private void B_Dump_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dumper = new BVBreaker(Video1.Text, Video2.Text); if (dumper.gen == -1) { FormUtil.Alert(FILEERRORSTR[language]); return; } // get the keystream dumper.Break(); // Try to get the tsv PKX pkx; int slot = 0; string output = string.Empty; while (slot < 6 && null != (pkx = dumper.TryGetPKM(slot++)) && pkx.species != 0) { output += (slot == 1 ? string.Empty : Environment.NewLine) + speciestr[pkx.species] + "\tTSV: " + pkx.TSV.ToString("D4") + "\tTRV: " + pkx.TSV.ToString("X1"); } if (output.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(output, "Successful Dump!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { FormUtil.Alert("Dump failed! Please check your battle video files are correct"); } }
private void CheckFile(object sender, EventArgs e) { int size; try { size = File.ReadAllBytes((sender as TextBox).Text).Length; } catch { size = -1; }; (sender == Video1 ? panel1 : panel2).BackColor = BVBreaker.checkvideosize(size) ? Color.LightGreen : Color.LightPink; B_Dump.Enabled = panel1.BackColor == Color.LightGreen && panel2.BackColor == Color.LightGreen; }