/// <summary>
        /// Performs initial setup for the panel; we no longer use Start() as that's not sufficiently reliable (race conditions), and is no longer needed, with the new create/destroy process.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Setup()
            // Basic setup.
            isVisible               = true;
            canFocus                = true;
            isInteractive           = true;
            backgroundSprite        = "UnlockingPanel";
            autoLayout              = true;
            autoLayoutDirection     = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            autoLayoutPadding.top   = 5;
            autoLayoutPadding.left  = 5;
            autoLayoutPadding.right = 5;
            builtinKeyNavigation    = true;
            clipChildren            = true;

            // Standardise button widths.
            float buttonWidth = this.width - autoLayoutPadding.left - autoLayoutPadding.right;

            // Save button.
            saveButton             = UIControls.AddButton(this, autoLayoutPadding.left, 0f, Translations.Translate("PRR_SAV_SAV"), buttonWidth);
            saveButton.eventClick += (control, clickEvent) => Save();

            // Add local settings button.
            addLocalButton             = UIControls.AddButton(this, autoLayoutPadding.left, 0f, Translations.Translate("PRR_SAV_ADD"), buttonWidth);
            addLocalButton.eventClick += (control, clickEvent) => AddLocal();

            // 'Remove local settings' button.
            removeLocalButton             = UIControls.AddButton(this, autoLayoutPadding.left, 0f, Translations.Translate("PRR_SAV_REM"), buttonWidth);
            removeLocalButton.eventClick += (control, clickEvent) => RemoveLocal();

            // Warning label for 'apply changes' being experimental.
            UILabel warningLabel = this.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            warningLabel.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            warningLabel.autoSize      = false;
            warningLabel.autoHeight    = true;
            warningLabel.wordWrap      = true;
            warningLabel.width         = this.width - autoLayoutPadding.left - autoLayoutPadding.right;
            warningLabel.text          = "\r\n" + Translations.Translate("PRR_EXP");

            // 'Save and apply changes' button.
            applyButton             = UIControls.AddButton(this, autoLayoutPadding.left, 0f, Translations.Translate("PRR_SAV_APP"), buttonWidth, scale: 0.8f);
            applyButton.eventClick += (control, clickEvent) => SaveAndApply();
            applyButton.wordWrap    = true;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs initial setup for the panel; we no longer use Start() as that's not sufficiently reliable (race conditions), and is no longer needed, with the new create/destroy process.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Setup()
            // Category toggles.
            categoryToggles = new UICheckBox[NumOfCategories];

            // First row.
            for (int i = 0; i < SecondRow; i++)
                categoryToggles[i]                  = UIUtils.CreateIconToggle(this, OriginalCategories.atlases[i], OriginalCategories.spriteNames[i], OriginalCategories.spriteNames[i] + "Disabled");
                categoryToggles[i].tooltip          = Translations.Translate(OriginalCategories.tooltipKeys[i]);
                categoryToggles[i].relativePosition = new Vector2((FirstRowSize + Margin) * i, FirstRowY);
                categoryToggles[i].isChecked        = true;
                categoryToggles[i].readOnly         = true;
                categoryToggles[i].eventClick      += (control, clickEvent) => ToggleCat(control as UICheckBox);

            // Second row (starts disabled).
            for (int i = SecondRow; i < NumOfCategories; i++)
                categoryToggles[i]                  = UIUtils.CreateIconToggle(this, OriginalCategories.atlases[i], OriginalCategories.spriteNames[i], OriginalCategories.spriteNames[i] + "Disabled", 25f);
                categoryToggles[i].tooltip          = Translations.Translate(OriginalCategories.tooltipKeys[i]);
                categoryToggles[i].relativePosition = new Vector2((SecondRowSize + Margin) * (i - SecondRow), SecondRowY);
                categoryToggles[i].isChecked        = true;
                categoryToggles[i].readOnly         = true;
                categoryToggles[i].eventClick      += (control, clickEvent) => ToggleCat(control as UICheckBox);

                // Start deselected (need to toggle here after setting as checked above to force correct initial 'unchecked' background state, otherwise the 'checked' background is used).
                categoryToggles[i].isChecked = false;

