public static ImportSettings Parse(string[] args, string rootFolder)
            ImportSettings importSettings = new ImportSettings();

            // if there are any errors, they are added to this list, then importing is aborted after parsing arguments
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            // handle manual args (null is default args, not used)
            if (args == null)
                args = SplitArgs(GetEscapedCommandLine()).Skip(1).ToArray();

            // parse commandline arguments
            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                // folder backslash quote fix
                var realArgs = args;

                for (int i = 0; i < realArgs.Length; i++)
                    var cmds = realArgs[i].ToLower().Split(argValueSeparator);

                    // FIXME cannot use contains, it could be in folder or filename
                    if (cmds[0].Contains("?") || cmds[0].ToLower().Contains("help"))

                    if (cmds != null && cmds.Length > 1)
                        var cmd   = cmds[0];
                        var param = cmds[1];

                        //Console.WriteLine("cmd= " + cmd);

                        // check params
                        switch (cmd)
                        case "-importformat":
                            Console.WriteLine("importformat = " + param);

                            string importFormatParsed = param.ToUpper();

                            // TODO check what reader interfaces are available
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importFormatParsed) == true || (importFormatParsed != "LAS" && importFormatParsed != "LAZ"))
                                errors.Add("Unsupported import format: " + param);
                                importSettings.importFormat = ImportFormat.Unknown;
                                importSettings.importFormat = ImportFormat.LAS;
                                importSettings.reader       = new LAZ();

                        case "-exportformat":
                            Console.WriteLine("exportformat = " + param);

                            string exportFormatParsed = param.ToUpper();

                            // TODO check what writer interfaces are available
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportFormatParsed) == true || (exportFormatParsed != "UCPC" && exportFormatParsed != "PCROOT"))
                                errors.Add("Unsupported export format: " + param);
                                importSettings.exportFormat = ExportFormat.Unknown;
                                // TODO later needs more formats..
                                switch (exportFormatParsed)
                                // TODO check enum names or interfaces
                                case "PCROOT":
                                    importSettings.writer       = new PCROOT();
                                    importSettings.exportFormat = ExportFormat.PCROOT;
                                    importSettings.randomize    = true;      // required for V3

                                    importSettings.writer       = new UCPC();
                                    importSettings.exportFormat = ExportFormat.UCPC;

                        case "-input":
                            Console.WriteLine("input = " + param);

                            // if relative folder, FIXME this fails on -input="C:\asdf\etryj\folder\" -importformat=las because backslash in \", apparently this
                            if (Path.IsPathRooted(param) == false)
                                param = Path.Combine(rootFolder, param);

                            // check if its folder or file
                            if (Directory.Exists(param) == true)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                                Console.WriteLine("Batch mode enabled (import whole folder)");
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                                // TODO get file extension from commandline param? but then need to set -format before input.. for now only LAS/LAZ
                                // TODO parse/sort args in required order, not in given order
                                var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(param).Where(file => Regex.IsMatch(file, @"^.+\.(las|laz)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).ToArray();

                                for (int j = 0; j < filePaths.Length; j++)
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Found file: " + filePaths[j]);
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                                importSettings.batch = true;
                            else     // single file
                                if (File.Exists(param) == false)
                                    errors.Add("(A) Input file not found: " + param);
                                    // TODO check if compatible format
                                    //var ext = Path.GetExtension(param).ToLower();

                                    // TODO find better way to check all readers
                                    //if (ext == "las" ||ext == "laz")
                                    Console.WriteLine("added " + param);

                        case "-output":
                            Console.WriteLine("output = " + param);

                            // check if relative or not
                            if (Path.IsPathRooted(param) == false)
                                param = Path.Combine(rootFolder, param);

                            // check if target is folder, but missing last slash, fix c:\data\here into c:\data\here\
                            if (Directory.Exists(param) && param.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) != param.Length - 1)
                                param += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                            // no filename, just output to folder with same name and new extension
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(param)) == true)
                                string inputFileName = null;

                                // batch, so we dont have filename
                                if (importSettings.batch == true)
                                    // give timestamp name for now, if no name given
                                    inputFileName = "batch_" + DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString();
                                else     // single file
                                    if (importSettings.inputFiles.Count > 0)
                                        inputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(importSettings.inputFiles[0]);

                                // had we already set inputfile
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFileName) == true)
                                    errors.Add("-input not defined before -output or Input file doesnt exist, failed to create target filename");
                                else     // have filename, create output filename from it
                                    param = Path.Combine(param, inputFileName + ".ucpc");
                            else     // have output filename
                                // check if target filename uses correct extension
                                var extension = Path.GetExtension(param).ToLower();

                                // FIXME cannot check version here.. otherwise args needs to be in correct order
                                if (importSettings.exportFormat == ExportFormat.UCPC)
                                    if (extension != ".ucpc")
                                        // try to fix extension
                                        var ext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(param);
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) == false)
                                            param = param + ".ucpc";
                                            errors.Add("Invalid output file extension (must use .ucpc): " + extension);

