///<summary> /// Load the Description in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get the Description ///</summary> public void LoadDescription() { if (TheCourse == null || TheCourse.CourseId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load Description. Need CourseId and CultureCode"); BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); TheDescription = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, TheCourse.CourseId, ETextItemType.CourseDescription); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(hdnrichtext.Value); t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = Regex.Replace(tbTheText.Text, "<[^>]*>", String.Empty); if (ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex > 0) { t.Text = "<h" + ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex.ToString() + ">" + t.Text + "</h" + ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex.ToString() + ">"; } t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } }
public void CreatePhText(PHText p) { using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository <PHText>(); rep.Insert(p); } }
public void DeletePhText(PHText p) { using (IDataContext db = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = db.GetRepository <PHText>(); rep.Delete(p); } }
public void CreatePhText(PHText p) { using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository<PHText>(); rep.Insert(p); } }
///<summary> /// Load the title in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Title ///</summary> public void LoadTitle() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0) { throw new Exception("Cannot load title. Need PluggId"); } BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); TheTitle = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggTitle); }
///<summary> /// Load the Description in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Description ///</summary> public void LoadDescription() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0 || CultureCode == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot load Description. Need PluggId and CultureCode"); } BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); TheTitle = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggDescription); }
/// <summary> /// Will get the latest version of text in language cultureCode for itemType/itemId /// If the text does not exist, it creates a PHText where TextId=0 /// </summary> /// <param name="cultureCode"></param> /// <param name="itemId"></param> /// <param name="itemType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PHText GetCurrentVersionText(string cultureCode, int itemId, ETextItemType itemType) { PHText txt = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(cultureCode, itemId, itemType); if (txt == null) { txt = new PHText(); txt.Text = "(No text)"; txt.CultureCode = cultureCode; txt.ItemId = itemId; txt.ItemType = itemType; } return(txt); }
public PHText GetCurrentVersionText(string cultureCode, int itemId, ETextItemType itemType) { IEnumerable <PHText> txt; PHText theText = null; using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository <PHText>(); txt = rep.Find("WHERE CultureCode = @0 AND ItemId = @1 AND ItemType = @2 AND CurrentVersion = 'True'", cultureCode, itemId, (int)itemType); } if (txt.Any()) { theText = txt.First(); //Can only be at most one. } return(theText); }
/// <summary> /// Must set Text, ItemId, ItemType, CultureCode, CultureCodeStatus and CreatedByUserId or it will not save anything /// If text is versioned, it creates a new version /// If text is not versioned, it creates new text or updates text depending on TextId. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void SavePhText(PHText t) { if (t.Text == null || t.ItemId == 0 || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.NotSet || t.CultureCode == null || t.CultureCodeStatus == ECultureCodeStatus.NotSet || t.CreatedByUserId == 0) { return; //Nothing to save } if (t.ModifiedByUserId == 0) { t.ModifiedByUserId = t.CreatedByUserId; } t.ModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now; t.CurrentVersion = true; bool isVersioned = (t.ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.CoursePluggText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.CourseRichRichText); if (isVersioned) { var prevText = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(t.CultureCode, t.ItemId, t.ItemType); if (prevText == null) { t.Version = 1; } else { t.Version = prevText.Version + 1; prevText.CurrentVersion = false; rep.UpdatePhText(prevText); } t.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePhText(t); } else { t.Version = 0; if (t.TextId == 0) { t.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePhText(t); } else { rep.UpdatePhText(t); } } }
