public LeBlanc() { Q = SpellManager.Q; W = SpellManager.W; E = SpellManager.E; R = SpellManager.R; Menu = new Menu("PopBlanc", "PopBlanc", true); Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker(); var spells = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells"); var q = spells.AddSpell( SpellSlot.Q, new List <Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LastHit, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear }); q.AddSlider("FarmQMana", "Farm Minimum Mana", 40); var w = spells.AddSpell( SpellSlot.W, new List <Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear }); w.AddSlider("FarmWMinions", "Farm Minimum Minions", 3, 1, 5); w.AddBool("WBackHarass", "Harass W Back"); w.Item("WBackHarass").SetTooltip("Cast second W after harassing."); w.AddBool("WBackFarm", "Farm W Back"); w.Item("WBackFarm").SetTooltip("Cast second W after farming."); w.AddBool("WBackClick", "Left Click W Back", false); w.Item("WBackClick").SetTooltip("Cast second W after left clicking."); var e = spells.AddSpell( SpellSlot.E, new List <Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed }); e.AddSlider("ERangeDecrease", "Decrease Range", 0, 0, 100); e.Item("ERangeDecrease").ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { E.Range = ERange - args.GetNewValue <Slider>().Value; var eDraw = Menu.Item("Draw2"); if (eDraw == null) { return; } var eCircle = eDraw.GetValue <Circle>(); eDraw.SetValue(new Circle(eCircle.Active, eCircle.Color, E.Range)); }; E.Range = ERange - e.Item("ERangeDecrease").GetValue <Slider>().Value; e.AddBool("ComboEFirst", "Combo E First", false); e.AddBool("AntiGapcloser", "AntiGapCloser with E"); e.AddBool("AutoEImmobile", "Auto E Immobile Targets"); var r = spells.AddSpell( SpellSlot.R, new List <Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode> { Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed }); r.AddBool("LaneClearR", "Use in LaneClear", false); r.Item("LaneClearR").SetTooltip("Use R(W) in LaneClear"); r.AddBool("AntiGapcloserR", "AntiGapCloser with R(E)", false); w.AddBool("RBackClick", "Left Click R(W) Back", false); w.Item("RBackClick").SetTooltip("Cast second R(W) after left clicking."); var combo = Menu.AddMenu("Combo", "Other Combos"); var twoChainz = combo.AddMenu("2Chainz", "2Chainz"); twoChainz.AddInfo("2ChainzInfo", " --> Cast E and R(E) on target.", Color.Red); twoChainz.AddKeyBind("2Key", "Combo Key", 'H'); twoChainz.AddBool("2Selected", "Selected Target Only", false); twoChainz.AddBool("2W", "Use W if out of range"); var aoe = combo.AddMenu("AOECombo", "AOE Combo"); aoe.AddInfo("AOEInfo", " --> Cast W and R(W) on target(s).", Color.Red); aoe.AddKeyBind("AOECombo", "Combo Key", 'N'); aoe.AddBool("AOEW", "Use W"); aoe.AddBool("GapcloseW", "Use W to Gapclose"); aoe.Item("GapcloseW").SetTooltip("Gapclose to cast R(W)."); aoe.AddBool("AOER", "Use R(W)"); aoe.AddSlider("AOEEnemies", "Minimum Enemies", 2, 1, 5); combo.AddBool("ComboOrbwalk", "Orbwalk when Comboing"); var ks = Menu.AddMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal"); ks.AddBool("SmartKS", "Smart Killsteal"); ks.AddSlider("KSMana", "Minimum Mana", 30); ks.AddSlider("KSHealth", "Minimum Health to W", 40); ks.AddBool("KSGapclose", "Use W to Gapclose", false); ks.Item("KSHealth").SetTooltip("Minimum health to W in to KS."); ks.AddSlider("KSEnemies", "Maximum Enemies to W", 3, 1, 4); ks.Item("KSEnemies").SetTooltip("Maximum enemies to W in to KS."); PassiveManager.Initialize(Menu); var flee = Menu.AddMenu("Flee", "Flee"); flee.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", Color.Red); flee.AddKeyBind("Flee", "Flee", 'T'); flee.AddBool("FleeW", "Use W"); flee.AddBool("FleeRW", "Use R(W)"); flee.AddBool("FleeMove", "Move to Cursor Position"); var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawings", "Drawings"); draw.AddCircle("Draw0", "Draw Q Range", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Q.Range, false); draw.AddCircle("Draw1", "Draw W Range", System.Drawing.Color.Red, W.Range, false); draw.AddCircle("Draw2", "Draw E Range", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, E.Range, false); draw.AddBool("DrawCD", "Draw on CD"); draw.AddBool("DrawWBack", "Draw W Back Position"); var manaCost = new Dictionary <SpellSlot, int[]> { { SpellSlot.Q, new[] { 0, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 } }, { SpellSlot.W, new[] { 0, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 } }, { SpellSlot.E, new[] { 0, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 } }, { SpellSlot.R, new[] { 0, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 } } }; var damage = draw.AddMenu("Damage Indicator", "Damage Indicator"); damage.