                            // check if target folder exists
                            var outputFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(param);
                            if (Directory.Exists(outputFolder) == false)
                                errors.Add("Output directory not found: " + outputFolder);
                            else     // we have output folder
                                importSettings.outputFile = param;

                        case "-scale":
                            Console.WriteLine("scale = " + param);

                            bool parsedScale = float.TryParse(param, out importSettings.scale);
                            if (parsedScale == false)
                                errors.Add("Invalid scale parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                if (importSettings.scale <= 0)
                                    errors.Add("Scale must be bigger than 0 : " + param);
                                    importSettings.useScale = true;

                        case "-swap":
                            Console.WriteLine("swap = " + param);

                            if (param != "true" && param != "false")
                                errors.Add("Invalid swap parameter: " + param);
                                importSettings.swapYZ = (param == "true");

                        case "-pack":
                            Console.WriteLine("pack = " + param);

                            if (param != "true" && param != "false")
                                errors.Add("Invalid pack parameter: " + param);
                                importSettings.packColors = (param == "true");

                        case "-packmagic":
                            Console.WriteLine("packmagic = " + param);
                            bool packMagicParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.packMagicValue);
                            if (packMagicParsed == false || importSettings.packMagicValue < 1)
                                errors.Add("Invalid packmagic parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                // ok

                        case "-skip":
                            Console.WriteLine("skip = " + param);
                            bool skipParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.skipEveryN);
                            if (skipParsed == false || importSettings.skipEveryN < 2)
                                errors.Add("Invalid skip parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                importSettings.skipPoints = true;

                        case "-keep":
                            Console.WriteLine("keep = " + param);
                            bool keepParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.keepEveryN);
                            if (keepParsed == false || importSettings.keepEveryN < 2)
                                errors.Add("Invalid keep parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                importSettings.keepPoints = true;

                        case "-maxfiles":
                            Console.WriteLine("maxfiles = " + param);
                            bool maxFilesParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.maxFiles);
                            if (maxFilesParsed == false)
                                errors.Add("Invalid maxfiles parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                // ok

                        case "-offset":
                            Console.WriteLine("offset = " + param);

                            // check if its true or false
                            if (param != "false" && param != "true")
                                // check if its valid integer x,z
                                if (param.IndexOf(',') > -1)
                                    var temp = param.Split(',');
                                    if (temp.Length == 3)
                                        float xOff, yOff, zOff;
                                        if (float.TryParse(temp[0].Trim(), out xOff) && float.TryParse(temp[1].Trim(), out yOff) && float.TryParse(temp[2].Trim(), out zOff))
                                            importSettings.manualOffsetX   = -xOff;
                                            importSettings.manualOffsetY   = -yOff;
                                            importSettings.manualOffsetZ   = -zOff;
                                            importSettings.useManualOffset = true;
                                            importSettings.useAutoOffset   = false;
                                            errors.Add("Invalid manual offset parameters for x,y,z: " + param);
                                        errors.Add("Wrong amount of manual offset parameters for x,y,z: " + param);
                                    errors.Add("Invalid offset parameter: " + param);
                            else     // autooffset
                                importSettings.useAutoOffset   = (param == "true");
                                importSettings.useManualOffset = false;

                        case "-limit":
                            Console.WriteLine("limit = " + param);
                            // TODO add option to use percentage
                            bool limitParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.limit);
                            if (limitParsed == false || importSettings.limit <= 0)
                                errors.Add("Invalid limit parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                importSettings.useLimit = true;

                        case "-gridsize":
                            Console.WriteLine("gridsize = " + param);

                            bool gridSizeParsed = float.TryParse(param, out importSettings.gridSize);
                            if (gridSizeParsed == false || importSettings.gridSize < 0.01f)
                                errors.Add("Invalid gridsize parameter: " + param);
                            else     // got value
                                // ok

                        case "-minpoints":
                            Console.WriteLine("minPoints = " + param);
                            bool minpointsParsed = int.TryParse(param, out importSettings.minimumPointCount);
                            if (minpointsParsed == false || importSettings.minimumPointCount < 1)
                                errors.Add("Invalid minpoints parameter: " + param + " (should be >0)");
                            else     // got value
                                // ok

                        case "-randomize":
                            Console.WriteLine("randomize = " + param);

                            if (param != "false" && param != "true")
                                errors.Add("Invalid randomize parameter: " + param);
                                importSettings.randomize = (param == "true");

                        case "?":
                        case "/?":
                        case "help":
                        case "/help":
                        case "-help":
                        case "-?":

                            errors.Add("Unrecognized option: " + cmd + argValueSeparator + param);
            else // if no commandline args
                Tools.PrintHelpAndExit(argValueSeparator, waitEnter: true);

            // check that we had input
            if (importSettings.inputFiles.Count == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.inputFiles[0]) == true)
                errors.Add("No input file(s) defined (use -input" + argValueSeparator + "yourfile.las)");
            else // have input
                if (importSettings.batch == true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found " + importSettings.inputFiles.Count + " files..");
                else // not in batch
                    if (File.Exists(importSettings.inputFiles[0]) == false)
                        errors.Add("(B) Input file not found: " + importSettings.inputFiles[0]);