//public void CreateCourse(Course c, List<CourseItemEntity> cis) //{ // rep.CreateCourse(c); // try // { // foreach (CourseItemEntity ci in cis) // { // ci.CourseId = c.CourseId; // rep.CreateCourseItem(ci); // } // } // catch (Exception) // { // DeleteCourse(c); // throw; // } // //Create CoursePage // DNNHelper d = new DNNHelper(); // string pageUrl = "C" + c.CourseId.ToString(); // string pageName = pageUrl + ": " + c.Title; // try // { // TabInfo newTab = d.AddCoursePage(pageName, pageUrl); // c.TabId = newTab.TabID; // rep.UpdateCourse(c); // } // catch (Exception) // { // DeleteCourse(c); // throw; // } //} //public Course GetCourse(int CourseID) //{ // return rep.GetCourse(CourseID); //} //public void DeleteCourse(Course c) //{ // // Todo: Don't delete course if: It has comments or ratings // // Todo: Soft delete of Course // if (c == null) // { // throw new Exception("Cannot delete: Course not initialized"); // return; // } // TabController tabController = new TabController(); // TabInfo getTab = tabController.GetTab(c.TabId); // if (getTab != null) // { // DNNHelper h = new DNNHelper(); // h.DeleteTab(getTab); // } // var cis = rep.GetItemsInCourse(c.CourseId); // foreach (CourseItem ciDelete in cis) // { // rep.DeleteCourseItem(ciDelete); // } // rep.DeleteCourse(c); //} #endregion #region CourseItem //public IEnumerable<CourseItem> GetCourseItems(int CourseID, int ItemID) //{ // return rep.GetCourseItems(CourseID, ItemID); //} //public List<CourseItem> GetItemsInCourse(int courseId) //{ // return rep.GetItemsInCourse(courseId); //} //public IList<CourseItem> FlatToHierarchy(IEnumerable<CourseItem> list, int motherId = 0) //{ // return (from i in list // where i.MotherId == motherId // select new CourseItem // { // CourseItemId = i.CourseItemId, // CourseId = i.CourseId, // ItemId = i.ItemId, // CIOrder = i.CIOrder, // ItemType = i.ItemType, // MotherId = i.MotherId, // //Mother = i, // label = i.label, // name = i.name, // children = FlatToHierarchy(list, i.CourseItemId) // }).ToList(); //} //public IList<CourseItem> GetCourseItemsAsTree(int courseId) //{ // List<CourseItem> source = GetItemsInCourse(courseId); // return FlatToHierarchy(source); //} ////It is assumed that all CourseItems are in the same course //public void SaveCourseItems(IList<CourseItem> cis, int courseId, int motherId = 0) //{ // CourseItemEntity cie = new CourseItemEntity(); // int ciOrder = 1; // foreach (CourseItem ci in cis) // { // DeleteCourseItem(ci); //Deletes heading as well if item is a heading // if (ci.ItemType == ECourseItemType.Heading) // { // CourseMenuHeadings ch = new CourseMenuHeadings(); // ch.Title = ci.name; // rep.CreateHeading(ch); // cie.ItemId = ch.HeadingID; // } // else // cie.ItemId = ci.ItemId; // cie.CourseId = courseId; // cie.CIOrder = ciOrder; // cie.ItemType = ci.ItemType; // cie.MotherId = motherId; // rep.CreateCourseItem(cie); // ciOrder += 1; // if (ci.children != null) // SaveCourseItems(ci.children, courseId, cie.CourseItemId); // } //} //public void CreateCourseItem(CourseItem ci) //{ // rep.CreateCourseItem(ci); //} //public void UpdateCourseItem(CourseItem ci) //{ // rep.UpdateCourseItem(ci); //} //public void DeleteCourseItem(CourseItem ci) //{ // if (ci.ItemType == ECourseItemType.Heading) // rep.DeleteHeading(new CourseMenuHeadings() {HeadingID =ci.ItemId}); // rep.DeleteCourseItem(ci); //} #endregion #region PHTextAndLatex /// <summary> /// This method will save the text in all Culture Codes /// It expects the text to be created in t.CultureCode /// It will call SavePhText(t) /// It then translates t into all languages and calls SavePhText on each text /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void SavePhTextInAllCc(PHText t) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; SavePhText(t); //Save Text in created language LocaleController lc = new LocaleController(); var locales = lc.GetLocales(PortalID); PHText translatedText; foreach (var locale in locales) { if (locale.Key != t.CultureCode) { translatedText = GetCurrentVersionText(locale.Key, t.ItemId, t.ItemType); translatedText.Text = TranslateText(t.CultureCode.Substring(0, 2), locale.Key.Substring(0, 2), t.Text); translatedText.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated; SavePhText(translatedText); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = Regex.Replace(tbTheText.Text, "<[^>]*>", String.Empty); t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); if (ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggTitle) { string newPageName = ItemId.ToString() + ": " + t.Text; PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(CultureCode, ItemId); DNNHelper h = new DNNHelper(); h.RenameTab(pc.ThePlugg.TabId, newPageName); } if (ItemType == ETextItemType.CourseTitle) { string newPageName = "C" + ItemId.ToString() + ": " + t.Text; CourseContainer cc = new CourseContainer(CultureCode, ItemId); DNNHelper h = new