/** * Refreshing data / loading data before storyboard appears */ public override async void ViewWillAppear(bool animated) { base.ViewWillAppear(animated); // register tableOfNotes tableview component listOfAllNotesTable.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(UITableViewCell), notesHistoryCellId); listOfAllNotesTable.Source = new NotesHistoryDataSource(this); notesService = NotesService.DefaultService; await notesService.InitializeStoreAsync(); // pull the latest data await RefreshAsync(); }
/** * Actions that can occur after storyboard is loaded */ public override async void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); notesService = NotesService.DefaultService; await notesService.InitializeStoreAsync(); //actions by clicking done button doneNotesButton.TouchUpInside += async(object sender, EventArgs e) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notesTextArea.Text)) { return; } if (!isInEditingMode) { // new note var newItem = new NotesItem { Text = notesTextArea.Text, Delete = false }; await notesService.InsertTodoItemAsync(newItem); } else { // note already exists and has to be updated in azure note.Text = notesTextArea.Text; await notesService.UpdateNoteAsync(note); isInEditingMode = false; } notesTextArea.Text = ""; await notesService.RefreshDataAsync(); }; }