Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// parse enum datasource tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeEnum"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        private static void parseTagEnum(XmlNode nodeEnum, FormField item)
            string typeName = "";

            if (nodeEnum != null)
                if (nodeEnum.Attributes["TypeName"] != null)
                    typeName = nodeEnum.Attributes["TypeName"].Value;

                var type = BuildManager.GetType(typeName, true);
                foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(type))
                    int value = (int)Enum.Parse(type, name);
                    item.Options.Add(new FormFieldOption(name, value.ToString()));
Esempio n. 2
        private static TextBox getTextControl(FormField param, string currentValue, string defaultCssClass)
            TextBox ctrl = new TextBox();
            ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().Name + param.Name;
            ctrl.ToolTip = param.Description;
            ctrl.Style.Value = param.CssStyle;
            ctrl.CssClass = defaultCssClass + " " + param.CssClass;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
                ctrl.Text = param.DefaultValue;
                ctrl.Text = currentValue;
            if (param.Rows > 0) //textarea
                ctrl.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
                ctrl.Rows = param.Rows;
                if (param.Cols > 0) ctrl.Columns = param.Cols;

            //txt1.MaxLength = 50;
            //txt1.Width = new Unit(255);
            return ctrl;
Esempio n. 3
        //private static TextBox getListControl(ModuleParam param, string currentValue)
        //    ListBox ctrl = new ListBox();
        //    ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().Name + param.Name;
        //    ctrl.ToolTip = param.Description;
        //    ctrl.CssClass = "adminMediumText";
        //    if (currentValue == null)
        //        ctrl.Text = param.DefaultValue;
        //    else
        //        ctrl.Text = currentValue;
        //    if (param.Rows > 0) //textarea
        //    {
        //        ctrl.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
        //        ctrl.Rows = param.Rows;
        //        if (param.Cols > 0) ctrl.Columns = param.Cols;
        //    }
        //    //txt1.MaxLength = 50;
        //    //txt1.Width = new Unit(255);
        //    return ctrl;
        /// <summary>
        /// parse datasource tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeDatasource"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        private static void parseTagDatasource(XmlNode nodeDatasource, FormField item)
            string selectMethod = "";
            string selectParams = "";
            string typeName = "";

            if (nodeDatasource != null)
                if (nodeDatasource.Attributes["SelectMethod"] != null)
                    selectMethod = nodeDatasource.Attributes["SelectMethod"].Value;
                if (nodeDatasource.Attributes["SelectParams"] != null)
                    selectParams = nodeDatasource.Attributes["SelectParams"].Value;
                if (nodeDatasource.Attributes["TypeName"] != null)
                    typeName = nodeDatasource.Attributes["TypeName"].Value;

                object obj;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectParams))
                    var paramsList = Utility.String2List(selectParams);
                    object[] parameters = paramsList.ToArray();
                    //object[] parameters = new object[0];
                    //parameters[0] = selectParams;
                    obj = PigeonCms.Reflection.Process(typeName, selectMethod, parameters);
                    obj = PigeonCms.Reflection.Process(typeName, selectMethod, null);

                Dictionary<string, string> res = (Dictionary<string, string>)obj;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in res)
                    item.Options.Add(new FormFieldOption(pair.Value, pair.Key));
Esempio n. 4
 private static Literal getSpacerControl(FormField param, string currentValue)
     Literal ctrl = new Literal();
     //ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().ToString() + param.Name;
     if (currentValue == null)
         ctrl.Text = param.DefaultValue;
         ctrl.Text = currentValue;
     return ctrl;
Esempio n. 5
 private static TextBox getTextControl(FormField param, string currentValue)
     return getTextControl(param, currentValue, "");
Esempio n. 6
        private static string getControlValue(FormField currField, Control container)
            string res = "";
            switch (currField.Type)
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Text:
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Numeric:
                    var t1 = new TextBox();
                    t1 = Utility.FindControlRecursive<TextBox>(container, t1.GetType().Name + currField.Name);
                    if (t1 != null)
                        res = t1.Text;

