private List <ICurrency> GetDefaultCurrency()
            FetchCurrencyLogic fetchCurrencyLogic = new FetchCurrencyLogic();
            var currencyLogicList = fetchCurrencyLogic.Execute();
            var currencyList      = new List <ICurrency>();

            foreach (var currencyLogic in currencyLogicList)
                Currency.Currency currency = new Currency.Currency
                    Name         = currencyLogic.Name,
                    Requirements = currencyLogic.Requirements
                                   .Select(x => _currencyRequirementFactory.GetRequirement(x.Key, x.Value))
                    CurrencyModifiers = _currencyModifiersFactory.GetCurrencyModifiers(currencyLogic.Modifiers),
                    Steps             = currencyLogic.Steps
                                        .Select(x => _currencyStepFactory.GetCurrencyStep(x.Key, x.Value))


        private ICurrency EssenceToCurrency(Essence essence)
            Currency.Currency currency = new Currency.Currency();

            currency.Name = essence.Name;

            var rarityRequirement = essence.Level >= 6 ?
                                    new List <RarityOptions>()
                RarityOptions.Normal, RarityOptions.Rare
            } :
            new List <RarityOptions>()

            var rarityValidations = rarityRequirement.Select(x => _currencyRequirementValidator.ValidateRarity(x)).ToArray();


            currency.CurrencyModifiers = new CurrencyModifiers(null, null, essence.ItemLevelRestriction, null, null);

            currency.Steps = new List <Action <Equipment, AffixManager, CurrencyModifiers> >()

        // Todo: Add this to the misc currency file later
        private ICurrency RemoveMasterCrafts()
            Currency.Currency currency = new Currency.Currency();

            currency.Name = "Remove Master Mods";

            currency.Requirements = new List <Func <Equipment, bool> >()


        private ICurrency MasterModToCurrency(IGrouping <string, MasterMod> masterMods)
            Currency.Currency currency = new Currency.Currency();

            currency.Name = masterMods.Key;

            var generationType = masterMods.First().Affix.GenerationType;

            if (masterMods.Any(x => x.Affix.GenerationType != generationType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("All master mods with the same name must have the same generation type");

            var group = masterMods.First().Affix.Group;

            if (masterMods.Any(x => x.Affix.Group != group))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("All master mods with the same name must have the same group");

            var allItemClasses      = masterMods.SelectMany(x => x.ItemClasses).ToList();
            var distinctItemClasses = allItemClasses.Distinct();

            if (allItemClasses.Count() != distinctItemClasses.Count())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("All master mods with the same name must apply to different item classes");

            var explicitOption = generationType == "prefix"
                ? ExplicitOptions.Prefix
                : ExplicitOptions.Suffix;

            bool isMultiMod = masterMods.Key == multiMod;

            currency.Requirements = new List <Func <Equipment, bool> >()
                _currencyRequirementValidator.ValidateMatchingGroup(group, GenericOptions.None),
                _currencyRequirementValidator.ValidateItemClass(new HashSet <string>(allItemClasses), GenericOptions.Any),

            Dictionary <string, Affix> affixesByItemClass = new Dictionary <string, Affix>();
            Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, int> > currencyByItemClass = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, int> >();

            foreach (var masterMod in masterMods)
                foreach (var itemClass in masterMod.ItemClasses)
                    affixesByItemClass.Add(itemClass, masterMod.Affix);
                    currencyByItemClass.Add(itemClass, new KeyValuePair <string, int>(masterMod.CurrencyType, masterMod.CurrencyCost));


            currency.CalculateCost = (item, s) => new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { currencyByItemClass[item.ItemBase.ItemClass].Key, currencyByItemClass[item.ItemBase.ItemClass].Value }

        private ICurrency FossilsToCurrency(List <Fossil> fossils)
            if (fossils.Count > 4 || fossils.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 fossils are supported");

            if (fossils.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct().Count() != fossils.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Every fossil must be unique");

            Currency.Currency currency = new Currency.Currency();

            currency.Name = fossils.Count == 1 ? fossils[0].Name : "Fossil";

            // The cost different between Alchemical resonators and Chaotic resonators
            // compared to the cost of using a scouring orb is minor. I just assume Alchemical + scour if necessary.
            var currencyValidation = _currencyRequirementValidator.ValidateAny(


            var weightModifiers = fossils
                                  .SelectMany(x => x.ModWeightModifiers)
                                  .GroupBy(x => x.Key)
                                  .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Aggregate(1d, (y, z) => y * z.Value / 100d));

            var addedAffixes = fossils
                               .SelectMany(x => x.AddedAffixes)

            currency.CurrencyModifiers = new CurrencyModifiers(addedAffixes,
                                                               new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, double>(weightModifiers),
                                                               fossils.Any(x => x.RollsLucky),

            int corruptedEssenceChance = fossils
                                         .Select(x => x.CorruptedEssenceChance)

            corruptedEssenceChance = Math.Min(100, corruptedEssenceChance);

            if (corruptedEssenceChance != 0)
                currency.Steps.Add(ChanceToAddRandomEssenceStep(corruptedEssenceChance, _corruptedEssences));

            currency.CalculateCost = (equipment, s) =>
                var cost = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                if (equipment.Rarity != EquipmentRarity.Normal)
                    cost.Add(CurrencyNames.ScouringOrb, 1);

                foreach (var fossil in fossils)
                    cost.Add(fossil.Name, 1);

                cost.Add(_alchemicalResonators[fossils.Count], 1);

