove || value > alpha)
                        RootMoves[rmPos].score = value;

                        // We record how often the best move has been changed in each
                        // iteration. This information is used for time management: When
                        // the best move changes frequently, we allocate some more time.
                        if (!pvMove)
                        // All other moves but the PV are set to the lowest value, this
                        // is not a problem when sorting becuase sort is stable and move
                        // position in the list is preserved, just the PV is pushed up.
                        RootMoves[rmPos].score = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;

                if (value > bestValue)
                    bestValue = value;
                    if (SpNode) sp.bestValue = value;

                    if (value > alpha)
                        bestMove = move;
                        if (SpNode) sp.bestMove = move;

                        if (PvNode && value < beta)
                            alpha = value; // Update alpha here! Always alpha < beta
                            if (SpNode) sp.alpha = value;
                            Debug.Assert(value >= beta); // Fail high

                            if (SpNode) sp.cutoff = true;

                // Step 19. Check for split
                if (!SpNode 
                    && depth >= Threads.minimumSplitDepth 
                    && Threads.available_slave(thisThread) != null
                    && thisThread.splitPointsSize < Constants.MAX_SPLITPOINTS_PER_THREAD)
                    Debug.Assert(bestValue < beta);

                        ref bestValue,
                        ref bestMove,

                    if (bestValue >= beta)

            // Step 20. Check for mate and stalemate
            // All legal moves have been searched and if there are no legal moves, it
            // must be mate or stalemate. Note that we can have a false positive in
            // case of Signals.stop or thread.cutoff_occurred() are set, but this is
            // harmless because return value is discarded anyhow in the parentSplitPoint nodes.
            // If we are in a singular extension search then return a fail low score.
            // A split node has at least one move, the one tried before to be splitted.
            if (!SpNode && moveCount == 0)
                if (st != null)
                    st.previous = null;
                return (excludedMove != 0) ? alpha : inCheck ? Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply) : DrawValue[pos.sideToMove];

            // If we have pruned all the moves without searching return a fail-low score
            if (bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE)
                Debug.Assert(playedMoveCount == 0);
                bestValue = alpha;

            if (bestValue >= beta) // Failed high
                    value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply),

                if (!pos.is_capture_or_promotion(bestMove) && !inCheck)
                    if (bestMove != ss[ssPos].killers0)
                        ss[ssPos].killers1 = ss[ssPos].killers0;
                        ss[ssPos].killers0 = bestMove;

                    // Increase history value of the cut-off move
                    var bonus = (depth * depth);
                    H.add(pos.piece_moved(bestMove), Utils.to_sq(bestMove), bonus);

                    // Decrease history of all the other played non-capture moves
                    for (var i = 0; i < playedMoveCount - 1; i++)
                        var m = movesSearched[i];
                        H.add(pos.piece_moved(m), Utils.to_sq(m), -bonus);
            else // Failed low or PV search
      , value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply), PvNode && bestMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE ? Bound.BOUND_EXACT : Bound.BOUND_UPPER, depth, bestMove, ss[ssPos].staticEval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

            Debug.Assert(bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

            if (st != null)
                st.previous = null;

            return bestValue;
Esempio n. 10
        // qsearch() is the quiescence search function, which is called by the main
        // search function when the remaining depth is zero (or, to be more precise,
        // less than ONE_PLY).
        private static int qsearch(int NT, bool InCheck, Position pos, Stack[] ss, int ssPos, int alpha, int beta, int depth)
            var PvNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.PV);

            Debug.Assert(NT == NodeTypeC.PV || NT == NodeTypeC.NonPV);
            Debug.Assert(InCheck == pos.in_check());
            Debug.Assert(alpha >= -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && alpha < beta && beta <= ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);
            Debug.Assert(PvNode || (alpha == beta - 1));
            Debug.Assert(depth <= DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            StateInfo st = null;
            int ttMove, move, bestMove;
            int ttValue, bestValue, value, futilityValue, futilityBase, oldAlpha = 0;

            bool givesCheck, enoughMaterial, evasionPrunable, fromNull;
            var tteHasValue = false;
            TTEntry tte;
            uint ttePos = 0;
            int ttDepth;
            Key posKey;

            // To flag BOUND_EXACT a node with eval above alpha and no available moves
            if (PvNode)
                oldAlpha = alpha;

            ss[ssPos].currentMove = bestMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
            ss[ssPos].ply = ss[ssPos - 1].ply + 1;
            fromNull = ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove == MoveC.MOVE_NULL;

            // Check for an instant draw or maximum ply reached
            if (pos.is_draw(true) || ss[ssPos].ply > Constants.MAX_PLY)
                return DrawValue[pos.sideToMove];

            // Transposition table lookup. At PV nodes, we don't use the TT for
            // pruning, but only for move ordering.
            posKey = pos.key();
            tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
            ttMove = (tteHasValue ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            ttValue = tteHasValue ? value_from_tt(tte.value(), ss[ssPos].ply) : ValueC.VALUE_NONE;

            // Decide whether or not to include checks, this fixes also the type of
            // TT entry depth that we are going to use. Note that in qsearch we use
            // only two types of depth in TT: DEPTH_QS_CHECKS or DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS.
            ttDepth = (InCheck || depth >= DepthC.DEPTH_QS_CHECKS ? DepthC.DEPTH_QS_CHECKS : DepthC.DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS);
            if (tteHasValue 
                && tte.depth() >= depth
                && ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
                && (PvNode ? tte.type() == Bound.BOUND_EXACT
                            : ttValue >= beta ? ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0)
                                              : ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_UPPER) != 0)))
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
                return ttValue;