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Enabled"); damage.AddCircle("HPColor", "Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White); damage.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink); damage.AddBool("Killable", "Killable"); Menu.AddBool("Sounds", "Sounds"); if (Menu.Item("Sounds").IsActive()) { //new SoundObject(Resources.Load).Play(); } Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", Color.Red); ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(draw, manaCost); //DamageIndicator.Initialize(damage, GetComboDamage); SpellManager.Initialize(Menu, Orbwalker); WBackPosition.Initialize(); Menu.AddToMainMenu(); }
public static void OnLoad() { Q = SpellManager.Q; W = SpellManager.W; E = SpellManager.E; R = SpellManager.R; menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("PopBlanc", "PopBlanc"); qMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Q"); qMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use in Combo")); qMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use in Harass")); qMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("Use in Last Hit")); qMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Use in Lane Clear")); qMenu.Add("FarmQMana", new Slider("Farm Minimum Mana", 40)); wMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("W"); wMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use in Combo")); wMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use in Harass")); wMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Use in Lane Clear")); wMenu.Add("FarmWMinions", new Slider("Farm Minimum Minions", 3, 1, 5)); wMenu.Add("WBackHarass", new CheckBox("Harass W Back")); wMenu.Add("WBackFarm", new CheckBox("Farm W Back")); wMenu.Add("WBackClick", new CheckBox("Left Click W Back", false)); eMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("E"); eMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use in Combo")); eMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use in Harass")); eMenu.Add("ERangeDecrease", new Slider("Decrease Range")); E.Range = ERange - getSliderItem(eMenu, "ERangeDecrease"); eMenu.Add("ComboEFirst", new CheckBox("Combo E First", false)); eMenu.Add("AntiGapcloser", new CheckBox("AntiGapCloser with E")); eMenu.Add("AutoEImmobile", new CheckBox("Auto E Immobile Targets")); rMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("R"); rMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use in Combo")); rMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Use in Harass")); rMenu.Add("LaneClearR", new CheckBox("Use in LaneClear", false)); rMenu.Add("AntiGapcloserR", new CheckBox("AntiGapCloser with R(E)", false)); rMenu.Add("RBackClick", new CheckBox("Left Click R(W) Back", false)); comboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Other Combos"); comboMenu.AddGroupLabel("2 Chainz (E > R(E))"); comboMenu.Add("2Key", new KeyBind("Combo Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'H')); comboMenu.Add("2Selected", new CheckBox("Selected Target Only", false)); comboMenu.Add("2W", new CheckBox("Use W if out of range")); comboMenu.AddSeparator(); comboMenu.AddGroupLabel("AOECombo (W > R(W))"); comboMenu.Add("AOECombo", new KeyBind("Combo Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'N')); comboMenu.Add("AOEW", new CheckBox("Use W")); comboMenu.Add("GapcloseW", new CheckBox("Use W to Gapclose")); comboMenu.Add("AOER", new CheckBox("Use R(W)")); comboMenu.Add("AOEEnemies", new Slider("Minimum Enemies", 2, 1, 5)); comboMenu.AddSeparator(); comboMenu.Add("ComboOrbwalk", new CheckBox("Orbwalk when Comboing")); ksMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Killsteal"); ksMenu.Add("SmartKS", new CheckBox("Smart Killsteal")); ksMenu.Add("KSMana", new Slider("Minimum Mana", 30)); ksMenu.Add("KSHealth", new Slider("Minimum Health to W", 40)); ksMenu.Add("KSGapclose", new CheckBox("Use W to Gapclose", false)); ksMenu.Add("KSEnemies", new Slider("Maximum Enemies to W", 3, 1, 4)); fleeMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee"); fleeMenu.Add("Flee", new KeyBind("Flee", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); fleeMenu.Add("FleeW", new CheckBox("Use W")); fleeMenu.Add("FleeRW", new CheckBox("Use R(W)")); fleeMenu.Add("FleeMove", new CheckBox("Move to Cursor Position")); drawMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); drawMenu.Add("Draw0", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range")); drawMenu.Add("Draw1", new CheckBox("Draw W Range")); drawMenu.Add("Draw2", new CheckBox("Draw E Range")); drawMenu.Add("DrawCD", new CheckBox("Draw on CD")); drawMenu.Add("DrawWBack", new CheckBox("Draw W Back Position")); drawMenu.AddSeparator(); SpellManager.Initialize(menu); WBackPosition.Initialize(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
