void Start () {

		// Cache camera
		mainCamera = Camera.main;

		// Parent the particle system to the main camera
		particles.particleSystemTransform.parent = mainCamera.transform;
		particles.shurikenParticleSystem.simulationSpace = ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local;

		// Create a new spline and set it up
		spline = new GameObject("Viewport Spline", typeof(PlaygroundSpline)).GetComponent<PlaygroundSpline>();
		spline.Loop = true;
		spline.Reset ();
		spline.SetControlPointMode(0, BezierControlPointMode.Free);
		spline.SetControlPointMode(1, BezierControlPointMode.Free);

		// Add three additional nodes (a basic spline will contain two initial nodes)

		// Set the nodes to match the viewport
		currentScreenX = Screen.width;
		currentScreenY = Screen.height;

		// Assign the spline to the particle system
		particles.splines.Add (spline);

		// Make sure we're using the spline as source
		particles.source = SOURCEC.Spline;

		prevScreenOffset = screenOffset;