            // Evaluate the position statically
            if (InCheck)
                ss[ssPos].staticEval = ss[ssPos].evalMargin = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
                bestValue = futilityBase = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;
                enoughMaterial = false;
                if (fromNull)
                    // Approximated score. Real one is slightly higher due to tempo
                    ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = -ss[ssPos - 1].staticEval;
                    ss[ssPos].evalMargin = ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;
                else if (tteHasValue)
                    // Never assume anything on values stored in TT
                    if ((ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = tte.eval_value()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                        || (ss[ssPos].evalMargin = tte.eval_margin()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE)
                        ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);
                    ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                // Stand pat. Return immediately if static value is at least beta
                if (bestValue >= beta)
                    if (!tteHasValue)
                            value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply),

                    return bestValue;

                if (PvNode && bestValue > alpha)
                    alpha = bestValue;

                futilityBase = ss[ssPos].staticEval + ss[ssPos].evalMargin + 128;
                enoughMaterial = (pos.sideToMove == 0 ? :
                                 > Constants.RookValueMidgame;

            // Initialize a MovePicker object for the current position, and prepare
            // to search the moves. Because the depth is <= 0 here, only captures,
            // queen promotions and checks (only if depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS) will
            // be generated.
            var mp = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
            mp.MovePickerC(pos, ttMove, depth, H, (ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove) & 0x3F);
            var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();

            // Loop through the moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
            while ((move = mp.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE)

                givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(move, ci);

                // Futility pruning
                if (!PvNode 
                    && !InCheck 
                    && !givesCheck
                    && !fromNull
                    && move != ttMove 
                    && enoughMaterial
                    && Utils.type_of_move(move) != MoveTypeC.PROMOTION && !pos.is_passed_pawn_push(move))
                    futilityValue = futilityBase + Position.PieceValue[PhaseC.EG][pos.board[move & 0x3F]]
                                    + (Utils.type_of_move(move) == MoveTypeC.ENPASSANT
                                           ? Constants.PawnValueEndgame
                                           : ValueC.VALUE_ZERO);

                    if (futilityValue < beta)
                        bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, futilityValue);

                    // Prune moves with negative or equal SEE
                    if (futilityBase < beta 
                        && depth < DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO 
                        && pos.see(move, false) <= 0)
                        bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, futilityBase);

                // Detect non-capture evasions that are candidate to be pruned
                evasionPrunable = !PvNode 
                                    && InCheck 
                                    && bestValue > ValueC.VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY
                                    && !pos.is_capture(move)
                                    && (pos.can_castle_C(pos.sideToMove) == 0);
                // Don't search moves with negative SEE values
                if (!PvNode 
                    && move != ttMove 
                    && (!InCheck || evasionPrunable) 
                    && Utils.type_of_move(move) != MoveTypeC.PROMOTION
                    && pos.see(move, true) < 0)

                // Don't search useless checks
                if (!PvNode 
                    && !InCheck 
                    && givesCheck 
                    && move != ttMove
                    && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(move)
                    && ss[ssPos].staticEval + Constants.PawnValueMidgame / 4 < beta
                    && !check_is_dangerous(pos, move, futilityBase, beta))

                // Check for legality only before to do the move
                if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;

                // Make and search the move
                if (st == null)
                    st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject();
                pos.do_move(move, st, ci, givesCheck);
                value = -qsearch(NT, givesCheck, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY);

                Debug.Assert(value > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && value < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

                // Check for new best move
                if (value > bestValue)
                    bestValue = value;
                    if (value > alpha)
                        if (PvNode && value < beta) // Update alpha here! Always alpha < beta
                            alpha = value;
                            bestMove = move;
                        else // Fail high
                  , value_to_tt(value, ss[ssPos].ply), Bound.BOUND_LOWER, 
                                ttDepth, move, ss[ssPos].staticEval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                            if (st != null)
                                st.previous = null;
                            return value;

            // All legal moves have been searched. A special case: If we're in check
            // and no legal moves were found, it is checkmate.
            if (InCheck && bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE)
                if (st != null)
                    st.previous = null;
                return Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply); // Plies to mate from the root

  , value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply),
                    //PvNode && bestMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE ? Bound.BOUND_EXACT : Bound.BOUND_UPPER,
                    PvNode && bestMove > oldAlpha ? Bound.BOUND_EXACT : Bound.BOUND_UPPER, // TODO: this line asserts in bench
                    ttDepth, bestMove, ss[ssPos].staticEval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

            Debug.Assert(bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

            if (st != null)
                st.previous = null;

            return bestValue;
Esempio n. 11
        // insert_pv_in_tt() is called at the end of a search iteration, and inserts
        // the PV back into the TT. This makes sure the old PV moves are searched
        // first, even if the old TT entries have been overwritten.
        internal void insert_pv_in_tt(Position pos)
            var sia = StateInfoArrayBroker.GetObject();

            var stPos = 0;
            TTEntry tte;
            bool tteHasValue;
            int v, m = 0;
            var ply = 0;
            uint ttePos = 0;
                tteHasValue = TT.probe(pos.key(), ref ttePos, out tte);

                if ((!tteHasValue) || tte.move() != this.pv[ply]) // Don't overwrite existing correct entries
                    if (pos.in_check())
                        v = m = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
                        v = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref m);

          , ValueC.VALUE_NONE, Bound.BOUND_NONE, DepthC.DEPTH_NONE, this.pv[ply], v, m);

                pos.do_move(this.pv[ply++], sia.state[stPos++]);
            while (this.pv[ply] != MoveC.MOVE_NONE);

            while (ply != 0)

Esempio n. 12
        internal static void generate_capture(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)

            Color us = pos.sideToMove;
            Bitboard target = pos.byColorBB[us ^ 1];

            generate_pawn_moves(us, MoveType.MV_CAPTURE, pos, ms, ref mpos, target, SquareC.SQ_NONE);
            generate_moves(pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target);
            generate_king_moves(pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target);
Esempio n. 13
        internal static void generate_non_evasion(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)

            Color us = pos.sideToMove;
            Bitboard target = ~(pos.byColorBB[us]);

            generate_pawn_moves(us, MoveType.MV_NON_EVASION, pos, ms, ref mpos, target, SquareC.SQ_NONE);
            generate_moves(pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target);
            generate_king_moves(pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target);

            if (( & (CastleRightC.WHITE_ANY << (us << 1))) != 0)
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE, false, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE, false, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);
Esempio n. 14
        /// Mate with KX vs K. This function is used to evaluate positions with
        /// King and plenty of material vs a lone king. It simply gives the
        /// attacking side a bonus for driving the defending king towards the edge
        /// of the board, and for keeping the distance between the two kings small.
        /// KXK
        internal static Value Endgame_KXK(Color strongerSide, Position pos)
            Color weakerSide = strongerSide ^ 1;