                    // if no output file defined, put in same folder as source
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.outputFile) == true)
                        // v2 output
                        var outputFolder   = Path.GetDirectoryName(importSettings.inputFiles[0]);
                        var outputFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(importSettings.inputFiles[0]);
                        importSettings.outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFilename + ".ucpc");

            // check required settings
            if (importSettings.exportFormat == ExportFormat.Unknown)
                errors.Add("No export format defined (Example: -exportformat" + argValueSeparator + "UCPC)");

            if (importSettings.batch == true && importSettings.exportFormat != ExportFormat.PCROOT)
                errors.Add("Folder batch is only supported for PCROOT (v3) version: -exportformat=pcroot");

            if (importSettings.skipPoints == true && importSettings.keepPoints == true)
                errors.Add("Cannot have both -keep and -skip enabled");

            if (importSettings.importFormat == ImportFormat.Unknown)
                importSettings.importFormat = ImportFormat.LAS;
                importSettings.reader       = new LAZ();
                Console.WriteLine("No import format defined, using Default: " + importSettings.importFormat.ToString());

            if (importSettings.randomize == false && importSettings.exportFormat == ExportFormat.PCROOT)
                errors.Add("V3 pcroot export format requires -randomize=true to randomize points");

            //if (decimatePoints == true && (skipPoints == true || keepPoints == true))
            //    errors.Add("Cannot use -keep or -skip when using -decimate");

            // show errors
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\nErrors found:");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine(i + "> " + errors[i]);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Esempio n. 2
        // process single file
        static void ParseFile(ImportSettings importSettings, int fileIndex)
            var res = importSettings.reader.InitReader(importSettings.inputFiles[fileIndex]);

            if (res == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown error while initializing reader: " + importSettings.inputFiles[fileIndex]);

            // NOTE pointcount not available in all formats
            int fullPointCount = importSettings.reader.GetPointCount();
            int pointCount     = fullPointCount;

            // show stats for decimations
            if (importSettings.skipPoints == true)
                var afterSkip = (int)Math.Floor(pointCount - (pointCount / (float)importSettings.skipEveryN));
                Console.WriteLine("Skip every X points is enabled, original points: " + fullPointCount + ", After skipping:" + afterSkip);

            if (importSettings.keepPoints == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Keep every x points is enabled, original points: " + fullPointCount + ", After keeping:" + (pointCount / importSettings.keepEveryN));

            if (importSettings.useLimit == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Original points: " + pointCount + " Limited points: " + importSettings.limit);
                pointCount = importSettings.limit > pointCount ? pointCount : importSettings.limit;
                Console.WriteLine("Points: " + pointCount);

            // NOTE only works with formats that have bounds defined in header, otherwise need to loop whole file to get bounds
            var bounds = importSettings.reader.GetBounds();

            if (importSettings.useAutoOffset == true)
                // get offset only from the first file, other files use same offset
                if (fileIndex == 0)
                    // offset cloud to be near 0,0,0
                    importSettings.offsetX = bounds.minX;
                    importSettings.offsetY = bounds.minY;
                    importSettings.offsetZ = bounds.minZ;
            else if (importSettings.useManualOffset == true)
                importSettings.offsetX = importSettings.manualOffsetX;
                importSettings.offsetY = importSettings.manualOffsetY;
                importSettings.offsetZ = importSettings.manualOffsetZ;
                importSettings.offsetX = 0;
                importSettings.offsetY = 0;
                importSettings.offsetZ = 0;

            var writerRes = importSettings.writer.InitWriter(importSettings, pointCount);

            if (writerRes == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error> Failed to initialize Writer");

            // Loop all points
            for (int i = 0; i < fullPointCount; i++)
                // stop at limit count
                if (importSettings.useLimit == true && i > pointCount)

                // get point XYZ
                Float3 point = importSettings.reader.GetXYZ();
                if (point.hasError == true)

                // add offsets (its 0 if not used)
                point.x -= importSettings.offsetX;
                point.y -= importSettings.offsetY;
                point.z -= importSettings.offsetZ;

                // scale if enabled
                point.x = importSettings.useScale ? point.x * importSettings.scale : point.x;
                point.y = importSettings.useScale ? point.y * importSettings.scale : point.y;
                point.z = importSettings.useScale ? point.z * importSettings.scale : point.z;

                // flip if enabled
                if (importSettings.swapYZ == true)
                    var tempZ = point.z;
                    point.z = point.y;
                    point.y = tempZ;

                // get point color
                Color rgb = importSettings.reader.GetRGB();

                // collect this point XYZ and RGB into node
                importSettings.writer.AddPoint(i, (float)point.x, (float)point.y, (float)point.z, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);


            // if this was last file
            if (fileIndex == (importSettings.maxFiles - 1))
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
        } // ParseFile