Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Lock all Buttons for a single table
        /// </summary>
        public void lockAllButtons()
            foreach (PlayerButton b in buttons)
                if (b.Text != null)
                    CustomPictureBox cpbOld = (CustomPictureBox)b.lockImage;
                    if (cpbOld == null) // dont attach two lock icons
                        CustomPictureBox imageLock = new CustomPictureBox();
                        imageLock.Image    = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage;
                        imageLock.Width    = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Width;
                        imageLock.Height   = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Height;
                        imageLock.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Location.X - imageLock.Width - 1, b.Location.Y);
                        imageLock.Visible  = true;
                        b.lockImage        = imageLock;

                        PlayerButtonContextMenuStrip pbcms = (PlayerButtonContextMenuStrip)b.ContextMenuStrip;
                        if (pbcms == null)
                        // Reset toolstrip to "unlock" text
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove Similar Nick Image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        public void removeSimilarNickImage(PlayerButton b)
            CustomPictureBox cpb = b.similarImage;

            //b.similarImage = null;
            if (cpb != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles actions when clicked on SimilarImage-Icon
        /// * RightClick => Removes Icon
        /// * Left Click => If there is only one similar nick, it will adjust the player from the button to the one from the similar icon
        ///                 If there are more than one => Open NoteWindows for all similar nicks!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public static void similarImage_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // LeftClick
            if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Left))
                if (sender is CustomPictureBox)
                    CustomPictureBox cbp     = (CustomPictureBox)sender;
                    PlayerButton     pb      = cbp.PlayerButton;
                    List <Note>      similar = cbp.SimilarNicks;

                    IntPtr    pointer = pb.TableHandle;
                    TableData td      = TableHandler.tableSessions[pointer];

                    // if only 1 similar nick, set player on this button to the similar player on LeftClick
                    if (similar.Count.Equals(1))
                        // Adjust TableData
                        string seatname = td.getSeatname(pb.Text);
                        td.setNickname(seatname, similar[0].Name);

                        // Repaint Buttons
                        PlayerButtonHandler pbh = TableHandler.buttonInventory[td.tablename];
                        pbh.updateButtons(td, true);
                        // if more than 1 similar nick, open NoteWindows for every of those nicks
                        foreach (Note n in similar)
                            FormNoteWindow fnw = new FormNoteWindow(n, td.tablename);
            // RightClick
            else if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right))
                if (sender is CustomPictureBox)
                    CustomPictureBox cbp = (CustomPictureBox)sender;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Remove Lock Image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        public void removeLockImage(PlayerButton b)
            CustomPictureBox cpb = b.lockImage;

            if (cpb != null)
                cpb.Visible = false;
                cpb         = null;
            if (b.lockImage != null)
            //Console.WriteLine("Removed for " + b.SeatName + " Status: " + b.lockImage.IsDisposed); // Debug
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Similar images for buttons if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="button">Which button should we attach similar nicks to?</param>
        /// <param name="similar">List of similar nicks</param>
        private void setSimilarNickImage(PlayerButton button, List <Note> similar)
            // Create picture box with settings from GlobalSettings and Set location according to PlayerButton
            CustomPictureBox imageSimilar = new CustomPictureBox();

            imageSimilar.Image        = GlobalSettings.Images.questionImage;
            imageSimilar.Width        = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Width;
            imageSimilar.Height       = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Height;
            imageSimilar.Location     = new System.Drawing.Point(button.Location.X, button.Location.Y - imageSimilar.Width - 1);
            imageSimilar.Visible      = true;
            button.similarImage       = imageSimilar;
            imageSimilar.SimilarNicks = similar;
            imageSimilar.PlayerButton = button;
            imageSimilar.MouseDown   += new MouseEventHandler(PlayerButton.similarImage_Click);
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Set LockImage for single seat
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seatName"></param>
 /// <param name="tablePointer"></param>
 public void setLockImage(string seatName, IntPtr tablePointer)
     foreach (PlayerButton b in buttons)
         if (b.SeatName.Equals(seatName))
             CustomPictureBox imageLock = new CustomPictureBox();
             imageLock.Image    = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage;
             imageLock.Width    = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Width;
             imageLock.Height   = GlobalSettings.Images.lockImage.Height;
             imageLock.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Location.X - imageLock.Width - 1, b.Location.Y);
             imageLock.Visible  = true;
             b.lockImage        = imageLock;