            Debug.Assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == ValueC.VALUE_ZERO);
            Debug.Assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PieceTypeC.PAWN) == ValueC.VALUE_ZERO);

            // Stalemate detection with lone king
            MList mlist = MListBroker.GetObject(); mlist.pos = 0;
            Movegen.generate_legal(pos, mlist.moves, ref mlist.pos);
            bool any = mlist.pos > 0;

            if (pos.sideToMove == weakerSide
                && !pos.in_check()
                && !any)
                return ValueC.VALUE_DRAW;

            Square winnerKSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
            Square loserKSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);

            Value result = pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide)
                           + pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PieceTypeC.PAWN) * Constants.PawnValueEndgame
                           + MateTable[loserKSq]
                           + DistanceBonus[Utils.square_distance(winnerKSq, loserKSq)];

            if (pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PieceTypeC.QUEEN)!=0
            || pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PieceTypeC.ROOK)!=0
            || pos.bishop_pair(strongerSide))

                result += ValueC.VALUE_KNOWN_WIN;

            return strongerSide == pos.sideToMove ? result : -result;
Esempio n. 15
        internal static void generate_legal(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<LEGAL> generates all the legal moves in the given position
            var pinned = pos.pinned_pieces();
            Square ksq = pos.king_square(pos.sideToMove);

            if (pos.in_check())
                generate_evasion(pos, ms, ref mpos);
                generate_non_evasion(pos, ms, ref mpos);

            var last = mpos;
            var cur = 0;
            while (cur != last)
                var curMove = ms[cur].move;
                //if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(ms[cur].move, pinned))
                if ((pinned != 0 || Utils.from_sq(curMove) == ksq || Utils.type_of_move(curMove) == MoveTypeC.ENPASSANT) && !pos.pl_move_is_legal(curMove, pinned))
                    ms[cur].move = ms[--last].move;
            mpos = last;
Esempio n. 16
        // evaluate_unstoppable_pawns() evaluates the unstoppable passed pawns for both sides, this is quite
        // conservative and returns a winning score only when we are very sure that the pawn is winning.
        private static int evaluate_unstoppable_pawns(Position pos, EvalInfo ei)
            ulong b, b2, blockers, supporters, queeningPath, candidates;
            int s, blockSq, queeningSquare;
            int c, winnerSide, loserSide;
            bool pathDefended, opposed;
            int pliesToGo = 0, movesToGo, oppMovesToGo = 0, sacptg, blockersCount, minKingDist, kingptg, d;
            int pliesToQueenWHITE = 256, pliesToQueenBLACK = 256, pliesToQueenWinner = 256;

            // Step 1. Hunt for unstoppable passed pawns. If we find at least one,
            // record how many plies are required for promotion.
            for (c = ColorC.WHITE; c <= ColorC.BLACK; c++)
                // Skip if other side has non-pawn pieces
                if (pos.non_pawn_material(Utils.flip_C(c)) != 0)

                b = ei.pi.passed_pawns(c);

                while (b != 0)
                    s = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b);
                    queeningSquare = Utils.relative_square(c, Utils.make_square(Utils.file_of(s), RankC.RANK_8));
                    queeningPath = Utils.forward_bb(c, s);

                    // Compute plies to queening and check direct advancement
                    movesToGo = Utils.rank_distance(s, queeningSquare)
                                - (Utils.relative_rank_CS(c, s) == RankC.RANK_2 ? 1 : 0);
                    oppMovesToGo = Utils.square_distance(pos.king_square(Utils.flip_C(c)), queeningSquare)
                                   - ((c != pos.sideToMove) ? 1 : 0);
                    pathDefended = ((ei.attackedBy[c][0] & queeningPath) == queeningPath);

                    if (movesToGo >= oppMovesToGo && !pathDefended)

                    // Opponent king cannot block because path is defended and position
                    // is not in check. So only friendly pieces can be blockers.
                    Debug.Assert((queeningPath & pos.occupied_squares) == (queeningPath & pos.pieces_C(c)));

                    // Add moves needed to free the path from friendly pieces and retest condition
                    movesToGo += Bitcount.popcount_1s_Max15(queeningPath & pos.pieces_C(c));

                    if (movesToGo >= oppMovesToGo && !pathDefended)

                    pliesToGo = 2 * movesToGo - ((c == pos.sideToMove) ? 1 : 0);

                    if (c == ColorC.WHITE)
                        pliesToQueenWHITE = Math.Min(pliesToQueenWHITE, pliesToGo);
                        pliesToQueenBLACK = Math.Min(pliesToQueenBLACK, pliesToGo);

            // Step 2. If either side cannot promote at least three plies before the other side then situation
            // becomes too complex and we give up. Otherwise we determine the possibly "winning side"
            if (Math.Abs(pliesToQueenWHITE - pliesToQueenBLACK) < 3)
                return ScoreC.SCORE_ZERO;

            winnerSide = (pliesToQueenWHITE < pliesToQueenBLACK ? ColorC.WHITE : ColorC.BLACK);
            pliesToQueenWinner = (winnerSide == ColorC.WHITE) ? pliesToQueenWHITE : pliesToQueenBLACK;
            loserSide = Utils.flip_C(winnerSide);

            // Step 3. Can the losing side possibly create a new passed pawn and thus prevent the loss?
            b = candidates = pos.pieces_PTC(PieceTypeC.PAWN, loserSide);

            while (b != 0)
                s = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b);

                // Compute plies from queening
                queeningSquare = Utils.relative_square(loserSide, Utils.make_square(Utils.file_of(s), RankC.RANK_8));
                movesToGo = Utils.rank_distance(s, queeningSquare)
                            - ((Utils.relative_rank_CS(loserSide, s) == RankC.RANK_2) ? 1 : 0);
                pliesToGo = 2 * movesToGo - ((loserSide == pos.sideToMove) ? 1 : 0);