                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Html:
                    //var t1 = new FCKeditor();
                    var t1 = new TextBox();
                    t1 = Utility.FindControlRecursive<TextBox /*FCKeditor*/>(container, t1.GetType().Name + currField.Name);
                    if (t1 != null)
                        res = t1.Text;

                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Combo:
                    var t1 = new DropDownList();
                    t1 = Utility.FindControlRecursive<DropDownList>(container, t1.GetType().Name + currField.Name);
                    if (t1 != null)
                        res = t1.SelectedValue;

                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Hidden:
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Error:
                    var t1 = new HiddenField();
                    t1 = Utility.FindControlRecursive<HiddenField>(container, t1.GetType().Name + currField.Name);
                    if (t1 != null)
                        res = t1.Value;
            return res;
Esempio n. 7
 private static HiddenField getHiddenControl(FormField param, string currentValue)
     HiddenField ctrl = new HiddenField();
     ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().Name + param.Name;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
         ctrl.Value = param.DefaultValue;
         ctrl.Value = currentValue;
     return ctrl;
Esempio n. 8
 //private static FCKeditor getHtmlControl(FormField param, string currentValue)
 //    return getHtmlControl(param, currentValue, "");
 //private static FCKeditor getHtmlControl(FormField param, string currentValue, string defaultCssClass)
 //    FCKeditor ctrl = new FCKeditor();
 //    ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().Name + param.Name;
 //    ctrl.ToolbarStartExpanded = false;
 //    ctrl.ToolbarSet = "Basic";
 //    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.CssClass))
 //    //    ctrl.EditorAreaCSS = param.CssClass;
 //    //else
 //    //    ctrl.EditorAreaCSS = defaultCssClass;//"adminMediumText";
 //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
 //        ctrl.Value = param.DefaultValue;
 //    else
 //        ctrl.Value = currentValue;
 //    if (param.Rows > 0)
 //        ctrl.Height = new Unit(100 * param.Rows);
 //    if (param.Cols > 0)
 //        ctrl.Width = new Unit(10 * param.Cols);
 //    return ctrl;
 private static DropDownList getComboControl(FormField param, string currentValue)
     return getComboControl(param, currentValue, "");
Esempio n. 9
 private static DropDownList getComboControl(FormField param, string currentValue, string defaultCssClass)
     DropDownList ctrl = new DropDownList();
     ctrl.ID = ctrl.GetType().Name + param.Name;
     ctrl.ToolTip = param.Description;
     ctrl.Style.Value = param.CssStyle;
     ctrl.CssClass = defaultCssClass + " " + param.CssClass;
     foreach (FormFieldOption item in param.Options)
         ctrl.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.Label, item.Value));
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
             if (ctrl.Items[ctrl.Items.Count - 1].Value == param.DefaultValue)
                 ctrl.Items[ctrl.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true;
             if (ctrl.Items[ctrl.Items.Count - 1].Value == currentValue)
                 ctrl.Items[ctrl.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true;
     return ctrl;
Esempio n. 10
        //private static void addTableRow(Panel tableParams, FormField currParam,
        //    Control control2Add, List<ResLabel> labelsList)
        //    var controls2Add = new List<Control>();
        //    controls2Add.Add(control2Add);
        //    addTableRow(tableParams, currParam, controls2Add, labelsList);
        /// <summary>
        /// add a row with the label and the control for the current param
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableParams">table in which add the row</param>
        /// <param name="currParam">ModuleParam instance of the param to add</param>
        /// <param name="control2Add">control to add</param>
        private static void addTableRow(Panel tableParams, FormField currParam,
            Control control2Add, List<ResLabel> labelsList)
            //HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow();
            //HtmlTableCell cell1 = new HtmlTableCell();
            //HtmlTableCell cell2 = new HtmlTableCell();
            Literal litParamError = new Literal();
            Label lblParamLabel = new Label();