public static void OnLoad() { Q = SpellManager.Q; W = SpellManager.W; E = SpellManager.E; R = SpellManager.R; ER = SpellManager.ER; menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("妖姬", "PopBlanc"); qMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Q"); qMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("连招使用")); qMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("骚扰使用")); qMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("尾兵使用")); qMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("清线使用")); qMenu.Add("FarmQMana", new Slider("尾兵最低蓝量", 40)); wMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("W"); wMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("连招使用")); wMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("骚扰使用")); wMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("清线使用")); wMenu.Add("FarmWMinions", new Slider("尾兵最少小兵数量", 3, 1, 5)); wMenu.Add("WBackHarass", new CheckBox("骚扰 W (回)")); wMenu.Add("WBackFarm", new CheckBox("农兵 W (回)")); wMenu.Add("WBackClick", new CheckBox("鼠标左键点击, W 回", false)); eMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("E"); eMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("连招使用")); eMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("骚扰使用")); eMenu.Add("ERangeDecrease", new Slider("缩短 E 范围")); E.Range = ERange - getSliderItem(eMenu, "ERangeDecrease"); eMenu.Add("ComboEFirst", new CheckBox("连招先手 E", false)); eMenu.Add("AntiGapcloser", new CheckBox("防突进 E")); eMenu.Add("AutoEImmobile", new CheckBox("自动 E 不可移动目标")); rMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("R"); rMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("连招使用")); rMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("骚扰使用")); rMenu.Add("LaneClearR", new CheckBox("清线使用", false)); rMenu.Add("AntiGapcloserR", new CheckBox("防突进 R(E)", false)); rMenu.Add("RBackClick", new CheckBox("鼠标左键点击, R(W) 回", false)); comboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "其他连招"); comboMenu.AddGroupLabel("双链条 (E > R(E))"); comboMenu.Add("2Key", new KeyBind("连招键", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'H')); comboMenu.Add("2Selected", new CheckBox("只选择的目标", false)); comboMenu.Add("2W", new CheckBox("超出范围使用 W")); comboMenu.AddSeparator(); comboMenu.AddGroupLabel("AOECombo (W > R(W))"); comboMenu.Add("AOECombo", new KeyBind("连招键", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'N')); comboMenu.Add("AOEW", new CheckBox("使用 W")); comboMenu.Add("GapcloseW", new CheckBox("使用 W 接近")); comboMenu.Add("AOER", new CheckBox("使用 R(W)")); comboMenu.Add("AOEEnemies", new Slider("最少敌人数量", 2, 1, 5)); comboMenu.AddSeparator(); comboMenu.Add("ComboOrbwalk", new CheckBox("连招时走位")); ksMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("抢头"); ksMenu.Add("SmartKS", new CheckBox("智能抢头")); ksMenu.Add("KSMana", new Slider("最低蓝量", 30)); ksMenu.Add("KSHealth", new Slider("最低血量 W", 40)); ksMenu.Add("KSGapclose", new CheckBox("使用 W 接近", false)); ksMenu.Add("KSEnemies", new Slider("最大敌人数量 W", 3, 1, 4)); fleeMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("逃跑", "Flee"); fleeMenu.Add("Flee", new KeyBind("逃跑按键", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); fleeMenu.Add("FleeW", new CheckBox("使用 W")); fleeMenu.Add("FleeRW", new CheckBox("使用 R(W)")); fleeMenu.Add("FleeMove", new CheckBox("移动到鼠标位置")); drawMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("线圈"); drawMenu.Add("Draw0", new CheckBox("显示 Q 范围")); drawMenu.Add("Draw1", new CheckBox("显示 W 范围")); drawMenu.Add("Draw2", new CheckBox("显示 E 范围")); drawMenu.Add("DrawCD", new CheckBox("显示冷却技能")); drawMenu.Add("DrawWBack", new CheckBox("显示 W (回)位置")); drawMenu.AddSeparator(); SpellManager.Initialize(menu); WBackPosition.Initialize(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }