Esempio n. 1
        IEnumerable <VertexData> GetVertexIter(string text)
            if (text != null && text.Length > 0)
                Vector2 currentOffset = new Vector2(0, 0);

                currentOffset = GetBaseline(currentOffset);

                string[] lines = text.Split('\n');
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    currentOffset = GetXPositionForLineBasedOnJustification(currentOffset, line);

                    for (int currentChar = 0; currentChar < line.Length; currentChar++)
                        var currentGlyph = currentFont.GetGlyph(line[currentChar]);

                        if (currentGlyph != null)
                            //use flatten ?
                            var glyphVxs = currentGlyph.flattenVxs;

                            int j = glyphVxs.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                                double x, y;
                                var    cmd = glyphVxs.GetVertex(i, out x, out y);
                                if (cmd != VertexCmd.Stop)
                                    yield return(new VertexData(cmd,
                                                                (x + currentOffset.x),
                                                                (y + currentOffset.y)));

                        // get the advance for the next character
                        if (currentChar < line.Length - 1)
                            // pass the next char so the typeFaceStyle can do kerning if it needs to.
                            currentOffset.x += currentFont.GetAdvanceForCharacter(line[currentChar], line[currentChar + 1]);
                            currentOffset.x += currentFont.GetAdvanceForCharacter(line[currentChar]);

                    // before we go onto the next line we need to move down a line
                    currentOffset.x  = 0;
                    currentOffset.y -= currentFont.EmSizeInPixels;
            yield return(new VertexData(VertexCmd.Stop));
        public override void Draw(CanvasPainter p)
        { //1.
            // clear the image to white
            p.FillColor = new ColorRGBA(ColorRGBA.Blue, 80);
            //M414 -20q-163 0 -245 86t-82 236z
            //<path d="M414 20q-163 40 -245 126t-82 276z"/>
            //PathWriter path = new PathWriter();
            //path.MoveTo(414, 20);
            //path.Curve3Rel(-163, 40, -245, 126);
            //path.SmoothCurve3Rel(-82, 246);

            //M414 -20q-163 0 -245 86t-82 236z
            //PathWriter path = new PathWriter();
            //path.MoveTo(414, -20);
            //path.Curve3Rel(-163, 0, -245, 86);
            //path.SmoothCurve3Rel(-82, 236);


            //p.DrawBezierCurve(120, 500 - 160, 220, 500 - 40, 35, 500 - 200, 220, 500 - 260);
            var fontGlyph = font1.GetGlyph('{');
            //outline version
            var flat_v = p.FlattenCurves(fontGlyph.flattenVxs);

            //bitmap version

            p.DrawImage(fontGlyph.glyphImage32, 20, 30);
            p.CurrentFont = font1;
            p.FillColor   = ColorRGBA.Black;
            // string test_str = "มีมี่ญูดุญคำค่าค่ำป่บ่";
            //string test_str = "abcde";
            string test_str = "บ่ป่มีมี่";

            p.UseSubPixelRendering = true;
            p.DrawString(test_str, 5, 200);
            //p.DrawString("12345", 50, 200);
            p.StrokeColor = ColorRGBA.Black;
            p.Line(0, 200, 800, 200);
            p.FillColor   = ColorRGBA.Black;
            p.CurrentFont = font2;
            p.DrawString(test_str, 80, 100);
            p.UseSubPixelRendering = false;

            // dbugVxsDrawPoints.DrawVxsPoints(flat_v, g);
            //dbugVxsDrawPoints.DrawVxsPoints(fontGlyph.vxs, g);


            //StyledTypeFace typeFaceForLargeA = new StyledTypeFace(LiberationSansFont.Instance, 300, flatenCurves: false);
            //var m_pathVxs = typeFaceForLargeA.GetGlyphForCharacter('a');
            //Affine shape_mtx = Affine.NewMatix(AffinePlan.Translate(150, 50));
            //m_pathVxs = shape_mtx.TransformToVxs(m_pathVxs);

            ////p.FillColor = new ColorRGBA(ColorRGBA.Red, 100);
            //p.FillColor = new ColorRGBA(ColorRGBA.Green, 120);