            // 'Select all' button.
            allCats             = UIControls.AddButton(this, (FirstRowSize + Margin) * SecondRow, Margin, Translations.Translate("PRR_FTR_ALL"), 55f);
            allCats.eventClick += (control, clickEvent) =>
                // Iterate through all toggles in top row and activate.
                for (int i = 0; i < SecondRow; i++)
                    categoryToggles[i].isChecked = true;

                // Trigger an update.
                EventFilteringChanged(this, 0);

            // 'Select none'button.
            noCats             = UIControls.AddButton(this, allCats.relativePosition.x + allCats.width + Margin, Margin, Translations.Translate("PRR_FTR_NON"), 55f);
            noCats.eventClick += (c, p) =>
                // Iterate through all toggles and deactivate.
                for (int i = 0; i < NumOfCategories; ++i)
                    categoryToggles[i].isChecked = false;

                // Trigger an update.
                EventFilteringChanged(this, 0);

            // Name filter textfield.
            nameFilter = UIControls.BigLabelledTextField(this, width - 200f, 0, Translations.Translate("PRR_FTR_NAM") + ": ");

            // Trigger events when textfield is updated.
            nameFilter.eventTextChanged   += (control, value) => EventFilteringChanged(this, 5);
            nameFilter.eventTextSubmitted += (control, value) => EventFilteringChanged(this, 5);

            // Create settings filters.
            UILabel filterLabel = this.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            filterLabel.textScale         = 0.7f;
            filterLabel.text              = Translations.Translate("PRR_FTR_SET");
            filterLabel.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
            filterLabel.autoSize          = false;
            filterLabel.width             = 270f;
            filterLabel.autoHeight        = true;
            filterLabel.wordWrap          = true;
            filterLabel.relativePosition  = new Vector2(1f, SettingsFilterY + ((SettingsCheckSize - filterLabel.height) / 2f));

            // Setting filter checkboxes.
            settingsFilter = new UICheckBox[NumOfSettings];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumOfSettings; ++i)
                settingsFilter[i]                  = this.AddUIComponent <UICheckBox>();
                settingsFilter[i].width            = SettingsCheckSize;
                settingsFilter[i].height           = SettingsCheckSize;
                settingsFilter[i].clipChildren     = true;
                settingsFilter[i].relativePosition = new Vector2(280 + (30f * i), SettingsFilterY);

                // Checkbox sprites.
                UISprite sprite = settingsFilter[i].AddUIComponent <UISprite>();
                sprite.spriteName       = "ToggleBase";
                sprite.size             = new Vector2(20f, 20f);
                sprite.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;

                settingsFilter[i].checkedBoxObject = sprite.AddUIComponent <UISprite>();
                ((UISprite)settingsFilter[i].checkedBoxObject).spriteName = "ToggleBaseFocused";
                settingsFilter[i].checkedBoxObject.size             = new Vector2(20f, 20f);
                settingsFilter[i].checkedBoxObject.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;

                // Special event handling for 'any' checkbox.
                if (i == (NumOfSettings - 1))
                    settingsFilter[i].eventCheckChanged += (control, isChecked) =>
                        if (isChecked)
                            // Unselect all other checkboxes if 'any' is checked.
                            settingsFilter[0].isChecked = false;
                            settingsFilter[1].isChecked = false;
                            settingsFilter[2].isChecked = false;
                    // Non-'any' checkboxes.
                    // Unselect 'any' checkbox if any other is checked.
                    settingsFilter[i].eventCheckChanged += (control, isChecked) =>
                        if (isChecked)
                            settingsFilter[3].isChecked = false;

                // Trigger filtering changed event if any checkbox is changed.
                settingsFilter[i].eventCheckChanged += (control, isChecked) => { EventFilteringChanged(this, 0); };

            // Add settings filter tooltips.
            settingsFilter[0].tooltip = Translations.Translate("PRR_SET_HASMOD");
            settingsFilter[1].tooltip = Translations.Translate("PRR_SET_HASAUT");
            settingsFilter[2].tooltip = Translations.Translate("PRR_SET_HASLOC");
            settingsFilter[3].tooltip = Translations.Translate("PRR_SET_HASANY");