DNNHelper(); h.RenameTab(cc.TheCourse.TabId, newPageName); } Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "translate=0", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtTitle.Text.Trim() == "") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Err", "alert('Please enter title !')", true); return; } BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(new Localization().CurrentCulture); //pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; //pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.PluggId = 0; pc.SetTitle(txtTitle.Text); //pc.SetDescription(txtDescription.Text); PHText RichRichText = new PHText(); RichRichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; cmpData.Add(RichRichText); Plugghest.Base2.YouTube objYouTube = new Plugghest.Base2.YouTube(); cmpData.Add(objYouTube); bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); txtTitle.Text = ""; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('New Plugg is created successfully')", true); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('Error : " + ex.Message + "')", true); } }
/// <summary> /// Will get the latest version of text in language cultureCode for itemType/itemId /// If the text does not exist, it creates a PHText where TextId=0 /// </summary> /// <param name="cultureCode"></param> /// <param name="itemId"></param> /// <param name="itemType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PHText GetCurrentVersionText(string cultureCode, int itemId, ETextItemType itemType) { PHText txt = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(cultureCode, itemId, itemType); if(txt == null) { txt = new PHText(); txt.Text = "(No text)"; txt.CultureCode = cultureCode; txt.ItemId = itemId; txt.ItemType = itemType; } return txt; }
/// <summary> /// Must set Text, ItemId, ItemType, CultureCode, CultureCodeStatus and CreatedByUserId or it will not save anything /// If text is versioned, it creates a new version /// If text is not versioned, it creates new text or updates text depending on TextId. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void SavePhText(PHText t) { if (t.Text == null || t.ItemId == 0 || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.NotSet || t.CultureCode == null || t.CultureCodeStatus == ECultureCodeStatus.NotSet || t.CreatedByUserId == 0) return; //Nothing to save if (t.ModifiedByUserId == 0) t.ModifiedByUserId = t.CreatedByUserId; t.ModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now; t.CurrentVersion = true; bool isVersioned = (t.ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.CoursePluggText || t.ItemType == ETextItemType.CourseRichRichText); if (isVersioned) { var prevText = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(t.CultureCode, t.ItemId, t.ItemType); if (prevText == null) { t.Version = 1; } else { t.Version = prevText.Version + 1; prevText.CurrentVersion = false; rep.UpdatePhText(prevText); } t.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePhText(t); } else { t.Version = 0; if (t.TextId == 0) { t.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePhText(t); } else rep.UpdatePhText(t); } }
protected void btnSaveTitle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(new Localization().CurrentCulture); pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.PluggId = 0; pc.ThePlugg.WhoCanEdit = (EWhoCanEdit)Enum.Parse(typeof(EWhoCanEdit), rdEditPlug.SelectedValue); pc.SetTitle(txtTitle.Text); pc.SetDescription(txtDescription.Text); List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); foreach (string StrCmpData in hdcmpData.Value.Split(new string[] { "$#%#$%" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string[] straCmpData = StrCmpData.Split(new string[] { "$$$&$$$" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (straCmpData[0]) { case "RichRichText": PHText RichRichText = new PHText(); RichRichText.Text = straCmpData[1]; RichRichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; cmpData.Add(RichRichText); break; case "RichText": PHText RichText = new PHText(); RichText.Text = straCmpData[1]; RichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText; cmpData.Add(RichText); break; case "Label": PHText Label = new PHText(); Label.Text = straCmpData[1]; Label.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel; cmpData.Add(Label); break; case "Latex": PHLatex Latex = new PHLatex(straCmpData[1], new Localization().CurrentCulture,ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); cmpData.Add(Latex); break; case "YouTube": Plugghest.Base2.YouTube objYouTube = new Plugghest.Base2.YouTube(); string[] strYoutubeval = straCmpData[1].Split(new string[] { "&&&$$&&&" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); objYouTube.YouTubeAuthor = strYoutubeval[3]; objYouTube.YouTubeCode = strYoutubeval[2]; objYouTube.YouTubeComment = strYoutubeval[5]; objYouTube.YouTubeCreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(strYoutubeval[4]); objYouTube.YouTubeDuration = Convert.ToInt32(strYoutubeval[1]); objYouTube.YouTubeTitle = strYoutubeval[0]; cmpData.Add(objYouTube); break; } } bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); }
