Esempio n. 1
 public PublishMenu(TextureManager textureManager, Vector2 position, float scale, int playerIndex)
     : base(position, scale)
     this.eButton = new Button(textureManager.eButtonTexture, position, new Vector2(180, 50));
     this.pButton = new Button(textureManager.pButtonTexture, position, new Vector2(80, 45));
     eBookTexture = textureManager.eBookTexture;
     this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
Esempio n. 2
        public Player(TextureManager textureManager, int playerID)
            position = GetPosition(playerID);
            archive = new Archive(textureManager, position + offset, 0.6f, 2, 5);
            this.playerID = playerID;
            publishMenu = new PublishMenu(textureManager, position + offset, 0.75f, playerID);
            activeTab = archive;

            background = textureManager.playerBackground;
            doneTexture = textureManager.doneTexture;

            budget = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        public GameManager(GameWindow window, StartMenu startMenu, TextureManager textureManager)
            //Should get the number of players from the start screen or something, can send that as an argument for the GameManager
            this.window = window;
            rand = new Random();

            players = new Player[startMenu.GetNumPlayers];
            bookManager = new BookManager(textureManager);

            market = new Market(textureManager, new Vector2(20, 20), 31, 13, rand);
            economyManager = new Economy();

            GameStart(textureManager, startMenu);

            backgroundTexture = textureManager.backgroundTexture;
Esempio n. 4
        public Market(TextureManager textureManager, Vector2 position, int X_max, int Y_max, Random rand)
            this.position = position;
            textures = new Texture2D[Book.numberOfGenres];
            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
                textures[i] = textureManager.bookTexture[i];
            eBookTexture = textureManager.eBookTexture;

            this.X_max = X_max;
            this.Y_max = Y_max;
            totalNumber = X_max * 2 + Y_max * 2 - 4;

            demand = new Demand[totalNumber];

            emptyPos = new List<int>();
Esempio n. 5
        public Archive(TextureManager textureManager, Vector2 position, float scale, int rows, int columns)
            : base(position, scale)
            books = new List<Book>();
            this.rows = rows;
            this.columns = columns;

            this.position = position;

            selectionTexture = new Texture2D[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < selectionTexture.Length; i++)
                selectionTexture[i] = textureManager.middleSelection[i];

            eBookTexture = textureManager.eBookTexture;

            lossTexture = textureManager.lossTexture;
            profitTexture = textureManager.profitTexture;
            outlineTexture = textureManager.outlineTexture;
Esempio n. 6
        private void GameStart(TextureManager textureManager, StartMenu startMenu)
            currentTurn = 1;
            phase = TurnPhase.BookPicking;
            inputManager = new InputManager(players.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
                players[i] = new Player(textureManager, i);


Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            fontSmall = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("fontSmall");
            fontLarge = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("fontLarge");

            textureManager = new TextureManager();
            textureManager.LoadTextures(Content, graphics.GraphicsDevice);
            startMenu = new StartMenu(new Vector2(200, 600), textureManager, fontLarge);
            //gameManager = new GameManager(Window, textureManager, 1);
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            gameState = GameState.StartScreen;
Esempio n. 8
        public StartMenu(Vector2 position, TextureManager textureManager, SpriteFont font)
            this.position = position;
            background = textureManager.cleanBackground;

            input = new Input();
            this.font = font;
            buttons = new Button[]
                new Button(textureManager.buttonTexture, position + new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(45, 25), "Players: ", font),
                new Button(textureManager.buttonTexture, position + new Vector2(300, 0), new Vector2(45, 25), "Instructions", font),
                new Button(textureManager.buttonTexture, position + new Vector2(600, 0), new Vector2(45, 25), "Start Game", font),

            #region Instructions
            string[] instructionTexts = new string[]
                "Shall we publish?" +
                "\n\nThis is a game about managing a publishing company. Up to four " +
                "companies will compete against eachother over new book offers and sales.\n\n " +
                "As a player you need to judge the demand of the market and adjust your choices accordingly. " +
                "What books do you reprint? Will you take up a new book? Will that genre be profitable enough, considering the competition? " +
                "\n\nThe right calls will keep your business healthy.",

                "Genres:" +
                "\n\nBooks come in "+ Book.numberOfGenres.ToString() + " different genres, and every genre has a specific color." +
                "\n\nEvery turn players can accept one new book from an arrange of offers (displayed in the middle of the screen). " +
                "Books compete for sales within their genre, so try to pick up a variety of books if possible. " +
                "\n\nYou are also competing against the other players, so take into account what genre of books they are trying to sell.",

                "Accepting new books:" +
                "\n\nThe red bar indicates the initial one-time cost to accept the book. " +
                "\n\nExpensive books compete better and sell for a slightly higher price, but they do not cost more to print. " +
                "\n\nIf you have accepted a book you will be asked whether to publish it as an E-book or not. " +
                "\n\nRegular books have greater profitability; they sell more often and for a better price. However, they need to be printed (for a cost) " +
                "and printed books have a storage cost as well.",

                "Printing & selling:" +
                "\n\nWhen all players have finished accepting book offers, they are now free to print books." +
                "\n\nAt the lower left corner of every book is number representing the number of books in stock. " +
                "Selecting a book and clicking 'A' will increase it's stock for a price. When you are satisfied, press 'Y' to continue " +
                "\n\nWhen all players have finished printing books, the books will sell to the market. The market demand is represented as a border of books lining " +
                "the game window. Books of a genre with high demand and low competition will sell in higher numbers. " +
                "On each book is a bar representing the total profit and total cost of that particular book.",
            Vector2 textPosition = position + new Vector2(0, -450);
            instructions = new Instruction[]
                new Instruction(instructionTexts[0], 60, textPosition),

                new Instruction(instructionTexts[1], 60, textPosition,
                    new Vector2[]{
                        new Vector2(900, 175), new Vector2(900 + Book.Width + 8, 175), new Vector2(900 + Book.Width * 2 + 16, 175),
                        new Vector2(900 + Book.Width*0.5f, 183 + Book.Height), new Vector2(890 + Book.Width*1.5f + 16, 183 + Book.Height)}),

                new Instruction(instructionTexts[2], 60, textPosition,
                    new Texture2D[]{
                    new Vector2[]{
                        new Vector2(900, 175),
                        new Vector2(900, 340),
                        new Vector2(900, 340)}),

                new Instruction(instructionTexts[3], 70, textPosition),
Esempio n. 9
 public BookManager(TextureManager textureManager)
     archive = new Archive(textureManager, new Vector2(540, 280), 0.75f, 2, 3);
     bookTexture = textureManager.bookTexture;
     detailTexture = textureManager.detailTexture;