                // Check if (without even considering any obstacles) we're too far away or doubled
                if ((pliesToQueenWinner + 3 <= pliesToGo)
                    || ((Utils.forward_bb(loserSide, s) & pos.pieces_PTC(PieceTypeC.PAWN, loserSide)) != 0))
                    Utils.xor_bit(ref candidates, s);

            // If any candidate is already a passed pawn it _may_ promote in time. We give up.
            if ((candidates & ei.pi.passed_pawns(loserSide)) != 0)
                return ScoreC.SCORE_ZERO;

            // Step 4. Check new passed pawn creation through king capturing and pawn sacrifices
            b = candidates;

            while (b != 0)
                s = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b);
                sacptg = blockersCount = 0;
                minKingDist = kingptg = 256;

                // Compute plies from queening
                queeningSquare = Utils.relative_square(loserSide, Utils.make_square(Utils.file_of(s), RankC.RANK_8));
                movesToGo = Utils.rank_distance(s, queeningSquare)
                            - ((Utils.relative_rank_CS(loserSide, s) == RankC.RANK_2) ? 1 : 0);
                pliesToGo = 2 * movesToGo - ((loserSide == pos.sideToMove) ? 1 : 0);

                // Generate list of blocking pawns and supporters
                supporters = Utils.adjacent_files_bb(Utils.file_of(s)) & candidates;
                opposed = (Utils.forward_bb(loserSide, s) & pos.pieces_PTC(PieceTypeC.PAWN, winnerSide)) != 0;
                blockers = Utils.passed_pawn_mask(loserSide, s) & pos.pieces_PTC(PieceTypeC.PAWN, winnerSide);

                Debug.Assert(blockers != 0);

                // How many plies does it take to remove all the blocking pawns?
                while (blockers != 0)
                    blockSq = Utils.pop_lsb(ref blockers);
                    movesToGo = 256;

                    // Check pawns that can give support to overcome obstacle, for instance
                    // black pawns: a4, b4 white: b2 then pawn in b4 is giving support.
                    if (!opposed)
                        b2 = supporters & Utils.in_front_bb_CS(winnerSide, blockSq + Utils.pawn_push(winnerSide));

                        while (b2 != 0) // This while-loop could be replaced with LSB/MSB (depending on color)
                            d = Utils.square_distance(blockSq, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b2)) - 2;
                            movesToGo = Math.Min(movesToGo, d);

                    // Check pawns that can be sacrificed against the blocking pawn
                    b2 = Utils.attack_span_mask(winnerSide, blockSq) & candidates & ~(1UL << s);

                    while (b2 != 0) // This while-loop could be replaced with LSB/MSB (depending on color)
                        d = Utils.square_distance(blockSq, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b2)) - 2;
                        movesToGo = Math.Min(movesToGo, d);

                    // If obstacle can be destroyed with an immediate pawn exchange / sacrifice,
                    // it's not a real obstacle and we have nothing to add to pliesToGo.
                    if (movesToGo <= 0)

                    // Plies needed to sacrifice against all the blocking pawns
                    sacptg += movesToGo * 2;

                    // Plies needed for the king to capture all the blocking pawns
                    d = Utils.square_distance(pos.king_square(loserSide), blockSq);
                    minKingDist = Math.Min(minKingDist, d);
                    kingptg = (minKingDist + blockersCount) * 2;

                // Check if pawn sacrifice plan _may_ save the day
                if (pliesToQueenWinner + 3 > pliesToGo + sacptg)
                    return ScoreC.SCORE_ZERO;

                // Check if king capture plan _may_ save the day (contains some false positives)
                if (pliesToQueenWinner + 3 > pliesToGo + kingptg)
                    return ScoreC.SCORE_ZERO;

            // Winning pawn is unstoppable and will promote as first, return big score
            var score = Utils.make_score(0, 0x500 - 0x20 * pliesToQueenWinner);
            return winnerSide == ColorC.WHITE ? score : -score;
Esempio n. 17
        internal static void generate_evasion(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<EVASIONS> generates all pseudo-legal check evasions when the side
            /// to move is in check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.

            ulong b;
            int from, checksq;
            var checkersCnt = 0;
            var us = pos.sideToMove;
            var ksq = pos.king_square(us);
            ulong sliderAttacks = 0;
            var checkers =;

            Debug.Assert(checkers != 0);

            // Find squares attacked by slider checkers, we will remove them from the king
            // evasions so to skip known illegal moves avoiding useless legality check later.
            b = checkers;
                checksq = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b);

                Debug.Assert(Utils.color_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)) == Utils.flip_C(us));

                switch (Utils.type_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)))
                    case PieceTypeC.BISHOP:
                        sliderAttacks |= Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.BISHOP][checksq];
                    case PieceTypeC.ROOK:
                        sliderAttacks |= Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.ROOK][checksq];
                    case PieceTypeC.QUEEN:
                        // If queen and king are far or not on a diagonal line we can safely
                        // remove all the squares attacked in the other direction becuase are
                        // not reachable by the king anyway.
                        if ((Utils.between_bb(ksq, checksq) != 0)
                            || ((Utils.bit_is_set(Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.BISHOP][checksq], ksq)) == 0))
                            sliderAttacks |= Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.QUEEN][checksq];

                        // Otherwise we need to use real rook attacks to check if king is safe
                        // to move in the other direction. For example: king in B2, queen in A1
                        // a knight in B1, and we can safely move to C1.
                            sliderAttacks |= Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.BISHOP][checksq]
                                             | pos.attacks_from_ROOK(checksq);
            while (b != 0);

            // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
            b = Position.attacks_from_KING(ksq) & ~pos.pieces_C(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
            from = ksq;
            while (b != 0)
                ms[mpos++].move = Utils.make_move(from, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b));

            // Generate evasions for other pieces only if not under a double check
            if (checkersCnt > 1)

            // Blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
            var target = Utils.between_bb(checksq, ksq) | checkers;

            generate_all(GenType.EVASIONS, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target, null);
Esempio n. 18
        /// Constructors of the MovePicker class. As arguments we pass information
        /// to help it to return the presumably good moves first, to decide which
        /// moves to return (in the quiescence search, for instance, we only want to
        /// search captures, promotions and some checks) and about how important good
        /// move ordering is at the current node.
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, Depth d, History h,
                       Stack ss, Value beta, MovePicker mpExt)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            depth = d;
            mpExternal = mpExt;

            Debug.Assert(d > DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            captureThreshold = 0;
            curMovePos = lastMovePos = 0;
            lastBadCapturePos = Constants.MAX_MOVES - 1;

            recaptureSquare = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            if (p.in_check())
                phase = SequencerC.EVASION;
                phase = SequencerC.MAIN_SEARCH;

                ms[Constants.MAX_MOVES].move = ss.killers0;
                ms[Constants.MAX_MOVES + 1].move = ss.killers1;

                // Consider sligtly negative captures as good if at low depth and far from beta
                if (ss.eval < beta - Constants.PawnValueMidgame && d < 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                    captureThreshold = -Constants.PawnValueMidgame;

                // Consider negative captures as good if still enough to reach beta
                else if (ss.eval > beta)
                    captureThreshold = beta - ss.eval;

            ttMove = (ttm != 0 && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Esempio n. 19
        internal static void generate_quiet_check(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<MV_NON_CAPTURE_CHECK> generates all pseudo-legal non-captures and knight
            /// underpromotions that give check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.

            var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
            var target = ~pos.occupied_squares;
            var dc = ci.dcCandidates;

            while (dc != 0)
                var from = Utils.pop_lsb(ref dc);
                var pt = Utils.type_of(pos.piece_on(from));

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.PAWN)
                    continue; // Will be generated together with direct checks

                var b = pos.attacks_from_PTS(pt, from) & ~pos.occupied_squares;

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.KING)
                    b &= ~Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.QUEEN][ci.ksq];

                while (b != 0)
                    ms[mpos++].move = Utils.make_move(from, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b));

            generate_all(GenType.QUIET_CHECKS, pos, ms, ref mpos, pos.sideToMove, target, ci);

Esempio n. 20
        internal void MovePickerC(Position p, Move ttm, History h, PieceType pt)
            pos = p;
            H = h;
            curMovePos = 0;
            lastMovePos = 0;


            depth = 0;
            ttMove = 0;
            lastQuietPos = 0; lastBadCapturePos = 0;
            mpos = 0;

            phase = SequencerC.PROBCUT;

            // In ProbCut we generate only captures better than parent's captured piece
            captureThreshold = Position.PieceValueMidgame[pt];
            ttMove = ((ttm != 0) && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);

            if ((ttMove != 0) && (!pos.is_capture(ttMove) || pos.see(ttMove, false) <= captureThreshold))
                ttMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            lastMovePos += ((ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0);
Esempio n. 21
        internal static void generate_quiet(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)

            var us = pos.sideToMove;
            var target = ~pos.occupied_squares;

            generate_all(GenType.QUIETS, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, target, null);
Esempio n. 22
        // search<>() is the main search function for both PV and non-PV nodes and for
        // normal and SplitPoint nodes. When called just after a split point the search
        // is simpler because we have already probed the hash table, done a null move
        // search, and searched the first move before splitting, we don't have to repeat
        // all this work again. We also don't need to store anything to the hash table
        // here: This is taken care of after we return from the split point.
        internal static Value search(NodeType NT, Position pos, Stack[] ss, int ssPos, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth)
            bool PvNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.PV || NT == NodeTypeC.Root || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointPV || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);
            bool SpNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointPV || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointNonPV || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);
            bool RootNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.Root || NT == NodeTypeC.SplitPointRoot);

            Debug.Assert(alpha >= -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && alpha < beta && beta <= ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);
            Debug.Assert((alpha == beta - 1) || PvNode);
            Debug.Assert(depth > DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            MovesSearched ms = MovesSearchedBroker.GetObject();
            Move[] movesSearched = ms.movesSearched;

            StateInfo st = null;
            TTEntry tte = TT.StaticEntry;
            bool tteHasValue = false;
            UInt32 ttePos = 0;
            Key posKey = 0;
            Move ttMove, move, excludedMove, bestMove, threatMove;
            Depth ext, newDepth;
            Bound bt;
            Value bestValue, value, oldAlpha, ttValue;
            Value refinedValue, nullValue, futilityBase, futilityValue;
            bool isPvMove, inCheck, singularExtensionNode, givesCheck;
            bool captureOrPromotion, dangerous, doFullDepthSearch;
            int moveCount = 0, playedMoveCount = 0;
            Thread thisThread = pos.this_thread();
            SplitPoint sp = null;

            refinedValue = bestValue = value = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;
            oldAlpha = alpha;
            inCheck = pos.in_check();
            ss[ssPos].ply = ss[ssPos - 1].ply + 1;

            // Used to send selDepth info to GUI
            if (PvNode && thisThread.maxPly < ss[ssPos].ply)
                thisThread.maxPly = ss[ssPos].ply;

            // Step 1. Initialize node
            if (SpNode)
                ttMove = excludedMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                ttValue = ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;

                sp = ss[ssPos].sp;
                bestMove = sp.bestMove;
                threatMove = sp.threatMove;
                bestValue = sp.bestValue;
                moveCount = sp.moveCount; // Lock must be held here

                Debug.Assert(bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && moveCount > 0);

                goto split_point_start;
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = threatMove = ss[ssPos + 1].excludedMove = bestMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 0; ss[ssPos + 1].reduction = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;
                ss[ssPos + 2].killers0 = ss[ssPos + 2].killers1 = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;

            // Step 2. Check for aborted search and immediate draw
            // Enforce node limit here. FIXME: This only works with 1 search thread.
            if ((Limits.nodes != 0) && pos.nodes >= Limits.nodes)
                SignalsStop = true;

            if ((SignalsStop
                 || pos.is_draw(false)
                 || ss[ssPos].ply > Constants.MAX_PLY) && !RootNode)
                return ValueC.VALUE_DRAW;