public void CreateSubject(Subject s, int userId) { if (s == null || s.SubjectId != 0 || s.SubjectOrder == 0) throw new Exception("Cannot create subject"); IEnumerable<Subject> sameMother = rep.GetChildrenSubjects(s.MotherId); foreach(Subject tmpS in sameMother) { if (tmpS.SubjectOrder >= s.SubjectOrder) { tmpS.SubjectOrder++; rep.UpdateSubject(tmpS); } } rep.CreateSubject(s); PHText sText = new PHText(s.label, "en-US", ETextItemType.Subject); sText.CreatedByUserId = userId; sText.ItemId = s.SubjectId; sText.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; SavePhTextInAllCc(sText); }
///<summary> /// Load TheHtmlCourseText in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get TheHtmlCourseText ///</summary> public void LoadTheHtmlCourseText() { if (TheCourse == null || TheCourse.CourseId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load TheHtmlCourseText. Need CourseId and CultureCode"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheHtmlCourseText = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, TheCourse.CourseId, ETextItemType.CourseRichRichText); }
///<summary> /// Creates a HtmlCourseText Object (a PHText). /// Sets its Text to htmlText, /// its CultureCode to the CultureCode of the CourseContainer, /// its ETextItemType to CourseRichRichText. /// its ItemId to TheCourse.CourseId /// To save it (itemId must be different from zero) use BaseHandler.SavePhText(PHText t) or SavePhTextInAllCc /// Note that BaseHandler.CreateCourse(CourseContainer c) will NOT create HtmlCourseText ///</summary> public void SetTheHtmlCourseText(string htmlText) { TheHtmlCourseText = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.CourseRichRichText); TheHtmlCourseText.ItemId = TheCourse.CourseId; }
private void CreateBtnImproveHumGoogleTrans(PluggComponent comp, PHText lbl, string css, string id,string BtnText) { Button btnImpHumTras = new Button(); btnImpHumTras.CssClass = css; btnImpHumTras.ID = id; btnImpHumTras.Text = BtnText; btnImpHumTras.Click += (s, e) => { ImpGoogleTrans(comp, lbl); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(btnImpHumTras); }
/////<summary> ///// Loads all the components of a Course into TheComponents. ///// Note: If the actual content of the component has not yet been created, Load will create an empty object with the correct ItemType /////</summary> ///// <returns> returns nothing.</returns> //public void LoadComponents() //{ // BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); // TheComponents = rep.GetAllComponentsInCourse(TheCourse.CourseId); //} //public List<CourseComponent> GetComponentList() //{ // if (TheComponents == null) // LoadComponents(); // return TheComponents.ToList(); //} public void SetRichRichText(string htmlText) { TheRichRichText = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.CourseRichRichText); }
///<summary> /// Create a Description Object (a PHText). /// Sets its Text to htmlText, /// its CultureCode to the CultureCode of the PluggContainer, /// its ETextItemType to PluggDescription. /// To save it, use BaseHandler.SavePhText(PHText t) ///</summary> public void SetDescription(string htmlText) { TheDescription = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.PluggDescription); }
private string CreateDiv(PHText Phtxt, string divid, string obj) { string HTMLstring = ""; if (Phtxt == null) HTMLstring = "<div><div id=" + divid + " class='Main'" + obj + " "; else HTMLstring = "<div><div id=" + divid + " class='Main'=>" + obj + " " + Phtxt.Text + " "; divTitle.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(HTMLstring)); return HTMLstring; }
///<summary> /// Load the Description in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Description ///</summary> public void LoadDescription() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load Description. Need PluggId and CultureCode"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheDescription = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggDescription); }
///<summary> /// Load the Description in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Description ///</summary> public void LoadDescription() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load Description. Need PluggId and CultureCode"); BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); TheTitle = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggDescription); }
private void GoogleTranText(PHText txt) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); txt.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(txt); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", new string[] { "edit=" + EditStr, "language=" + curlan })); }