            //litParamLabel.Text = "<label for='"+ control2Add.ClientID +"' title='"+ currParam.Description +"'>"+ currParam.LabelValue + "</label>";
            lblParamLabel.Text = LabelsProvider.GetLocalizedVarFromList(labelsList, currParam.LabelValue); //currParam.LabelValue;
            lblParamLabel.ToolTip = LabelsProvider.GetLocalizedVarFromList(labelsList, currParam.Description); //currParam.Description;
            lblParamLabel.AssociatedControlID = control2Add.ClientID;

            if (currParam.Type == FormFieldTypeEnum.Error)
                litParamError.Text = Utility.GetLabel("ErrParamParsing", "Error parsing [" + currParam.Name + "] param");
                //and add an hidden control
            if (currParam.Type == FormFieldTypeEnum.Hidden)
                //if hidden param hide row
                //row.Style["display"] = "none";
Esempio n. 11
        public static FormField GetFormFieldFromXmlNode(XmlNode nodeParam, XmlNode nodeParams)
            FormField item = new FormField();
                item.Type = (FormFieldTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(
                    nodeParam.Attributes["type"].Value, true);
            catch (Exception)
                item.Type = FormFieldTypeEnum.Error;

            if (nodeParam.Attributes["name"] != null)
                item.Name = nodeParam.Attributes["name"].Value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["default"] != null)
                item.DefaultValue = nodeParam.Attributes["default"].Value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["rows"] != null)
                int value = 0;
                int.TryParse(nodeParam.Attributes["rows"].Value, out value);
                item.Rows = value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["cols"] != null)
                int value = 0;
                int.TryParse(nodeParam.Attributes["cols"].Value, out value);
                item.Cols = value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["label"] != null)
                item.LabelValue = nodeParam.Attributes["label"].Value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["description"] != null)
                item.Description = nodeParam.Attributes["description"].Value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["cssStyle"] != null)
                item.CssStyle = nodeParam.Attributes["cssStyle"].Value;
            if (nodeParam.Attributes["cssClass"] != null)
                item.CssClass = nodeParam.Attributes["cssClass"].Value;
            if (nodeParams.Attributes["group"] != null)
                item.Group = nodeParams.Attributes["group"].Value;

            //options list
            XmlNodeList optionsList = nodeParam.SelectNodes("option");
            foreach (XmlNode nodeOption in optionsList)
                string label = "";
                string value = "";
                if (nodeOption.Attributes["label"] != null)
                    label = nodeOption.Attributes["label"].Value;
                if (nodeOption.Attributes["value"] != null)
                    value = nodeOption.Attributes["value"].Value;
                item.Options.Add(new FormFieldOption(label, value));
            //other options from datasource list
            XmlNodeList dsList = nodeParam.SelectNodes("datasource");
            foreach (XmlNode ds in dsList)
                    parseTagDatasource(ds, item);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Parsing field " + item.Name + " datasource typename ", ex);
            //other options from enum datasource list
            XmlNodeList enumList = nodeParam.SelectNodes("enum");
            foreach (XmlNode ds in enumList)
                    parseTagEnum(ds, item);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Parsing field " + item.Name + " enum typename ", ex);
            return item;
Esempio n. 12
 public static string GetControlValue(FormField currField, Control container)
     return getControlValue(currField, container);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// render the aspnet control parsing param, to admin module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="currentValue"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultCssClass"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Control RenderControl(FormField field, string currentValue, string defaultCssClass)
            Control result = null;
            switch (field.Type)
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Text:
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Numeric:
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Html://20150805 - TOCHECK
                    result = (Control)getTextControl(field, currentValue, defaultCssClass);
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.List:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //TODO
                    //result = (Control)getListControl(param, currentValue);
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Combo:
                    result = (Control)getComboControl(field, currentValue, defaultCssClass);
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Radio:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //TODO
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Check:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //TODO
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Calendar:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //TODO
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Custom:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //TODO
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Spacer:
                    result = (Control)getSpacerControl(field, currentValue);
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Hidden:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);
                case FormFieldTypeEnum.Error:
                    result = (Control)getHiddenControl(field, currentValue);    //todo
                //case FormFieldTypeEnum.Html:
                //    result = (Control)getHtmlControl(field, currentValue, defaultCssClass);
                //    break;

            return result;
Esempio n. 14
 public static Control RenderControl(FormField field, string currentValue)
     return RenderControl(field, currentValue, "");