            // Step 3. Mate distance pruning. Even if we mate at the next move our score
            // would be at best mate_in(ss[ssPos].ply+1), but if alpha is already bigger because
            // a shorter mate was found upward in the tree then there is no need to search
            // further, we will never beat current alpha. Same logic but with reversed signs
            // applies also in the opposite condition of being mated instead of giving mate,
            // in this case return a fail-high score.
            if (!RootNode)
                alpha = Math.Max(Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply), alpha);
                beta = Math.Min(Utils.mate_in(ss[ssPos].ply + 1), beta);
                if (alpha >= beta)
                    return alpha;

            // Step 4. Transposition table lookup
            // We don't want the score of a partial search to overwrite a previous full search
            // TT value, so we use a different position key in case of an excluded move.
            excludedMove = ss[ssPos].excludedMove;
            posKey = (excludedMove != 0) ? pos.exclusion_key() : pos.key();
            tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
            ttMove = RootNode ? RootMoves[PVIdx].pv[0] : tteHasValue ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
            ttValue = tteHasValue ? value_from_tt(tte.value(), ss[ssPos].ply) : ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;

            // At PV nodes we check for exact scores, while at non-PV nodes we check for
            // a fail high/low. Biggest advantage at probing at PV nodes is to have a
            // smooth experience in analysis mode. We don't probe at Root nodes otherwise
            // we should also update RootMoveList to avoid bogus output.
            if (!RootNode && tteHasValue && (PvNode ? tte.depth() >= depth && tte.type() == Bound.BOUND_EXACT
                                            : can_return_tt(tte, depth, ttValue, beta)))
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE

                if (ttValue >= beta
                    && (ttMove != 0)
                    && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(ttMove)
                    && ttMove != ss[ssPos].killers0)
                    ss[ssPos].killers1 = ss[ssPos].killers0;
                    ss[ssPos].killers0 = ttMove;

                return ttValue;

            // Step 5. Evaluate the position statically and update parent's gain statistics
            if (inCheck)
                ss[ssPos].eval = ss[ssPos].evalMargin = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
            else if (tteHasValue)
                Debug.Assert(tte.static_value() != ValueC.VALUE_NONE);
                ss[ssPos].eval = tte.static_value();
                ss[ssPos].evalMargin = tte.static_value_margin();
                refinedValue = refine_eval(tte, ttValue, ss[ssPos].eval);
                refinedValue = ss[ssPos].eval = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);
      , ValueC.VALUE_NONE, Bound.BOUND_NONE, DepthC.DEPTH_NONE, MoveC.MOVE_NONE, ss[ssPos].eval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

            // Update gain for the parent non-capture move given the static position
            // evaluation before and after the move.
            if ((move = ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove) != MoveC.MOVE_NULL
                && ss[ssPos - 1].eval != ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                && ss[ssPos].eval != ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                && (pos.captured_piece_type() == 0)
                && !Utils.is_special(move))
                Square to = Utils.to_sq(move);
                H.update_gain(pos.piece_on(to), to, -ss[ssPos - 1].eval - ss[ssPos].eval);

            // Step 6. Razoring (is omitted in PV nodes)
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck
                && depth < RazorDepth
                && refinedValue + razor_margin(depth) < beta
                && ttMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
                && !pos.pawn_on_7th(pos.sideToMove))
                Value rbeta = beta - razor_margin(depth);
                Value v = qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, rbeta - 1, rbeta, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);
                if (v < rbeta)
                    // Logically we should return (v + razor_margin(depth)), but
                    // surprisingly this did slightly weaker in tests.
                    return v;

            // Step 7. Static null move pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
            // We're betting that the opponent doesn't have a move that will reduce
            // the score by more than futility_margin(depth) if we do a null move.
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck
                && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0)
                && depth < RazorDepth
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
                && refinedValue - futility_margin(depth, 0) >= beta
                && (pos.non_pawn_material(pos.sideToMove) != 0))
                return refinedValue - futility_margin(depth, 0);

            // Step 8. Null move search with verification search (is omitted in PV nodes)
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck
                && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0)
                && depth > DepthC.ONE_PLY
                && refinedValue >= beta
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
                && (pos.non_pawn_material(pos.sideToMove) != 0))
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = MoveC.MOVE_NULL;

                // Null move dynamic reduction based on depth
                int R = 3 + (depth >= 5 * DepthC.ONE_PLY ? depth / 8 : 0);

                // Null move dynamic reduction based on value
                if (refinedValue - Constants.PawnValueMidgame > beta)

                if (st == null) { st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject(); }
                pos.do_null_move(true, st);
                ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 1;
                nullValue = depth - R * DepthC.ONE_PLY < DepthC.ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                                                      : -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth - R * DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                ss[ssPos + 1].skipNullMove = 0;
                pos.do_null_move(false, st);

                if (nullValue >= beta)
                    // Do not return unproven mate scores
                    if (nullValue >= ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY)
                        nullValue = beta;

                    if (depth < 6 * DepthC.ONE_PLY)
                        if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }
                        return nullValue;

                    // Do verification search at high depths
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                    Value v = search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, alpha, beta, depth - R * DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                    ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;

                    if (v >= beta)
                        if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }
                        return nullValue;
                    // The null move failed low, which means that we may be faced with
                    // some kind of threat. If the previous move was reduced, check if
                    // the move that refuted the null move was somehow connected to the
                    // move which was reduced. If a connection is found, return a fail
                    // low score (which will cause the reduced move to fail high in the
                    // parent node, which will trigger a re-search with full depth).
                    threatMove = ss[ssPos + 1].currentMove;

                    if (depth < ThreatDepth
                        && (ss[ssPos - 1].reduction != 0)
                        && threatMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                        && connected_moves(pos, ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove, threatMove))
                        if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }
                        return beta - 1;