/// <summary> /// This method will save the text in all Culture Codes /// It expects the text to be created in t.CultureCode /// It will call SavePhText(t) /// It then translates t into all languages and calls SavePhText on each text /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void SavePhTextInAllCc(PHText t) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; SavePhText(t); //Save Text in created language LocaleController lc = new LocaleController(); var locales = lc.GetLocales(PortalID); PHText translatedText; foreach (var locale in locales) { if (locale.Key != t.CultureCode) { translatedText = GetCurrentVersionText(locale.Key, t.ItemId, t.ItemType); translatedText.Text = TranslateText(t.CultureCode.Substring(0, 2), locale.Key.Substring(0, 2), t.Text); translatedText.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated; SavePhText(translatedText); } } }
///<summary> /// Load the title in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get the Title ///</summary> public void LoadTitle() { if (TheCourse == null || TheCourse.CourseId == 0) throw new Exception("Cannot load title. Need CourseId"); BaseRepository rep = new BaseRepository(); TheTitle = rep.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, TheCourse.CourseId, ETextItemType.CourseTitle); }
private void CreateBtnGoogleT(PHText rrt, string CssClassGT, string IDGT) { Button btnGT = new Button(); btnGT.CssClass = CssClassGT; btnGT.ID = IDGT; btnGT.Text = BtnGoogleTransTxtOkTxt; btnGT.Click += (s, e) => { GoogleTranText(rrt); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(btnGT); }
public void UpdatePhText(PHText p) { using (IDataContext db = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = db.GetRepository<PHText>(); rep.Update(p); } }
private void CreateBtnEdit(PluggComponent comp, PHText lbl, string CssClass, string ID) { Button editbtn = new Button(); editbtn.CssClass = CssClass; editbtn.ID = ID; editbtn.Text = BtnEditTxt; editbtn.Click += (s, e) => { ImpGoogleTrans(comp, lbl); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(editbtn); }
///<summary> /// Create a Description Object (a PHText). /// Sets its Text to htmlText, /// its CultureCode to the CultureCode of the CourseContainer, /// its ETextItemType to CourseDescription. /// its ItemId to TheCourse.CourseId /// To save Description if ItemId is not zero (existing Course), use BaseHandler.SavePhText(PHText t) or SavePhTextInAllCc /// If this is a new course, use BaseHandler.CreateCourse(CourseContainer c) which also creates the Description in all Cc ///</summary> public void SetDescription(string htmlText) { TheDescription = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.CourseDescription); TheDescription.ItemId = TheCourse.CourseId; }
protected void btnSaveRRt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var id = hdnlabel.Value; var itemid = Convert.ToInt32(id); List<PluggComponent> comps = p.GetComponentList(); PluggComponent cToAdd = comps.Find(x => x.PluggComponentId == Convert.ToInt32(id)); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); var comtype = cToAdd.ComponentType; switch (cToAdd.ComponentType) { case EComponentType.RichRichText: //PHText RichRichText = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(curlan, itemid, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); //RichRichText.Text = richrichtext.Text; PHText objPHtext = new PHText(System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(richrichtext.Text), curlan, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); objPHtext.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated; objPHtext.ItemId = itemid; objPHtext.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; if (EditStr == "2") objPHtext.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(objPHtext); break; case EComponentType.Latex: PHLatex latex = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(curlan, Convert.ToInt32(id), ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); latex.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated; latex.ItemId = itemid; latex.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; latex.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(richrichtext.Text); //bh.SaveLatexText(latex); bh.SaveLatexTextInAllCc(latex); break; } Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", new string[] { "edit=" + EditStr, "language=" + curlan })); }
///<summary> /// Creates a Title Object (a PHText). /// Sets its Text to htmlText, /// its CultureCode to the CultureCode of the CourseContainer, /// its ETextItemType to CourseTitle, /// its ItemId to TheCourse.CourseId /// To save Title if ItemId is not zero (existing Course), use BaseHandler.SavePhText(PHText t) or SavePhTextInAllCc /// If this is a new course, use BaseHandler.CreateCourse(CourseContainer c) which also creates the Title in all Cc ///</summary> public void SetTitle(string htmlText) { TheTitle = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.CourseTitle); TheTitle.ItemId = TheCourse.CourseId; }