            // Step 9. ProbCut (is omitted in PV nodes)
            // If we have a very good capture (i.e. SEE > seeValues[captured_piece_type])
            // and a reduced search returns a value much above beta, we can (almost) safely
            // prune the previous move.
            if (!PvNode && !inCheck
                && excludedMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                && depth >= RazorDepth + DepthC.ONE_PLY
                && (ss[ssPos].skipNullMove == 0)
                && Math.Abs(beta) < ValueC.VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY)
                Value rbeta = beta + 200;
                Depth rdepth = depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY - 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                Debug.Assert(rdepth >= DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                Debug.Assert(ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
                Debug.Assert(ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove != MoveC.MOVE_NULL);

                MovePicker mp2 = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
                mp2.MovePickerC(pos, ttMove, H, pos.captured_piece_type());
                CheckInfo ci2 = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();

                while ((move = mp2.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE)
                    if (pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci2.pinned))
                        ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;
                        if (st == null) { st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject(); }
                        pos.do_move(move, st, ci2, pos.move_gives_check(move, ci2));
                        value = -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -rbeta, -rbeta + 1, rdepth);
                        if (value >= rbeta)
                            if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }
                            return value;


            // Step 10. Internal iterative deepening
            if (ttMove == MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                && depth >= IIDDepth[PvNode ? 1 : 0]
                && (PvNode || (!inCheck && ss[ssPos].eval + IIDMargin >= beta)))
                Depth d = (PvNode ? depth - 2 * DepthC.ONE_PLY : depth / 2);

                ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                search(PvNode ? NodeTypeC.PV : NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, alpha, beta, d);
                ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;

                tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
                ttMove = (tteHasValue) ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                // Re-read (needed as TTEntry is a struct in the port)
                if ((tteHasValue) && (TT.entries[ttePos].key == tte.key)) { tte = TT.entries[ttePos]; }

        split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here

            MovePicker mp = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
            mp.MovePickerC(pos, ttMove, depth, H, ss[ssPos], PvNode ? -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE : beta, SpNode ? ss[ssPos] : null);
            CheckInfo ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
            futilityBase = ss[ssPos].eval + ss[ssPos].evalMargin;
            singularExtensionNode = !RootNode
                                   && !SpNode
                                   && depth >= SingularExtensionDepth[PvNode ? 1 : 0]
                                   && ttMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                                   && (excludedMove == 0) // Recursive singular search is not allowed
                                   && ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0) // FIXME: uninitialized!
                                   && tte.depth() >= depth - 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY;

            // Step 11. Loop through moves
            // Loop through all pseudo-legal moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
            while (bestValue < beta
                   && (move = mp.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE
                    && !thisThread.cutoff_occurred()
                    && !SignalsStop)

                if (move == excludedMove)

                // At root obey the "searchmoves" option and skip moves not listed in Root
                // Move List, as a consequence any illegal move is also skipped. In MultiPV
                // mode we also skip PV moves which have been already searched.

                // If we find none, it means !count
                if (RootNode && (find(RootMoves, PVIdx, RootMoves.Count, move) == -1))

                // At PV and SpNode nodes we want all moves to be legal since the beginning
                if ((PvNode || SpNode) && !pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                if (SpNode)
                    moveCount = ++sp.moveCount;

                if (RootNode)
                    SignalsFirstRootMove = (moveCount == 1);

                    if (thisThread == Threads.main_thread() && SearchTime.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000)
                        Plug.Write("info depth ");
                        Plug.Write((depth / DepthC.ONE_PLY).ToString());
                        Plug.Write(" currmove ");
                        Plug.Write(Utils.move_to_uci(move, Chess960));
                        Plug.Write(" nodes ");
                        Plug.Write(" currmovenumber ");
                        Plug.Write((moveCount + PVIdx).ToString());

                isPvMove = (PvNode && moveCount <= 1);
                captureOrPromotion = pos.is_capture_or_promotion(move);
                givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(move, ci);
                dangerous = givesCheck || is_dangerous(pos, move, captureOrPromotion);
                ext = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;

                // Step 12. Extend checks and, in PV nodes, also dangerous moves
                if (PvNode && dangerous)
                    ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                else if (givesCheck && pos.see(move, true) >= 0)
                    ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY / 2;

                // Singular extension search. If all moves but one fail low on a search of
                // (alpha-s, beta-s), and just one fails high on (alpha, beta), then that move
                // is singular and should be extended. To verify this we do a reduced search
                // on all the other moves but the ttMove, if result is lower than ttValue minus
                // a margin then we extend ttMove.
                if (singularExtensionNode
                    && (ext == 0)
                    && move == ttMove
                    && pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))
                    if (Math.Abs(ttValue) < ValueC.VALUE_KNOWN_WIN)
                        Value rBeta = ttValue - (int)(depth);
                        ss[ssPos].excludedMove = move;
                        ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 1;
                        value = search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos, rBeta - 1, rBeta, depth / 2);
                        ss[ssPos].skipNullMove = 0;
                        ss[ssPos].excludedMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
                        if (value < rBeta)
                            ext = DepthC.ONE_PLY;

                // Update current move (this must be done after singular extension search)
                newDepth = depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY + ext;

                // Step 13. Futility pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
                if (!PvNode && !inCheck
                    && !captureOrPromotion
                    && !dangerous
                    && move != ttMove
                    && (bestValue > ValueC.VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY || bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE)
                    && !Utils.is_castle(move))
                    // Move count based pruning
                    if (moveCount >= futility_move_count(depth)
                        && ((threatMove == 0) || !connected_threat(pos, move, threatMove)))
                        if (SpNode)


                    // Value based pruning
                    // We illogically ignore reduction condition depth >= 3*ONE_PLY for predicted depth,
                    // but fixing this made program slightly weaker.
                    Depth predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction(PvNode, depth, moveCount);
                    futilityValue = futilityBase + futility_margin(predictedDepth, moveCount)
                                                 + H.gain(pos.piece_moved(move), Utils.to_sq(move));

                    if (futilityValue < beta)
                        if (SpNode)


                    // Prune moves with negative SEE at low depths
                    if (predictedDepth < 2 * DepthC.ONE_PLY
                        && pos.see(move, true) < 0)
                        if (SpNode)


                // Check for legality only before to do the move
                if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;
                if (!SpNode && !captureOrPromotion && playedMoveCount < 64)
                    movesSearched[playedMoveCount++] = move;