private void ImpGoogleTrans(PluggComponent comp, PHText CulTxt) { hdnlabel.Value = Convert.ToString(comp.PluggComponentId); string text = CulTxt.Text; switch (comp.ComponentType) { case EComponentType.Label: CompHide(); txtlabel.Text = text; pnllabel.Visible = true; break; case EComponentType.RichText: CompHide(); richtextbox.Visible = true; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "", " $(document).ready(function () {$('#editor').html('" + text.Replace("\r\n", "<br />") + "')});", true); break; case EComponentType.RichRichText: CompHide(); pnlRRT.Visible = true; richrichtext.Text = text; break; } pnlPluggCom.Visible = false; }
///<summary> /// Load the title in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Title ///</summary> public void LoadTitle() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0) throw new Exception("Cannot load title. Need PluggId"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheTitle = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggTitle); }
///<summary> /// Creates a Title Object (a PHText). /// Sets its Text to htmlText, /// its CultureCode to the CultureCode of the PluggContainer, /// its ETextItemType to PluggTitle. /// To save it, use BaseHandler.SavePhText(PHText t) ///</summary> public void SetTitle(string htmlText) { TheTitle = new PHText(htmlText, CultureCode, ETextItemType.PluggTitle); }
public void SavePlugg(PluggContainer p, List <object> cs) { if (p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode != null && p.CultureCode != p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode) { throw new Exception("Cannot use SavePlugg unless you are saving it in the creation language."); } p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode = p.CultureCode; try { bool isNew = p.ThePlugg.PluggId == 0; //Temporary - to avoid login - remove soon p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = 1; p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = 1; //Save Plugg entity p.ThePlugg.ModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now; if (isNew) { p.ThePlugg.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } else { rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } //Save Title if (p.TheTitle == null || p.TheTitle.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot Save Plugg. TheTitle cannot be null"); } if (p.TheTitle.TextId == 0) { p.TheTitle.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheTitle.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggTitle; p.TheTitle.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheTitle.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheTitle.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheTitle); //Save or Update if (p.TheDescription != null && p.TheDescription.Text != null) { if (p.TheDescription.TextId == 0) { p.TheDescription.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheDescription.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggDescription; p.TheDescription.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheDescription.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheDescription.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheDescription); } int cmpOrder = 1; PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.PluggId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; foreach (object cmp in cs) { pc.ComponentOrder = cmpOrder; switch (cmp.GetType().Name) { case "PHText": PHText theText = (PHText)cmp; switch (theText.ItemType) { case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichRichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Label; break; } rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theText.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theText.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theText.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SavePhTextInAllCc(theText); break; case "PHLatex": PHLatex theLatex = (PHLatex)cmp; pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Latex; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theLatex.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theLatex.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theLatex.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SaveLatexTextInAllCc(theLatex); break; case "YouTube": pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.YouTube; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); YouTube theVideo = (YouTube)cmp; theVideo.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; theVideo.PluggComponentId = pc.PluggComponentId; SaveYouTube(theVideo); break; } cmpOrder++; } //Create PluggPage DNNHelper d = new DNNHelper(); string pageUrl = p.ThePlugg.PluggId.ToString(); string pageName = pageUrl + ": " + p.TheTitle.Text; TabInfo newTab = d.AddPluggPage(pageName, pageUrl); p.ThePlugg.TabId = newTab.TabID; rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } catch (Exception) { //Todo: Update //DeletePlugg(p.ThePlugg); throw; } }