                // Step 14. Make the move
                if (st == null) { st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject(); }
                pos.do_move(move, st, ci, givesCheck);

                // Step 15. Reduced depth search (LMR). If the move fails high will be
                // re-searched at full depth.
                if (
                    && !captureOrPromotion
                    && !dangerous
                    && ss[ssPos].killers0 != move
                    && ss[ssPos].killers1 != move
                    && depth > 3 * DepthC.ONE_PLY
                    && !Utils.is_castle(move))
                    ss[ssPos].reduction = reduction(PvNode, depth, moveCount);
                    Depth d = Math.Max(newDepth - ss[ssPos].reduction, DepthC.ONE_PLY);
                    alpha = SpNode ? sp.alpha : alpha;

                    value = -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, d);

                    doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha && ss[ssPos].reduction != DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);
                    ss[ssPos].reduction = DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO;
                    doFullDepthSearch = !isPvMove;

                // Step 16. Full depth search, when LMR is skipped or fails high
                if (doFullDepthSearch)
                    alpha = SpNode ? sp.alpha : alpha;
                    value = newDepth < DepthC.ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                                               : -search(NodeTypeC.NonPV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -(alpha + 1), -alpha, newDepth);

                // Only for PV nodes do a full PV search on the first move or after a fail
                // high, in the latter case search only if value < beta, otherwise let the
                // parent node to fail low with value <= alpha and to try another move.
                if (PvNode && (isPvMove || (value > alpha && (RootNode || value < beta))))
                    value = newDepth < DepthC.ONE_PLY ? -qsearch(NodeTypeC.PV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO)
                                               : -search(NodeTypeC.PV, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth);

                // Step 17. Undo move

                Debug.Assert(value > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && value < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

                // Step 18. Check for new best move
                if (SpNode)
                    bestValue = sp.bestValue;
                    alpha = sp.alpha;

                // Finished searching the move. If Signals.stop is true, the search
                // was aborted because the user interrupted the search or because we
                // ran out of time. In this case, the return value of the search cannot
                // be trusted, and we don't update the best move and/or PV.
                if (RootNode && !SignalsStop)
                    int rmPos = find(RootMoves, 0, RootMoves.Count, move);

                    // PV move or new best move ?
                    if (isPvMove || value > alpha)
                        RootMoves[rmPos].score = value;

                        // We record how often the best move has been changed in each
                        // iteration. This information is used for time management: When
                        // the best move changes frequently, we allocate some more time.
                        if (!isPvMove && MultiPV == 1)
                        // All other moves but the PV are set to the lowest value, this
                        // is not a problem when sorting becuase sort is stable and move
                        // position in the list is preserved, just the PV is pushed up.
                        RootMoves[rmPos].score = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;


                if (value > bestValue)
                    bestValue = value;
                    bestMove = move;

                    if (PvNode
                        && value > alpha
                        && value < beta) // We want always alpha < beta
                        alpha = value;

                    if (SpNode && !thisThread.cutoff_occurred())
                        sp.bestValue = value;
                        sp.bestMove = move;
                        sp.alpha = alpha;

                        if (value >= beta)
                            sp.cutoff = true;

                // Step 19. Check for split
                if (!SpNode
                  && depth >= Threads.min_split_depth()
                  && bestValue < beta
                  && Threads.available_slave_exists(thisThread)
                  && !SignalsStop
                  && !thisThread.cutoff_occurred())
                    bestValue = Threads.split(Constants.FakeSplit, pos, ss, ssPos, alpha, beta, bestValue, ref bestMove, depth, threatMove, moveCount, mp, NT);

            // Step 20. Check for mate and stalemate
            // All legal moves have been searched and if there are no legal moves, it
            // must be mate or stalemate. Note that we can have a false positive in
            // case of Signals.stop or thread.cutoff_occurred() are set, but this is
            // harmless because return value is discarded anyhow in the parent nodes.
            // If we are in a singular extension search then return a fail low score.
            if (moveCount == 0)
                if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }
                return (excludedMove != 0) ? oldAlpha : inCheck ? Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply) : ValueC.VALUE_DRAW;

            // If we have pruned all the moves without searching return a fail-low score
            if (bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE)
                Debug.Assert(playedMoveCount == 0);
                bestValue = oldAlpha;

            // Step 21. Update tables
            // Update transposition table entry, killers and history
            if (!SpNode && !SignalsStop && !thisThread.cutoff_occurred())
                move = bestValue <= oldAlpha ? MoveC.MOVE_NONE : bestMove;
                bt = bestValue <= oldAlpha ? Bound.BOUND_UPPER
                     : bestValue >= beta ? Bound.BOUND_LOWER : Bound.BOUND_EXACT;

      , value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply), bt, depth, move, ss[ssPos].eval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                // Update killers and history for non capture cut-off moves
                if (!inCheck
                    && bestValue >= beta
                    && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(move)
                    if (move != ss[ssPos].killers0)
                        ss[ssPos].killers1 = ss[ssPos].killers0;
                        ss[ssPos].killers0 = move;

                    // Increase history value of the cut-off move
                    Value bonus = (depth * depth);
                    H.add(pos.piece_moved(move), Utils.to_sq(move), bonus);

                    // Decrease history of all the other played non-capture moves
                    for (int i = 0; i < playedMoveCount - 1; i++)
                        Move m = movesSearched[i];
                        H.add(pos.piece_moved(m), Utils.to_sq(m), -bonus);

            Debug.Assert(bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

            if (st != null) { st.previous = null; StateInfoBroker.Free(); }

            return bestValue;
Esempio n. 23
        internal static void generate_legal(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<MV_LEGAL> generates all the legal moves in the given position
            Bitboard pinned = pos.pinned_pieces();

            if (pos.in_check()) { generate_evasion(pos, ms, ref mpos); }
            else { generate_non_evasion(pos, ms, ref mpos); }

            int last = mpos;
            int cur = 0;
            while (cur != last)
                if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(ms[cur].move, pinned))
                    ms[cur].move = ms[--last].move;
            mpos = last;